The Farmer’s Little Daughter
The Farmer’s Little Daughter
Sex Story Author: | JackassTales |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I mapped every square inch of the soft feminine landscape. Each place my tongue touched, I planted a kiss as |
Sex Story Category: | Exhibitionism |
Sex Story Tags: | Exhibitionism, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Spanking, Virginity |
JackassTales: Tale # 25… Dear Readers, this story is an Edited & Revised retelling of a tale I posted on this site last year. Keeping previous readers helpful comments and critiques in mind, I’ve tried my best to present a better story. This rewrite took on a life of its own and I found myself unable to leave anything out which might condense it into a short story. So, here’s fair warning; this tale is pretty long. I’ll apologize for this in advance, so please don’t judge me too harshly for it. Thank you.
The Farmer’s Little Daughter
Part 1 (the kitchen)
There ought to be a law against a man’s adolescent young daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, a judge would throw the book at her, lock her sexy female ass up in jail, and throw the key away to a place where it would never be found!
These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door watching her sleeping. Morning sunlight beamed through her window illuminating her peacefully slumbering feminine form.
The girl was lying on her belly. Her covers were thrown aside revealing an abundance of unmistakably matured female shapes. Thin, white-cotton panties stretched tightly over her shapely ass. The panties fit so tightly that the entire crack of her ass made a deep crease down its length. Her sleeveless, pink t-shirt was pulled up enough to show a wide expanse of the soft, summer-tanned skin on her back.
This young lady had changed a lot in just the past few months. Puberty had struck the girl hard, strong, and fast. Her petite ‘tomboyish’ teen form had budded and bloomed seemingly overnight. Her blossoming body had burst forth with bulging shapes and feminine forms.
The girl stirred on the bed and I started to turn away, but I saw her settle back down in slumber. I certainly had no intention of disturbing her. She needed her rest. This had been a busy week for the young lady. Several momentous events had occurred in the past seven days. She had gone to her high school prom, graduated from the 11th grade, and had celebrated her 16th birthday.
Yes, my little ‘teenage’ Mollie Marie was growing up fast! She was growing up much, much too fast, if anyone cared to hear my opinion. Unconsciously, I took a step into her bedroom. I looked at her hair. Curly locks draped her shoulders and ran down her back. The color was somewhere between a radiant red and a brilliant brown. I guess the name for it would be ‘auburn’. Morning sunlight caused her luminous auburn curls to shimmer and shine.
Mollie wasn’t a skinny girl by any means, yet she wasn’t the least bit fat. Her legs were relatively short, yet they stretched out with a seductively enticing allure. Not only were the legs stretched out, they were spread open. My eyes were drawn back irresistibly to her panties. I took another step closer. There between her legs a protruding mound of flesh hung below her and pushed at the thin fabric.
Well shit, I was straining to get a look at my young daughter’s pussy! I knew I had to turn away. I’m not a ‘dirty-old-man’. Besides, I had work to do this morning. I had twenty acres of hay to bale and another twenty acres to mow. Before turning away, I gave in to an irresistible impulse. I leaned over and quickly kissed the exposed skin of the sleeping girl’s back. I then kissed her pretty, panty-covered ass.
When then girl showed no signs of awakening, I became emboldened. Unable to stop myself, I hooked a finger in the waistband of her panties and pulled them down just enough for my lips to touch the spot where the soft skin of her back met the crack of her ass.
Gaining control of my senses, I stood and moved away. God, what was I doing! My mind began to silently rationalize, “Hell, I’ll never do that again and she’ll never know I did it, so ‘no harm no foul’ is the way I see it!”
I decided to let the girl sleep a little longer, but I knew I’d have to awaken her soon. She was a farmer’s daughter and she too had work to do. I planned on having her drive the smaller tractor and rake the hay while I drove the big tractor which pulled the baler. Together, we made a good farming team.
I was sitting at the table eating breakfast and watching the weather report when Mollie walked into the kitchen. I was torn between looking at the TV and looking at the seductive feminine vision standing in the room. I was waiting for the weatherman to let me know about how the chances of rain might affect my farming activities.
Hell, I missed the weather report completely! I couldn’t take my eyes off the girl! I wouldn’t call my daughter a ‘raving-beauty’, but she most certainly did have an extraordinary prettiness that was impossible to ignore. I knew for a fact that my eyes were making absolutely no attempt to ignore the sights they were seeing.
This morning Mollie walked into the kitchen wearing only her thin, white panties and her short, pink t-shirt. She didn’t even have on a bra! Shit, I could plainly see the imprints of her newly-formed pubescent breasts and nipples! Damn, she could have least put on the ratty old robe she usually wore! Why, she’d never paraded around in front of me in only her underwear before!
I heard her speaking, “Morning Dad. Why didn’t you wake me? I could have cooked you bacon and eggs. Have we got anymore corn flakes?”
Without awaiting an answer, she strode to a high cabinet and reached up to open it. Her shirt hiked up and her panties stretched so tightly over the crack of her ass that I could see the indentation of her asshole. She grabbed a box of cereal.
My bedazzled mind cleared enough for me to finally say, “Well, sleepyhead, you’re not a little kid anymore. I thought an ‘old teenage gal’ like you would need all the restful sleep she could get.”
Mollie was a playful girl and she could give as well as she got when it came to teasing. She winked and said, “Listen here ‘Old Man’, I’m not quite as ancient as a certain ‘old-timer’ I know who is nearing his 32nd birthday!”
The girl had put me down effortlessly. Yet, instead of continuing with her frivolous, early-morning banter, her face turned somber. She had something more serious to discuss. She said, “I know you saw Mom last night at my graduation. You came home late. Did you fuck the ‘bitch’?”
I was startled by the viciousness of her words. I didn’t know for sure how the divorce was affecting the girl. I knew she and her mother didn’t get along. She had chosen to live with me instead of her mom. In truth, her mother didn’t really want her. In fact, my ex had insisted that the girl stay with me.
I didn’t want to encourage the estrangement between mother and daughter, so I answered, “Mollie, you shouldn’t talk about your mother like that.”
The girl had a quick reply, “Dad, you can do a lot better than her. She ‘is’ a bitch and she has always treated you like shit! I know that she was really sexually repressed throughout your marriage. Well Dad, for your information, there are a lot of females out there, young and old, that would fuck a nice guy like you in a heartbeat! There’s even one living right here in this house! Have we got any milk?”
She turned around and headed for the refrigerator. What did she say? What did she mean by that statement? Why, she was the only female living in this house!
I watched as the girl opened the refrigerator door. She stood flatfooted and bent over to reach inside. Her rear end was pointed at me and her panties stretched to their limit over her ass. Goddamn, her protruding pussy mound dropped down and hung between her legs! Her pussy lips spread revealing the outline of a long slit. Surprisingly, I didn’t see any darkness which might indicate pubic hair. I knew for a fact that she used ‘feminine hygiene’ products, so she ought to have at least a thin bush between her legs. Silently, I wondered if she shaved her pussy.
My cock jumped excitedly. In a matter of a few seconds it had sprung to fully erect attention! It had been stiffening ever since I first peeked into her room. But now, my meaty shaft had grown into a thick, hard rod. I reached inside my pants to straighten it to a more comfortable position.
Mollie turned before I had extricated my hand from my pants. A sly grin formed on her face and her voice rang merrily, “Do you need some help with that, Dad?”
What the hell did she say? She didn’t say what I thought she said, did she? As if reading my thoughts, the girl clarified her statement, “Dad, if you ever need any help with your cock, you just let me know. I’ll help you all I can.”
Maybe I needed to see a doctor! My ears were ringing, my throat was choking, and my cock was thumping excitedly. Maybe I could find a specialist to see, one of those ear, throat & cock doctors!
I knew for a fact I was hearing things that shouldn’t be said. But, those words I heard were sounding again, “Do I make you horny, Dad? I hope I do. Have you got a hard-on right now? I was partly awake when you came into my room. I know you kissed my back and I know you kissed my ass. Oh Dad, sometimes you make me so wet and horny I can’t stand it! I saw you fucking Mom once, two years ago, and I was so jealous because I wanted it to be me. I wanted to go out and lose my virginity that night, but I made a vow that I would to save myself for you.”
I was so shocked by the girl’s boldly spoken confessions I didn’t know how to respond. But, I’d never told a lie to my daughter and I wouldn’t do so now. Reluctantly, I answered, “Yes Mollie, you make me horny. And, yes I have a hard-on right now. But, there’s nothing that can be done about it! Hell girl, I did kiss your ass, but I wouldn’t touch you again with a ten foot pole!”
Mollie giggled and smiled. With a mischievous grin she wantonly corrected, “Mister, the pole I’m interested in is long, but not quite ten feet long. And yes, something ‘can’ be done about that hard-on you have!”
Just to prove her point, she turned my chair to face her and dropped to her knees between my legs. I would have stopped her if I could have, but I was utterly powerless. I sat unmoving in speechless, stoic silence.
The impish young vixen between my legs loosened my belt and unzipped my pants. With both hands she tugged and the pants and briefs slipped down to my knees. There must have been something magnetic about the girl. When my clothes came down, my cock sprang free and the rigid shaft pointed straight as a compass needle at the center of her feminine body.
Not one to pass up an opportunity to get what she wanted, Mollie grabbed my cock with both hands. As a farm girl, she was used to working with her hands. Yet, surprisingly, those hands were soft and petite with fingers that were relatively short. Consequently, her fingertips barely touched as they encircled my thick, muscular shaft.
Mollie took in a deep breath and expelled it in words spoken lustily, “Oh Dad, I knew your cock would be beautiful, and it is! It’s magnificent! I only got a quick look at it when I caught you fucking Mom. As soon as I saw it, you drove it deep into her pussy. I’ve wanted to see it again ever since then. Now, it’s all mine! I love it, I love it, I do!”
To prove the validity of her statement, she started fondling and kissing the object of her desires. With tongue-moistened lips she rained wet kisses up and down the entire length of my engorged shaft. Hot blood raced through the pulsating blue veins throbbing just below the surface skin of my stimulated cock.
Hot-damn, that girl was driving me crazy! Just what were her intentions and what was she planning to do next? The answer was not long in coming. Her slippery-wet lips closed over the head of my cock. Her tongue darted into the slit of my pee hole. Her saliva ducts opened and she drenched the throbbing bald head of my manhood. Her tongue made slow, lazy circles around and around.
My hands reached for her head. My fingers grabbed hands-full of long, curly, auburn hair. My mind argued in a fierce debate; should I pull her closer, or push her away? What the hell was a father supposed to do in a situation like this? I had no answer, so I just hung on for the ride!
Mollie, my sweet little-girl-woman daughter, turned on a vacuum and sucked half the length of my cock into her mouth. Her lubricated mouth bobbed up and down franticly. So frantic was she that the shaft repeatedly popped out. Each time it did, she grabbed it and sucked it back in.
Finally, good sense told me to stop her. Shit, I couldn’t cum in her mouth! I tugged on her hair. Oh damn, that cock-sucking girl wouldn’t stop! I took a firm grip on her hair and viciously pulled.
My cock popped out of her mouth. The devilish, wild-eyed girl attempted to reach for the shaft again. I spoke sternly, “Honey, oh shit girl, you’ve got to stop! You don’t want me to shoot my load in your mouth!”
Fiery lust shone in her eyes. Her voice was laced with impetuous heat, “Hell yes, I do! That’s exactly what I want! Oh Dad, I want to eat your meat and drink your cream! I’ve never sucked a guy before, but I’ve seen porn movies and I want to do to you the same things those girls do to men!”
My head shook as I gazed in amazed wonder at the girl. My innocent little darling daughter was growing quickly into fully-matured womanhood! Her teenage body craved carnal satisfaction. I didn’t know if I had the strength or the will to deny her desires. I was uncertain as to whether or not I could deny my own raging lusts.
Mollie unbuttoned my kaki shirt and removed it. She unlaced my heavy work boots and pulled them off my feet. My socks, pants, and briefs were pulled off. I sat there before the girl with not one stitch of clothing on.
Suddenly, bedevilment entered my mind. I realized that I too could have devilish, mischievous thoughts. I spoke teasingly, “Baby doll, don’t you feel a little overdressed?”
Mollie climbed back to her knees before me. She grabbed the hem of her pretty, pink shirt, pulled it over her head, and tossed it across the room. Her thin, white panties slipped off quickly and they too flew across the kitchen.
God, there was a naked young lady in my kitchen and she was kneeling between my legs! My eyes told me that I was correct in a couple of my previous observations. She ‘had’ come to the kitchen with no bra on and her pussy ‘was’ completely nude!
Of their own accord, my hands reached for the girl’s exposed breasts. I never had paid much attention to the technicalities of boob cup size. A, B, and C were all letters of the alphabet to me. I much preferred a more objective measurement of size. Therefore, my eyes saw alluring breasts the size and shape of fully-ripened ‘sunshine-state’ peaches. Dime sized, dark pink nipples protruded out proudly. Silver dollar sized, pale pink areolas framed the ripe buds.
While my little girl’s tits were not as big as a grown woman’s might be, they were nonetheless perfectly shaped and formed. My mouth begged to taste the fruit of those two tantalizing nectarines. I slipped off the chair and instructed Mollie to take my place. As soon as her ass touched the seat, my mouth closed around a nipple. I sucked with the hunger of a newborn infant. One nipple wasn’t enough. I devoured the other one, too.
My mouth, my eyes, and my tongue began an odyssey of exploration around the girl’s two magnificent mammary mounds.
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