
THE FREAK–Part 2 of 5

I learn to love my Catholic School girl.


I picked Barbara up at seven the following night for bowling. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Gleason commented on Barbara’s condition last night so I assumed that they had been in bed when she walked in to the apartment. Barbara confirmed that once we were in the car.

I drove to Mount Vernon, parking in the small lot that was used primarily during the morning for the commercial bakery that occupied the building’s first floor. It was a long climb up the stairs, a bowling bag in each hand and Barbara hanging onto my arm. “Tell me again why you have two balls.” Then she began to laugh before continuing, “Er…bowling balls.”

I just shook my head. Holding up my right hand I explained, “This one is my strike ball. It’s the one I always use to start a frame. If I miss the strike I use the other ball for the spare. Lots of bowlers use more than one ball. I’ll show you how they work once we’re inside.” I leaned over for a second and Barbara, apparently reading my mind brought her lips up to mine for a brief kiss. I opened the door by tucking one bag under my arm and pulling it so Barbara could walk in before me. I led her up to the counter where I was greeted by the owner.

“Hi. J.J….haven’t seen you for a while. Taking a look at your friend here I can understand why.”

“Hi, Stan–this is Barbara. She’ll need a pair of shoes. Barbara, trade him yours for a pair of his then you’ll trade back once we’re done.”

She removed her shoes, telling Stan, “Size six, please.” A minute later we were walking to lane 12 with a large score sheet in Barbara’s hands. We laced up our shoes and I placed my balls on the rack then accompanied Barbara to find her a ball. Stan had come around the counter once he had looked at her hands to show us where to look among the sixteen racks, each of which had at least two dozen balls of various weights. It took us a while, but with Stan’s help we found a 12-pound ball that fit her well.

“Want a couple of practice throws.” I asked. “Stan will turn the machine off for what is called ‘shadow bowling.’ It’s a good way to warm up and get your timing set.” I waved to Stan and he returned the gesture, knowing immediately what I wanted. Then I showed Barbara how to coordinate her approach. I used a four-step approach and suggested that to her. “Just relax and don’t worry about the score.”

“Don’t you think I can beat you?” She sounded serious, but I knew she was only teasing. I’m a very good bowler. I’d bowled in an A-level league for the past two years with my Dad and would do so again once the basketball season was concluded. We’d won the league championship last year with me bowling in the anchor position. I had averaged 203.6, one of the top averages in the league. We spent about ten minutes practicing until I waved at Stan again. The lights went on and we did it for real. I tried to show Barbara that timing and coordination were more important than sheer brute force. In fact, I showed her that brute force was almost always the cause of a split or worse.

We had a great time, just as we did with everything we had done although Barbara did accuse me of cheating when I scored a difficult spare–the 6,7,10 split–left handed. Barbara did well, breaking 100 in each of the three games we bowled. I bowled 177, 184, and 223, my first two games showing the rust from not having thrown a ball in several months. We finished and exited the lanes around nine when I drove us to a nearby Carvel for ice cream sundaes. We were at the end of the apartment complex by 10:15. Barbara seemed pleased at that.

She waited until I had moved over to the center position then rose to straddle my lap once again. She locked those sweet plump lips onto mine in only a second. We went from zero to one hundred–full make-out mode–in less than a second. It was the most passionate kissing I had ever experienced and, knowing of Barbara’s limited experience, I was sure it was for her, also. We were only into it a few minutes when she removed her coat and threw it into the rear seat. Back to kissing, she led my hands to her blouse’s buttons. “Please, Jack. I need your hands on me. Please massage my breasts and do that thing you did last night with my nipples.”

She pressed those hot lips into mine with a ferocity I’d never seen or experienced before. My huge hands pulled her to me, almost crushing her in my embrace and in my passion. Slowly, I moved those powerful hands to the buttons on the front of her blouse. It found a place on the back seat a moment later. Like most guys I struggled with the clasp on her bra until finally freeing up her pert breasts. She brought my hands to them even as the bra flew behind me.

I was deeply engaged in our kiss, massaging her flesh and rolling her nipples between my fingers when she pushed my jacket off my body and began to open the buttons on my shirt. She was efficient; less than two minutes later our upper bodies were naked. “I love the feeling of your skin–your hard strong muscles–against mine, Jack,” she whispered just loud enough that I could hear her over the strains of the radio.

“I have to agree. Your skin is so smooth and soft. It’s like velvet.”

“Can I open your pants, Jack?” Yeah, like I’d complain about having my cock stroked by a hot woman I was rapidly learning to love. She was anything but tentative as her fingers tore at my belt and opened my pants. She reached into my briefs, pulling my manhood–my hard pulsing manhood–out into the cool December air.

Her hand wrapped around me to begin a gentle stroking rhythm. “You know, Jack, people send their daughters to Catholic school for more than one reason. Some want their girls to get a strong religious education.”

“And the others?”

“Well…mostly they want to keep them away from boys.”

“Does that actually work?”

“Sometimes, I guess, but other times I don’t think so. If a girl wants to get involved with a boy there isn’t much the parents can do.”

“So, which one are you?”

I could see Barbara’s wry smile in the dashboard light. “I’d say the first kind until I met you. Now, I don’t think anyone could keep me away from you.” I leaned forward and we kissed again then I leaned down to suckle at her breasts. Suckling, I pulled her hard sensitive nipple between my teeth causing Barbara to gasp audibly and arch her back in an expression of her ecstasy.

Suddenly, she stood up as well as one can in the front seat of a car and slid her slacks down her legs, her panties following seconds later. “I hope the cops don’t show up,” I laughed.

“Me, too,” she replied. “Maybe we should lie down or, even better, why don’t you lie down. I want to be here.” She knelt then on the floor while she pushed my head toward the driver’s seat. “You know, Jack…what do you think girls in a school without boys talk about?’

“Boys, of course.”

“You’re right, and mostly they talk about the things they’ve done with boys. They talk a lot about them fondling their breasts and their pus…er, vaginas…jerking boys off and doing this.” I looked down just as she opened her mouth to lick around my cock’s head. She went around twice then tested her tongue in my pee hole. “Is this where your stuff came from?”

“Yes. You probably know that women have two separate channels–the urethra for urine and the vagina for fun.”

She looked up, shaking her head and laughing. “You’re terrible! Is it really that much fun?”

“No…it’s a hell of a lot more. It’s the most fun thing I’ve ever done, but more than that is the intimacy–the sharing between two people. Of course, not everyone makes love. Some people just….”


“Yeah, but what makes it special is when two people really care for each other.”

“You sound as though you’ve had that kind of relationship.”

“I did…last year, but her dad got transferred to Seattle and that was the end of that. We liked each other a lot, but I don’t know if it would have become love.”

“I’m sorry.”

I looked straight into her eyes as I whispered, “I’m not. If I was still with her it’s likely I would never have met you.” I was silent then, but it was enough. Barbara knew how I felt about her and I knew how she felt about me.

Her hand was slowing, making its way up and down my shaft the entire time, until she stopped suddenly. “You know, Jack, this is nothing like I imagined. The skin here is so soft and smooth and it’s loose so when I stroke you it moves with my hand.”

“I think that’s to prevent friction burns on the skin although that doesn’t always work.”

“Hmmm…maybe, but up here on the head it’s so spongy. Why?”

“Truthfully, I have no idea. Maybe so when I push into you it doesn’t hurt your cervix too badly. I understand that can be painful.”

Barbara laughed. “I wouldn’t know. Maybe someday, but not tonight; I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I don’t think either of us is quite ready for that—not if we want a real meaningful relationship. We can take care of each other much like we did last night.” I leaned forward to kiss her again as her stroking resumed. I slid into the passenger seat and pulled her up to sit at my left. Her hand had never left my cock as she moved and now she was in perfect position. My left hand around her neck and shoulders attended to her nipples; it was large enough to cover both at the same time while my right attended to business between Barbara’s legs.

My hands are huge and powerful, but I could and would be gentle and loving as I began to lightly rub her labia. I stayed there for more than five minutes while Barbara and I kissed, swapping spit and wrestling with our tongues. I must have been getting to Barbara because she slid forward on the seat, spreading her legs even wider to increase my access to her core. I responded by slowly pushing my finger into her tunnel. Knowing that she was a virgin I moved with the utmost care.

Now, I’ve fingered roughly a dozen girls, but none of them had been as responsive as Barbara was. She moaned in rapture the second that my finger entered her and then she began to move on my finger, essentially fucking herself on my digit. My thumb moved naturally up to her clit and I was momentarily shocked. I had licked her last night, but my tongue—other than taste–is hardly the most discerning part of my body. Now that I was feeling her clit I realized that it was much bigger than I had thought. It felt as though it was at least an inch long and roughly half as wide as it protruded from its protective hood

I rolled it as I did her nipples. She came immediately, her left hand tightly gripping my head as her right went crazy on my cock. There was no way that I could resist and, as she was coming down, I shot my first thick rope of viscous white semen almost three feet into the air. It landed on Barbara’s chest and abdomen. Five more times my cock erupted, every drop finding its way onto her sensitive skin.

She fell back onto the seat, her breathing deep and irregular and rapid. I watched in amazement as she rubbed my semen into her skin. She looked up into my eyes and I could see her love, just as I prayed she could see the love in mine. Then, suddenly, the mood was lost and Barbara laughed. “I have to say, Jack–that was amazing. What you did to me was something…it was more than I could ever imagine. You weren’t kidding when you said it would get all over the place. I guess that’s what it will do in my pussy.”

Then she stopped, realizing what she had just said even though we both knew that she wasn’t anywhere near ready. This was 1960, after all, and most girls expected to be virgins right up until the day they wed.

I held her close then whispered, “Aren’t you cold?”

“No, I have my…I have you to keep me warm.”

“All the same, I think we need to get dressed.” I started the car to activate the heater then leaned over the seat to retrieve our clothes. Dressing was actually funny. I was holding her bra when I told her, “I think this is yours.”

“I should hope so. You have a big chest, but I doubt you’ll ever need a bra.” We laughed as we wriggled around, pulling shirts and sweaters down and pants up. Finally, after almost ten minutes we were actually presentable.

Barbara had her head resting against my chest when she looked up at me and asked, “Jack…are we going steady?”

I couldn’t stifle a little chuckle. “Well…I can’t speak for you, but I am and I think I have been ever since I stopped you from falling.”

Barbara responded by punching me in the chest. It was just a little one, more to get my attention than anything else. “How can a person who is so smart in most respects be so dumb about a relationship?”

“It’s a guy thing,” I replied, a deadpan expression on my face. “I think it’s one of the few genes on the Y-chromosome, but I’m glad you’re willing.”

“Not willing, Jack…eager. Now, what do you say we stop talking and….” That was all she had to say.


I had a little helper when I picked Barbara up for church the following morning. Carole ran into the apartment the second Barbara stepped out of her room. She bent at the waist to hug my little sister then, holding her hand, walked up to me, kissing my cheek. We said good-bye to the Gleason’s and walked down to my car. “J.J. told me we’re going on a trip after breakfast, Barbara.”

“Well, I wouldn’t call it a trip, but we are driving to my school and then to Jack’s. It’s practice for Tuesday so I can see Jack play then.”

“You can sit next to me. I’ll save a space for you,” Carole replied enthusiastically. Barbara kissed Carole’s cheek and we walked down the stairs to my car.

We got to the church early enough that Barbara and Carole could go to confession, something I never did. If I was going to confess my sins I was going to do it straight to God, but—personally—I thought the practice was silly, especially when everyone knew that there were so-called sins that were certain to be repeated week after week after week. Anyway, we all went to receive communion, even me. Not twenty minutes later we were seated in a booth at the diner.

Barbara and Carole sat next to each other and I had to laugh at how easily Barbara had won my sister over. I waited until we had ordered before telling Carole to explain why she was with us this morning. “What are you going to do for Christmas, Barbara? We talked about that last night at dinner and we all want you to do it with our family.”

“Who is ‘we all?’”

“Our whole family—we all want you to join us. We always go to Midnight Mass then open our presents when we get home. I bought you a present.”

“That’s nice, Carole. Barbara bought one for you, too.” Barbara looked at me in surprise and I nodded just slightly when Carole’s attention turned to her. “I’ve seen the present and I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“You can stay overnight, too. You can sleep in my bed in my room.” I explained how all three of my sisters were involved in girl scouts and how they all had sleeping bags. “Yeah,” Carole added. “I’ve slept there plenty of times like when Nana French comes to stay. Please!”

“Where will you be, Jack?”

“My room is the big family room behind the kitchen. When our parents knew that they were expecting they realized that we’d need another bedroom. The one Carole is in used to be mine and it’s really small—just enough room for a twin bed, desk, and dresser. It made sense for me to move downstairs, especially since I’ll be out of the house fairly soon. I didn’t say anything last night because Carole wanted to ask you. I know you need to spend some time with the Gleason’s so I was thinking why don’t we give them our present the afternoon of Christmas Eve?”

“Our present?”

“Yeah. Remember you told me that they wanted something, but couldn’t afford it.”

“Jack! You didn’t! That’s too expensive!”

“Barbara, you know I have plenty of money. I rarely spend it on myself although recently I’ve found a really good reason to spend some.” I was surprised when Barbara actually blushed. She agreed to talk it over with Mr. and Mrs. Gleason and let me know at Tuesday’s game.

After breakfast we loaded Carole into the rear seat then I walked Barbara over to the driver’s door. She hesitated for a second before reaching up to kiss me. A minute later she was cruising down the road, following the bus route to her high school in Yonkers. We drove past the entrance to Siwanoy Country Club—the road that led to my school—then on to Bronxville and Yonkers. All told the trip took us about thirty minutes with more than half the time from Pelham to the Siwanoy entrance. From there school was less than five minutes away.

We reversed course and, sure enough, Barbara made the return trip in less than fifteen minutes. I reminded her that there would likely be more traffic on Tuesday afternoon. From school she drove us to our house where Carole and I exited. Of course, Carole had to ask if Barbara was going to kiss me. She laughed as she replied, “What do you think?” Then she gripped my head strongly and placed me into a most enjoyable lip lock for almost a minute while Carole giggled. I closed the door behind her and stood watching as she backed out and drove away. Carole ran into the house to immediately tell my parents about the kiss and lending my car to Barbara. They didn’t say anything then, but I wasn’t surprised when they said they wanted to speak to me later that evening after my sisters were all in bed.

“Jack,” my father began just as I was about to shower and turn in. “Your mother and I would like to talk with you about your relationship with Barbara. I…we never thought you would lend a girl your car, especially one you’ve only known for a few weeks.”

“I understand your concern, Dad…Mom, so let me explain. I told you about the flash when I saw Barbara fall. I didn’t share the second flash I had that day That one was much longer and in vivid detail. It showed an elderly couple—mid-eighties, at least. They appeared to be in a hospital room with the woman in the bed. Even for that brief period their absolute love for each other was totally clear. The man was obviously me and the woman was clearly Barbara. I couldn’t tell if she was dying or just sick, but they had matching wedding bands.

“Since then I’ve had at least one flash every day, but mostly I would say two or three a day and they are all about our life together. I can tell you this—you’re going to be grandparents several times over and fairly soon. I’ve had plenty of other girlfriends, but Barbara will be my last.

“Last night she asked if we were going steady and we both agreed we were. I hope you like her because you’ll be seeing her a lot.”

“We do like her very much, Jack. We were only concerned. Have any of these flashes turned out to be false or misleading?”

“No, Mom…never. I think in this case they’re influenced by my feelings for her. Not only is she a beautiful young woman, but she’s a beautiful person—actually more beautiful than her physical being. Thanks for your concern, but I’m okay…actually much better than okay. If there’s nothing else I’m going to shower and go to bed.” I rose, kissed and hugged my mom and dad then disappeared to the back of the house.


The next two days—the last before a lengthy Christmas holiday—dragged like you wouldn’t believe. Finally, after what felt more like two months than two days I took the books I needed from my locker and walked straight to the team locker room to tape, dress, and go through my other revolting ritual. I felt as though my body had been turned inside out when I finally made my way to the court. I was pleased to see Barbara sitting with my family—right between Carole and Marie. She saw me look her way and smiled and waved. I smiled back then joined the layup line with my teammates.

Gorton was a big high school in Yonkers—much bigger than we were—and they’d had a long line of superior players like Jimmy Albin who had been All-County with me last year. I knew he wouldn’t make it this year, our last, because he had succumbed to the temptations of cocaine. I told him when we shook hands, “Jimmy, you need to get off that shit before it kills you.” He glared at me in response then we went out and cleaned their clocks. I had a game like the one with New Rochelle except that the team didn’t need to run the offense through me every time. Still, the basket seemed to be as big as the ocean. I couldn’t and didn’t miss, and when I did it was because I was fouled. We pressed and ran our fast break off every steal, turnover, and rebound, running up the score like no game I’ve ever known. We scored 63 points in the first half alone. That was about 4.5 points per minute. We scored at an impossible rate, continuing with forty in the third quarter before Coach Darling replaced the starters with our subs.

I only took eighteen shots the entire game, a few below my normal number, but I made seventeen of them including fifteen in a row, and they weren’t all layups or dunks either.

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