The Dirtier, The Better
The Dirtier, The Better
Sex Story Author: | damonx |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I was thinking of something witty to say, when Erica spoke again. "I think you'd be |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Ass to mouth, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Oral Sex, Toys |
The Dirtier, The Better
By: DamonX (
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, trying to find a position in the
hard wooden desk that wouldn’t cause my ass to go numb. Just five more
minutes. Five more minutes and then my weekend could begin. I hated
friday classes. They always seemed to drag on, and this one was no
different. And to make matters worse, this particular lecture took
place in the oldest classroom on campus, complete with hard wooden
chairs circa 1904.
I put my pen down, clenching and unclenching my tired fingers as I
continued to listen to Dr. Cross’s rousing lecture on skeletal muscle
physiology. Glancing around the room, I noticed the rest of the class
was just as bored as I was. Slumping back into my seat, I crossed my
arms and began to wait out the last few agonizing minutes.
“I think we’ll end a little early today,” Dr. Cross stated, setting his
papers down on the desk in front of him.
No sooner had those words exited his mouth than the room was filled with
the rustling of papers and the clicking of binder rings as the students
gleefully packed up their belongings.
“Oh, one more thing,” he shouted above the noise. “If you missed last
class I need to speak with you about the project.”
“Dammit,” I muttered to myself. “I guess the weekend will have to wait a
few more minutes.”
As the rest of the students filtered out of the room I made my way down
to the front. I expected more people to remain behind, but to my
surprise only myself and one other student were left. Although I
didn’t know her name, I recognized the girl from a few of my classes.
Although she was extremely attractive, she always seemed to be by
herself. I found this a little strange since the hot ones usually had
throngs of friends and followers. She was quiet, which many people,
including myself, had often mistook for snobbiness, and had an air of
maturity about her. I knew many of the guys lusted after her, but as
far as I knew none had ever come close to getting anything at all. I
could count myself among her group of admirers, although I had never
even spoken with her. She was about 5’5 with dirty blonde hair, which
she maintained at a medium length with a simple style. Her face was
gorgeous, and her eyes carried a certain element of shyness which
intrigued me. And although her facial features were impeccable, it was
her body that took center stage and really made every heterosexual male
drool at the site of her. Her breasts could only be described as
perfect. They were full and round, large enough to be considered ‘big’
but not ‘ridiculously big’. Her ass, too, was full and round and more
than once had I caught myself staring at it as she walked. Her
voluptuousness was what really set her apart from the other girls in
the sports medicine program who tended to be either quite toned and
muscular, or else a little too skinny for my liking. And although this
mystery girl’s body was amazing, she never dressed in a provocative
manor, although this day she was wearing a low cut white top which
showed of quite a bit of cleavage, and a pair of extremely tight jeans
showcasing her delicious behind.
“Okay,” Dr. Cross began, handing us each a sheet of paper. “This is your
assignment. Since you two were the only ones to miss last class when we
divided into groups, you’ll have to be partners. I trust this is
I had to keep myself from smiling.
“Yes,” I answered. “That’s okay with me.”
Mystery girl nodded as well.
“Good,” Cross continued. “Now unfortunately, since you are the last ones
to choose a topic your choices will be limited. Also, you will have to
take the only remaining presentation time slot which is one week from
I groaned. There goes my weekend.
“Any questions? No? Okay then. Good luck.”
With that, Cross gathered up the rest of his things and headed towards
the doorway. I turned to acknowledge my new partner.
“Hi, I’m Erica,” she said in a soft feminine voice, extending her hand.
“Damon,” I said with a smile, shaking her hand. Her skin was soft and
smooth, and her touch was extremely gentle.
“So I guess, we’ll have to get going on this thing pretty soon,” I said.
Erica nodded.
“Yeah, I’m actually really busy next week, so if we could get it done
this weekend, that would be great.”
I agreed.
“How about Sunday?” she asked, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.
“Sure. Where do you want to work on it?”
“How about my place?” she asked. “I live just off campus. We can each do
our research and then meet there to discuss the specifics of the
“Sounds good.”
With that, we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses and went our
separate ways. Although I was a little pissed off at having to do work
over the weekend, I was looking forward to spending a little time alone
with Erica. Although I didn’t actually think anything would come of it,
I was happy nonetheless about being in the presence of such a hot girl
for any time at all.
I spent Friday night in the library gathering references and getting
ideas, before calling Erica on Saturday morning to run them by her. We
decided on a general topic and planned to meet Sunday at 2 in the
afternoon at her place. I wrote down her address and said goodbye
before hanging up the phone.
I awoke on Sunday morning with the sun beating down on my face though
the tiny window in my bedroom. I had a feeling it was going to be a
good day.
I spent the remainder fo the morning organizing my work before heading
to the gym for a quick workout. After that, I returned home and had a
shower before setting off for Erica’s place. Since it was so nice
outside I decided to walk, still making the trip in under thirty
minutes. When I arrived at Erica’s apartment, I popped a piece of gum
into my mouth (just in case) and buzzed her room number. A few seconds
passed before I heard her soft, sweet voice over the intercom.
“Come on up,” she said, followed by a loud buzzing noise.
I pulled the door open and walked inside, stopping just long enough to
check myself out from the reflection in the large glass window. I then
made my way to the elevator and headed up to the third floor.
As I reached Erica’s door, I checked my breath once more and then
“Hey,” Erica greeted, quietly as she opened the door to find me standing
there. “Come on in.”
I walked into the small apartment, leaving my shoes by the doorway.
Erica was wearing a pair of tiny tight shorts so I was happy to glue my
eyes to her ass as I followed her inside. She was also wearing a tiny
blue tank top that made her breasts look even more perfect that usual.
I was actually happy to see her showing a little more skin than normal,
and had to really try hard to prevent myself from gazing too long at
her body.
“Is it okay if we work in my bedroom?” she asked. “My roommate is coming
home soon with some friends and she can be pretty distracting.”
“Sure,” I responded. “Whatever you say.”
I definitely had no problem spending time in Erica’s room.
“Sorry about the mess,” she warned as I followed her into her room.
“I’ve been really busy lately.”
I laughed. Other than a few clothes on her bed, her room was spotless.
Nevertheless, Erica began frantically picking up the stray garments and
tossing them into her closet. As I set my backpack down on the bed, she
lifted up a pair of pants and a small black plastic object fell to the
floor at my feet.
“Oh my God!” Erica gasped, reaching down to snatch the thing back up.
It took me a moment to realize, but it was a vibrator! I just stood
there stunned as she grabbed the small makeshift plastic penis and
tossed it into her closet along with her clothes. By this time, Erica’s
face had turned a bright shade of red and I could tell she was severely
embarrassed. And I had to admit I couldn’t blame her.
“Let’s just pretend we didn’t see that. Okay?” she said, averting her
eyes from mine as I stood there smiling.
Normally I would have bugged her about it, but since I barely knew this
girl, I decided to play it cool even though I was very intrigued. I
never would have thought that a goody-goody like Erica would even own
something like a vibrator!
“It’s not mine,” she blurted out suddenly. “Well, I mean…It’s
mine…but I didn’t buy it! It was a present friend. I think
it was a joke or something.”
I just smiled.
“It’s okay,” I offered, sitting on the bed. It’s really no big deal.
Lots of girls have them. Your’s seemed kind of small though.”
Erica sat down as well, still looking quite flustered over the whole
“Well…” she began. “I think its for… No! No, we can’t talk about
this! I barely know you. Oh my God! I’m so embarrassed right now!”
Erica dropped her head into her hands in an attempt to hide her crimson
“Well, how about we get started then?” I said, changing the subject,
trying to relieve her of some of her embarrassment.
“Yes!” she said exasperated. “That’s a great idea! Let do that!”
I pulled out my books and we began to talk about the project, putting
the whole “vibrator incident” on the back burner. Erica was quite shy
at first but soon began to loosen up as we talked. Even though she was
quiet, she definitely was not the snob that most people had her pegged
as. In fact, we often found ourselves getting off topic and before we
knew it a couple hours had gone by and we still had nothing
“Oh dammit!” she blurted out suddenly, jumping up from the bed
frantically looking at the clock.
“What? What?” I asked, confused.
“I rented a movie yesterday and it has to be back by 4:30! Do you mind
if I run down and return it quickly?”
“Not at all,” I replied. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“No that’s okay. Why don’t you stay and try to get some more info off
the computer. I’ll be back soon.”
“Sure,” I responded, although I was a little surprised that she trusted
me enough to allow me to stay alone in her room.
“Thanks,” she said, crawling across her bed to grab the movie that was
sitting on her nightstand. As she bent over, I snuck a quick glimpse at
her ass, relishing the sight of her beautiful curves being hugged
tightly by her jeans.
“Could you pass me that book over there?” I asked, referring to a book
that had slipped off the bed and fallen to the floor.
Erica looked back over her shoulder and smiled.
“You just want me to bend over!” she joked as she reached down to pick
up the book.
“Maybe I do,” I returned with a smile. “Maybe I do.”
Erica tossed the book in my lap and headed for the door.
“See ya soon,” she said as walked out, leaving me all alone in her
As she left, I sat down at her desk and began to search her computer for
information as she had suggested. However, I noticed a folder on her
computer desktop titled “My Movies” and couldn’t resist taking a peek.
I double clicked and a window popped up showing a large number of
icons, although they were all named simply Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3
and so on. Choosing “Movie 1”, I clicked on the icon and watched as a
smaller screen appeared and the movie began to play.
It was then that I experienced my second surprise of the day.
Even though there was nothing pornographic in nature happening on the
screen, I had seen enough porn in my day to recognize one when I saw
it. There was an attractive young woman on the screen sitting on a
couch being interviewed by a man behind the camera. I maximized the
screen to get a better look and then fast forwarded the movie a few
minutes. when I stopped, another man had entered the scene and the girl
was now on her knees with his dick in her mouth. I was astounded! First
the vibrator and now this! What else was this seemingly sweet, innocent
girl hiding?
As I continued watching the movie, the scene quickly degenerated into
one of the dirtiest pornos I had ever seen. I had known a few girls to
watch porn, but it was usually the more romantic, sensual stuff. This
was hardcore! It had everything from ass fucking to ass licking, and
everything in between. It was, however, right up my alley and I quickly
noticed myself becoming quite aroused. I fast forwarded the movie to
the end just in time to see a close up of the actress’s recently fucked
asshole, dripping cum as she waved goodbye to the camera.
I closed the window and clicked another random movie icon. More porn,
but this time it was a girl getting double teamed by two guys. I
clicked another to see a girl getting fucked in the ass and then
another to see the same girl taking two cocks in her butt! As I
flipped through Erica’s movie collection I noticed a definite trend.
All the movies involved anal sex in some way or another, with lots of
ass-to-mouth action and ass licking. Was Erica into this? It was
dirty,dirty stuff and I was getting far too turned on.
I closed down the movie screen and started searching for information for
our project, figuring I should at least get some work done while before
Erica got back. I had barely even started looking, however, when she
“Did you miss me?” she asked, showing that she had lightened up a little
more since my arrival.
“Oh, definitely,” I answered, just then noticing that the bulge in my
pants was completely visible.
I think Erica saw it too, but she pretended not to, instead asking me a
few questions about the project. As we talked my hard-on subsided, but
I couldn’t get the filthy pornographic images out of my head. I then
decided, that since she was beginning to loosen up around me I would
try to bring up the subject.
“I’m not gonna lie to you,” I began, turning to her. “I spent the whole
time surfing for porn on the internet.”
“Oh really?” she said with a disbelieving smile. “Did you find anything
“No, not really. Do you have any suggestions?”
Erica was about to say something, but stopped herself at the last
minute. She then narrowed her eyes and glared at me, suspiciously.
“Why?” she asked. “Do I look like the kind of girl that watches porn?”
“No, but I figured since you had a vibrator…”
Erica cut me off by giving me a playful punch in the shoulder.
“I still can’t believe you saw that”, she said, smiling in a cute, coy
manner. “What a great first impression!”
Things were going just as planned.
“I must say I was surprised when I saw that,” I began. “You don’t
exactly seem like the type.”
“Oh?” she asked, slumping down on her bed. “And what type is that?”
I spun around in the computer chair to face her before answering.
“You know…A good girl.”
Erica smirked and laid back, resting on her elbows.
“So you think I’m a good girl huh?”
“Well I did until I saw that vibrator.”
“So what do you think about me now?”
“I think you’re a good girl with a vibrator.”
There was then a pause as we both considered what to say. Erica finally
broke the silence.
“So do I really seem like a goody goody two shoes?”
“Well….” I began to answer.
“It’s okay, you can tell me the truth.”
“Well then, yes. Definitely. You just seem so cute and innocent.”
Erica smiled and blushed a little.
“So you think I’m cute huh?”
It was then my turn to blush.
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