

Becomming progressively closer, James and Ruth begin to experience new and wonderful feelings . . .


This is a fictitious story which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story, and although it does contain graphic sexual descriptions; it is the continuation of a romantic tale of first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations and sensations for the first time. I hope you enjoy.

It was Saturday evening. The previous evening, James and Ruth had spent a pleasant time walking around the town, talking, kissing and gazing adoringly into each other’s eyes. They had spent half an hour in a coffee lounge, huddled up together, giggling when an older couple shot them disparaging looks. James and Ruth did not care. They were in their own world.

After leaving the coffee lounge they make their way through the historical part of the town. Ruth, who enjoyed history, gave James a fun filled lecture on the various buildings and their significance. By the time they reached the Rising Sun, they were completely starry eyed and wrapped up in one another.

Throughout the evening, they both wished to pet heavily as they had when by the river, only with it being a Friday evening, there were more people around. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ thought James. ‘Just being with Ruth is good enough for me.’

Ruth, although wishing to get close to James and be intimate once again, also felt content to just walk and share the occasional kiss. ‘He is just so lovely. I so want to lie next to him and feel him all over, but we can do that tomorrow night. Just being with him is a dream.’

At the end of the evening, they kissed goodnight in their usual spot, the hands of both parties wandering and exploring. James had one arm around the back of her shoulder and the other, lower down as he caressed her buttocks, sending torrents of pleasure and desire through her private area. Ruth did very much the same, feeling the same level of excitement as James when she pressed her pelvis against his, feeling his erection. Neither of them went any further. They both knew that they had the following evening to explore their new found sexuality further. Reluctantly, they parted, their eyes not leaving the other until Ruth disappeared from sight, walking up the path to her home. ‘Tomorrow night,’ she thought. ‘I just can’t wait!’


Having left the house early, Ruth stood at ‘their’ corner, waiting excitedly for James to appear. She had worn a tight fitting white T-shirt beneath her jacket, and a loose fitting black silky skirt. She hoped that the shirt would accentuate her breasts, and had bought some sexy underwear, keeping it hidden from her mother, who she knew would disapprove. She planned to keep it at the back of her cupboard, where her mother never looked. James had worn his best jeans and a T-shirt that displayed the logo of a rock band.

Seeing James approach, Ruth ran towards him, the couple embracing and sharing a deeply passionate kiss. Looking at Ruth, James felt like the luckiest man in the world. She looked so sweet and incredibly sexy, her tight shirt showing her beautiful breasts off to perfection. Her long, almost blonde hair waved in the slight breeze.

“Shall we walk by the river on the way?” James said, looking into Ruth’s lustrous blue eyes. “It’ll give my folks and sister time to get out.”

“Okay,” Ruth smiled, kissing him once again, feeling a surge of passion.
“Good. We can put a Muse album on when we get back.”
Ruth chuckled. “You are so romantic.”
“You said you wanted to hear it.”

“I know. I was joking, silly.” Ruth took hold of James’s hand. “Come on. You can tell me all about your day.”

The smitten couple walked along, hand in hand, stopping occasionally to share a meaningful kiss. James reported on the football (soccer) match he had played in, scoring the winning goal. It was the first time that he had scored for the team. Being a specialist defender, he seldom got the chance to score; subsequently he was feeling on top of the world before even meeting Ruth. Now, having ‘his’ girl with him, James found himself experiencing a new and exciting high, which he had no idea could possibly exist.

By the time they reached the river, James and Ruth were completely relaxed and enjoying the warm evening. James spotted a trout, pointing it out to Ruth, who had never before noticed the fish right in front of her.

“You two can fuck off!” a male voice said.

James and Ruth spun around to see the rough looking lad and the slutty girl they had previously experienced an altercation with. James said, “It’s okay. We’re not sitting. We know it’s your bench.”

“It’s our fucking river! I don’t wanna see you here again.”
“Excuse me,” said Ruth, “but this is a –”
“Okay, we’ll go,” James said, cutting Ruth off.
“Good,” the lad sneered. “If I see yer again, we’ll do yer!”

Ruth was about to say something, but James squeezed her hand, surreptitiously shaking his head. They walked quickly away, remaining silent until they were well away from the aggressive duo.

“They can’t do that!” Ruth said angrily.

James kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t worry. Look, there’s more than one stretch of river in town, so we’ll just find somewhere new. Look, I don’t care where we walk, as long as you’re with me.”

Ruth hugged him tightly. “Thanks. I just hate being bullied, that’s all. I get enough of that from Mum and Dad.”

“They bully you?”
“Mentally, yes. They’re always telling me how sex is wrong.”
“What do you think?”
Ruth sighed. “I just want to find out for myself.”

“Well, just do it in your own time.”
“Thanks. I will. They’re not even keen on me having boyfriends.”
“Surely they must realise it’s natural.”

“I’ve told them that I will have one.”
“What did they say?”
Ruth chuckled. “They told me to wait until I’m eighteen. I told them that I wouldn’t.”
“Well, if you want to keep quiet about us, I’ll go along with it.”

Ruth stopped walking and turned to James, kissing him warmly. “You are so nice I keep wondering if I’m dreaming.”

James pulled her closer. “So do I.”

Ruth smiled and began walking again. “I’d like to meet your parents. I hope they don’t look at me and think: ‘He could have done better than that’.”

“Of course they won’t. They’ll wonder how I managed to get such a pretty and sweet girl to look at me without laughing.”

“You, James, are so sweet.” Ruth rested her head upon James’s shoulder, hugging him tightly as they walked slowly to his house, both looking forward to being alone, away from everyone else.


Arriving at James’s house, Ruth complimented him on the garden. He had told her that he often helped his father. Entering the house, James led her through to the kitchen, pouring a glass of wine for them both. James’s parents used boxes of wine, rather than bottles, preferring the value.

Entering James’s bedroom, Ruth smiled. “Wow. You are a tidy person.”

“I got fed up with Mum moaning at me, so this way I don’t get hassle.” James reached across and turned the music on.

Ruth sipped her drink, gazing around the room, which was predominantly cream. James had posters of bands and sportsmen on the walls. “This is nice.”

“So are you.”
Ruth smiled and sipped her drink before placing the glass on the bedside table.

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