
The Enslavement Of Kathryn


The Enslavement Of Kathryn

The Enslavement of Kathryn



Kathryn was roughly awakened from a deep sleep by her maid. Putting her mouth to Kathryn’s ear, Molly said. “Wake up you lazy girl, I have something you need to do.” Kathryn fought to understand what was going on. It was still pitch dark outside and she wasn’t used to getting up in the middle of the night. She couldn’t understand why her maid would wake her at such an hour, and could only mutter. “What’s happening, why did you wake me up at this time of night?” As she slid out of her warm bed, she was led by Molly out onto the veranda that surrounded the mansion. “Don’t you worry about why, you just do what I tell you, and go where I say you go… and with that, Kathryn was led down the outside steps, and across the broad yard, towards her papa’s dog kennel?

Kathryn was becoming frightened as she was led further and further from the house clad only in her thin nightgown. Being a small delicate girl, she had always done as she was told by everyone in her family, and had never been able to stand up to her parents. Since her mother had died a year and a half ago, Molly, one of her papa’s slaves, and her maid, had seemed to exert more and more control over her, and she couldn’t seem to do anything about it. It started after her mother’s funeral with Molly, who was 2 years older at 20, telling her she should change her clothes, and then she told her what to wear. Kathryn was despondent over the death of her mother, and it was just easier to do as she was told, even if Molly was just her slave girl. This quickly became the norm, as long as her papa wasn’t around. If he was, everything was “don’t you think you should do this or that” instead of ordering her to do it outright, like she did when her papa was gone, but she knew it was an order none the less. For some reason, Kathryn found that she liked being told what to do, finding that it excited her to be ordered about by her black slave girl. Molly’s power over the young white girl had rapidly expanded after that, to include just about everything in her life.

Being drug across the yard, Kathryn thought back to two weeks ago. Molly had started to make her do naughty things to her, to make her put her mouth on her private place. This frightened her, because she found that it was exciting her so much that she couldn’t refuse, and made her private place become very wet and liquid, her belly feeling as if it had a knot in it. The more she was made to do these things, the more excited she became, and the less she was able to resist doing what she was ordered to do. Molly would order her to suck on her nipples and lick her between her legs, to stick her tongue right between her girlie lips. God help her, she was ashamed of herself, but she liked being made to do it because it made her feel as if she were melting between her legs. It made her aware of a deep need in her belly, but she didn’t know what that desperate need was.

This had gone on several times a day for a week or so. Then while she was licking Molly’s slit like she had been ordered to do, Molly began to squeeze and knead Kathryn’s breasts, causing feelings she had never felt before. She found herself pushing her soft breasts into Molly’s hands. Her dress was quickly unfastened and pulled down off her shoulders to expose her milky white breasts. Molly cupped the firm mounds in her hands, and began rolling the pale pink nipples between her thumb and forefingers.

The touch of her black slaves’ hands on her hot flesh caused her large pink areoles to crinkle up as her nipples hardened. Her private place twitched and clenched, and became soaked with her juices as her nipples sent sharp jolts of pure pleasure directly to her cunny. The feeling quickly became so overpowering, that she could hardly catch her breath. As Molly lowered her face, and took a nipple into her mouth, Kathryn let out a long whimpering moan of pleasure. At the same time she felt Molly’s hand pull her dress up to her waist, and put her hand through the opening of her pantaloons, touching her soft and wet cunny. Kathryn squirmed in excitement and also with a little fear, but couldn’t help spreading her legs a little. Nobody had ever touched her there, and she was shocked to feel the explosive sensations of her first touch, even as Molly pushed her finger between the fully flushed and pouting lips of her sex. She gasped and shivered in the excitement, knowing she was helpless and could do nothing to stop her. Suddenly she lost control of her hips and began to hump up against Molly’s hand and questing finger, desperately wanting more of the new and wonderful feeling causing waves of pleasure deep in her belly.

Molly felt elation at the way Kathryn was submitting to her so easily. She had to make sure that she wasn’t allowed to orgasm yet. She wanted her to beg and ask for permission to orgasm. Molly wanted Kathryn to know in her own mind, that Molly, and only Molly, controlled her pleasure and that the more she submitted, the more pleasure she would be allowed. She new what Kathryn was feeling, she had planned for this a long time. She had worked long hours struggling to learn to read and write in secret, aware she would have been whipped, or worse, if she’d been discovered. If things progressed as she hoped it would, she would become the beautiful white girls’ owner in the end. She knew there were many forms of slavery, and it was what was in your mind that made you a slave. Molly fully intended to make sure Kathryn was convinced in her own mind that her greatest desire was to be the black girls slave.

Molly knew that Kathryn’s papa wasn’t well, and having no male children, Kathryn would inherit all 5000 acres of the plantation, including 326 slaves, and a beautiful house in Mobile, Alabama. Molly intended to control everything. The only thing that could stop her was if Kathryn’s papa married her off before he died. She meant to see that Kathryn wouldn’t be able to accept that.

Reaching the kennel, Molly opened the door leading to the small office used as a place to gather the Master’s friends. This is where they dickered over whose dog was going to breed whose bitches, and what it was going to cost. They haggled for hours on end, and Molly thought they sounded like a bunch of old women at a dress shop. She pulled Kathryn though the room to another door leading to a smaller room, used to treat the dogs when they were sick. Or if they were unlucky, spayed or castrated, when deemed not fit to breed. Kathryn stood there in her night gown. “What are we doing here? I don’t understand Molly? Is there something wrong with the dogs?” She said, totally confused, her mind unable to explain her maids strange behavior. Suddenly, a door at the other end of the room opened and Molly’s brother Ben came in. He was a huge man, 6’ 2’’ tall with wide shoulders with a narrow waist and hips. His legs were like small tree trunks and looked like they would hold up the world.

Molly led Kathryn over to a heavy wooden treatment table. It had a marble top that was worn smooth by years of heavy use. Ben quickly stepped up behind her, and putting his hand on the back of her neck, surprised her, as he forced her forward, bending her over the table with her feet still on the floor. Kathryn’s face was pressed hard into the marble top, as Molly grabbed her wrists and stretched her arms out above her head. Taking narrow leather straps, she tied Kathryn’s wrists to the table so that her arms were reaching for the far corners on the long table. Finished with that, she pulled each of her legs to the side and tied them to the table legs, leaving her legs spread obscenely. This had all taken place in less than two minutes, though it seemed much longer to Kathryn.

When Kathryn was released by Ben, she began to cry and plead with Molly. “Why are you doing this to me? Please… Let me go… I don’t want to be here… Please Molly, please.” Molly looked at her and smiled, then walked around behind her and reaching down, grabbed the hem of her nightgown and pulled it up to her waist, exposing her pale taunt buttocks and the puffy bulge of her pussy. Pulling roughly up on the fabric, she tucked it under Kathryn’s belly, and let the rest lie on her back. Kathryn was mortified, she was naked from the waist down, and Ben was looking at her bottom and private place. Her face burned in embarrassment. She closed her eyes in shame, realizing she was becoming aroused, her pussy was becoming very wet, and her little button was starting to swell. Oh God, why is this happening she thought, as her body betrayed her. Why did she become so excited when she felt so exposed and humiliated?

Molly lowered her hand to Kathryn’s cunny, taking note of her swelling clit, and the pretty pink outer lips of her sex, that were even now beginning to flush and fill with blood, making them pooch out more and more. Taking her finger, she began to run it lightly up and down in the wetness between Kathryn’s cunny lips, pressing a little harder until her finger was almost buried out of sight between the slick plump lips, dragging back and forth over her clit with each stroke. Finally speaking, she said. “Kathryn, I have decided that you are going to be my own private pussy. You will do as you are told, and in return, I will give you indescribable pleasure. Would you like that, my sweet pussy?” Kathryn heard what she said, but didn’t know what she meant. She was breathing very hard, almost panting, but she managed to ask. “What do you mean? Do you mean that you want to play with my private place whenever you like? What would people say if they found out? Molly laughed and replied. “No Kathryn, I mean that you will belong to me, you will be my slave, and do as I tell you because I own you. You will be made to f*** who and what I tell you to f***, and be bred to whoever I say can breed you. You will become my property.”

These words terrified, and chilled Kathryn to the bone, but at each phrase… My slave… I will own you… f***… breed you… my property… She became almost frantic with lust. God forgive her, she couldn’t help feeling her cunny clench again and again at each revelation. Her excitement was mounting to the point where she would welcome anything for some relief from the intense sensations that were coursing through her. It didn’t help that in the back of her mind, she knew Ben was watching his sister stroke her sopping wet cunny, and she could do nothing but respond to the finger that was teasing her incessantly. She felt that something wonderful was about to happen. The sensations were increasing second by second; towards she knew not what, only that she was desperate to get there. Again and again Kathryn was brought to the edge of the precipice, and denied her sweet release.

Suddenly, she felt Molly stop and take her finger away, leaving her mad for more, leaving her feeling agonizingly unfulfilled. “Please don’t stop… Please, please, please don’t stop. Give me your finger… Oh god… Put it back, you’re driving me mad.” Blubbered Kathryn, as she began to sob with the intense loss of sensation between her legs. Molly smiled to herself, becoming wet between her own legs, at the sound of Kathryn’s begging. Softly, she whispered into the beautiful white girls’ ear. “Will you accept your future as my slave? Will you accept my ownership over your life and future? You can feel this excitement over and over again as my property.” Kathryn struggled with her emotions, and with the overwhelming intensity of excitement that flooded her body at the thought of being Molly’s slave, against everything she had been taught was proper for a young white girl in the South. “Oh God… Please, you mustn’t… I mustn’t… Oh, oh… ahhhhhhh… please have mercy… Please God, this isn’t riiiighht… aaawwuu.”

Molly was so happy to see the struggle the young girl was going through, knowing that the harder the acceptance came, the more sure she could be of her control of her beautiful white f*** slave. She turned to Ben and pointed to the far door leading to where the dogs were housed. He knew what she wanted and returned soon, with a huge beautiful hunting dog. These dogs were a mixture of many breeds, and were all trained to hunt, both other animals, and runaway slaves. Part mastiff, part wolfhound, and a third part bloodhound, they were very good at what they did. They were also trained to capture female slaves in a particularly arousing way, arousing for the human hunters at least. Ben brought the dog around behind Kathryn, and held him back just enough so that he couldn’t lick her, but could get a good sniff of her cunny juices. He was going wild, and it was all the big man could do to hold him back.

In a sensuous voice, Molly purred into her captive’s ear “Kathryn, do you want more? Are you ready to feel the most erotic feeling a little white slave can have?” Her cunny convulsed at hearing the words “little white slave” and she could only focus on the mad craving it caused in her feverishly hot sweetness, as Molly asked if she wanted more. Kathryn fought her raging excitement, but the sweet agony was too much, and unaware of the dogs’ presence, pleaded. “Yes… Oh God… Yes please… More, give me more, I’ll do anything you want… Just don’t stop now, I can’t bear it.” As she wiggled and humped her hips as much as her position permitted. Molly nodded to Ben, and he gave the huge dog a little more slack. Immediately the dog began to sniff at Kathryn’s sex, and recognizing the smell of a bitch in heat, he began to lick her furiously.

Kathryn screamed at the first touch of the dogs’ tongue on her soaking pussy, and was deeply shaken as she realized what was happening. She had expected Molly to continue to stroke her cunny with her finger, not this… not this. “Please Molly, stop him… please… don’t let him lick me… He…He’s a dog.” Kathryn pleaded. With a stern voice, Molly answered. “You agreed to be f***** and bred to who, or what ever I say. Even as the words “f*****”, and “bred” exploded in her mind, she came hard, her cunny twitching in her first orgasm. Her hips pumped wildly in a deep primal reaction to the spasms created deep in her belly.

Molly went on “You will love being licked by a dog. In fact, you will loose your virginity to a dog, become his bitch, and learn to love and crave his huge shaft, and the feel of his seed pumping into you.” Kathryn was helpless and each revelation of Molly’s plans for her caused more orgasms, each stronger than the last. Unable to catch her breath, Kathryn gasped out. “Your…uuhhh… haaahhh… nnn… not… ahhhhh… not going to… huhhhaaaaaa… going to breed me… to… a dog? You can’t mean it, ohhhhhh God… unnnnnhhhh… please, no… Molly, please… noooooo.” As hard as she tried to make sense of what Molly had said, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The dogs licking and the feel of his tongue passing over her clit and in between her swollen pussy lips made it hard for her to think at all. Deep waves of pleasure were washing over her, as she pushed back and unconsciously arched her back to give him better access to her wet sex.

Each time she felt the crushing, mindless ecstasy, she felt she was being denied something more. As the dog continued to lick her red bloated pussy lips and swollen clit, the desperation for a deeper, more primal need became stronger and stronger. Molly began whispering into her ear.” Do you see how wonderful it would be for you to be my slave, to have the pleasure of release whenever I give you permission? Each time you are bred, you will feel the same bliss you are being given now, only much more so.” Kathryn’s body screamed with frustration and her hips humped wildly, tying to force its way to completion she had yet to experience. Finally Kathryn couldn’t fight it any more and she pleaded with Molly. “Please Molly… Yes… merciful God… yes, I’ll be your… your slave, please don’t torture me like this. Give me what I need… Please Molly? I need it so bad… I’ll be your slave and do what ever you want… ahhhhh… please… pleeeeaasssseee.”

Molly almost came herself at hearing Kathryn begging to be her slave. She wasn’t foolish enough to think the young white girl meant what she said, but it was a good start, and over time, she would submit. She nodded to her brother, and he gave the dog all the slack the huge dog needed, as he mounted his bitch. Kathryn felt the weight of the dog come down on her back, and if she hadn’t been bent over the table, she didn’t think she could have held him up. His height was just about right with her in the position she was in, for his cock to find her sopping wet pussy without any trouble, and giving a good shove, lodged himself several inches into her belly. Kathryn screamed with pain as the dogs’ shaft lodged against her maidenhead. The pain was terrible, but the dog reared back and with a fierce thrust, plunged through her hymen, and buried his massive cock into her cunt. She screamed out and almost fainted with the quick sharp pain of her tearing flesh, and felt the massive shaft stretch her, and drive past her maidenhead to lodge deep in her body.

Kathryn was stunned; she had not even known there would “be” any pain. Her parents had kept her ignorant of anything sexual. Crying to Molly, she said. “Please Molly… make him stop… It hurts so bad… ahhhhhhh… Don’t let him do this to me… Please Molly… Please make it stop.” Knowing how ignorant Kathryn was about sex, she decided to use her ignorance. “Kathryn, you must bear the pain for a little while, soon it will turn into the most blissful pleasure, and you won’t be able to get enough. It “is” starting to feel good, isn’t it?” Surprised, Kathryn realized that it was true, the pain was fading and being replaced with growing feelings of pleasure. The dog was lodged deep inside her, and her body shook with his furious thrusting, as he pounded relentlessly in and out of her pussy. She felt something warm and wet trickling down her leg, and knew she must be bleeding, but didn’t want him to stop. The pleasure was building faster and faster, and she began to push back at the huge dog, eager to get more of that hot swollen shaft, wanting it deeper.

Soon, Kathryn’s whole world shrank to just the pleasure of the dogs cock thrusting deep into her pussy. Nothing else mattered, not Molly, and not Ben, just the stroking of the cock deep in her belly. Suddenly she felt something swelling inside of her, stretching her, and as it stretched her, his cock was pulled deeper and deeper into her. She could feel his huge shaft swelling also, and without warning, she was pushed over the edge into her first orgasm with a hard shaft deep inside. Her head arched back, the muscles and cords of her neck bulging and straining, and a look of pure ecstasy came over her face. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her cunt pulsed and clutched frantically, trying to milk the seed from the dogs huge cock.

Before she could calm down, she felt him start throbbing inside her, and suddenly realized he was be pumping his seed into her. The thought of being made to take a dogs seed inside of her, terrified her, but it couldn’t stop her body from betraying her as she came again and again. Thinking that the seed filling her was even now, making her pregnant, she came again, as she felt the heavy throbbing and spurting that was flooding her womb. Again and again she felt the massive cock shoot powerful jets of sperm into her, and she couldn’t help being deliriously excited, but also deeply ashamed because she was totally helpless to stop him.

Kathryn lay exhausted on the table, the dogs cock still throbbing occasionally, and she felt his hot cum leaking from around his tight knot, and down her legs. She was so ashamed of reacting this way to his mounting her, like a bitch in heat, and was terrified of what the consequences would be. Ben had seen everything, and even now in her humiliation, her pussy clenched in guilty pleasure knowing he had seen her being bred like a bitch. She lay there catching her breath and feeling totally dominated by the huge dog that held her helplessly tied to him with his huge knot. Relief and a deep sense of loss fought each other in her mind, as she felt the dogs cock slowly shrink and finally slip out of her with a wet sucking sound, releasing a flood of his seed to gush out and flow down both of her inner thighs.

Molly had watched as Kathryn bucked and plunged in pleasure under the giant dog. She was so excited at the sight, she had cum just watching. The sight of Kathryn’s sopping wet and still twitching cunt, with the dog’s sperm oozing out and down her legs, caused a sense of elation deep in her soul. Her plans were progressing better than she had hoped.

Kathryn was so ignorant of sex, that she thought the dog could make her pregnant. What a foolish girl, and at that moment, an addition to her plan came to her. Molly did not like men, and knew she could never bring herself to make love to a man, even for a child. Why not make Kathryn breed black babies for her? She could have her mounted by the dogs every day, and when she was ripe, have Ben breed her. Not right away, but when the time was right. Somehow she could make it work, maybe substitute puppies for the baby during the delivery. It could work, if she figured out how to have Ben breed her without her knowing, maybe a touch of laudanum, to make her loose her senses. She would ask the old witchy woman, that took care of the sick and dying on the plantation.Yes, she might be able to make it work, and Kathryn would never be able to marry if she thought she was pregnant with a dogs get.

Kathryn lay upon the marble topped table panting heavily, as the huge dog’s cock slipped out of her flooded pussy. She felt totally humiliated to have been mounted and bred by a dog, and wondered if she was impregnated? Would her belly swell with puppies? Each of these thoughts, though disgusting and frightening to think about, made her soaked cunt clench, her body betraying her with the excitement it made her feel, brought on by her knowledge of what Molly had planned for her. A slave… she is going to make me her slave…, ohhhh God… this can’t be happening, she thought. She is going to make me be her slave, and breed me to the dogs… Oh God… Make me pregnant, and I can’t stop her. At these thoughts, Kathryn came hard, her hips thumping wildly against the edge of the table, and finally passing out from sheer overload.

Molly watched her, knowing what was going through her little white slaves mind, and almost came herself, seeing Kathryn cum again without anyone touching her. She knew the girl had cum thinking about her fate, and she knew she had reached another level in her enslavement. Thinking quickly, knowing intimately when her white slave would be fertile, and knowing it was safe at the moment, she asked Ben if he wanted to mount her f*** slave.

Ben immediately pulled the dog back, and handed the leash to Molly. He stepped up behind the unconscious girl, and began to unbutton his pants. “You can f*** her, but if she starts to wake up, you must pull out and leave the room before she can see that your cock is wet with her juices.” Molly said, as Ben nodded and pushed his pants down, exposing his huge black cock to Molly’s view. It was as black as black could be, long and very thick, and was so very hard. For an instant, Molly had the fleeting thought that if they weren’t brother and sister, she might try it herself. But it was soon forgotten, as Ben brought the huge shaft to Kathryn’s slit, and started rubbing the head up and down between the hugely swollen lips of the girls’ cunt. Wetting the tip well, he brought it to bear on her open flower, and pushed it in slowly, with tiny strokes, each stroke sinking in further and further, until he was buried to his balls inside her heated pussy. He paused to savor the tight sheath clutching his shaft. Even in her unconscious state, it clenched rhythmically on his hard, thickly veined cock.

He pulled back, seeing his rod wet with her secretions, noticing it gleam in the lamplight, her flushed rose colored pussy contrasting with her white buttocks and his deep black cock, and began a slow steady stroke. Moving seemingly in slow motion, he savored the feel of every nerve ending in his cock as it passed in and out between her tight cunt lips. His strong muscular buttocks flexed with each inward thrust, driving himself into the helpless girl, and thoughts of her smooth white belly swelling with his black baby, spurred him on. He began to slowly speed his thrusting, making Kathryn’s body rock in time to his movements. Her pussy was clutching desperately at each outward stroke, trying to keep the shaft from leaving her cunt, even in the state she was in. Soon his cock was pounding into the girl, and his balls began to draw up, the feelings growing in his manhood, the head of his cock flaring, and his gut tensing. Suddenly he shuddered and made a strangled, groaning sound, as his cock began to spasm and twitch, and was finally sent over the edge into bliss. His cock throbbed heavily, pulsing as he shot into the white girl’s cunt, burying his seed deep, totally drenching her cervix with black baby cream. Again and again he spurted, thick, sperm loaded fluid filling her womb. He froze in place, as his balls emptied, and the powerful feelings of satisfaction in a successful breeding settled in, the small tremors tapering off finally. With a sigh, he withdrew his still sizable cock from the small girl’s pussy, and was rewarded by seeing his cum begin to seep from her still open hole, running down along the side of her angry red clit, and into her sparse pubic hair.

Molly said. “Get another dog, I want him mounted and inside her when she comes around. She must never suspect that you have had your way with her. When it is time to breed her, I want her to think it was the dog that made her pregnant.” Ben gave her a surprised look, and asked. “Do you think she will believe that? How can that be, surely she will know something ain’t right? Smiling she replied. “No, she has no idea, she was kept so ignorant of man and woman things, that she thinks anything can make her pregnant. I intend to use that to get black babies from her, and your going to help me.” Ben gave her a brilliant smile, left and was soon back leading another dog that could have been a twin of the first one.

Bringing him up behind the still unconscious girl, the huge dog sniffed and licked her slit for a moment. He then mounted her and immediately buried his hard cock and knot inside her, causing her body to surge forward with the power of his thrust. As Kathryn became aware again, she felt the massive rod inside her, and before she even had her thoughts straight in her head, she was arching her back and pushing back against the hardness invading her belly. In only moments, her whole world was that hard shaft thrusting into her. It was as if it was moving inside her in slow motion, every slow torturously exquisite inch seemed to cause the most sublime friction in her tissues. She felt the knot swell, the shaft becoming longer, pushing deeper and deeper, and thought of the hot seed that would soon fill her. She whimpered and came, in a fury of contractions and clenching. Her pussy clutched insanely on the burning pike in her belly. Over and over she came, each time thinking of how she was being made to do this against her will. She knew in her heart, that Molly would have her way, because she couldn’t control her body when she was made to do all these terrible things. She was drowning in the erotic, devastating, and humiliating acts of fornication, and knew she would give in again and again, to feel this pleasure. The dogs thrusting slowed, and she felt him burst inside her, throbbing and pumping his puppy seed into her womb, making her pregnant. She came hard once again, and then everything went black

Ben looked at Molly and said. “Do you want another dog brought out? It’s still early; dawn is still two hours away, plenty of time for another breeding?” Molly was quiet for a while, thinking what would work best for the goal she was working toward. “No, I don’t think that would help at this point, she has other things to do tonight yet. Put the dog away, and come and help me get her back to her room. I want her to wake up in her own bed.” Molly replied. Ben left with the dog, and Molly walked up behind Kathryn, admiring her smooth tight buttocks and puffy cum soaked pussy. Placing her fingers between the swollen, reddened lips, she gently rubbed back and forth, reveling in the feel of the dog/man mixture of seed oozing out. Lifting her fingers to her mouth, she sucked the juices from them, finding it very pleasant. She had become so excited watching her brother and the young white girl breed, and then the second dog, that she new she would have the young girl between her thighs as soon as they were back in the mansion.

Ben came in, and untied the leather straps holding Kathryn to the table, and lowering her night gown, gently picked her up in his arms and the three made their way out of the kennel to the mansion. Their walk back to the mansion was unobserved, and Ben soon had Kathryn in her own bed, and stole back out quickly and quietly. Molly remained to wait for her slave to regain consciousness, and after about ten minutes she began to come around. Molly let her recover enough to realize where she was, and then said. “Get up, get up now slave. You have things to learn, and things to attend too.” Molly was exhausted but slid out of the bed and onto the floor. Molly took her place and lying on her back, said. “Suck me slave, lick my slit and you had better do a good job.” Kathryn immediately brought her mouth to Molly’s wet pussy lips and began to lick them like her life depended on it. Soon Molly was arched back, straining towards a massive orgasm, the sights of the evening being almost too much for her. She pulled the pillow to her face and let out a scream. If not for the pillow, they would have heard that scream in the next county. Her hips humped out of control, her belly convulsing, demanding something big and hard to squeeze on, but finding only Kathryn’s small finger.

When she collapsed on the bed, she held Kathryn’s head to her wet pussy while she began to calm down, still feeling the heat radiating throughout her body. She soon sat up, and then stood, bringing her new white slave with her. She stared hard into her eyes, and said. “You are my slave now, do you understand that? I saw how you accepted the pleasure the dogs gave you during your breeding. You can’t deny it, I saw you cum again and again, pushing back to meet their thrusts. Tell me the truth, you like being bred by them, don’t you.” Kathryn hung her head and stared at the floor, her face raging with embarrassment, her humiliation open for all to see. “Yes… I… it was… ohhhh Molly, I couldn’t help myself… the feel of his… ahhhh… his thing inside me drove me mad. I have never felt so out of control and helpless, as I felt with him taking me… doing that to me.” Molly smiled and said. “Then your duties as my slave will become pleasant for you, and you will feel that way again, many times. You will now learn to obey signals for the positions needed to be bred, depending on when and where you are to submit.”

For the next hour, Kathryn learned to pull up her nightgown when given a signal, and to obey instantly, or be punished. Signal, pull up nightgown, spread her legs and bend over deeply, take Molly’ fingers into her sex, then the finished signal, push the nightgown down, and straighten up as if nothing had happened.

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