



In the bar at the back of one of the hacienda’s huge, opulent living rooms, Raul Cortez was mixing drinks for he and his cousin, Don Francisco Ramos, the richest man in Mexico, and one of the ten wealthiest men in the world.

The Don was sitting on a leather couch flipping through the TV channels trying to find a good 11PM program to watch. Suddenly, Raul heard his cousin yell, “Get over here quick and take a look at the incredible body on this damned broad.”

Raul immediately ran towards Don Francisco, looking at the huge TV screen as he went. The Don had the “TMZ” channel on and one of their talk show hosts was just welcoming his first guests; a light-skinned, middle-aged black guy and a stunningly beautiful, unbelievably stacked, skimpily dressed, blonde, white woman.

With his eyes glued to the screen, The Don said, “Would you look at the set of tits and the fantastic ass cheeks on that babe, I’ve never seen a better body in my life.” Raul, running his eyes all over the woman’s ultra voluptuous assets, readily agreed with his cousin’s assessment, saying, “You are damned sure right about that, the bitch is stacked beyond belief, plus she’s dressed up like a high class hooker to really show off all of those amazing curves to their best advantage. She is one seriously hot Anglo chick.”

They watched the couple sit down on the show’s guest couch and then, in awe, saw the gorgeous, lush bodied, mind-boggling honey slowly cross her full-thighed legs, flashing the viewers a brief, but full look at the camel-toed crotch of her golden panties. The smiling, show host then began asking them some routine background questions, whose answers disclosed that they’re married and in show business together, the husband being a long time Gangsta Rapper and his wife functioning as his rap group’s, tits and ass shaking, attention grabbing, erotic lead dancer. In addition, they are the stars of a very successful reality TV show called Hot-X loves Cappuccino, which is currently listed as number one in popularity on all of the reality show industry’s rating charts. They reason they were on tonight’s TMZ show was to promote their very sexually titillating reality show.

As soon as this introductory phase was out of the way, without warning, the softball interview was suddenly turned into a very hardcore interrogation, as the show’s obnoxious, dirt digging host went viciously Jerry Springer on them, and began asking the outrageously curved wife some very pointed, provocative, odious questions about her rumored recent cheating, scandalous sexual misbehavior.

To let the audience know exactly what he was asking her about, the show’s smirking host flashed up on the studio’s huge TV screen several very sexually explicit photos of the wife’s statuesque body being groped, big time, by a previously unknown, small time, very ugly, bad ass, young black Rapper named Funk-U. The leering MC revealed that these hot, sordid pictures had just been released to the press a couple of hours ago.

While the shocked couple stared open-mouthed at the very revealing, damningly incriminating photos, the show’s no-holds-barred host brought out the additional fact that the Rapper was now out bragging to everybody that he had not only felt up Hot-X’s wife, like the photos showed him doing, he also had other, even more graphically dirty pictures of him groping her spectacular body and fingering it to a panting climax, plus a torrid sex tape showing him callously making out with the hot wife as she enthusiastically helped him take her all three ways.

The suddenly embattled couple found themselves on the defensive vehemently protesting her innocence, as they quickly tried to limit the damage in order to keep their reality TV show from being pulled off the air in a knee-jerk reaction to these very explicit, sexually damning photos that visually exposed the wife’s indiscrete, raunchy sexual misconduct.

The couple’s hasty denials were soon fighting a losing battle against the non-stop assault by the abusive, filthy minded, merciless show host. The wife’s reputation was quickly getting flushed down the toilet as the relentless asshole made her seem to be guilty of committing all of the lewd, decadent, very hot sex acts she was being accused of performing with the very nasty looking black Rapper.

The two Mexican cousins, enjoying both the prick teasing view of the luscious wife’s curvaceous, now squirming body, and hearing all the scandalous accusations being made about what she had been doing with it, continued to watch both husband and wife protest her innocence, insisting that nothing had happened with the Rapper, at all. She claimed that the graphically suggestive pictures were from a publicity photo shoot, and that they had been touched up to make it look like she was committing inappropriate, wildly dirty sex acts with the repulsive looking, dark black Rapper. Her husband was forced to jump in and join her in emphatically denying the existence of a filthy sex tape of the Rapper making out with his super stacked, obviously hot and juicy wife.

The Don looked over at Raul and winked, saying, “Those two are lying through their teeth. You can see from her body language that the Rapper has been slipping her the big one on the side; every where and way she can take it. Plus you can tell from the “I wish I wasn’t here” look on his face, that the, now publically cuckolded husband, had known all about his wife’s sinfully delicious, very raunchy sexcapades with the low life Hip Hopper.”

The TMZ TV show’s rowdy, mostly male theatre audience, more than a little sexually drunk from ogling Cappuccino’s dynamite body and looking up under her purposely revealing, very short skirt, were all cheering the vile host on in his efforts to paint her as being a round-heeled, cheating slut. It was obvious that the audience had already happily concluded that she was as guilty as hell, and that all they really wanted to do was get a copy of the sex tape, when it’s leaked out, so they could watch the ugly black Rapper nailing the hell out of the married blonde’s ripe white body, in every dirty way possible.


When the show was over, after a satisfying pause to digest the total verbal rape job the curves-stacked-on-top-of-curves, super sexy blonde wife had just received from the filthy minded host, Don Francisco said, “I’ve been thinking about throwing a special party for my donkeys, to celebrate the third anniversary of the first time one of them successfully fucked a human female. So, for the last couple of weeks I have been searching for the perfectly equipped Anglo broad to give to the donkeys so they can properly celebrate that astounding, historic fucking success, by using the woman’s prime, luscious white body to stick their cockmeat in and have all the fun they want ravishing the hell out of her – and damned if we haven’t just found the most gorgeous, stupendously stacked, total slut for the job, right here on TV tonight.”

“To make sure that I’m right about this, let’s check this Cunt out right quick. Go over and Google her name and let’s get a look at the pictures of her that are on the internet. Since she’s a currently hot celebrity who likes to flaunt her body the way she does, there should be plenty of her images for us to look at.”

Raul quickly got on the computer that was connected to the super wide screen TV and pulled up the first set of Cappuccino’s images. The two cousins then went through a virtual bonanza of king-sized pictures of her in various, very risqué outfits and poses, each one seeming to be sexier and more flesh revealing than the last.

After watching the steaming hot wife suggestively posing her superbly curved assets, The Don said, “Man, does she ever love to show off all of her stuff. This babe is definitely the prick teaser of all prick teasers, and she does have the most perfect body for donkey fucking I have ever seen.”

Raul then ran a search and found a web site that was exclusively dedicated to displaying Cappuccino’s super ripe body. Inside of that site he discovered that a special section had already been set up, containing even more of the just released, damningly explicit photos of the wife being callously felt up and thoroughly explored by the very dark skinned, gross looking black Rapper. These extremely graphic, very incriminating pictures showed him doing everything to her body but actually shoving his dick in it.

While they were shuffling through the erotic dirty pics, The Don said, “Damned Raul, would you look at the sensuous look on the bitch’s face. Is she enjoying getting man-handled by that ugly black bastard, or what? I mean it takes a real Cunt to let an ugly black asshole like him fuck her Damn, she is the most over-sexed, pure slut I have ever seen.”

Going back through the damning images, this time even more closely than before, The Don concluded, “Hell, there is no way that these pictures could have been touched up to achieve those positions, like she is claiming. The damned lush bodied broad is even wearing different clothing and jewelry in some of them, so there is no way that these pictures could have come from one photo shoot. Shit cousin, there is no question in my mind that the black punk has been sticking his dong in her and, with her more than willing help, completely gratifying himself by plundering the hell out of all three of her cock pleasing sexual receptacles.”

He sat back with a broad smile, and said, “Hell, if these pictures are as real as I think they are, then we are very much in luck, cousin. Most beautiful women have had a negative reaction when we first proposed that they have sex with my donkeys but, in this case, after dancing on the end of that ugly black Rapper’s big prick, agreeing to let herself get donkey fucked shouldn’t be a problem, at all, for Hot-X’s wanton Cunt wife.”

Invigorated, The Don went on, “Now pull up her biography and let’s see what details they have about this plush bodied tart.” Raul brought up Chickoipedia and, as he scrolled through the data, read out loud, “Lets see, she’s 30 years old, 5’2” tall and weighs 130 pounds, and her measurements are 39DDD, 23, 40. Shit, those truly are donkey fucking body stats, cousin,” Raul grinned.

The Don then had his favorite relative flip back to the wife’s internet images and, after some more very close examination, he exclaimed, “Sweet Jesus, that body of hers looks like it could handle fucking anything. Can you imagine how it would look with a donkey mounted between those spectacular thighs, pounding his monster cock into her juicy pussy, right up to her tonsils?”

Very pleased by that stimulating mental image, The Don had Raul go into the cable company archives and pull up the last three episodes of the couple’s reality TV show, all of which they watched intently as she put on an hour-and-a-half, show it all, soft-core porn spectacular.

During the viewing The Don commented, “Damn would you listen to that broad’s voice? Sometimes she sounds like a dizzy blonde who is sure that what she is saying makes perfect sense, but it never does. When she chooses to use that pop-tart voice, and flashes the empty headed facial expressions that go with it, she comes off as being a perfect, airheaded Baywatch Babe, and it makes you want to fuck to sexy slut’s brains out. It’s the kind of voice that makes you want to stuff her panties, or a big ball gag, in her mouth to muffle her while you make her body do what it was built to do – put out.”


The Don then gave a fist pump and exclaimed, “Damned Raul that does it. I am completely satisfied that we have found the perfect body matched up with the perfect slutty mind so, no matter what it takes, I must have her to give to my donkeys so they can nail her good and give her the damndest serial gang-banging she’s ever had, while we have the pleasure of watching her get all of the king-sized cockmeat shoved into her that the cheating Cunt could ever want.”

He leaned forward and said, in a serious tone, “Alright Raul, now all we need to figure out is what we are going to have to do get her husband to agree to let his prime slut give it up to my beasts. Working in our favor is the fact that they are already in serious trouble, and there will be a lot more of it coming when Funk-U releases the sex tape he’s bragging about. When that happens, their revenues will take a huge hit, plus my intuition tells me that they are living high on the hog and are spending their earnings about as fast as they make them so, no doubt, they are already faced with a real cash crunch. All things considered, she is very ripe to be had. As I see it, what we need to do to close our donkey fucking trap on them, is solve their problem with the Rapper, while simultaneously offering Hot-X so much money to let my donkey’s fuck his wife that the poor, beleaguered bastard won’t be able to turn it down.”

“Now, when we looked her up on Chicopedia, it said that the name of her husband’s agent is Maury Shine. With a name like that he can’t be anything but a Hollywood Jew, which means that he looks after himself, first and foremost, and will cheat his client every chance he gets. That being the case, Mr. Shine will be key to helping us persuade the husband to let us have his wife to fuck. When we tell the agent what we are offering to pay for her sexual services, the Jew bastard will quickly realize what a huge commission he will be getting from her doing my donkeys. That will give him plenty of incentive to agree to enthusiastically help us push his client into agreeing to throw his wife under the sexual bus.”

“So, first thing in the morning we need to have our ace West Coast pussy procuring lawyer, Miguel Perez, find out where Shine’s LA office is, then go and meet with the prick and get him to agree to help us talk Hot-X into pimping out his wife to my animals.
In order to make absolutely sure that we get the greedy, devious Jew completely on our side in the negotiations with his client, you tell Perez to start off the meeting by slipping him a $50,000 cash bribe to insure that the Hebrew will be very anxious to use his influence to persuade Hot-X to rent us his wife’s hot body to enjoy and plunder. Also tell him that he has full authority to give the slippery Jew anything else he thinks will inspire him to work hard to deliver her body to us.”

“Now, once he’s got the agent bribed and on our team, tell Perez to get from him all of the sexual dirt he can on the wife, so that he can confirm to me by telephone that she is the total slut we think she is and just how much he thinks she’s going to cost us. Between you and I, Raul, if she does prove out to be a voluptuous, deliciously dirty minded, nympho Cunt I’m looking for, I will pay whatever it takes to close the deal. I just want her outrageously stacked, super voluptuous body down here next weekend, giving my donkey’s a good time letting them gross themselves out pumping their cocks into all three of her cock holders.”


At 6AM the next morning, Raul punched in Perez’s cell phone number and soon heard the familiar sound of the slick San Diego attorney’s voice say, “Hello.” “It’s Raul, my friend. Don Francisco wants you to drop everything else you’re doing and go to work on procuring a super hot white chic to perform in a gang-bang fuck party that he plans to throw for his donkeys next weekend.”

Raul quickly brought the sleepy Perez up to date on everything that The Don had told him the previous night, described Cappuccino and explained what she is being accused of by Funk-U. He defined the exact details of the lawyer’s mission, then gave him Hot-X’s contact information, and the name of the Jewish agent. When he had finished, Raul hung up and let Don Francisco’s, extremely capable, very experienced, ace fresh white pussy negotiator go do his thing.

Perez’s first step was to look at the wife’s images on the internet. More than impressed by all the delicious curves and the sexy, naughty way she presented them, he pulled up the graphic, just released sex photos of the Rapper feeling up the wife’s goodies and groping them callously. He particularly liked the most sensuous photo of the group, one showing the Rapper just beginning to stick three of his fingers in her drooling mouth, said fingers obviously already glistening with her creamy white cuntal juices.

After a few minutes of visually enjoying the photos of her spectacular body being mauled by Funk-U, the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa leaned back and let out a pleased sigh, now fully understanding why The Don wanted to let his donkeys have this wanton slut to use and ravage in Tijuana. Donkey fucking was best done by a gorgeous, stacked, very bad girl, and this Anglo hottie certainly fit that description to perfection. But she was more than just a superbly built, beautiful, obviously cock-hungry woman, she projected the promise that she was the best piece of ass, ever. There certainly was no question in his mind that Hot-X’s wife was by far the sexiest looking woman he had ever seen. He was now as ready as Don Francisco was to watch her ripe white body get really smoked by the donkey’s huge black cocks, next weekend.

At 9AM Perez, who was very experienced at getting The Don whatever kind of pussy he wanted on short notice, placed a call to a close personal friend, and former college roommate of his, Harry Walker, who owned one of the biggest theatrical agencies in Los Angeles. It turned out that Harry not only knew who Maury Shine was, he also knew him personally, and had worked closely with him on several deals. In fact Shine’s office was just down the street from his, so they bumped into each other on a fairly regular basis.

Time being of the essence, and because of their close personal friendship, Perez cut right to the chase and told Harry exactly what his mission was and asked his buddy what suggestions he had for dealing with Shine, as well as his opinion on just how helpful he thought the agent would be in persuading Hot-X to make a whore out of his wife.

Harry told him that Maury had been Hot-X’s agent throughout the pioneer Rappers career and that his client let him handle all of his contract and money matters. He also assured him that Maury knew, in infinite detail, everything there was to know about both the husband’s and the wife’s personal lives. There was also no doubt in his mind that, if the whoring out of Hot-X’s wife would put a large commission in his pocket, Maury would do absolutely everything he could to help Perez convince X to agree make his wife take the booking, and then the fucking. He laughed that the little Hebrew was such a money-grubbing slime ball that he would prostitute his own mother if he thought that she could make a few bucks turning tricks, and then keep all the fees she’d earned on her back, for himself, so Harry didn’t think the little asshole would treat Hot-X’s statuesque wife any better.

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