The Free-Use Bible: Book of Genesis 1
The Free-Use Bible: Book of Genesis 1
Sex Story Author: | SKOLL |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Oh and sir? There was a call from a Mr. Smith. Something about the deal being ridiculous? Unfair?” I |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Blowjob, Coercion, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, Extreme, Fantasy, Horror, Humiliation, Job/Place-of-work, Male Domination, Male/Female, Mind Control, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Rape, Reluctance, Slavery, Voyeurism, Water Sports/Pissing, Wife |
See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story.
I often write from the perspective of the VILLAIN. That means I don’t agree with his choices, and you’re not supposed to either. We’re all acknowledging he is wrong. Obviously nothing he does should ever be done in real life! Please be mature adults and separate fantasy from reality.
This is more PORN than PLOT.
All characters are 18+.This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
-Non-con / Male-dom / misogyny / violence / sadism
-Mind control / slavery
-Gross bodily smells/taste, unwashed, fluids, sweat, ATM, Piss
-Period sex to mouth
Book of Genesis 1
“God made all kinds of wild animals, all kinds of cattle, and all kinds of creeping things of the earth. God saw how good it was.” – Genesis 1:25
Six months after acquiring the Book…
The more my dreams come true, the more I’m left with nothing in their stead. A vile vacuity that looms larger in my mind each day. I see the inky black words whenever I close my eyes. Every Law I’ve written seems to scroll through my head at all times. An obsession, like shadows attached to each thought. But as always, these feelings of dread dissipate when I lay eyes on the first naked female of the day. A warm reminder of the world I’ve crafted.
“Good morning, sir!” I’m greeted at the front desk by a cheerful voice like always. With the Book tucked neatly away in my briefcase, I enter the office building, taking in the familiar sights. A modern and stylish lobby, with Anne the secretary completely naked behind her desk. She offers herself to all men as they enter. Offers her holes. Always smiling, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. She even offers to make calls to have any girl in the building brought out by request.
I politely decline all this with a wave, “Nah, not today, thanks. I’ve got work to do.” I continue on, greeting and smiling at several more people, routine morning pleasantries. No one bats an eye at the fact that nearly every female employee walks around naked.
The workplace environment here has become so friendly it’s almost cult-like. Morale is at an all-time high, with happy faces and laughter all around. Men are free to de-stress however they want, creating a chill atmosphere that would make even the ‘coolest’ of Silicon Valley tech companies envious.
I wave good morning to Dave from Finance, watching him casually pushing Charlotte from the Tech department up against the wall in the hallway, kissing the blonde’s neck and shoving his hand between her legs. Women are put on a rotating sign-out sheet. Guys that meet their productivity metrics for the month can openly walk up to any woman and sign her out for the day. Females used in this way are teasingly referred to as ‘Cow-Workers’, treated like nothing more than cattle. I pass another man fucking a girl right out in the open outside the restrooms. His face is calm, almost bored, as if this is as mundane as grabbing coffee.
With this Book, I’m like an author able to manipulate characters as I please. Or like a prophet creating Laws that others follow blindly. This building is like my church, and people are brainwashed to follow my Word without thinking too hard about it. To them, this is what women are for. As unpleasant as it is for the females, it’s simply the way of the world. There’s no sense questioning it.
Passing by the open workspace of the Sales department, I see low-walled cubicles with male employees working away happily. Jason has Lindsay kneeling underneath his desk, head bobbing dutifully. Brian has simply forced Alice to give him a back rub for a few hours. I see the lovely Hispanic MILF, Carla, up on a desk, twerking her ass in Phil’s face while he works. And Trevor has the chubby executive, Lisa Labinger, down on all fours under his desk, remaining perfectly still and acting as a footrest while he talks with a client on the phone. Servants, casual entertainment, even furniture. And everyone sees this as ‘normal’.
Sure some of the women look embarrassed and uncomfortable, but they smile and greet me as I walk by nonetheless. The occasional scream or pained outcry is met with apathy by everyone. After all, the men are just acting on their natural instincts. Holding back those urges, no matter how aggressive, would be considered strange. I’ve created total freedom for us men to act on our true desires. But in order to do that, I needed to enslave.
I’m no longer a cog in a machine, mindlessly trudging through life, repressing every thought and craving and biological inclination. I no longer need to pretend I’m not imagining a girl naked while I’m talking to her. Or pretend I don’t want to bend every girl over, sniff them, lick them, fuck their brains out. I don’t need to tranquilize myself just to fit into society, avert my eyes, hide my perversions. And it’s not only me that’s been holding back this whole time. When these men were given real freedom, most of them savagely unleashed themselves upon the women of the office. And I’ve never seen them happier, more alive.
As I walk by the men’s room, the door opens and a man walks out. “Hey Dan, how are ya?” I say politely. He returns the greeting and continues on. I glance inside the restroom before the door swings shut, catching a brief glimpse of my most cruel invention.
I smile and shake my head, wondering if I’ve taken things too far. Urinals, with naked women strapped to them. Men come and go, relieving themselves on the poor ladies, even occasionally fucking them right then and there. Girls I dislike or have grown bored of often end up assigned as Urinals. As I look, inky words creep up across my vision, but I blink them away and continue walking.
Even outside this building, I’ve reshaped my entire life, written all my darkest fantasies into reality. My wife waits for me at home, enslaved. And when we visit her family, I have my way with her mother, her sister, and even our nieces. I’ve carved my own personal heaven out of the world around me.
I walk down the last hallway before my office. It’s still under renovation, my latest plans not yet complete. I pass a few workers installing padded holes all along the walls. I can’t wait to see the ‘pillory’ in action. Girls will be stuck in the walls, free to be enjoyed like nothing more than decorations.
Finally I enter my grand office. A magnificent wooden desk is in the center of the huge room, modern decor on the walls, a liquor cabinet off to the side. And floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the beautiful grounds far below. Those stupid inky words overlay my vision again as I glance out the windows, and I feel a tugging sensation, as if something’s pulling me toward them. I shrug the feelings off and sit down at my desk.
Immediately I’m greeted by little Chloe Seitz kneeling patiently under the desk. “Oh hey, Chloe. Your turn today, huh?” I have them surprise me with a new Cow-Worker each day to keep things fresh. This one is one of my favorites, a young saleswoman with long light brown hair and a petite figure.
“Yes sir,” She smiles nervously, then unzips me and gets to work.
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