
The Fiery Doctor Part 3 reboot

A young doctor learns to love again.

After everyone was done eating and had retired to the living room, Kat could see both Evan and Tekla urging her dad to do something. He got up off the chair that he was on and walked over to Emily who had her back turned, talking to Cindy. He had something small in his hand.

Chapter 1

Mark was more nervous now then he had ever been in his life. He knew that if Emily rejected him then his happiness would come crashing down. Kat would probably be pissed at him for life and he would never be happy again. Despite the risk Mark knew that he had to do this. He loved Emily with all his heart and he desperately wanted her to be with him for life. Sure, she had said the same thing but this was going to make it real. He kneeled behind her and put his finger to his lips to silence Cindy, after all she was looking right at him.

Gathering up the last remaining bit of courage that he had left he started:

“Emily” She turned around, looked down at Mark and her hands flew to her face. She couldn’t believe what was happening “I know that you’re way out of my league and I know that you’re much smarter than I ever hope to be, but…” At this Emily cut him off:

“Mark shut up, stand up, put that ring on my finger, and kiss me you silly fool.”

Mark not being that stupid, did just that and smiled:

“I take that as a, yes?”

Emily jumped up into Mark’s arms, wrapped her legs around his waist and shouted: “YES, YES, YES. God yes!! I love you Mark and I promise here and now that I will love you no matter what life throws at us.” She then gave him a deep long passionate kiss.

‘So, this is what her Dad was up to’ thought Kat while crying for joy. She didn’t think that her dad had that kind of romance in him. That’s why she never even considered the possibility of her Dad proposing. After quickly drying her eyes, she joined everyone else in looking at Emily’s ring. Then admitting that her Dad actually had good taste. Who would have guessed?

“Is this what you were whispering to Evan about earlier Dad?”

Mark nodded at her.

“But why didn’t you tell me beforehand, I mean I’m your daughter?”

“Because my dear Katelynn” this instantly got her attention and she knew that she’d crossed a line or was very close to one “Emily wasn’t the only person I was wanting to surprise. I know that you have always wanted a mom. I see the way you two interact and I knew that Emily was the right woman. I was afraid that if I had told you then Emily would have found out or at least suspected.”

“But wouldn’t that have been easier Dad?”

“Katelynn, when you meet someone special, you’ll understand why I did what I did.” At this Mark turned around and went back to Emily leaving Kat with her mouth open. Of course, by this time the questions started. Emily asked Cindy to be the matron of honor and of course Cindy agreed. Emily then asked Kat and Tekla to be her bridesmaids. They both agreed to this. Mark asked Evan to be an Usher, after they told him what an usher would do, he agreed. Then Kat asked the question. “So how about the date you lovebirds?” Mark and Emily looked at each other puzzled. Tekla then spoke up.

“How bout on my birthday. I mean you got engaged on Evan’s birthday so it’s only fair that you two get married on mine.” Mark turned pale

Emily being naïve about Tekla asked “When’s your birthday?”

“October 20th” She announced with pride. Emily suddenly knew why Mark had paled but she was determined not to worry Tekla.

“Well what day does your birthday fall on this year?” hoping that it would be during the week

“It’s a Saturday this year” said Cindy “Is this OK with everyone?”

“That works for me” said Mark in a somber tone

This time everyone caught Mark’s sudden mode shift including Tekla:

“It’s OK with me Uncle Mark if you two want to get married on some other day. I just thought that…” Mark cut Tekla off

“No October 20th works for me as long as everyone can get it off.” Said Mark

“You sure darling?”

“Yep. In fact, I can’t think of a better day in fact.”

At this Tekla lit up. Of course, she didn’t know the significance of that date for Mark and he wasn’t about to tell her.

“So, who’s going to be your best man Dad?”

“I’m thinking maybe Tim.”

“The nerdy jewelry store guy?”

“Yep. What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing at all Dad.”

“Katelynn, lets step outside for a minute. I think we need to talk.”

After they stepped out and to the side; Mark hissed at Kat:

“OK Katelynn what the fuck is your problem with me marrying Emily?”

“What makes you think I…”

“Kat!! I taught you to read people so don’t give me that fucking bullshit. So, I ask again, what’s your fucking problem?”

Kat knew that she was defeated and that she would have to level with her dad. This was something that she really didn’t want to do for she knew her temper.

“When I first saw you and Emily together, I was happy, I mean you two were meant for each other. But as time passed, I started to get scared, I started getting worried that you would forget about me. Then when you didn’t trust me to keep from Emily that you were going to propose that confirmed it. So, I guess now I’ll be going now. Good bye, dad.”

“Katelynn, please stop. If nothing else just give me a minute.” Kat stopped but didn’t turn around. “You know, you’re right Katelynn. I did forget about you. I was so excited about meeting and getting to know Emily that I completely forgot about the most important young lady in my life. For this I know that I was wrong, I should have trusted you. I know that you never betray close to you and, in my rush to forget my past and move on I forgot that part of my past lives with you. I know that you told Emily about my past and that it was you that got us together in the first place. For that I am eternally grateful to you. I know that I have no right to ask you to stay and I wouldn’t blame you if you did leave, but Katelynn please stay, help Emily and I because you know better than anyone about what a dumbass I am, hell I just proved it again.”

With her back to her Dad, she knew that he wouldn’t be able to see her crying. She had never intended for things to go this far but her temper had got the best of her and she said and did things that she knew she shouldn’t have. That hadn’t stopped her Dad from taking the blame for everything yet again. She knew that he was taking the pain for her. In that moment she knew just how much her Dad loved her. She doubted that he even realized what he had done. So, she took a bit to make sure that her eyes were dry before turning around and running to her Dad and jumping in his arms.

“I love you, Daddy!” she yelled at the top of her lungs

Her Dad just smiled with tears streaming down his cheek and whispering in her ear, “I love you too, Katelynn. I love you too.” Then they heard more crying. They turned and looked and Emily, Cindy, and the kids were standing there sobbing. Mark and Kat looked at each other and each held out an arm to welcome the others into the group hug. After holding the hug while everyone cried themselves out. Mark finally stepped back.

“Ok now that I’m done making an ass of myself, I believe we have a birthday to celebrate!” He then kneeled down in front of Even so that they were eye to eye. “So, Evan you want to do go-carts, mini-golf, bowling…” That was as far as Mark got before Evan erupted in a shout:

“GO-CARTS!” The adults giggled at his enthusiasm.

“Well, everyone let’s get to the track.” Said Mark. Cindy by this point was looking a bit nervous:

“What’s wrong Cindy?” asked Emily

“Go-carts make me nervous. How about y’all go and I’ll be here when you get back. Besides I can’t afford to go.”

“Cindy” Emily said with a very serious look on her face “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll pay for your tickets so don’t argue about it. Also, I’ll stay at your side for as long as you need me to.”

Mark just laughed at Cindy saying: “Cindy, just give up and come with us. You need to unwind just like the rest of us do. Actually, a lot more than the rest of us do. This trip will be a lot of fun for everyone including you. Also knowing Emily, she won’t give up on you, she almost more stubborn than my Katlynn.”

“Alright fine. I’ll go”

The kids cheered and Mark, Emily, and Kat all smiled. What followed was more fun than Cindy had ever had in her life and her and Ben had done a lot of fun stuff when they had been dating. It took her a bit to loosen up, but once she did, she turned out to be just as competitive as her kids. Eventually everyone was wrung out from all the driving. Cindy turned to Mark:

“Thank you, Mark. This turned out to be just what we needed.”

“Don’t thank me. This was all Kat’s doing.”

“But…… how?”

“One of the kids she goes to school with; their family owns this track, so Kat paid for us to have the track to ourselves for two hours. Speaking of that we probably should get going because they’re getting ready to reopen the track for the rest of the public.”

Cindy pulled Kat to the side: “Thank you Kat.”

Kat smiled and put one of her arms around Cindy as they walked back to Mark’s truck. Behind them walking hand in hand Mark and Emily watched. Emily then asked Mark “Did Kat really buy this track for two hours?”


“You two really are the best of people. How did I get so lucky to find you?”

Mark just smiled, gave her a peck on the check and continued toward the truck. Once everyone was back at Cindy’s the children were exhausted and passed out almost as soon as they thanked Mark, Emily, and Kat. Then it was Cindy’s turn to thank them. She really didn’t know what she would have done without friends like these. Mark then told Cindy that they had to get going. Tomorrow would be a busy day for them with moving Emily out to the farm. So, everyone said their byes and left.

On the way home Emily was finally able to ask:

“Ok what did you give Cindy that made her break down into tears?”

“Kat and I gave Evan a trust fund for when he gets older. It should pay out about five grand a month starting the month after he turns 18. Those were the documents for the fund. The only thing that we asked of Cindy was that she not tell him until he turns 18. Kat and I want him to do well in school and we figured the best way to do that is to make sure that he doesn’t know that he will be well off after high school. When Tekla turns eight, we’ll do the same for her.”

Emily started to cry. What had she done to deserve a family like this? A family that always thought about those around them before themselves. What had she done to deserve a man that would willingly shield his loved ones from being seriously hurt even when they were the cause? She knew that she had some serious work to do in order to prove herself worthy of the honor of being in this family. All through Emily’s crying Kat had a hand on her shoulder just gently rubbing. Neither her or Mark said a thing. When they got back to the farm everyone was exhausted and pretty much went straight to bed. Emily snuggled up extra close to Mark that night though.

Chapter 2

For once Emily was the first up at about quarter till six. She carefully slid off Mark and went to the bathroom. She hoped that she hadn’t woke him up but as she was finishing, he walked in.

“Morning Emi. Sleep good?”

“Morning Mark. I always do when I’m with you. I haven’t had a nightmare since we started sleeping together and I barely have flashbacks anymore. How bout I throw some clothes on and start breakfast?”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll be out in a bit.”

As Emily was working on breakfast Kat came out “I thought I smelled food. What’s cookin’?”

Emily just shook her head, “Oh to be young again.”

Kat just gave her the look usually reserved for people who make idiotic statements but didn’t say anything. After eating, the three of them got dressed for the day and did the farm chores. Emily found that she was getting stronger every day and was now able to keep up with Kat and Mark for the most part. She was amazed that even with Mark missing part of a leg he never slowed down. If fact if she didn’t know, she would have never guessed that Mark was missing part of his leg. After the chores were done, Mark hooked up to a big tri-axle box trailer. Kat pulled totes, boxes, tarps, and a cooler out of storage. With the supplies packed Mark asked Emily to lead the way.

When they pulled up, Mark decided that it would be best if he parked on the street in front of Emily’s apartment. When the three got to Emily’s apartment Kat asked

“So, what goes and what stays, Mom.”

“Well, the fridge, couch, and blinds stay, but everything else is mine. That does include the drapes.”

“So, your drapes do match your carpet” snickered Mark.

Emily gave him a hard elbow to the ribs and told him to behave himself. Mark was in a mischievous mood so he started kissing Emily’s neck where he knew it drove her crazy. She didn’t disappoint when she let out a low moan.

“Mom, Dad save that stuff for home or anytime I’m not around please. That’s not something I want to see.”

Emily and Mark laughed at Kat’s discomfort.

“Just want till you have a boyfriend, Kat.” Kat just rolled her eyes.

Mark decided to behave sort of and the three of them got Emily’s apartment packed up in just a couple of hours. Of course, they still had to figure out where to put everything but the big stuff could wait. As Mark and Kat were finishing up, Emily went to her landlord’s office and turned in her keys. They of course were sorry to see her leave for she was one of their best renters; but when she told them that she was moving in with her fiancé they didn’t argue. They informed her that they would inspect the apartment later that day and as long as the apartment was clean with no damage, they would cut the check for her security deposit. Emily took one last turn through her old apartment to make sure that they hadn’t missed anything. The only thing Emily would miss about the apartment was that she only had a three-block commute to work and most days she would either walk of ride her bike.

Once they were back at the farm, they put the clothes that Emily wanted to keep in the closet and put the rest in bags for the Salvation Army. Mark and Kat also went through their clothes and both got rid of some stuff. Mark moved one of the farm vehicles out of the attached garage so Emily could park her car there. The third spot in the garage held Kat’s vehicle, a Ram 1500 Eco-diesel that she had deleted the emission controls on.

By the time they finished, it was late afternoon and none of them felt like cooking, so they ordered a couple of pizzas. By the time the pizza arrived all three had gotten showers and put on comfortable clothes. Emily paid for the pizza and the three settled down for a movie. By this time, she noticed that she had a voice mail. It was her old landlord wishing her luck and telling her that she would be getting her security deposit back. After all her apartment was in better shape than some of the ones after they had been worked on. After some discussion they settled on The Hunt for the Red October.

Chapter 3

After the movie, Mark decided to go make some fishing lures, for both him and Kat were getting low, and now they also needed to make some for Emily too. This was the first time Emily had ever seen this room. It was in one of the smaller barns; the one that Mark had the boats stored in. In it was everything one needed for lure making. From a fume hood for pouring soft plastic and lead lures to a full complement of fly-tying materials.

“So, we going fishing tomorrow?” Asked Emily kind of hopeful.

“I’m guessing you haven’t seen the weather forecast for tomorrow Mom. They’re calling for some heavy storms. Which is Ok because I’ve got a big order to fill.”

“Big order to fill?”

“Yep, one of my part time gigs is making and selling fishing lures.”

“Yep, so I figured that we would take you to Cabela’s so we can get you outfitted with your own fishing and hunting gear after we get chores done tomorrow.”

Mark and Kat took a couple of hours to start teaching Emily about lure making. Everything from small trout flies to hard body muskie lures. Emily was just amazed at the range of lures that Kat and Mark could make.

About 8 pm Mark decided to stop for the day. Emily was starting to get frisky and he definitely wasn’t about to let a good opportunity go to waste. As they were on their way back to the house, the sky opened up and it started pouring. Mark was now thrilled because Emily had a white shirt on and no bra. The two of them laughed and played out in the rain until the lightening started. Being outside with lightening was a bigger risk than either wanted to take. Of course, by the time they got in, both were covered with mud and although the rain was cool, they were on fire. As they went to the bathroom to take a shower, they left a trail of clothes in their wake. Barely did they make it into the shower when Emily wrapped her legs around Mark and moved his hard cock so she could slip it into her soaking pussy. Mark had one of her ass cheeks in each hand, had pushed her up against the shower wall, and started pounding her in the shower with the steam rising and the warm water raining down on them, Mark and Emily’s senses were distorted.

“OH GOD MARK, FUCK ME HARD. MAKE ME YOURS!! Emily yelled at loud as she could.

“Ya Emi, this what you want? You want me to pound your tight cunt without mercy?”

“Yes! Yes! YES!” Emily sang.

Mark was lifting her up and slamming her back down on his cock so hard that every time he thrust into her, he would hit her cervix. The pain of this drove Emily wild and she wasn’t normally into pain with sex. But with the hot water, Mark’s strong arms holding her, and her complete trust and love for Mark; Emily’s body was taken over completely with lust and she couldn’t have stopped him if she wanted to. Emily wasn’t even sure how many orgasms she had or maybe she just had one long one. Finally, her body said more and she passed out, still in Mark’s arms and his cock still inside her. Mark carefully turned off the water and got out of the shower. He dried both of them off the best he could and took her to bed. He sat on the side of the bed, rotated both of them so that he could lay down with his head on his pillow, and pulled the cover up over them. He passed out within a minute with Emily still impaled on his cock. Sometime during the night Mark slipped out of her and she assumed her normal sleeping position.

It was 5am when Mark and Emily woke up. When they went out to the kitchen to start breakfast, they found a note on to counter:

“Seriously can’t you two EVER pick up after yourselves? Anyway, I put your clothes in the washer.

Love Kat

PS, please let me sleep in, in the morning. I didn’t finish my lure orders until 2am. Thank you”

Mark and Emily decided to flip a coin to see who made breakfast. The winner chose what was for breakfast and made it, while the loser did dishes. Emily won, so she served English muffins with a fruit platter and a glass of milk.

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