
The Fate of a Kingdom; Chapter 7 (Final)

This is a work of pure fantasy. It has no relation or resemblance to anything in real life. It is not historically accurate, it is a work of fantasy. Nor am I a professional writer so yes there will be grammatical mistakes. All characters sexually active are over the age of 18. Comments welcome on storyline and sex scenes! Happy reading!

I stood before King Nemea again. Prince Leon stood directly in front of the king. Sir Gareth was a few feet behind me.

“How?” The King said in a low growl.

“My Lord” Sir Gareth said stepping beyond me “it’s possible he may have had a key or somehow acquired one! He killed three men in his escape!”

“Dammit” he thumped his ageing fist against his throne.

“Father, let me find him!” Leon offered his father. “Let me find him and bring him back so he can face justice?”

King Nemea sat quietly for several moments. His hand stroking at his grey beard, a little lost in thought.

“Father?” Leon spoke out softly.

Several moments of silence went passed before the king finally spoke “gather the army!”

“Father?” Leon said in surprise.

“I’ve had enough, we tried for peace but this is how we are received?” His voice filling with anger “gather the army! March on Lupus, I want the wolves head and bring me Brutus!” He slammed his fist down.

“Yes father!” Leon nodded.

“Sir Gareth!” The king called out.

“Yes sire?” Sir Gareth.

“See Ragnar fully suited! He will ride all side the Kings guard!”

“Of course” he nodded before turning to me “come Ragnar!”

“Your highness if I have your permission?” I said to the king bowing my head low and holding jt there awaiting his response.

“Speak” he said more softly, his anger eased.

“May I request that Rayne ride along side me as well? I owe her my life!” I said slightly lifting my head.

“Sir Gareth, see it done!” The king waved.

“Thank you your highness!” I bowed lower again before following Sir Gareth from the throne room.

Within minutes the castle was a buzz with commotion. Bells tolled and men gathered from every corner, armed and ready to go.

Rayne took some convincing but I managed to persuade her to come with me. I told her I wanted to finish this with her. Afterwards if we survived she was free to live her life.

I must admit she looked good in her new armour. There are many female warriors in the kingdom so there was armour that fit her well. Specially made to accommodate a woman’s breast. Her red hair now flowing free but still armed to the teeth.

“Please be careful and return!” Luna said to me, tears in her eyes as she hugged me.

“Don’t worry after I have avenged father I will return!” I held her tightly. “I love you!”

“I love you more!” More tears falling down her cheeks.

“Please look after her?!” I said to Lenta, as I hugged her also.

“I shall, you have my word!” She nodded.

I returned the nod and set off to join the gathering masses.

It was early afternoon when the army was fully assembled and on the march. Rayne and I rode on horses near the front of the column. Prince Leon leading the way with standard bearers carrying the large flags bearing the lions sigil on them.

We marched for hours before setting up camp for the night not far from the village of Amnis. There were several patrols around the camp during the night to protect from attack. Unfortunately Rayne and I didn’t share one of the many tents that were provided. She was to stay with a group of other woman warriors as I shared one with several of the elite kings guard.

The army moved off at first light. There was very little said as we marched. It was slow going as the large column made steady pace. It wasn’t the same pace Rayne and I managed several days before. I could tell the journey would take at least an extra day or maybe even two.

I was right, it took four days to reach the borders of the blacklands. The army set up camp and a war council was summoned. I was surprised when a guard told me that my presence was requested.

“Ah Ragnar glad you are here! Now as one of very few people who have been to Lupus I was hoping you had some incite?” Prince Leon spoke to me as he sat in a larger chair than the rest.

“Well your highness I’m not sure how much I can offer. It was Rayne that led the way and there was only two of us not an army.” I spoke.

“Any details you give may help us!” The Prince stated.

I proceeded to tell them of how Rayne and I managed to get into Lupus. After some debating a plan was formed that a small group of soldiers including Rayne and I would try and sneak into the castle. Then open the gates allowing the main army to pour in. As it was too late now to make a move under nightfall. The plan would be set in motion tomorrow.

I retired to my tent after the council meeting and my eyes widened with happiness as I saw Rayne laying there.

“Rayne what…” I was interrupted as she held her finger to her mouth, urging me to be quiet. Then curling it, beckoning me to her. I crouched down next to her when she pulled my face into kiss her. Her warm soft lips pressing against mine. Instantly breathing deeper as our mouths parted. Tongues sliding against each other.

“How did you get in?” I whispered.

“I have my ways!” She winked. “No be quiet and lay with me, we don’t want to wake the others!”

I simply nodded as I lay down on my side along next to her. We used a large piece of fur to cover us as our bodies became intertwined.

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