
The Doctor Is In

A cruel woman brings her son to the Doctor and life changes for both the Son and the Doctor.

I have written other stories. You can follow the Author’s link above by clicking on JadeM.

Thank you to workingman for the inspirational idea.

The Doctor Is In

Let me say at first that I love my job. Being a Physician has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Needless to say my parents were thrilled by my success and were so proud of their eldest daughter.

Like most medical students the choices were out there, but school costs a fortune. I accepted a position in a small northern city, as a General Practitioner, in exchange for their helping defer some of the educational and starting expenses. I found myself working in private practice and in a large walk in clinic three evenings a week. It was a busy schedule, but like I said I love my job. It may sound corny but I really enjoy helping people and go to great extent to make them feel that their problems is the most important thing I will deal with that day. I find that approach also keeps me focused and ensures that without extra effort I can give them the best care.

You can probably imagine some of the distasteful issues I deal with and the wide variety of people I meet. Lets just say I have found new ways to think of people as weird. It amazes me what some people will do for an adrenalin rush.

Particularly surprising is what some people do for a sexual thrill. First, sports trophies do not work as dildos. Second, hot dogs are not a safe alternative to traditional penetration when you lose grip and it gets lodged inside and you can’t get it out. I won’t even get into the abuse of various vegetable items and the problems that result. Somehow a traditional safe sex education is not enough in those cases. I can also say with conviction that I am one hundred percent certain that power tool manufacturers did not intend their products to be used the way some people do. Like I said, people can be weird.

Don’t think for a second that I am a prude. I enjoy masturbating as much as the next woman. I own sex toys, have a healthy libido, and enjoy porn. In that I think I am fairly normal.

I am an active person and love running and swimming. Working out and eating right is something I have done since I was young. My parents did not want a couch potato for a daughter.

For the sake of this I better describe myself. I am 5’1” tall, weigh 105 lbs, have nice full B almost C cup breasts, and long black hair. Being of Japanese ancestry definitely makes me exotic in this mostly white community. I have been told that I have very kind eyes. That and my gentle manner makes me popular with my patients.

Family practice literally means seeing the whole family in a lot of cases. Adult men get nervous around me and I have seen more than a few become aroused during examinations. I ignore it and both the patient and I get through it easily. If they comment on it by apologizing I have many prepared things I say to calm them down and make them feel less embarrassment. In some cases it is a very good thing they have an erection depending on why they are there. One that jumps to mind was a man who was concerned he had erectile dysfunction and thought it might indicate a more serious problem. When he became erect during examination I smiled and said I think your cured. We laughed and I proceeded to finish the examination and made some diet recommendations and, yes, gave him a hard time about smoking.. if you will pardon the pun.

The event that caused me to write this happened about five months after I started my practice.

Mrs Walker had called and asked for an appointment for her son, Michael. The complaint at the time was abdominal pain. Michael had not been to see me before. Looking over his old record he was clearly a normal teen. He fell out of a tree and broke his arm at age ten. At age twelve he was treated for a cracked jaw from a sports injury. Everything else was normal. No food or drug allergies had been noted, nothing abnormal have ever been recorded. He had not even been seen over the flu. His file gave me little to work with, so I would have to wait to see what it may be.

The appointment was for 10am so I knew he was missing school. It was not going to be a minor issue because of his mother. Mrs Walker was, to put it mildly, a religious woman. She mentioned God in every sentence and had a very stern view of life. She even commented that she found it mildly indecent that I was not married. She did not think it was a good idea for me to see male patients, but understood it was a necessary evil given the Doctor shortage. She was not someone I would be spending time with out of the Office.

I finished with the previous patient, took a deep breath, and walked into the examination room.

Mrs. Walker was sitting there praying and he son, Michael, was sitting on the examination bed wearing a blue gown and his white sport socks. He was tall, about 5’10 inches, and seemed to be in pretty good shape based on his developed arms. He had light brown hair cut in a short stylish manner, and his green eyes held the look of a man facing execution.

Mrs. Walker put her rosary away and said “Dr. Watanabe I really hope you can help my son. God knows I pray you can.”

“I certainly hope so too Mrs. Walker. Hi Michael, I’m Doctor Nariko Watanabe. I understand that you have been having some abdominal pain.”

Before he could answer his Mother said “Yes he has, he has been laying down a lot and gets these pains more and more frequently. I don’t know what could be the matter with him.”

“Okay” I said reassuringly “Michael can you describe the pain for me?”

Mrs Walker immediately said “He says it is a sharp pain in his lower stomach that comes and goes. I think it may be kidney stones. We need a referral for a Urologist.”

Now at this point I admit I found her irritating. She would not let him answer and had already leaped to her own diagnosis.

“Well before we do that Mrs. Walker, if that is what is needed, I need Michael to answer a few questions for me.” Turning to Michael I said “Can you tell me about the pain?”

Mrs Walker already said “I already answered that for you.”

I turned on my “Doctor Look” and turned to her and said “Mrs. Walker, Michael is the one experiencing it. I need him to tell me how it feels and only he truly knows that. Please, I am trying to help him and can’t do that without his participation in this process.”

She made a humph sound and said “Fine, I guess the Lord God must have his reasons for why you ignore a child’s mother.”

I raised an eye brow and she fell silent.

Turning again to Michael I asked again “Please Michael, describe the pain for me.”

He looked at his Mother and back at me and said “Um.. it’s kinda sharp.”

“Where is the pain?” I asked.

He looked uncomfortable and said “It’s at the bottom of my stomach.”

“To the sides or right in front?” I asked.

Blushing he replied “At the front I guess.”

“When was the last time you urinated?” I asked as I was writing this down.

“About three hours ago I guess, when I got up.” Michael said.

“Any pain then?” I asked looking at his eyes.


“Does the pain ever move around? Say the sides or lower back?” I asked


“What colour was your urine this morning?” I asked

“Gee, I guess kinda yellow.” He said

“A dark yellow or light yellow?” I asked

“Kinda dark.” he said quietly. Looking at him he was clearly embarrassed.

“It’s okay Michael. I’m a Doctor, I talk with people all the time about stuff like this. I’m here to help and your not going to say anything I have not heard before. There is no reason to be shy with me. In fact that can actually make it more difficult for me to help. I know this may be uncomfortable for you, but don’t worry, I want to help and what you tell me is very important and can help you to feel better sooner. Okay?” I said in my most reassuring and gentle manner.

He actually cracked a smile and said “Okay Doctor.”

Smiling back at him I then turned and obtained a specimen cup and asked him to urinate into the cup, providing instruction to prevent contamination.

I took him to the door and sent him down the hall.

When his Mother stood up and said “I’m going to help you.” he blushed and said “Mom, I know how to pee.” She seemed upset by this and said “As God is my witness you will do as you are told.” They left the room together.

I went and checked on the list of patients awaiting examination and went back to the room just as they returned. He looked completely mortified and they sat as they were before. She looked haughty would be the best description.

Taking the sample I told them I would be right back. Visually I could tell he was dehydrated by the colour and a few simple checks showed no blood in it. He seemed otherwise fine, except for some dehydration. This was not the answer but did eliminate a range of other issues.

Going back in the room I asked Michael to lay down. I explained what I had found and that he was dehydrated. His mother immediately launched into a speech about drinking water and was really riding this poor kid. I cut her off by telling Michael I was going to examine him and let me know if anything I did caused any pain at all.

He had his boxer shorts on and I began examining his lower abdomen. He did not react to my finger pressure and nothing seemed amiss. No turgidity indicating a bowel issue was present. I asked him about his bowel movements and his answers indicated they were normal, and caused no pain.

As I was probing him I noticed he was becoming erect. Knowing how his mother would react I kept my body between them and covered him with a folded sheet when I was done saying “You look cold.” While his mother began complaining about how cold the office always was I noticed the look of relief and thanks in his eyes. Then something else… he winced. It dawned on me that he had a problem, but it had nothing to do with his stomach.

Mrs. Walker was sitting there looking at me with a disapproving look.

“We keep the office cool Mrs Walker for a number of reasons, but your son will be alright.”

She was about to give me grief when her cell phone rang and she answered it. I raised my eyebrows and pointed at the no cell phones sign. She tried to ignore me until I said “Mrs Walker, either take it outside the building or shut it off right now.”

I realized she was talking to a Priest, who I noticed she also liked to lecture. Seems she was not satisfied with his sermon the previous day. She got up and walked out of the room telling him how he had no grasp of Gospel of Luke. She closed the door as she left and I said out loud “Wow, I’m not the only one she tries to tell how to do their job.”

When I heard Michael laugh behind me I blushed and turned to him and said “I’m sorry. I should not have said that about your mother.”

“No, it’s okay Doctor Watanabe, she thinks she knows everything better than anyone. You should hear her talk to my Hockey Coach and she can’t even skate.” he said smiling.

“Michael, I need you to tell me the truth. This has nothing to do with your stomach does it.”

“No” he said blushing again.

“Don’t get shy now, I don’t know how much time we have. Does the pain only come when you have an erection?” I asked

“Yeah that’s right. It hurts bad and I feel like someone kicked me in the… the…” he stammered

“In the balls?” I said for him.


“Michael, do you masturbate?” I asked

“No, Mom said I would go to hell. She caught me once washing… it and smacked me for abusing myself.” he said quietly.

“Okay… have you ever ejaculated?”


“Have you ever ejaculated… had white stuff, your sperm or ejaculate as it is called, come out?”

“Um… when I was asleep a few times. Mom grounded me for a month and said I was abusing myself but I swear I was asleep!” He said worried.

“Michael… have you ever heard your friends talk about jacking off, masturbating, spanking the monkey… anything like that?” I asked.

“Well… yeah… but that evil and Mom said God would send me to hell for it and hits me when she thinks I might do it.” he said scared.

“Michael, masturbation is normal. In fact it’s healthy. The pain your feeling is being caused by constant erections without ejaculation I suspect. You get hard a lot?”

“Yeah, all the time, whenever I see a girl I like or….”

“Come on buddy, spill.” I said reassuring him.

“Well, like when you touched me.”

“Okay. I have to examine you, but your mother is out of the room. I should wait. What will she do if I have you remove your boxers?”

“I can’t! She will see it hard and hit me like she did last time.” he was scared, very scared.

“Michael, does she hit you a lot?” I asked quietly.


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