The Fiery Doctor Part 4 reboot(1)
The Fiery Doctor Part 4 reboot(1)
Sex Story Author: | somethin fishy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Finally, he heard the ladies arrive for they had taken Kat’s truck and he knew that truck’s sound anywhere. Kat |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Hardcore, Pregnant, Romance |
Emily had by now completely broken down and was sobbing uncontrollably. In fact, she had never cried this hard before. She now understood Mark completely and knew what she had to do. She stood up, turned around, and her jaw dropped.
Chapter 1
Standing there, in the distance, were both Mark and Katelynn.
“Mark! What the hell are you doing out of the hospital? For that matter how did you get out of the hospital? How did you find me here? My cell phone is still at work.” Mark and Kat just stood there “Hello can you two hear me? This isn’t fucking funny!”
“Of course, it’s not funny Emi, but neither is going off the grid.” Mark said calmly “As to your other questions: We both were worried sick about you. As to me getting out of the hospital well for that you have to ask Kat. As to how we found you, that was just a simple process of elimination that we started this morning.”
“Well Katelynn, how did you get your Dad out of the hospital?” Emily asked crossly for she had a feeling.
“Not how you’re thinking Mom, honest. I just came into his room this morning, threw his clothes at him, told him to get dressed because I was getting him out of the hospital. We just walked out like we owned the place.”
“How did you fool the monitors? They should have tripped when you disconnected them.”
“Please Mom, give a girl some credit. I just hacked Dad’s monitors so that they would continue to give the nurses a signal for the time that we needed to get out.”
“YOU HACKED THE HOSPITAL!” Emily was now extremely pissed
“Of course not, Mom. I just hacked Dad’s monitors” Kat said cool as a cucumber.
“Damn it Kat! Do you know the risk you put your Dad in? Well, do you? And you Mark. You should know better than to leave the hospital without being released! Damn it you two, I love both of you and I couldn’t live if I lost you!”
“Emily dear; We came because we love you and couldn’t bear the thought that you might do something terrible. I’ve already lost one woman in my life because I couldn’t check on her when her world was turned upside-down. I’m not about to lose you too.”
When Emily looked at Mark, he had a tear in his eye. She knew that he was being sincere and completely truthful with her. She now knew that she could never hold a grudge against Mark or Katelynn ever again. They risked Mark’s life and Kat’s freedom and sanity, to break out of the hospital, to make sure that she was ok. Emily took a deep breath and walked slowly up to them. Standing there, Emily could see just how nervous Mark and Kat were. Neither wanted to lose her and Emily didn’t want to lose them either. Emily took the last step and putting an arm around both of them pulled them to her and gave both a hug and a kiss on the cheek for Kat and one on the lips for Mark.
“Come on you two” chirped Emily “let’s go home. Oh Katelynn”
“Yes Mom?”
“When we get home, we really need to talk about you hacking your Dad’s monitors.”
“Of course, Mom.”
Emily put an arm around Kat’s shoulders and the other around Mark’s waist as they walked back to the vehicles.
Chapter 2
When they got home, Emily checked on Mark’s knife wound. Surprisingly it wasn’t bleeding but she knew that Mark still needed to go back to the hospital. Before that though there was the matter of Katlynn’s hacking so the three of them sat down at the kitchen table.
“So, Kat how long have you been a hacker?”
“Gee Mom you say that like it’s a bad thing. I’m a white hat hacker. That means that I’m one of those who look for bugs in software and report them to the company so that the bugs can get fixed. And I’ve been doing it for years. I’ve even been able to hack the Pentagon. They didn’t even believe that I had done it until I sent them some of their classified documents as proof. It goes without saying that they were pissed. Still not sure what pissed off the DoD more, that they got hacked or that a young teen successfully hacked them without them knowing about it until it was over.”
“Just promise me that you’ll be careful on what you’re doing. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Don’t worry Mom. Companies pay good money to white hat hackers. I actually make really good money doing it and I’m helping people at the same time.”
“Now Mark, how long have you known about this?”
“For as long as she’s been doing it. Who do you think, taught her in the first place?”
“You hack too?”
“Not anymore. With work and raising an energetic young girl I don’t have the time to do much hacking. Besides Kat’s much better at it. I just advise her once in a while.”
Emily just shook her head. She still had a lot to learn about her family and she was looking forward to learning.
“Well let’s get something to eat and get Mark back to the hospital. He’ll need to be there for at least a few days.” Emily stated.
Mark then whispered in her ear: “How bout I eat you?”
“Mark you’re a dirty boy!” exclaimed Emily cheerfully “What am I going to do with you?”
Mark just smiled at her warmly. This just melted Emily’s heart. Just seeing Mark’s smile reminded her just how lucky she was and just how close she had come to losing everything.
“How bout I make dinner so that you two can find a room” Kat giggled causing Emily to blush.
With that, Mark took hold of Emily’s hand and led her to the bedroom. They both knew that they would have to be careful, but both of them, Emily especially, were on fire. It would have taken a biblical disaster to stop them. To save time they shed their clothes as they went earning them a laugh from Kat but neither of them cared. When they got to the bedroom, Emily gently pushed Mark onto the bed and took his cock into her mouth. This was something that she usually didn’t did, but this time she just had to do it. Mark was babbling like an idiot but Emily wouldn’t stop, then Mark started to move around and Emily stopped and growled,
“Don’t move or I’ll stop and never do this again.” Mark froze. He might have been babbling like an idiot but he was far from being an idiot. Satisfied that she had stopped Mark from moving, Emily continued. She had never felt Mark’s cock so hard that it actually curved up a bit and all the veins were highlighted. Emily then had a wicked idea. She kept sucking and bobbing her head up and down then she started using her tongue, but not fast enough to make Mark blow.
Mark thought that he was going to pass out from the lack of blood in his brain. Emily was proving to be a very talented cock sucker. Eventually despite him not moving and her not going fast enough he was going to blow, but just as he was going to give her a warning she stopped and looked up at him with a warm yet devious smile. She jumped up and in one movement impaled herself on Mark.
“Why; you’re not thinking of cumming without me, are you darling?” she asking knowing full well that Mark was out of it, but it was still fun for her. Mark just shook his head weakly. Emily then began to, ever so slowly, go up and down while moving side to side at the same time. Mark’s eyes bulged at this. Emily smiled figuring that it was time to turn up the heat even more. She added hip rotations to her movements and using her Kegel muscles she began to gently massage Mark’s penis.
Mark thought that he could handle Emily’s moving in the two dimensions, but when she added the third and fourth axis of movement Mark lost it. He began to have the most powerful orgasm of his life. His toes curled so hard that they cramped, he thrust up so hard that Emily was lifted up by two feet and this caused her to squeal with delight. Mark’s cock then felt like it exploded as countless jets of cream shot out, drowning Emily’s cunt and actually overflowing it.
All this happening inside Emily had sent her over the edge as well and she followed Mark into the abyss. What was that saying she thought ‘stare into the abyss and it stares into you or something like that …ah screw it.’ She plunged deeper and deeper. Far deeper than she had ever been before. It actually felt like she was having an out of body experience. It was obvious from the look on Mark’s face that he was right there with her. Eventually they both returned to their bodies. They were both drenched in sweat and were panting harder than if they had just run back-to-back marathons. Somehow Mark managed to turn both of them on the bed so that he could pull the covers up over them.
Chapter 3
It was late the next morning when they woke up. At first, Emily was confused. The light was coming into the room wrong after all it had been late afternoon when they had gotten home. It wasn’t until she found her phone that everything made sense. It was almost noon and it was Monday.
“FUCK WE OVERSLEPT!” Emily screamed as she raced to the shower. She was late to work and that had never happened before.
“Don’t worry sweetie” Mark said calmly “Kat called both of our bosses this morning and told them that we’re not feeling that well so we won’t be coming into work today. Now how bout we get back into bed.”
Emily just stared at him, “How do you know?”
“I woke up earlier, just before Kat left for school. She told me what she did so I just crawled back into bed.”
“Mark” Emily screamed “I’ve never missed a day of work and I’m not about to start now!”
“And you would make Kat a liar?” Mark asked innocently but with a wicked grin on his face.
“Damn it, you two are going to completely corrupt me!”
“Of course. Now how bout you turn that shower off and let’s relax a bit.” Emily moved without thinking about it. She turned off the water and moved into Mark’s arms. The feelings that came over her were almost overwhelming. She felt bad for not going to work but she felt so good and safe in his arms. This decided things for her. She would skip work today and spent it with her lover, but first she made Mark lay down on some towels she put on the bed. The doctor in Emily had kicked in and Mark knew better than to argue. His side still hurt a bit but he was surprised at how little pain he felt. There was some seepage but other than that everything was good. This surprised Emily. Mark had gotten a serious stab wound Saturday morning and yet he was moving around with little pain.
“Happy now honey? How bout we wrestle up some grub? I’m starving and I bet you are too, especially with all that screaming you were doing yesterday.”
“I wasn’t that loud!” Emily said defiantly. Mark just gave her a fish eyed look.
“Emily, I thought a monster was going to pop out of your chest with the way you were going at it.”
“I don’t do that!” Mark just gave her the bull shit look and Emily’s face turned deep red. They went out to the kitchen, made some brunch, and started cleaning up the house a bit. After this last weekend it was a mess. At one point, Mark snuck up on Emily while she was doing laundry. He picked her up and put her on the washing machine while it was running. Emily tried not to get turned on, but the vibrations from the washer running plus Mark’s strong hands was just too much for her and she gave in. She found that she really liked doing it like this. Not only did she have the vibrations to drive her wild, but also the different angle that Mark had. He was able to drive up into her at such an angle that he bumped into her cervix and rubbed her G-spot with every thrust. She also became aware of one other thing that was driving her wild with lust, she was completely at Mark’s mercy. In this position, she couldn’t do anything much. She didn’t worry because she trusted Mark, she just worried that she might go insane before he finished with her. Before long she was singing like an opera singer and she eyes were clamped shut as she held on to anything that she could grab, with a white-knuckle grip. Within minutes she wasn’t just cumming she was uber cumming. Her pussy was gushing like a white-water river and it showed no signed of stopping. Furthermore, neither did Mark, he just kept pounding her without mercy. By this point she was nothing more than a ragdoll for Mark. She had pretty much collapsed and was leaning on Mark’s shoulder. Finally, Mark was getting close. As his cock swelled, Emily was driven further from reality and deeper into the abyss. When she finally felt his white-hot sperm shooting into her pussy, she passed out.
After Mark finished, it took everything he had left to stay on his feet. Not only was he exhausted but Emily’s screaming in ecstasy in the small, hard walled laundry room had made his ears ring. It took a couple of minutes before he was able to completely focus. He was then able to gently pick Emily up and carry her back to their bedroom so they could lay down to rest. Even through it they had been fucking for only half an hour, Mark was exhausted and Emily had passed out.
Meanwhile at school, Kat had been turned into a celebrity for her killing the guy that had been tormenting the school halls for months now. Every girl almost bowed down to her like she was royalty while almost every guy gave her a wide berth. For none of them wanted to endure her wrath. Kat now had the reputation of one of the wrathful goddesses of ancient times, something like Athena, goddess of wisdom. Everyone knew that Kat was wise beyond her years; now she also had proven that she was extremely dangerous as well. Personally, Kat was embarrassed, she hated the attention that she got with one exception. There was one guy that didn’t seem offput by her reputation. He was a new transfer to the school named Brandon, and Kat actually found his nerdy look attractive. He was tall, skinny as a rail, had brown hair, and a bit of ache, but carried himself with a quiet confidence. He actually reminded Kat a lot of her dad. They both were wary of each other. It was obvious to all around that they found each other attractive, but neither had no real idea on how to proceed.
When Kat got home, she started laughing. The house smelled of hot sex and she could hear her mom and dad snoring in their bedroom. After she had gotten her homework done, she started dinner. This woke her mom and dad up from their slumber. Kat had to sit down when Emily came out for it looked like she had been washed and put away wet. Her hair was a mess, she had heavy bags under her eyes, and she walked with a bit of a limp. Her dad on the other hand was full of energy and was almost bouncing off the walls. Kat figured that this was as good as time as any to tell them her big news.
“Hey Mom, Dad, can we chat for a minute?” Emily and Mark were both taken back for Kat was appeared as nervous as a mouse in a room full of cats.
“What’s wrong Kat?” Emily asked suddenly concerned.
“Uh well… I … well I …” Kat took a deep breath “I met this boy at school” she whispered.
Mark and Emily looked at each other and smiled.
“Mark, don’t you have something to do in the barn?” Emily asked
“No” Mark said confused. Emily just looked at him
“You sure about that?”
“Oh, ya thank you, I almost forgot.” With that he almost ran out of the house.
Emily looked back at Kat and Kat swallowed;
“Ok Kat, let me hear everything about him.” Kat now wished that she had kept her mouth shut, for some reason she was embarrassed. “Oh, come Katelynn, he can’t be that bad.” This woke Kat up, nobody used her full name, many at her school didn’t even know her full name. Kat went on to describe Brandon in every detail. Emily and Kat conspired on how to get Brandon to ask her out, eventually conceding that it was too early and they would have to what to see how things unfolded.
Chapter 4
As Mark and Emily’s wedding day got closer, the closer Mark and Emi became. It was almost like they were becoming one person. The biggest problem that Emily had was that with all the work she was now doing on the farm her muscles were getting bigger. She already had to get bigger scrub pants because her ass was now solid muscle, and was worried that her dress wouldn’t fit. Almost all fat on her body had now been worked off, even though she was eating more now than she had before. The Saturday before the wedding she had gone over to Cindy’s to make sure it still fit. If anything, it fit even better.
Mark made to sure that his suit still fit right and that the hogs that they would use would be prefect for roasting. Kat decided that she was going to ask Brandon to be her date for the wedding and he agreed providing that either one of his parents could drop him off or someone could pick him up for he didn’t drive. When Kat told Mark and Emi, they decided, much to Kat’s surprise, to have a limo pick up Brandon and his family and bring them over. Kat quickly cleared this with Brandon. He assured her that they would be on time for he was starting to really warm up to Kat. The day before the wedding, Mark slipped away for a couple of hours, he had something that he had to do. Neither Emi or Kat were surprised at this. They knew that he was going to the cemetery to say hello to his folks and sister. It was very early on Saturday morning when Mark got back and passed out on the couch.
Emily was up at her usual time on Saturday morning. She had butterflies in her stomach, for she was finally going to get married. Something that she had always wanted. She walked out and seen that Mark was sleeping on the couch and that Kat was already up. They two of them made some coffee and took it out to the patio so that they could watch the sun rise. It had been forecasted to be a beautiful day and it was definitely starting out that way. The ladies finished their coffee and fruit that they brought out with them and they went back in. Mark had gotten up and they could hear him in the shower. The ladies then left a note and slipped out to go to Cindy’s so that they could get ready.
Mark got out and seen the note. He still had some work to do for he had to start roasting the hogs. Everything was ready; all he had to do was use the skid loader with forks to put the hogs over the coals. The three of them had killed and cleaned the hogs the day before. They had also got the pit ready and before they left, Kat had started the fire. It took some time but the fire burned down and Mark put the hogs on. The wedding was at three that afternoon and he knew that the hogs would be done by the time of the reception. As he was waiting, he laid down and took a nap. He woke up at one and started getting dressed for people would start arriving soon. But first the three S’s; shit, shower, and shave. Sure, enough as soon as he finished getting dressed, the doorbell rang. It was Tim and Evan. As it got closer to three, Mark was getting nervous like almost every other man on his wedding day.
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