Sex Story Author: | jiwjiw11 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Hell the peon legal beagle may want you to start fucking for him right away”. THE DONKEY SOLUTION: |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Ass to mouth, Ass to pussy, Bestiality, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Female/Female, Fiction, Hardcore, Male/Female, Prostitution, Threesome, Wife |
As Dominique gradually came out of a deep sleep, she felt something large and hard being slipped between her lips. When the flashlight shaped implement got all the way in, she automatically sucked it.
She quickly established that the intruding shaft was a cock and, from what she could tell, she must have been sucking on it like this for quite awhile, in her sleep, because the tube of male flesh was rock hard and she could hear its owner panting loudly as he gently skewered her ovalled mouth with it.
Even with her eyes still closed, she quickly determined that the panting sound was coming from her husband’s brother, Pete.
Simultaneous with that realization, she felt another cylinder shaped device slowly sliding in and out of her vagina, and it didn’t take long for her to determine that the thick, banana shaped implement that was pleasuring itself with her cuntal channel, belonged to her husband Dale.
Lying on her side, with her knees drawn up to waist high, she groggily remembered that it was her morning to get fucked, while Pete’s wife, Sonya, fixed breakfast for them in the kitchen.
She kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, while she enjoyed letting the two brothers have their way with her orifices.
As she lay there getting smoothly double penetrated by the two big boners, she thought about how she and her best friend in the world had ended up in this swap fucking marital relationship.
She and Sonya had known each other since they were in high school together, in Los Angeles.
After graduation, they had both gone to UCLA and had easily made the transition from being beautiful, voluptuous, very promiscuous high school majorettes, to being big time, round-heeled college party girls.
They had spent their four years at UCLA specializing in getting banged by rich college boys, as well as by a string of much wealthier local area men, most of whom were married.
After graduating from college, they had continued their wild partying for two more years, gradually dropping the rich and spoiled college boys, and concentrating their efforts on their string of very wealthy men who successfully plied them with very expensive gifts, in order to keep them putting out on the side, to them.
Eighteen months ago, on a whim, they had both entered the Miss Nude World contest that was being held in Los Angeles that year.
Being intimately persuasive with the judges, Dominique had come in second and Sonya third. They had lost out to a Latina who had been even more sexually uninhibited with the voters, and who was now a famous porn star.
At an after the contest party, she and Sonya had met Dale and Pete Crawford, two high flying businessmen who were womanizing bachelor brothers from San Diego.
They had started double dating the San Diego playboys, and were soon being swapped back and forth between the two of them, on a nightly basis.
Six months later they had married Dale and Pete in a joint ceremony in Las Vegas, Dominique to Dale and Sonya to Pete.
The official marital designation was in name only because, during the twelve months since their wedding day, the brothers had fucked them, interchangeably, just like they had been doing before they were married.
Dale and Pete owned a luxurious duplex in San Diego, and each of them used a side of the building as their home. After the wedding, the two new wives had each moved in with the brother who they were legally married too.
But usually the four of them were all together on one side of the duplex, or the other, having swinging, double dicking, daisy chain sex together, as they continued on in full party mode.
Now just twelve months into their marriages, both of the women were still getting their pleased orifices nailed, hard and often, on a daily basis.
Suddenly Dominique’s dreamy remembrances were abruptly interrupted by her brother-in-law’s cock going off in her mouth.
He had been holding her head between his hands while he face fucked her and, when he started ejaculating, he clamped down on it hard, holding it firmly in place as he shot volley after volley of his creamy spunk into her sucking oral cavity.
The sound of her choking the thick jism down her throat had immediately triggered her husband’s climax, and his cock exploded in her snatch. She suddenly found herself taking in cum at both ends of her body, at the same time.
The joint male eruptions then set off her own body shaking response, as the two demanding cocks were now being pounded into her wet orifices, to full depth, as they took her completely over the edge.
His balls now empty, Pete smacked her ass hard and said to his brother, “Getting a mouth full of cum sure got this slut’s attention, didn’t it? Hell I thought that she was going to sleep right through the whole damned thing.”
Dale responded, “Yeah, Bro, shit she’s the only woman I have ever seen who can perform deep throat in her sleep. Man, are we married to the finest looking, sexiest bitches in the whole world, or what?”
After catching their breath, the men pulled their pricks out of Dominique’s two oozing sex tool receptacles and the three of them got up and went into the kitchen where Sonya had their breakfasts ready.
As the meal was ending Dale said to the two sexpots, “Alright girls, Pete and I have a big and very important day ahead of us.”
“Because of the downturn in the economy, our import/export business has lost a lot of revenue and profits, and you two’s favorite banker has called us on the carpet for a meeting this morning, to have us explain our plans for increasing our sales and profits.”
“If we don’t get things turned around quick, he is going to raise our interest rate to the highest level possible on the $500,000 business loan we have with him.”
“And, because you two hottie party girls haven’t let him play grab ass with you lately, he has hinted that he will also force us to pay off our personal loan of $100,000.”
“The spiteful little bastard is threatening to do that because he knows that we ran that loan balance up paying for all of the clothes and jewels you have been buying, as well as making the lease payments on the BMW’s you two are driving.”
“Since he is funding your personal expenses through the personal load, if he can’t play sex games with you two, then he wants to make us all suffer the consequences by forcend us to pay-off the personal loan,” Dale said, accusingly.
Dominique retorted, “I’m sorry but we have been over this with you guys a dozen times, your banker is the crudest, creepiest, most repulsive little asshole we have ever met.”
“The first time you introduced us to him, at one of your parties, the disgusting little piece of shit was all over us, and he left his finger prints on every inch of our bodies, inside and out.”
“The following few times we were around him, after we were married, he was even worse. So, for the past few months we have made a point of avoiding him. And good riddance, the sleazy little prick makes our skin crawl.”
As he listened to her, Dale thought to himself that, as much as he would like to argue on Ira’s behalf, he knew that he would be wasting his breath.
Ever since he and Pete had gotten into the import/export business, ten years ago, Steinberg had been their first and only banker.
Being bachelors with an unlimited capacity for chasing broads, they had thrown wild parties to which they had always invited the little troll.
They had always made arrangements to have a couple of cheap hookers at the parties who devoted themselves to exclusively servicing Ira’s raunchy sexual proclivities.
Steinberg was not an attractive man, to say the least, and he combined his ugliness with a crude disposition that mad him so obnoxious that most women couldn’t take him at all.
During those times they had to keep rotating new hookers in because, after getting screwed by their banker a couple of times, even the hookers wouldn’t let him fuck them any more.
In return for these sexual party favors Ira took exceptionally good care of them and had lent them more money than the bank lending limits allowed.
During the six month courtship of Dominique and Sonya, and the subsequent year of marriage, he and Pete seldom had any of their parties and, thereby, had effectively cut Ira off from his main source of strange new pussy.
Up until nine months ago, their business had been doing so well that they really hadn’t needed Ira for anything, and had pretty much ignored the little bastard.
But bad economic times had suddenly reared its ugly head, and now they owed Ira a lot of money and needed his support, real bad, whether their wives liked it, or not.
The conversation over, Dale and Pete then dressed, kissed their curves-stacked-on-top-of-curves wives goodbye, then headed out to meet with Ira and see what they could do to placate him.
Three hours later the two brothers left Steinberg’s office and immediately called their wives to come down and have lunch with them at their favorite street side restaurant, which was just two blocks away from their business offices.
While they waited for their wives to arrive, the brothers ordered Margaritas and drank them as they planned out how to tell their two statuesque sex queens about what Ira wanted them to do.
A half an hour later the two scantily dressed beauties came into view, strutting down the street, prick-teasing everyone in sight.
Dominique was wearing white short-shorts, a white halter top and 5 inch high heeled, backless wedges.
Sonya was all in red, wearing a cleavage displaying top that hugged her huge tits, and a very short, softly pleated skirt, that had red tights on under it. Her toned midriff was bare, as were her full, luxurious thighs that were accented by her 5 inch stiletto heeled pumps.
As they paraded towards them, looking like high dollar hookers, Dale and Pete could hear car horns blaring as guys gawked at the magnificent pair of asses swaying provocatively in the warm summer breeze.
Both of the mouth-watering, plush bodied babes sat down at the street side table, and ordered Mimosas.
When the drinks arrived Dale announced, “Our meeting with Ira didn’t go well at all. He made a lot of demands on us that included some things he wants you two to do to help the business out.”
Dale took another big swig of his shaved ice drink, and then went on, “First he wants us to cut our operating expenses and, to that end, he insisted that we have you two go to work for the business, in the sales department.”
“Ira thought that replacing our existing sales staff with the two of you would both cut costs and significantly increase sales.”
“He gave us a week to make that change and, if you two don’t agree to do what he is demanding, then he is going to charge us the maximum rate of interest possible on our loans, and will give us 30 days to pay off the $100,000 personal loan.”
“Under the current circumstances, that would bankrupt us. So ladies, faced with this ultimatum from our life’s blood source of borrowing, are you willing to do what Ira is demanding,” Dale asked?
The two gorgeous, never having worked a day in their lives, wives, looked at each other for a few moments then Dominique responded, “Well I don’t know about you, Sonya, but I would rather turn tricks than work in the business. That was not a part of my marriage vows.”
Sonya then supported her best friend’s position by saying, “I completely agree with you, honey. I would rather pole dance and screw for tips, than to have to work in that boring damned business.”
Dale wasn’t at all shocked by the negative position their spoiled wives were taking, so he quickly responded, “Well, since you would rather turn tricks than work, Ira did offer us the alternative of our not having to change a thing in the business, in exchange for us going back to having our regular sex parties, with you two taking over the job of servicing his sexual demands, however gross they might be.”
Dominique responded heatedly, “So, now you’re telling us that you are willing to pimp us out to your disgusting banker, in order to get him to play ball with you on the loans. Is that right?”
Dale shot back, “Well, if that’s what it takes to save our business, and to fund your high personal living expenses, then sure we are willing to let him fuck the hell out of you both, in order to keep him happy and cooperative.”
“Under these dire circumstances, Pete and I don’t think that asking you to let Ira fuck you is such a big deal because, remember girls, we have seen some of the ugly assholes you two have dated in the past, and plenty of them were even worse looking and acting than Ira.”
His wife responded, with fire, “Yes, but there is one big difference. Our old boyfriends all had enough money to make us be willing to accept their bad looks and obnoxious behavior, and like it.”
“On the other hand, Ira Steinberg doesn’t have shit! So case closed, we will not let that nasty little sleazeball lay another finger on us.”
Before another word could be spoken, Pete’s cell phone rang. He punched it on, listened, and then replied, “We’ll be right over.”
He clicked the phone off and said, “Girls, we’ll be back in a few minutes to continue this discussion, and we’d like to hear from you two, just exactly what you are willing to do to help us out of this financial crisis, since you have completely rejected both of Ira’s suggestions.”
“But, right now Dale and I have to go over to the office and sign for a big order.”
When the brothers returned a half an hour later, Dominique handed Dale a business card and said, “Since you guys are so anxious to pimp us out, maybe this is an alternative solution that could enable us to do something to help you out a little with your money problems.”
“While you guys were gone, a Mexican in a Rolls Royce limo saw us sitting here, and had his driver pull over.
The chauffeur got out and invited us over to the open back window of the limo, where the occupant introduced himself as being the attorney for, and cousin of, an extremely wealthy Mexican, who lives in Tijuana.”
“He told us that we were the most incredible looking women he had ever seen and asked us if we were married.”
“We told him that we were married, and that we were sitting here waiting for our husbands to return.”
“He then asked us if we were available this weekend because, if we were, he promised us that we could make more money than we could ever imagine possible, if our husbands would agree to rent us out to him for the weekend.”
“He then gave us that card and told us that, if our husbands were interested in such a deal, they should call him at the phone number on his card, as soon as possible, so that he could discuss his proposition with them. We assured him that you would be interested.”
Dale looked at the gilt edged card and asked, “Damn, woman, did he say anything about what you would have to do to earn the big bucks he’s talking about. Or did he give you a hint as to how much money he was willing to pay you for the services he wants you to perform?”
“No, he just kept reiterating that we could make a serious amount of money over the weekend, if we were willing to do what his boss wants us to do for him, with your full approval,” Dominique responded.
Sonya interjected, “Even though we have no idea what he wants us to do, I am absolutely positive that the guy is for real, and that his employer can afford to pay top dollar for anything he wants.”
Dale responded, “Well fucking you is probably what he has in mind because, dressed the way you are, he probably assumed that you were a couple of street walking hookers.”
“But hell, who knows, he may be looking for a couple of knockouts like you two, to be hostesses at some local convention that’s going on, or something along those lines.”
Dominique went on, “Anyway, Sonya and I concluded that, since you want us to help solve your financial difficulties, you and Pete should call this guy and find out exactly what he has in mind for us. After all, it could be a real money making opportunity. The guy was in a Rolls Royce limo, for Christ’s sake.”
Sonya added, “Dominique and I have always made it a policy not to put out to Mexicans, but we wouldn’t have any problem letting this one fuck us for money, if that is what you want us to do. He and his boss are obviously loaded.”
“But, whatever it turns out to be, if it pays enough, then we think doing it would be a better alternative than letting Ira fuck us, or having to work in your business for you two hard asses.”
“So go ahead and call the Mexican up and, whatever his boss wants us to do for him, if it is okay with you guys, we promise you that we will go along with your decision, as our small contribution to helping you solve your money woes.”
Dale said, “Well, shit, Pete, since the girls are willing to do anything not to have work for us, or to have to fuck Ira, we have nothing to lose by pursuing this deal.”
“Lets’ call this Greaseball shyster attorney and see what he has in mind for our trophy bimbos and, if he offers to pay us enough money for them, since they have already committed to put out for him, we’ll pimp these two honeys out to the bastard and let them make us some money.”
Looking at their two gorgeous and very expensive wives, Dale said, “Alright then, ladies, Pete and I will call this Wetback from our office and see what he has in mind for you, and find out how much his is willing to pay for you to do it.”
“If it actually works out, we’ll call you right away and tell you what the deal is and how much we were able to loan your two hot bodies out for.”
“So stay in the area, just in case we need you.
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