
The Egg Ch. 6

Bullied teen finds an egg in the woods.


Chapter 6

Jacob cringed while he walked a bit. Sore or not, he walked normally despite the pain. A requirement he put on himself because of Aurora. Fear about what she would say kept him putting up with the pain.

The thought of her made him smile. She had been at him every chance she got. Providing more sex than probably most at any given time, but he was happy to get away for some respite. Problems would arise if he spent every moment he could fucking. His social life would suffer.

Not that there was a social life to begin with. With no friends and little activity outside the home besides school, home was all there was. No one called to check on him. Except for last night. His dad called.

That conversation went well enough. His father even seemed happy on the phone. Talks of travel and plans upon his return home. No mention of the emergency call, but Jacob knew that there wasn’t a bone in the man’s body that cared about his son. That didn’t matter last night though as it normally would to Jacob. Aurora had been there, waiting to embrace him and take his care away. He stopped on the sidewalk at the thought of Aurora.

The sun sat in the sky, still low as it rose. With a yawn and stretch, he continued on his way to school. Running a few minutes early today, he wanted a head start for the day. It was Friday and his father would be home late the next day. A lot had to be done.

Aurora had now been in a feminine body for three days. That caused his dilemma as he realized that Aurora wanted to use that body in all capacities. That in itself she took no blame with a new physical form. Needs caused neglect of the other chores needing to be done.

All the furniture needed to be assembled and even though the patriarch wasn’t loved, Jacob did feel like the shocks coming would be better taken with a better looking furnished home.

Sighing, he started moving towards school once again.

The walk didn’t take long now. When he was bigger, the walk would take him thirty minutes or longer to complete. Now, it took only ten minutes. He wanted a thirty minute window alone to check on Grace.

About a week ago, she had made a move on Jacob and the two had fucked in one of the many hiding places on the high school campus. Since then, he visited every morning to see the pulsating cocoon that contained her.

Jacob asked Aurora before why Grace changed. Aurora skirted the question, but mostly assured him it was for the better. There would also need to be more. The spreading of knowledge about the Goddess of Love and Lusts would bring a better world. Jacob accepted the answer, but still found himself bothered by it.

The doors of the school were almost always opened early. Teachers did arrive before students. Most of those teachers rarely even noticed Jacob walking through the halls. Many, if not all knew Jacob had little to go home to so they turned blind eyes. But that was all before he lost the weight.

Now as he walked in, many teachers did look up. A few even said some greeting to him. One way or another, he didn’t think any of them really cared. Except Grace, who Jacob barely saw as she slipped around a corner. That confounded him being that yesterday she had been still cocooned in one of the buildings next to the baseball field.

Moving rather quickly though the hall, he moved lightly to stay quiet. A feat that never would have been possible before. He felt like a rogue, moving through shadows and what not. It wasn’t lost on him that the halls of the school were well-lit.

“Jacob,” A harsh but silent voiced said.

It stopped him dead in his tracks.

He turned to see Ms. Devons looking up at him with her blue eyes boring into him. Today, the woman was wearing black rimmed glasses and had her hair pulled back into a bun. Her black pants suit only offset by the dark blue blouse underneath a suit jacket.

“What do you think you’re doing running through the hall of this school?”

“I uh,” Jacob was at a lost to what to say to her. It’s not like he had a real reason that would make sense to her. Explaining that he was pursuing a woman he had fucked a week ago and had turned into a cocoon and now emerged didn’t feel like a good story.

“Come with me now,” she said harshly. Pulling him by the arm, she yanked him into a classroom. the heavy metal door being closed behind him made him worry.

He turned to look at her. Saw that the room walls lined with colorful posters with literature saying printed on them. This classroom belonged to her.

“I can’t believe you would do such a thing Jacob,” she yelled at him.

“That’s enough,” he said with an equally powerful voice. “You are one to talk about what’s acceptable or not.”

“What do you mean?” she said moving back against the door in door.

“Grabbing a students cock in his pants,” Jacob said. The switch happened again. A surge of confidence swelled in him. Of course, he referred to the time he had knocked her down to get the building where he would fuck Grace a week ago. When the teacher had reached up to gain purchase to stand, her hand had grabbed onto his dick.

“That was an accident,” she said turning bright red. He knew then, that this whole thing had been a farce.

“Was it now?”

He took a step towards her.

“If you wanted to see it, all you had to do was ask.”

With a zipper quickly down, Jacob pulled his massive cock out for Ms. Devons to see. She gasped at the sight, an audible look of horror on her face.

“Much bigger than you thought huh?”

“What happened to you?” she asked. But he could see by her slight fidgeting that that question didn’t matter in its intent.

“A teacher grabbed it. Want to feel it bare this time?” he asked holding out it towards her. Even though they were a few feet apart, he hoped the offer would still be tantalizing for her. He could use some relief.

“I,” she looked around the room. “I think we have only a few minutes. Would a taste be okay?”

Jacob smiled at that. And she was over to him and on her knees. There were some mutterings of marveling, but her hot breath on his skin left him little to think about.

“Is there a way I can study this later?” she asked.

He looked down at her beaming blue eyes and felt disappointed.

“I thought you said we had a few.”

“We do,” she replied standing up. She moved over to the door and leaned against it. “My pants are loose enough so they’ll slide down past my ass. Get them down and come shove that thing up into me.”

Bounding over, almost skipping, Jacob did as she commanded. Gripping the bands of her pants, he pulled until they popped over her ass and stopped at her thighs.

“That’s far enough,” she said. “Now stick it in.”

“A good student obeys his teachers right?”

Jacob wanted to imagine that when he puled her pants down, slick pussy juices would be thick. He imagined that they would be stuck to cloth and skin alike. There wasn’t time to find out, but thankfully, she was wet enough for sliding right on in.

“Oh god,” she cried out. A hand reached back and pulled on an ass cheek. It didn’t matter to him. He was all to happy to get closer to her heat.

“So much for needing a break,” he said to himself.

“What was that?” she said with a moan.

“You’re pussy is really hot,” he shouted out, half-expecting some sort of panic on her part. There wasn’t to his disappointment, but he shifted his thoughts to her sex.

She wasn’t as tight as he would have liked, no doubt to her own sexual activities. Mattering a little, he began shoving his cock deep as he could into her.

Ms. Devons whimpered in the onslaught. Cock shoved up against her womb, Jacob did his best to keep her womb kissing the tip of his dick. That was until she started meeting his thrust and then he found he didn’t need to try so hard.

“You’re a screamer huh?” Jacob said between exerted breaths.

“Yeah, and it’s really hard to keep quiet,” she said with gasps. Thankfully, Jacob didn’t need to hear her scream. What he needed was to cum. That desire seemed to take over, but then the bell rang.

“No,” she let out a groan of despair. They had both stopped. “I have to get ready for class. Students will be here soon.”

They uncoupled and within seconds, both of them had their respective pants back up.

“You have detention on Monday young man,” she said to him. “While I can say I enjoyed this, you will need to pay for the running in the halls.”

“Yeah, okay,” he said with a laugh. “See you Monday after school.”

Jacob left the class. He knew the first bell was only a fifteen minute warning until students started showing up in droves. Even though they could have continued, each second after the bell would be one to a discovery faster. And no teacher wanted to be caught with a student, even if that student was of age.

With a shrug, he moved back to the hall he last saw Grace move down. Even though people would be arriving by the minute, he still found himself needing to know where she was off too.

Moving slowly, not wanting to be caught up again by another teacher, he listened. The hall Grace had been last seen going down did have a dead end. So he moved slowly until he heard a sound. An unexpected and throaty moan.

Now Jacob moved quicker. Another moan and he knew which classroom it was. Room 606, which was funny being that the room was always vacant. Used for extra storage, it was a no wonder why Grace would have used the room to masturbate in. Laughing a bit to himself at his worry, he knew the woman had a major sex drive and a few days without relief. Might have a rapacious sex drive like Aurora.

Opening up the door, Jacob expected to see Grace spread eagle on the floor going to town on herself. Maybe even shoving some sort of object inside to simulate. What he didn’t expect to see was her riding someone.

“Close the door, if you want to join, just take you pants off,” she said.

“Grace,” Jacob replied horrified at what he saw.

Grace had in fact, emerged for her cocoon changed. Tentacles sprouted from her back. The looked to be sucking on arms and legs. He closed the door softly and walked over.

“Hey Jacob,” she said to him, flipping her hair back. Closer, he saw that it too was a mass of tentacles. He moved around to see her from the front. Everything about Grace screamed that she was now of another world. “Like what you see?”

“No,” he said. “What are you doing?”

“Fucking,” she said. “Well, more like riding. This has been a more one-sided tryst that I wanted.”

Her solid blue eyes looked at him.

“Want to join?”

He did, but he knew it was a bad idea.

“Who is it?”

“Mr. Watts, I think. I don’t know if it matters really. He won’t be around for much longer.”

“You can’t do that,” he said with a harsh whisper.

“You’re beginning to throw off my high of this,” she said, eyes narrowing at him.

“I’m not trying to.”

“Then get your cock out and give me some,” she hissed.

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