The Dark Stone
The Dark Stone
Sex Story Author: | RawlyRawls |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She placed her hands on Sam’s bare chest. It wasn’t easy to catch her breath. “What did you need, honey?” |
Sex Story Category: | Cheating |
Sex Story Tags: | Cheating, Cuckold, Fiction, Incest, Lesbian, Mind Control, Teen Male / Female, Wife |
The Dark Stone
By RawlyRawls
This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read more of my stuff, please visit: Also, all characters are 18 years or older. Enjoy.
Chapter 1
Sam skipped out of the alley behind the 7-11 and turned onto the old train tracks. Weeds scraped along his ankles. The faint scent of creosote rose up from the weathered wood beneath him. He hopped from one tie to the next. His brown eyes scanned the ground. The weight of his backpack cut into his shoulders. He didn’t care. It was all about finding that next remarkable rock.
It wasn’t the most direct route between school and his quiet suburban home. But he was passionate about rock hounding, and he’d found quite a few prize pieces along these tracks. Sam, a senior in high school now, had been taking this path the last four years.
Something caught his eye. Sam bent to his knees and reached his steady right hand down to tug at the thing lodged against the metal rail. It was jet-black with jagged red veining. It wasn’t chromite. It wasn’t some sort of volcanic glass. He had no clue what it was.
With a little effort, Sam pulled the thing loose. He dusted it off and held it up to the light. The red veins seemed to pulse as he cupped it in the palm of his hand. Interesting trick. This might be his best find yet. He shoved it in his pocket and resumed his hopping down the tracks. He hummed a little song to himself and scanned the ground for more interesting finds.
“Mom, I’m home.” Sam threw down his backpack in the hall, kicked off his shoes, and fished the rock out of his pocket. It seemed to throb in indoor light too. Really strange. He held it loosely in his right hand, eager to show his mom, Joyce. She’d pretend to be interested. That was enough for Sam.
“Hi Sammy, I’m in the kitchen.” Joyce’s voice echoed throughout the house.
Sam bounced down the hall and into the kitchen. His mom was chopping something at the counter, her back to him. Her long brown hair hid her face. She was still taller than Sam, but hopefully not for long. He just needed a little late growth spurt. Just past his eighteenth birthday, he was bound to start growing soon.
Sam was about to tell her all about the rock in one big gush of exuberance. But he suddenly fell quiet. Warmth pulsed through his right hand and his fingers clenched tighter around the rock.
“Sammy?” Joyce chopped away at the vegetables in front of her.
Why hadn’t he noticed the flare of Joyce’s hips before? She was wearing a knee length skirt and a white blouse that sort of hugged her waist. Her butt curved nicely under that skirt. Sam shook his head and looked again. The outline of her bra straps under the shirt was unmistakable. Was that sexy? He took a step into the kitchen. He could see the swell of her right side-boob under her shirt, jiggling as she chopped with the knife. Holy smokes. His mom was hot.
“What is it, young man?” She turned around and gave him an appraising stare. “You okay?” The beauty of her face caught him by surprise. Her wide brown eyes and soft feminine features lit up as she gave him a sly smile. “What’s gotten into you.”
“Ah, sorry Mom.” Sam ran the fingers of his left hand through his messy brown hair. “I guess I’m a little tired.”
“Well, your father’s getting home late, and Bex has yearbook, so maybe we can spend a little time together this afternoon.” She put down the knife and her smile broadened. The concept of the hourglass figure suddenly made sense to Sam. “But first you have to do your homework,” she said.
“Yes.” Sam nodded and backed out into the hall. “I’ve got a lot of homework. Might need to go right until dinner.”
“Okay, honey.” She turned back to her vegetables. “Come down if you get done early.”
He turned and ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. He got to his bedroom and slammed the door. He needed to fap like never before. It sounded crazy, but wanted to hold that rock the hole time. That pulse was spreading up his right arm. It felt really good.
A couple hours later, the family sat around the table for dinner. Sam’s dad, Paul, sat next to Sam’s Sister, Bex. Joyce and Sam sat on the other side of the table.
“Dad, stop with the politics,” Bex said. Her short blonde hair bounced as she cocked her head at their dad. “I wanna tell you all about yearbook. We’re gonna do some cool things this year.”
Sam tuned her out until her babbling was just background noise. He looked down at his plate. He’d barely touched his mashed potatoes and green beans. But he’d eaten all his meatloaf. He’d had three helpings and he still wanted more.
Fapping had helped, but he still felt really weird. Before dinner, he’d tucked his new rock under his mattress. Somehow, he’d become afraid he might lose it. Or that someone else might touch it. For some reason, he worried about Joyce touching the thing.
Looking up from his dinner, he surveyed the table. Joyce gave him a quizzical look. He tried to smile at her. Paul did his best to engage his sister on matters yearbook. His older sister looked different. How had he not noticed how pretty and delicate she was? Soft blue eyes. A warm engaging smile. Her bra straps visible on her narrow shoulders. Her boobs. Oh God, her boobs. Small and firm, just hanging out right there. How had he not noticed before?
“I have to go,” Sam stood up. Everyone looked at him. “I don’t feel well.”
“Do you need anything, honey?” Joyce said.
“No.” He turned and ran out of the room. He was still hungry. Maybe he’d come back down for some more meatloaf later. But now, more fapping.
The next morning, Sam woke early. It was still dark outside. He could barely make out the NASA poster above his bed, the planets faint smudges in the solar system. He rolled over in his tangle of sheets and groaned. Something felt odd. He tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. Very odd.
Something was wrong with his dick. He rolled over and jumped out of bed. He pulled down his briefs and looked. His eyes refused to register what he was looking at. It was impossible.
What growing boy hasn’t seen his share of big dicks in porn? But not in real life. Not in the showers at school. And certainly, never before with this view, looking down past his measly pecks and smooth, flat belly. There between his legs was a huge dick. It was soft, but maybe seven or eight inches resting against his leg. And fat. Good Lord, was it wide. His old scrawny dick had been replaced overnight.
The rock. The rock had caused this. He pulled it out from under the mattress and it was pulsing. Red light glowed in his dark room. He held it in his right hand. The red veins in that black surface flowed, and throbbed, and spread warmth into his hand. He tightened his hand around the rock. Images of his mom leapt into his head. He grabbed his cock. He was hard now and it truly was a sight to behold. It had to be at least a foot long. The head purple and angry. The veins, throbbing.
Ten minutes later he came all over his sheets. Tons of cum exploded out. He’d never experienced anything like it.
He waddled over to the window with his briefs still around his ankles and pulled it open. The cold, crisp air cleared his head. Sam pulled up his briefs, which barely contained the deflated monster between his legs. He gathered his bedding into a great ball and carried it off toward the laundry room. He’d never washed laundry before, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let his mom do it this time.
At school, Sam didn’t tell his friends about what had happened. He didn’t seek out the school counselor. Although, come to think of it, she did have nice round boobs and a round butt.
Sam kept to himself at school that day. Looking forward to getting back to his rock. And his new equipment.
That afternoon, Sam didn’t take the railroad tracks home. He went the shortest route, directly via Oak Avenue. When he got to his house, he burst through the front door. He didn’t bother calling for Joyce. He needed to get to his room right away.
The stairs took longer than he remembered. He took three steps at a time. He raced down the hall, about to burst into his room. He stopped. His heart pounding in his chest. A moan escaped out the partially open door to his room.
Sam tiptoed up to the door and peeked in. His mind nearly exploded when he saw what lay inside.
There, under the NASA poster. Under the other poster that hung over his bed, the one of cat Gandalf, telling you to “Hang in there, you fools,” was his mom. She had on a t-shirt and jeans. Her head back on his pillow. Her right hand furiously rubbing under her jeans, her left hand clenched round something that throbbed red. Oh no, she’d found his rock.
Joyce’s eyes were closed. Her mouth hung open. Sam had never seen her like this.
His rock-hard dick pulled uncomfortably at his pants. He looked down, it had snaked its way past his waist band and under his shirt. Past his belly button, Sam guessed.
“Oh my,” Joyce said. “Oh my.” Under her t-shirt, her boobs bounced as her hand dug between her legs. Her tits jiggled. Wow, she was hot.
This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all. Sam backed away from the door. He crept down the hall and went to the front door. He’d have to figure out how to deal with an erection this size. It was mightily uncomfortable in his pants.
“Mom, I’m home,” Sam called out. He eased himself awkwardly into a chair in the kitchen to wait for her to come down. His brain feverish with the images he’d seen upstairs. He tried to clear his mind. He’d play it cool. He’d check to make sure she put back his rock later.
Twenty minutes passed before Joyce came downstairs. “Oh, hi Sammy, how was school?”
“It was fine.” His dick had deflated somewhat as he scrolled Twitter on his phone while waiting for her. It still felt huge in his pants. He squirmed a bit in his chair. “I got a B on a math test.” He looked up at her.
“You. Um. Need to do better.” Joyce’s face was flushed. The freckles on her nose more pronounced. She didn’t make eye contact with Sam. “Your father and I need you to get As, honey.” She stepped over to the refrigerator, opened it, and looked inside. Sam watched her butt wobble in her jeans. How had he not seen her like this before?
A thought popped into Sam’s head. “I, uh, haven’t been able to concentrate lately.”
“Um-hmm,” Joyce leaned into the fridge to get a better look.
“My body has been going through some changes.” Sam resisted the urge to stand up and grab her butt. His dick began to harden again.
“You are that age, Sammy. Things are changing.” She straightened and looked over her shoulder at him, making eye contact for the first time. Her soft brown eyes captivated Sam.
“I think I need your help,” He squirmed in his seat again, making sure the kitchen table hid the monster in his pants.
“Of course, sweetie, I’m your mom. I’ll do whatever I can for you.”
“When’s Bex getting home?” Sam said.
“She’s over at Sarah’s. They’re working on a computer project.” Joyce turned to face him. “She’s probably staying over there for dinner.”
“And Dad?”
“He just texted, he’ll be home in an hour,” she said. “Do you want to talk to him instead?” Her face was still flushed.
“No, I feel more comfortable with you, Mom.”
“Okay, honey.”
“Can I show you something and you can tell me if it’s normal?” Sam’s heart beat faster.
“Of course.” Joyce stood before him, hands clasped in front of her.
“It’s about my dick. My penis I mean.”
“Well, perhaps your father –”
“No.” Sam shook his head. “I need your help.”
“What do you need?” A look of concern spread across her pretty face.
“I need to show it to you. I need you to see me fap. Uh. Masturbate. I need you tell me if it’s normal. It doesn’t seem normal.” These were the craziest words he’d ever said. Where did he get the courage?
Joyce’s hand went to her mouth. “Oh my gosh, Sammy. Absolutely not.”
“But you said –”
“I could never.” She shook her head slowly, back and forth. Her hand still covering her mouth. Something in her body language told Sam he had a chance.
What followed was fifteen minutes of begging and pleading by Sam. And consistent refusal by Joyce. Sam couldn’t tell what had finally happened. Had he convinced her? Had she finally just worn down? Was the rock somehow behind this? But here he found himself. Both of them in the bathroom. Forty-five minutes until his dad came home. His mom sitting on the toilet lid, hands on her knees, watching him with wide eyes.
“Let me show you what the problem is.” He pulled off his shirt. Sam stood in front of the bathroom sink. Looking at his scrawny torso in the mirror. The rock certainly hadn’t made anything else bigger. He unbuttoned his pants. The sound of his zipper descending filled the little bathroom. He dropped his pants and then his briefs. His dick flopped out, fully hard and enormous.
“Oh my goodness. Sammy, Sammy, Sammy.” Joyce recoiled, but her eyes fixed themselves on her son’s thing. “I didn’t know. Oh my, I didn’t know.”
“Here we go Mom.” Sam grabbed his dick with his right hand and pumped away.
“I don’t know, honey.” Joyce leaned forward like she might get up.
“You … ah … promised … Mom.”
She didn’t get up. Joyce leaned forward again. And watched. And watched.
About ten minutes later. “Mom … I’m ready … to … show … you … the … problem … aaahhhhhh.” Sam let out a torrent of cum into sink. He came and came.
“Oh no,” Joyce murmured. “So much … and the smell.”
After a few more spasms, Sam looked over at his mom. “What about the smell?”
“Don’t worry, honey. It’s normal. Just … very pronounced.”
“And the rest of it?”
“Well.” Joyce leaned against the back of the toilet. Her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths. “I’ve never seen anything like it. But everything seems to function … normally.”
“Am I a monster?” Sam said. He didn’t mean it, but fishing for sympathy with his mom always worked pretty well.
Joyce stood and stepped over to Sam, careful to steer well clear of his still erect penis. “No way. You’re my special little man.” She tousled his hair and looked at him quizzically. She was a few inches taller than Sam, and he had to look up a little to see her eyes. “Some parts of you are just a little more developed than others. The rest of you will catch up.” She stepped around him and opened the bathroom door. “Clean that up.” She pointed to the sink. “Now I need to take a little nap before cooking dinner.” She walked out of view down the hall.
“Okay.” Sam smiled. “Can I show you again tomorrow?”
“This was a one-time thing.” Joyce called back to him. “Just needed to see it once.” Then the click of his parent’s bedroom door followed as she went down for her nap.
Last night, after Sam’s dad, Paul, got home. After their pizza dinner. After some stilted conversation, without much eye contact by anyone. Sam had turned in early to his room. He fished the rock out from under his mattress. Joyce had returned it after all. Thank God. He sat down in his chair and with one hand clenched around the rock, and the other around his dick, he passed several hours. He’d have to keep a stack of towels by the bed. He couldn’t keep washing sheets all the time.
After school the next day, Sam fapped in front of the sink in the main floor bathroom.
Even though she swore she wouldn’t, Joyce sat on the toilet lid, watching his hand slide up and down that huge thing. “Does it hurt at all? The head looks really purple, and your veins … I can practically see your pulse.”
Sam gave Joyce a sidelong look. “Um … yeah … Mom … it hurts. The stuff needs to get out.”
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. Maybe you should try just keeping your hand around the head. That’s what your dad does.” Her eyes didn’t move from his thing. “We really have to hurry. Your sister will be home soon.”
After a few more minutes of fapping just the head. “Did you tell Dad?” Sam said.
“No, honey.” Her pretty mouth turned itself into a small, little frown. “I don’t think he’d understand.”
“Understand that you like to watch my dick?” He had no idea where this confidence was coming from.
The frown deepened. “I’m doing this for you, Sammy,” she said. “To make sure you’re okay. So that you can concentrate on schoolwork. So, it doesn’t bother you anymore. You’re doing better with the head there. Does that feel any better?”
“A little. It still hurts.” It didn’t hurt at all.
“Okay, you just need some practice.”
“What would Dad say if he saw us right now?” Sam’s hand moved faster.
“Sam, stop talking about your father.”
“You … ah … brought him up. Are you a … ah … good wife … doing this with your … ah … son?” Sam said.
“Sam Higgins,” Joyce raised her voice.
“Sorry.” He looked over at her, perched on the toilet. Arms crossed over her chest. Brown eyes piercing through him. Eyebrows furrowed. She was pissed. “I’m sorry,” Sam stopped fapping. “What I meant was you’re the best mom in the whole world. Thank you for doing this for me.”
“You’re welcome, Sammy.” Her face softened. Her eyes fell back to his thing.
“You won’t tell Dad?”
“I won’t tell your father.” Joyce’s arms unfolded and her hands fell back in her lap. “And you can’t tell anyone either. This is our secret.”
“Not Bex?” Sam grabbed the head again and resumed stroking.
“Goodness no,” Joyce said.
“Not my friends?”
“Not … ah … Mrs. Prescott?”
“Sarah’s mom? Nobody, Sammy. Promise me.” Joyce leaned forward eyes fixed on Sam’s motions.
“So … does this mean … ah … you’ll watch me again?”
“Maybe Sammy. If you’re good. And it helps with your grades.”
“Oh … I’m gonna … I’m gonna …” Sam erupted in the sink again.
The next couple weeks Joyce watched Sam in the bathroom every day after school. She told him no on the weekends. “We’ll never do this while your sister or father are home,” she’d said.
Sam used the rock every night before bed. He’d notice that it was moved to a slightly different place under the mattress every day. He knew that his mom was using it while he was at school.
Somehow, he managed to get his homework done. Things had never been better. His mom even let him talk about how clueless his dad was while they were in the bathroom. Sometimes. And only just a little.
As great as this all was. He wanted more. Joyce’s curvy body called out to him. It seemed like she was even more sexy every day.
He’d also began to hear his parents doing it at night after he and Bex went to bed. The first night was an accident while walking to the bathroom. He’d heard the rhythmic thump and his mom moaning.
“Your incredible, Joyce,” Paul had said. “You’re so tight.”
“Do it, do it, do it.” Joyce had chanted.
Sam listened and thought about what he could do with his powerful new weapon.
After that, he snuck out to hear them most nights.
It was Sunday, and Sam was thinking about his sister. He’d never noticed Bex like this before. Her trim little hips. Her elfin nose. Her long, slender neck. How had he never seen it before? He needed more than fantasies.
Sam knocked on his sister’s door. “Come in,” Bex said.
“Hey.” Sam opened the door and stepped in.
She was working at her computer. She didn’t look up. “What?”
“I was wondering if you could help me with something?” Sam stood just inside the door. Their parents were both downstairs. He thought he’d probably hear them if they started up the stairs. “In the bathroom.”
“I’m busy.” Bex pounded her fingers on the keyboard.
“I really need you to tell me if you think something is normal.”
“I’ll show you in the bathroom,” Sam said.
“Just tell me now.” Her eyes didn’t leave her monitor.
Sam sighed. This would be harder than he thought. He gently closed the door behind him. “I’ll have to show you here.” He unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them around his knees. He lowered his briefs too.
“What?” Bex said.
“This.” Sam’s new dick bounced, slightly, to the rhythm of his pulse. It stuck proudly out in front of him, looking as angry as ever.
Bex turned to look at him. Her eyes widened. “Ewwww, gross. What’s wrong with you pervert.” She threw a pen at him from her desk.
“I …” Sam ducked out of the way as the pen sailed past.
“Get out of my room. Put that disgusting thing away.”
Sam pulled up his underwear and pants. “I just wanted your help.”
“Go show one of your perverted friends. Your dick looks deformed.” She threw another pen at him.
“Sorry.” Sam retreated, opened the door, and slid out. He closed the door behind him.
“Try that again and I’m telling Mom,” his sister yelled out at him.
“Sorry,” Sam said.
“Sammy?” Joyce called up to him from downstairs. “Everything okay?”
“Bex and I just had a fight.” Sam called down. His voice was a little shaky.
“You apologize to her, right now.” Joyce said.
“I did,” Sam said.
Sam went back to his room and thought long and hard about his sister’s reaction. His mom had said no at first, but not like this. Joyce had found the rock in his room, probably while she was in there cleaning up. Bex never went in his room. If he wanted her help, he’d have to help her find the rock.
The more he thought about the rock, the more worked up he got. He almost fished it out for another fap session, but he had other ideas. Sam left his room and walked downstairs.
His parents were in the living room. Paul was watching a football game. His mom reading a book. Sam walked over to Joyce and stood next to the armchair she was curled up in. “Mom, I need some help.”
“Not today.” She didn’t look up from her book. “You know the rules.”
“It hurts Mom. I’m not doing it right. It’s been too long.”
“What’s going on, Sam?” Paul’s eyes never left the television.
“Nothing Dad, I’m just trying to learn some yoga.”
“You wanna watch the game with me?”
“Maybe later, Dad.” How did his dad not realize what Sam hated sports? Sam turned back to his mom. He raised his eyebrows and motioned his head upstairs.
“Well.” Joyce took off her reading glasses. “Paul when’s the game over?”
“It’s the third quarter.” Paul still hadn’t looked over from the game.
“I’ll be right back, Paul.” Joyce stood up.
Sam’s dad waved a hand at her. “Okay, do your thing.”
Sam’s heart raced.
Once Joyce and Sam were in their usual positions in the bathroom upstairs, Sam looked over at his mom. “Thanks Mom. It’s really hurting.”
“This is the only time I’m helping with your dad and sister home. You have to be quiet.” Her eyes fixed themselves on his dick.
“All right Mom.” Sam looked down at his dick bobbing inches from the sink.
“Why don’t you start first with the head only, and then try two hands to finish up? And we have to be quick. No half-hour sessions. Okay?” As she leaned fromward on the toilet lid, her boobs pressed tightly into her t-shirt.
“I’ll try.” Sam rubbed his right hand on the angry purple head.
Ten minutes past. “Are you almost there?”
“I’m trying. Ah … it’s still hurting.” It wasn’t.
“We’ve been in here too long.” Joyce whispered. She stared at his dick, watching Sam’s two hands slide up and down over the pulsing veins. Sam looked over at her. She was on the very edge of the toilet now. “I’m going to have to help you. Good Lord. I’m going to have to do it.”
“Please, Mom, I need it to get out.”
“Okay.” Joyce took a deep breath and bit her lower lip, ever so slightly. “Move your hands away Sammy.”
Sam dropped his hands by his sides. He turned to face her.
“No, stay facing the sink,” she whispered. Joyce turned him back to the sink. “Now, my hands might be a little cold at first.” She reached out with both hands, hesitated. Maybe she wouldn’t go through with it. But then she reached all the way and grabbed his dick. “I’m going to have to show you how to take care of your thing, Sammy. After this, you can do it on your own.” She started stroking with both hands. Long slow strokes. Her delicate hands not quite wrapping all the way around his dick. The sparkle of her wedding ring contrasting with his purple head was amazing.
“Oh. Ah … thanks Mom. You’re the best.”
She smiled a slight half crescent, eyes still on her task, and dropped to her knees to better help her son.
Five minutes later. “I’m getting close, Mom. Ah … ah … ah.”
“Good, honey.” Joyce’s boobs bounced under her shirt with the effort. The flare of her lower back out to her butt and hips was a magical sight for Sam looking down at her.
“Can you … ah … believe that Dad … ah … ah … is right downstairs. And Bex … ah … “
Joyce’s hands slowed. “Don’t you start, Sammy.”
“Sorry, Mom.”
“Okay.” She sped up again.
“Here it comes, Mom.” Sam tried to whisper.
“Let it out, honey.”
Sam came for what felt like forever. He couldn’t believe his luck. This was the best thing that ever happened to anybody.
“That smell is so …” Joyce stood and turned on the faucet to wash the cum down the drain.
“Is it bad?”
“No, it’s good. It’s just so strong. It’s like all of you down there. Perfectly normal. Just more than most boys. I guess.”
There was no way Sam was waiting until tomorrow for another round.
“Okay, I’m going to go take a quick nap now.” Joyce turned off the faucet.
“Yes?” Joyce stood up and scooted behind Sam. She tousled his hair as she stepped by.
“It still hurts.”
Joyce stopped at the door. “Oh, no. No, no, no, no.”
“It really hurts.” Sam’s dick still stood perfectly straight. One time wasn’t going to do it.
“Well …” Joyce frowned and looked down at his enormous thing. “It can’t be helped then. We’ll have to be fast.”
Sam nodded with enthusiasm. “I promise.”
“Okay.” Joyce sighed, opened the door, and checked down the hallway, looking both ways. She stepped back inside, closed and locked the door. “Why am I doing this?” She whispered.
“Thanks, Mom.” Sam smiled.
And Sam got the second handjob of his young life in the same day by the most beautiful woman in the world. And they finished before the end of the fourth quarter.
There was another beautiful woman in that house. It was too bad Sam had upset Bex like that. He’d have to make it up to her. As he lay in bed that night, he hatched a plan. His parents were watching TV downstairs. Bex was in her room down the hall. Sam reached under the mattress and pulled out the rock. Its smooth black finish cooled his hand. At the same time, on a completely different level, the red pulsing veins sent ribbons of warmth up his arm. He stood and walked over to his sister’s room.
“Rebekah?” He knocked softly on her door.
“Go away.” Her muffled voice carried out into the hall.
“I’m sorry about before. I just wanted some help. I haven’t been feeling all that well.”
“Go away you pervert.”
“Okay. Well, anyway, Mom wants you downstairs.” Sam placed the rock in the hall outside his sister’s door. “She said it’s important.”
Sam walked back to the bathroom and closed the door almost all the way. He peeked out. The rock glowed faintly in the dark hall. Bex opened her door and stepped on the rock on her way out. “Ow.” She looked down. She was wearing shorts and tank top.
“Another stupid rock.” Bex bent down and picked up the rock with her right hand. “She straightened back up and held it in front of her to get a better look. She took a few steps down the hallway toward Sam’s room. “Sam, I found another one of your dumb …” She stopped in the hall, looking at the pulsing light. Bex turned and when back to her room. She closed the door and locked it with a soft click.
After about ten minutes, Sam crept down the hall and listened at her door.
“Uh … uh … uh … uh.” He could hear her grunting, barely audible through the door. He’d let her keep the rock for the night.
Sam thought about getting his mom back up to the bathroom, but three times in one day felt like it might be pushing it. He went back to his room and fapped without the rock or his mom for the first time in weeks.
The next morning, Sam waited for Bex to head off to the bus. After her little butt was safely out the front door, he snuck into her room and found the rock. She’d tucked it under her mattress. Must be a thing with this rock. He pulled it out, looked down at it, and had an idea.
Sam tucked the rock into his pants pocket and jogged downstairs. He found his mom in the kitchen.
“Is Dad still here?” Sam said.
“I’m right here, kiddo.” His dad walked into the kitchen wearing a suit and tie, briefcase in tow. “Need something?”
“Just wanted to wish you a great day,” Sam said.
“Thanks.” Paul grabbed a piece of toast and strode out of the kitchen. “You too,” he called over his shoulder.
Sam and his mom looked at one another. She was wearing a blue, flowing dress that didn’t reveal too much and ended just below the knees. “You’re gonna be late,” Joyce said.
They heard the front door slam as Paul left for work.
“I’m hurting a bit today. And I’ve got a test this afternoon,” Sam said. “I don’t know if I can concentrate.”
“No way, young man.” She crossed her arms and gave him a stern look.
“And I’m also really upset because Bex took my favorite rock and wouldn’t give it back.” Same took the rock out his pocket and held it out to her. This was the first time they’d been with the rock together. That felt important for some reason. “I had to get it back from her room.”
“Well, she shouldn’t have done that.” Joyce stared at the rock and bit her lip. “Off to school with you.”
“I can be a few minutes late. The test isn’t until later. I want you to see my favorite rock. And then, maybe you can help me.”
“Come on, buster.” Her arms fell to her sides. “Not now.”
“Just ten minutes.” Sam walked slowly over to his mom. He held out the rock to her.
Joyce reached out her hand and picked it from Sam’s palm. “What is this stone, Sammy?”
“I don’t know. Do you like it?”
“I do.” She was breathing heavily and her boobs rose and fell under her dress. “And I don’t.”
Sam pulled down his pants.
“Don’t do this Sammy.”
Sam pulled down his briefs.
“My goodness. It’s huge.” She said. Before she knew it, she was on her knees on the cold linoleum floor. The rock rolled out of her hand and fell next to her. “So you can concentrate,” she said. Her hands reached up for his thing. The diamond on her wedding band sparkled in the morning light. She tried not to think of her husband.
Ten minutes later, she had the purple head of her son’s penis in her mouth, both hands stroking up and down the shaft. How had this happened?
“Wow, Mom, I can’t believe you’re doing this.” Sam looked down at her. She was struggling with his size, nostrils flaring, as her head bobbed back and forth.
“Uuuuhhhmmmm,” Joyce said.
“I’m getting … close.” Sam put his hands on the back of his mom’s head. Her hair was silky and smooth.
“Uuuukkkmmmm.” She said.
“What … about … ah … oh Mom. What about the sink?”
Joyce pulled her mouth off her son’s thing. “It’s okay Sammy. I can’t believe I’m letting you do this. But it’s for the best.” She looked up at him. “Just let it out.” She put her mouth back on and rolled her tongue around the head.
“Oh … my … God … Mom,” Sam said. Shot after shot of hot, salty cum sprayed into her mouth. The heat was startling. So different from her husband’s.
Joyce groaned and tried to swallow. It tasted so good, but there was too much. She sputtered, pulled his thing out her mouth, and not knowing what to do, pointed it at her dress. By the time he was done, her chest was a goopy, sticky mess.
Sam let go of his mom’s head. “You are the best mom ever.”
“There you go, Sammy.” Before she knew what she was doing, Joyce licked up and down his shaft, trying to get him clean for school. “Now go get an A on that test.” She picked up the rock, smoothed out her dress, and stood. Her hands were sticky. She didn’t make eye contact. “Now I’m going to go upstairs and see about getting this dress cleaned. And you’re going to hurry to school.”
“Yes, Mom.” Sam pulled up his underwear and pants. “See you afterschool.” He grabbed his backpack and skipped to the front door.
Chapter 2
Joyce looked around her room. She was in her bra and panties since a little while ago Sam had nearly ruined her dress. That was total madness. She wore sensible underwear, as she did almost always. Except for a few frilly numbers she had tucked away for special occasions with her husband Paul.
The t-shirt she’d slept in last night was still on the dresser. She pulled it on.
Something had to be done about Sam. Joyce knitted her brow and chewed on her bottom lip. Things were spiraling out of control. All because of Sam’s new urges. And his gargantuan penis.
No, that was wrong. It was the rock that was doing this. Everything was normal before the rock came into the house. Now, everything with Sam had gone bananas. Not to mention her sex drive was out of control. She masturbating at least twice a day. Once, while the kids were at school. And then once after her bathroom session with Sam. Add to that all the sex she’d been having with Paul.
There was only one thing to do. She walked out of her bedroom, down the hall, downstairs, and into the kitchen. The rock still rested on the linoleum floor where she’d dropped it. Its surface a complete black. Except, of course, the red veins which glowed and pulsed as she watched it.
This would end now. Joyce walked over to the rock. A couple splashes of Sam’s cum had landed next to it on her beautiful, patterned floor. She’d clean that up later. But first, she’d take that rock and throw it into a nearby lake. No one would find it. Ever again.
Joyce bent down and picked up the rock. It throbbed at a faster pace. She took several steps toward the garage and stopped. She hadn’t put any pants on. She looked down at her bare legs, so pale in the morning light. She turned around to head upstairs, find a pair of jeans, and then get back down to the car. She’d do away with this evil that had invaded her home.
Once in her room, Joyce’s mind went a little foggy. Her legs. She had come up here to do something about her legs. She pulled off her panties and tossed them into the laundry basket. Done. Now, she needed something else. Joyce sat down on the edge of her bed. What?
A daydream about Bex, her wonderful daughter, crept into her mind. Sam’s older sister was smart, passionate about her nerdy things, and so … pretty? Joyce was more than a little jealous of her daughter’s tight body and silky skin. Bex got her blue eyes and blonde hair from her father.
“Mom,” the imagined Bex stood in the room with her. Her daughter walked toward her. Wearing her usual tank top and skirt. “I want to talk to you about code.” Bex pulled off the top and skirt and tossed them into nothingness. Her tight little body looked so perfect in her bra and panties. Bex kneeled in front of her mom.
“What?” Joyce’s voice was feeble. “What code, Bex?”
“Code is language. It needs to be translated.” The imagined Bex looked up at her mom, her little oval face so pretty. She reached out her hands and rested them on Joyce’s knees. “You have to listen. To break any code, the first step is to listen.”
“What are you talking about, Bex?” Joyce felt faint. A pulsing warmth spread up her right arm and into her chest.
“Ones and zeros, Mom.” Bex applied pressure with her hands and slowly spread Joyce’s knees apart, until the outside of each knee touched the mattress.
“Oh no.” Joyce looked down at the Harvard t-shirt logo draped across her breasts. She pulled down the collar of her shirt to expose her cleavage, she needed to see her own breasts.
Bex leaned in toward the triangle of brown hair between Joyce’s legs. “Tongues and heros.” Bex licked at her mom’s vagina and looked back up. “Ones and zeros.”
“Oh … my … goodness.” Joyce, lost in her daydream, furiously masturbated on her bed with her left hand, her legs spread wide. Her right hand clutched the rock and didn’t let go.
Sam swung the front door open. He was out of breath. He wasn’t used to running. Certainly not all the way home from school. “Mom.” He stopped in the front hall to slow his heart rate. “I’m home.” How were they going to top this morning? Not easy, for sure. But it’d be fun to try.
“Mom?” Sam walked into the kitchen, but she wasn’t there. He wandered through the main level. No one. He went upstairs. “Mom, you up here?” Nothing. He slowly descended back to the main level and called down at the basement door. “Mooooooommmmm?” She wouldn’t be in the basement anyway.
Sam walked through the kitchen and opened the door to the garage. No cars. His mom was out. He closed the door and looked around the kitchen. Not even a note.
This morning, they’d left the rock on the kitchen floor. It wasn’t there. Panic struck. Sam raced upstairs into his room and lifted the mattress. He let out a deep breath. The rock was there. Joyce had put it back.
The mattress fell back with a thump. Sam sat down on the bed. He was already completely hard. A warmth spread through him. Lately, it seemed like having the rock under the mattress was just as good as holding it. He pulled off his pants and briefs and lay down on the bed. The monster between his legs looked angrier than usual. Maybe it didn’t like it when his mom disappeared either. Time to fap.
Sam stayed up in his room until well after his sister and dad came home. When his mom called up that she’d brought home take out, Sam came down.
Paul and Bex carried most of the conversation that night. If they noticed that Sam and Joyce were quiet, they didn’t mention it. Joyce made eye contact with Sam a couple times, but quickly looked away.
After dinner, Joyce excused herself. “I have to lie down,” she said.
Sam went back to his room and played video games for a few hours, until a knock on the door interrupted him.
“Yeah,” Sam said.
The door opened half way and his dad leaned in. “Just wanted to say goodnight, Sam. Everything okay at school?”
“Thanks, Dad.” Sam paused the game and spun his chair from the computer screen to face the door. “There’s been some tough tests lately, but I’m getting through it.”
“Good to hear it.” Paul smiled. “Your mom and I are counting on you to get more A’s.”
“Yeah, she’s been helping me focus.”
“That yoga stuff?”
“More or less,” Sam said.
“Well, goodnight.” Paul softly closed the door.
“Goodnight, Dad.” Sam waited for the click of the latch and then turned back to his game.
A few hours later, a soft knock at the door intruded on his game again. Sam paused it and spun his chair to face the door.
“Sammy?” The door opened halfway and Joyce’s head peeked through. “You’re still awake?” She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. She didn’t lock it.
She was so strikingly beautiful, even in an old t-shirt and sweatpants. Her soft face so perfect and calming. Sam hadn’t turned any lights on, so the glow from his monitor cast all sorts of shadows. Wherever the light could find her curves, it did. Even in those bulky clothes, there were plenty of curves to find.
“Sam, I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got home from school today. I just needed … I needed a little break.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “We have to talk.”
Sam’s shoulders slumped. Suddenly, all the anger at her leaving melted. “I’m sorry, Mom.”
“For what, honey?” She didn’t move.
“For everything. There’s so much that’s hard to control these days.”
Joyce stepped over to his bed, smoothed out his blanket a little, and sat down. She eyed the pile of clean towels and looked back to Sam. “It’s not your fault, Sam. You’re growing and going through changes. It happens to all boys your age.” She patted the bed next to her. “Come here. We need to talk about the rock.”
Sam rose from the chair and dragged himself to the bed. He sat down next to Joyce.
“Now, everything’s going to be okay.” She put her arm around his shoulders and gave him a warm motherly squeeze, careful not to press her right breast into his shoulder. “Two things need to happen. We need to stop touching that rock. And you need to find yourself a girlfriend.”
“You want me to throw it away?” Sam knew it was the right thing to do, but he was still crestfallen.
“If you can, honey. But I tried that already, and it wasn’t easy.” Joyce squeezed him tighter. Her boob pressed into his shoulder. “I think we should put it away somewhere and agree not touch it. Ever again.”
Sam felt the warmth spread up from below. The rock rested right under where they were sitting. “Touch it how?” His dick hardened in his shorts. It was about to be very hard to hide it from his mother.
“You know what I mean, Sammy.” Joyce looked Sam in the eyes, a stern and searching look. But it softened by the second. She was feeling it too.
“Like this?” Sam put his left hand on his mom’s right leg. Friction from the soft fabric of her sweats warmed his hand as he rubbed up and down.
“No, honey. Not like that.” Joyce didn’t push his hand away.
“How about like this?” Sam pulled down his shorts and briefs and leaned sideways a little so that his dick rested on Joyce’s thigh.
“Oh, honey, that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“Just one last time, Mom. To help me until I get a girlfriend.” Sam’s dick bounced slightly with his pulse as it rested there.
Joyce looked down at the monster, her eyes wide, lips parted. She was breathing in quick shallow gasps. “You promise you’ll work hard to find a girlfriend?”
“I promise.”
“Oh, honey. It looks so painful.” Joyce reached her left hand over and gently stroked the purple head. “This will be the last time.”
“I promise.”
“And only my hands.” Joyce slid her hand down the shaft and then back up.
“Okay,” Sam said.
Ten minutes later, Joyce found herself on her knees on the carpet in her son’s room. Before her, Sam sat on the bed, leaning back, resting on his elbows. He looked down as his mother lovingly slobbered on his dick. “I’m getting … close, Mom.”
“Uuummmmmmm,” Joyce said. She closed her eyes tight. Her head bobbed, her hands pumped, and her pretty lips spread themselves to their max around Sam’s dick.
“Here … it comes.” This was better than the morning session. Sam was living the dream.
Joyce pulled her mouth off his thing and looked up at him. “Okay.” She grabbed one of the towels from beside the bed and covered his thing with it. She wasn’t going back to her husband with a t-shirt covered in cum.
“Oh … Mom … oh … Mom.” Jet after jet of cum spewed into the towel. Sam jerked and spasmed for a long time.
After a while, Joyce removed the towel. It was saturated. She looked down at the still hard thing before her. Some of her son’s sperm leaked down the shaft. She couldn’t help herself. She bent down and licked it up in one deft move. She straightened and stood up. “There, now. Tomorrow you can go find a girlfriend.” She held the towel away from her body. “I’m going to go put this in the laundry.”
Sam leaned back and looked up at his ceiling. “You’re the best, mom. Whatever you say.”
“Goodnight, honey.”
“Goodnight, Mom.” Sam heard the door open and then close with a soft click. Sam thought she’d probably need to lock it next time.
The next day when Sam got home, Joyce asked him if he had a girlfriend yet. Sam said no and before long she was in Sam’s bedroom, the door locked behind her, on her knees, sucking on his monstrous thing. He came again in a towel, saving her new red dress.
This repeated itself for the rest of week. And two weeks after that. Every day after school he’d come home with no girlfriend and she’d end up on her knees. She didn’t know how to stop it. Sam looked like he was in pain, and he really was trying to find a girl to replace her.
Joyce put her foot down on the weekends. And didn’t return to his room again at night either, or anytime when Bex and Paul were home. That was progress. Or if it wasn’t, at least she had stopped the descent. One thing was for sure, she’d now given more blowjobs to Sam then she had in her whole marriage to Paul.
This would all be over soon, and Paul was none the wiser.
And on the plus side, her sex life with Paul had never been better. They did it most nights after the kids went to bed. And her vagina had never felt better. It felt tighter and relayed back to her brain in ecstatic detail every ridge and knob of her husband’s penis.
Things were okay, and once her son found a girl, they’d probably be close to perfect.
Sam stood in the hall outside his parent’s room. He curled his bare toes in the carpet and fought the urge to lower his pajama bottoms. On the other side of the door he could hear his mom.
“Oh, Paul. Oh, Paul. Just like that.”
His father was grunting. He was probably close, the lucky bastard.
“What are you doing?” The soft voice behind him carried all the weight of a thunderclap.
Sam spun to see Bex standing, hesitantly, in the hall. It was hard to make her out in the darkness. She had on some sort of long-sleeved top and pajama bottoms. Her blonde hair and pale face seemed to glow in the gloom.
“Just coming back from the bathroom.” Sam’s voice faltered a little.
“That’s where I’m going. You’re going the wrong way.” Bex moved to step by Sam. Even though she was older, her head crested several inches below Sam’s eyeline. At least he had outgrown somebody.
“I was just …” Sam looked down at her.
Bex stopped next to Sam in the hall. The noise from their parent’s room crept out to the hall with soft, but distinct grunts and thumps. Her eyes widened in the dark. “You are so gross.”
“I’m sorry.” Sam dropped his head and snuck back to his room. He lowered himself onto his desk chair. A beam of moonlight fell into the room from a gap in the curtains. His dick was hard as could be. His pajama bottoms didn’t offer much support, so it was probably lucky he hadn’t accidently whacked his sister as she walked by. Then she might have really exploded.
If the rock had any lasting effect on her, it didn’t show. And Sam was afraid to lend it to her again. He might not get it back. The experiment with Bex was over.
A few minutes passed as Sam pondered the moonlight and his embarrassment. He was about to leave the chair for his bed and enjoy the rock as it hid under his mattress when a quick tap-tap sounded at his door. “Yes,” he said.
The door opened and Bex stepped in. “We need to talk.” She closed the door behind her.
Sam gestured at the bed and turned his chair slightly to hide his bulge from view.
Bex looked at the bed, sighed, stepped over to it and sat on the edge with her knees pressed together. “I know you’re going through lots of changes.” She was sitting right on top of the rock. In the same exact spot Sam had been sitting earlier that day while their mom bobbed her mouth on his dick.
“Yeah,” Sam said.
“And you’ve obviously got some messed up issues with that … that thing you’re trying to hide right now.”
Sam blushed and just sat there.
“But you need some … some … self-control.” Her eyes trailed away off to the closed door. Bex shook her head and looked back at her brother. “Maybe you could meditate or something.”
Sam didn’t move.
“I’m talking to you,” Bex said.
“No, you’re right.” Sam’s embarrassment floated away, replaced by something very akin to boldness. He spun his chair to face her, no longer hiding the tent in his pajamas. “It’s just I need a girlfriend. And I don’t know anything about girls. I need your help.”
Bex snorted a laugh, and at the same time spread her knees apart a few inches. “You’re not listening to me.”
“I am. I don’t want to be a pervert.” Sam’s shoulders relaxed and he sat up in the chair a little. “If you could just help me get a girlfriend, I’m sure I wouldn’t bother you any more about this stuff.”
“I don’t know.” Bex shook her head and opened her legs a little farther. “What kind of stuff do you need to know? Look it up on the internet.”
“I just need to know how a girl’s body works. You know? A real girl. The internet is all full of crazy and fake stuff.”
“Sam, I don’t think this is a good idea.” She cocked her head and gave him a quizzical look. She then spread her legs all the way.
“Please. I promise, it’ll be just till I find a girl that wants me.” Sam steepled his hands together, pleading.
Ten minutes later, Bex had removed her pajama bottoms and her white cotton panties. “This is the clit here, right at the top of the pussy.” Her legs were still spread, showing off a perfect blonde triangle of hair and the tight slit between her pussy lips. She spread two fingers on her left hand and put them on either side of her clit and gently pulled to expose it. “This is really important. Girls like this spot, but you don’t want to overstimulate it. You have to be gentle.” She was looking down at herself as she did this, hair partially concealing her face.
“Okay.” Sam rubbed his dick through his pajamas. “I think I get it. Can you show me how to do it?”
“Um … well, you reach down like this.” She lowered her right hand down to her pussy and started to rub with soft circular motions. “Oh … um … oh … you see?”
“Yes.” Sam pulled down his bottoms and his dick sprung out. “You mind if I practice on myself while you show me? So, it’s more realistic.” He reached out and stroked the shaft with his right hand.
“What?” Bex raised her eyes to watch her brother. He looked like a little twig with a horrific branch jutting out from between his legs. “I … ah … I guess that’s okay. Just keep it away from me.” She looked back down at her pussy and sped up her right hand.
“I promise.” Sam was riveted to the scene playing out on his bed. Bex’s little boobs jiggled with her motions, creasing the fabric of her pajama top. Her grunting increased in frequency. He looked up at the Gandalf cat poster above her on the wall. Hang in there you fool. It was working.
“And then … ah … after a little while … ah … ah … she’ll start to cum.” Bex spasmed, her whole body contracting, her narrow shoulders scrunching forward. “Oooohhhhh.”
“Quiet, Bex.” Sam kept stroking. “Mom and Dad will hear you.”
A few more spasms, and she relaxed and leaned back on the bed, her hands moved to her sides. Her chest rose and fell with each deep breath. “Sorry.” In the moonlight, her pussy lips glistened. “Anyway, that’s how you do it.” She looked up and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God.” Her brother’s dick was colossal.
“I’m getting close.” Sam was using both hands, moving them up and down in long quick stokes. “Toss me … ah … a towel.”
Bex looked around, spotted his stack of towels, reached over, and tossed it across the room to where Sam sat in his chair.
“Thanks.” Sam took his left hand off his dick to catch the towel, covered up, and started to cum. “Ah … it’s coming out.”
“Oh, my God,” Bex said again. Her mouth fell slack as she watched her brother cum for a long time. His balls hung below the towel, and they almost looked like they were pulsing red. They were bigger than any she’d ever seen.
When Sam had finished, Bex quietly stood, collected her bottoms and panties, and walked to the door. She opened it and exited without another word.
Sam watched the twin white globes of her butt bounce and disappear out the door.
The next day was Saturday, and Sam found his parents sitting on the back patio eating breakfast.
“Good morning, Sammy,” Joyce looked up at him with her warm, enveloping smile.
“What’s the news, sport?” Paul said.
Sam pulled up a patio chair and sat down next to his father. “I’ve got a date tonight.”
“Well done, Sam. Who’s the lucky girl?” Paul tousled Sam’s hair.
Joyce’s smile broadened. It’s a good thing Paul was looking at Sam, because he surely would have wondered why his wife was smiling her head off about one little date.
“Kelly Becker. She’s a girl in my class,” Sam said.
“Great, well I want you to be home by nine,” Paul said.
Joyce playfully slapped at Paul’s arm. “Come on Paul, let him have some fun.” She winked at Sam while her husband’s head was turned.
“Okay.” Paul turned to his wife and raised his eyebrows. “Ten-thirty?”
“I’ll take it.” Sam stood and headed back into the house.
“Where you off to?” Joyce called after him.
“The library,” Sam called back. “I’ve got tons of homework.”
“That’s my boy,” Paul said.
Joyce nodded, still smiling. Everything would be back to normal soon.
The next morning Sam sat at the kitchen table, by himself, eating some toast.
Paul walked into the room. “How’d it go last night?”
“Okay,” Sam looked up. His dad had his golfing clothes on.
“Going to see her again?”
“I think so.”
“That’s great.” Paul tousled his son’s messy brown hair. “I’m golfing with the guys today, want to come?”
“No thanks, Dad. That’s not really my thing.” Sam’s eyes brightened a little. “When are you coming home?”
“Not for a while. We’re playing eighteen. And if you’re not coming, I’ll probably stop for a beer or two afterwards.” Paul grabbed a piece of toast from the counter. “Where’s your mother?”
“I think she’s in the living room, reading.”
Paul wandered off toward the living room, calling his wife’s name.
A few seconds later, Bex burst down the stairs wearing a tank top, skirt, and a big backpack on her back. “I’m off to Sarah’s for D&D with the girls. Won’t be back till late.” She rushed right through the kitchen, through the front hall, and out the front door. It slammed behind her.
“Bye,” Sam said to the door.
Paul returned to the kitchen. “Just said goodbye to your mother. Sure you don’t want to come?”
“No thanks.” Sam took the last bite of toast.
“Okay, have a good one, sport.” Paul strode off to the garage. A few minutes later the car engine rumbled, the garage door groaned open, the engine faded, and the garage door groaned shut. Sam sat with his hands clasped and listened to the kitchen clock tick away.
He stood and walked into the living room. His mom was curled on the couch, head in her book. She wore a light blue dress and had her feet tucked up under the hem. Sam stopped near the couch and looked down at her. The morning light flooded into the room and highlighted the soft freckles on her arms. She was radiant.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Hello, Sammy.” Joyce put down her book and took off her reading glasses. She looked up at him with her deep brown eyes. “How did it really go last night?”
“It was good.” Sam sat on the arm of the couch. “Then, later, she wanted to see my dick … penis … and …”
“And?” Joyce said.
“And she got scared and went home. I don’t think she’ll want to see me again.”
Joyce’s hopeful smile turned into a little frown. “Well, don’t worry honey. There’s plenty more girls out there. Just keep trying.”
“In the meantime,” Sam said. “It really hurts.”
“Now, Sam.” Joyce gave him a hard look. “It’s Sunday, you know the rules. It can wait until tomorrow.”
“But Dad and Bex are gone. And it really does hurt.” It didn’t really hurt.
“Well, okay.” Joyce sighed. “Let’s be quick.” She stood up, took her son’s hand, and led him upstairs to his room.
Twenty minutes later, her head bobbed on his thing. She released her mouth with an audible pop. “Oh, my goodness, Sammy. Are you ready?” She kept stroking him with both hands.
“Almost … there … Mom.” Sam looked down at the diamond flashing on her wedding ring. “Here … it … comes.”
Joyce let go with her right hand and grabbed a towel from the dwindling stack by the bed. She finished him off into the towel.
A minute later, she removed the towel and licked up the remaining cum. Joyce sighed, leaned forward, and rested her right cheek on his bare thigh. “Wow, honey.” She turned her head a little to look up at him. From this angle, his thing looked bigger than ever. It was still hard, bouncing to the beat of his heart. His veins wrapped themselves all around in jagged zigzags, and they pulsed too. “I hope you feel better. I’m going to go to my room for a little nap.”
Sam looked down at her. The skin of her cheek on his thigh felt electric. “One more time? Please.”
She lifted her head and looked Sam in the eyes. “Now, honey, let’s not get carried away.”
But, forty-five minutes later, both Joyce’s hands moved up and down her son’s long thing. “Are you almost there?”
“Not … ah … yet.” Sam lay back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.
“Please hurry.” Joyce rubbed her legs together. Her panties had soaked through long ago. She needed to go take care of herself, like she always did after helping Sam.
“A few … more … minutes,” Sam said.
“Oh, honey.” Joyce couldn’t take it anymore. She let go of him and his thing flopped on his belly. She stood up. “Scoot back on the bed.”
“What?” Sam propped himself up and looked down at his mom. She pulled the hem of her dress up to her waist. Her dark blue panties were stained an even darker blue on the triangle that covered her pussy.
“Scoot back, sweetie.” Joyce’s milk-white legs looked so vulnerable, exposed as they were.
Sam got the idea and scrambled back to the middle of his bed.
“You can’t do it inside me.” Holding her dress up with her right hand, she pulled her panties to the side with her left. “Tell me if you’re going to orgasm.”
Sam nodded.
“I need this, but I’ll be quick.” Joyce stepped up onto the bed and planted her bare feet on either side of Sam’s hips. “Are you okay, honey?”
Sam nodded again.
Joyce lowered herself to her knees, let go of her dress, and reached down with her right hand. Her left still held her panties to the side. She grasped the head of her son’s thing and guided it home.
Slowly, very slowly, she lowered herself. “Oh, my gosh, Sammy.” She’d had a large boyfriend in college and he had painfully hit her cervix several times. As Sam got close to bottoming out, Joyce’s shoulder’s tensed, waiting for the pain. But none came. Her descent halted and their hips met. Somehow, this monster fit perfectly inside her. Joyce knew it was the rock. It had done this to her.
“I … I …” Sam stuttered. “I can’t believe it, Mom.”
“Sshhhh, honey. Give Mommy a minute here. Okay?” Joyce put both her hands on her son’s flat chest, digging her fingertips into the course cotton of his NASA t-shirt. She rocked her hips very gently. “Ooohhhh. Sammy, I think you might break me.” She’d never felt anything like this. Not her husband. Not her large college boyfriend. Not the other two boys she’d dated in college. Nothing before even resembled this feeling.
Sam looked down at his sweet mother, gyrating on his dick. He had an eyeful of cleavage down the front of her dress. He reached up with his left hand to cup her right boob.
“No, honey.” Joyce lifted her right hand and guided Sam’s hand away from her breast. Once safe, she placed her hand back on his chest. Her hips rocked faster.
Not knowing what else to do, Sam simply grabbed the blanket and held on.
Within a few minutes, Joyce was grunting uncontrollably and grinding Sam with fast, rolling thrusts. She leaned back, placing her right hand behind her, on Sam’s thigh. She now bounced up and down with long, wild thrusts. “I’m going to do it, Sammy,” she shrieked. “I’m doing it.” Joyce tossed her head back, and her shoulders twisted in. Her hips stopped moving, and her whole body jerked several times.
The scene was unequivocally the most erotic thing Sam had ever seen.
Joyce’s breathing slowed, her head dropped forward, and she opened her eyes. “Were you a good boy, honey?”
Sam nodded. “I didn’t cum.”
“Good boy.” A faint smile crossed her lips. “I’ll finish you off now.” She pulled herself off him. A loud plop filled the room as his dick fell out. She crawled between his legs and dropped her mouth to that angry purple head.
It didn’t take long. “Mom … ah … it’s coming out.”
Lost in the moment, Joyce didn’t reach for a towel. Spurt after spurt of the hot, salty liquid filled her mouth. She did better at swallowing than the last time in the kitchen, but it still overwhelmed her. She pulled her mouth off, pointed the thing at her dress, and let Sam spray her.
Once he was done, she looked up at her son.
Sam propped himself up on his elbows and smiled down at her. “Think I should have played golf with Dad today?”
“You know how I feel when you talk about your father at times like this.” Joyce looked stern, but that was somewhat offset by a rogue streak of cum that dripped slowly down her forehead.
“There has never been a time like this,” Sam said.
Joyce smiled, despite herself. “Do you have homework to do?” She was still crouched between his legs, holding his thing with her right hand. The front of her dress was drenched with cum. “I need to go save this dress and take a shower.”
“Yeah, I’ve got homework.”
“Good.” Joyce stepped back off the bed and turned. Her dress fell back below her knees. She walked across the room and stopped at the door. “Don’t forget to take a break later. I’ll make you some lunch.” She opened the door and left.
“Okay, Mom.” Sam couldn’t wipe the grin off his face.
Chapter 3
After Joyce left, Sam cleaned himself up and tried his best to study for a few hours. But concentration was not his friend. He had just had sex with his mom. Or, really, his mom had sex with him. It was the single best moment of his life. Granted, there’d only been eighteen years, so he had time to top it. Like right now. He could go for twice in one day.
Time for a study break. They had hours until Sam’s dad, Paul, got home from golf. And his older sister, Bex, was off playing D&D with her friends. Sam got up from his desk chair, walked across the room, and opened his door. Voices carried up the stairway. Two women having an animated conversation.
Well, this might ruin his study break. Sam padded down the carpeted hall and descended the stairs. He turned into the kitchen.
“He did what?” Joyce said. She sat at the kitchen table, wearing a white blouse and jeans. Her brown eyes wide with shock as she watched her companion across the kitchen table. After a shower, Joyce’s hair always turned a bit straighter and a darker shade of brown, as it was now. Maybe Sam had accidently sprayed some cum in her hair and she’d needed to wash it out. It was bound to happen, he supposed.
One thing was for sure, she looked absolutely amazing. Beyond beautiful.
“You heard me.” Mrs. Singh sat across from Joyce. “With his secretary. And now Jill found out and she’s beside herself.” Sam hadn’t really noticed before, but Mrs. Singh was quite beautiful too. A small, dark woman with a quick smile and surprisingly curvy body. She wore a t-shirt and yoga pants, so the curves were easy to spot. “Raj would never do that to me or the kids.”
“No, neither would Paul.” Joyce’s face shifted from surprise to … what? Guilt? She turned her attention to where Sam stood in the doorway. A little frown formed on her pretty face. “Oh, hello, honey. Lakshmi just came over for some coffee.”
“Hi, Mrs. Singh.” Sam waved.
“Hi, Sam.” Lakshmi gave him a sheepish smile. She might have been a little guilty too. Probably for getting caught dishing dirt on the latest neighborhood scandal. “You’re really getting tall, aren’t you?”
“Not really.” Sam adjusted his pants. “But thanks for saying so.”
“You want some lunch, Sam?” Joyce stood and walked over to the fridge. It blew Sam’s mind; he’d been inside her hours ago, and now everything was so … normal.
That thought tugged at his dick. He could feel the swelling. He’d need to go or he’d have a hard time hiding his erection from Mrs. Singh. Now that would be some gossip. I was over at the Higgins house, and Joyce’s boy Sam was literally bursting out of his pants. Oh, I do mean literal. Oh yes, it was horrifying. Right in front of his mother, too. Sam didn’t want that. “No thanks, Mom. Just wanted to see who was over.” Sam turned for the stairs and fled. “Bye, Mrs. Singh.”
“Bye, Sam.” Lakshmi said.
“I’ll bring you some lunch after Lakshmi leaves, Sammy.” Joyce called after him. “Keep studying.”
“Okay.” Sam wasn’t going to study. Seeing Mrs. Singh in his kitchen had changed something. He couldn’t place what. Sam had never cared one way or the other about his mom’s friends before. But having her here. So close to the rock … Sam needed to fap.
An hour later, Sam was back at his desk, trying to concentrate. There was a soft knock on the door. “Sam?” Joyce said through the door. “I’ve brought you some lunch.”
“Come in.” Sam swiveled his chair to face the door.
The door opened and Joyce stepped in carrying a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In her other hand she held a glass of water. “Lakshmi left for yoga class.”
“Okay.” Sam’s pants grew more uncomfortable as his dick struggled again to break free. “Thanks for lunch, Mom.” Sam watched her walk towards him. She set his lunch down on his desk a little to the left of where he was working. Her blouse was tight enough to show off the roundness and abundance of her boobs. Sam tried not to stare.
“Is there anything else you need, sweetie?” Joyce looked down at him.
“Mom.” Sam squirmed in his pants. “I’m still having trouble concentrating.”
“My goodness, Sammy.” Joyce shook her head and crossed her bare arms over her chest. “It’s Sunday, and I’m not supposed to help you on the weekend. And you … and we … did what we did earlier. Which was way more than what I’d ever thought we’d do. It has to be enough, Sammy.”
“It’s just that I didn’t actually get to see anything.” Sam looked up at her with pleading eyes. “And if I’m going to take care of myself … If you won’t help me … I need to have something to help my imagination.”
“Are you thinking about me when you do it?” Joyce scrunched up her nose with distaste.
“I can’t help it, you’re so beautiful.” Sam looked down at his hands. He thwittled his thumbs, not wanting to make eye contact. After a long pause, he looked back up again.
“Oh, Sammy.” Joyce’s face relaxed and reddened. “What do you need?”
“I’d really like to see you naked.” Sam spoke in a rush to get out the words. “Just once would be enough. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, Mom. I just want to see.”
“No way, Sammy.” She cocked her head at him, very cross. “Your father is the only one that gets to see me naked.” She looked him up and down, eyes lingering on the bulge in his pants. “You really need a girlfriend.”
“But this would be, you know, a bridge. I’ll have a girlfriend soon, and I’m having a really hard time concentrating. I just need a little help, Mom. Dad won’t be home for a long time.”
“No way, mister.” Joyce tapped her foot. The smell of Sam’s cum still lingered in the room from their episode that morning. The scent was so earthy, rich, and full of life.
“Just this once, please?”
They went back and forth for several minutes. Sam wore Joyce down.
“Fine. Wait here, I’ll be back in five minutes.” Joyce exited the room.
Sam moved over to the bed and sat at the edge while he waited. The rock hid directly beneath him, under the mattress. Its warmth spread through him.
Five minutes later, Joyce opened the door and stepped back into the room. She was wearing only her white, cotton panties. Her underwear accentuated the wide contours of her hips. Her pale, creamy skin was dotted with freckles here and there. She cradled her boobs with her left arm, to hide them from Sam.
“Wow, Mom.”
“There.” She closed the door behind her and locked it. “Happy?” She did a quick spin around. Her butt was perfectly heart shaped. The arch of her back perfectly feminine. She faced Sam again.
“Sorta.” Sam unbuttoned his pants, pulled them down, and kicked them off. He pulled off his briefs. He stroked the head of his dick while looking at her.
“Put that away. We’ve had enough today, honey.”
“Your boobs, Mom. Can I see them?”
“You want to see my breasts?” Joyce sighed. Her face flushed further. She lowered her head and looked at the carpet. “Isn’t this enough?”
A long moment passed as she stood in the middle of his room, indecisive. “Fine.” Joyce said. She dropped her left arm, and her boobs swung free. They hung low on her chest. She had raised two kids, after all. They were wonderfully round and full. The areolae were larger than Sam thought they’d be. He considered these new revelations. He thought some more. He concluded that her boobs looked very heavy.
“Oh Mom, you’re gorgeous.” Sam stroked faster, adding his left hand to his right.
Joyce continued to look at the floor. “Thank you, Sammy.” Her belly was soft, with just a hint of roundness. Her hips flared in breathtaking fashion from her waistline. With her left hand, she fiddled nervously with the strap to her panties. She pressed her legs firmly together, as she stood there exposed in front of her son.
“I’d like to do it again.” Sam continued his fapping.
“No, honey.” A dark spot spread in the v of her panties.
“I need help. The bridge thing, remember. I promise I’ll get all A’s.”
Joyce stood quietly for a long time. “I don’t know.” She raised her eyes to Sam and took in the length and girth of his enormous thing. Her breathing quickened. “You’ll need to wear a condom.” She spoke so softly, Sam barely heard her.
“I don’t have one. I promise I won’t cum inside you.”
“No.” Joyce bit her lip. “But I’ll get one of your father’s. Wait here.” She turned, stepped to the door, swung it open, and disappeared down the hall. Sam was spellbound by her panty covered butt. It rolled and wobbled, practically calling to him with a siren’s song.
A minute later, she reentered the room, relocked the door, and sat down next to Sam. Her boobs hung down, almost touching her thighs. “Stand up in front of me, honey.”
“Okay.” Sam let go of his dick and stood facing his mom. He pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it behind him. His dick bounced, pulsed, and stood straight out. Below his dick, he could see the network of blue veins that crisscrossed his mom’s boobs. She looked so incredibly vulnerable sitting naked on his bed. That was so hot.
“Oh my, I think you just grew a little more.” Joyce’s fingers shook as she tore the foil packet. “This will be good, Sammy. I’ll get to show you how to properly put one of these on.”
“Sounds good, Mom.”
“The trick is to hold the little pouch on top and unroll it.” Her breasts rose and fell with each quick breath. Joyce grabbed the pouch and placed the condom at the tip of his thing. She tried to unroll it, struggling. “I’m just having a little trouble getting it over the head. Hold on, sweetie.” She tried several ways, but it didn’t want to stretch far enough. “I’ve never had this problem with your father.”
Sam smirked. Fortunately, his mother didn’t see his expression as she concentrated on solving the condom problem.
“Maybe if I do it this way?” Her boobs jiggled as she tried to manipulate the condom onto his penis.
“It’s okay, Mom.” Sam reached down and gently pushed on her shoulders. “Don’t worry, I won’t cum in you.”
“Oh, no.” Joyce was going to let this happen. She followed his nudging and leaned back on the bed. Her boobs swung outward. She stared up at the ceiling.
“Move back just a little.” Sam looked down at her, enthralled.
Joyce wigged back on the bed. Her eyes never left the ceiling. She still had the unused condom clenched in her right hand.
Sam crawled up on the bed. He pulled her panties off and tossed them to the floor. She then spread her legs for him. His mom’s pussy looked so different from his sister’s. Her lips were bigger and splayed out just a little. Sam moved between her legs. From Bex’s instructions, he knew how to find her clit, but that was for another time.
“You’re the best, Mom.” Sam guided his dick to her entrance, but couldn’t quite find the opening.
“Here, let me help you.” Joyce reached down with her left hand. Sam watched her wedding ring, mesmerized. She grabbed his dick and pulled it in. “Uh … ah … Sammy.”
He slowly pushed into her. He held himself up, hands pressed into the bed on either side of his mom, so he could watch it happen. “You’re so wet, Mom.”
“Ooooohhhhh.” Joyce said.
He kept pushing until he bottomed out and held it there. “Mom, look. You can see it in your belly.”
“Ah … that’s not … possible.” But Joyce lifter her head and looked down. Sure enough, his thing outlined itself clearly from inside her tummy. “What have … uh … you done, Sammy?”
“This feels so good.” Sam pulled out almost all the way and thrust back in. He got into a steady pace and kept at it.
Would she even feel Paul after this? It was completely obscene, the way her belly expanded with every thrust. She put her head back to the bed and stared into blank space.
“Oh, Sammy. Oh, no. Oh, my goodness.” Joyce’s toes curled. “You’re going to make me …” Her eyes rolled back in her head and she arched her back off the bed. “uuuaagggggg.” Just like that, she came on her son’s thing for the second time in one day.
“Wow, Mom.” Sam leaned forward, put his arms around the backs of her knees, and kept up his steady pace. Her boobs squished into his chest with every thrust.
Joyce came again in a few minutes. And then again a few minutes after that. “I didn’t know … I didn’t know …” She babbled, tossing her head back and forth.
“What, Mom?”
“I didn’t … uh … know … it could be like this.”
Sam sped up. “Oh, Mom. Ah … ah … I’m gonna … I’m gonna …”
Joyce’s eyes went wide and she looked up at Sam’s sweaty face, his eyes clenched tight. “Not in me, not in me!”
Sam stopped and pulled out with a wet sloppy sound. He grabbed his dick and blasted his mom’s belly, boobs, face, and hair.
When he was done, Joyce wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Oh, my goodness.”
“That was the best.” Sam fell next to his mom on the bed and rolled onto his back. His dick stood straight up in the air.
They took a minute to catch their breath.
“Okay, sweetie.” Joyce propped herself up sideways on her elbow, her boob spilled over her upper arm. She looked at her skinny young man. “That should hold you until you find a girlfriend.” Her breathing slowed. She was completely covered in his stuff. She’d have to wash all the bedding before Paul got home. “We’re not doing that again, okay?”
“Okay.” Sam nodded, still looking at the ceiling.
Joyce’s gaze trailed down his body to that giant monster between his legs, still hard. “We got that out of our system.”
“Okay, Mom.” Sam nodded again.
“Now, let’s get this all cleaned up before your father gets home.”
“Right now?” Sam made no effort to move.
“Yes, right now Sam Higgins.” Joyce pulled herself out of bed and stood with her hands on her hips, surveying the mess.
Sam watched all her amazing parts bounce and jiggle as she moved. “Yes, Mom.”
He stood too.
They took separate showers, and then reconvened in Sam’s room to clean. Or as Sam thought of it, dispose of the evidence.
Sam was satisfied for the next few days. For that, Joyce thanked all that’s good and holy. He settled for a blow job after school and didn’t push for more. She was able to finish him in a towel each time. She did catch him staring at her breasts a few times through her blouse or dress. That was fine, she’d given him what he needed for his imagination.
Now that she had put sex with Sam behind her, Joyce channeled her sex drive back to masturbation, with and without the rock, and sex with Paul. To her surprise, her vagina still worked much as it had before Sam tried to wreck it on Sunday. This meant sex with her husband was pleasant, even if it didn’t measure up to what she had done with Sam.
Now if only Sam could find a woman other than his mother to satisfy his urges. Then they might be out of the woods.
Thursday night, after their parents went to bed, Bex and Sam sat around talking in his room.
“I’ve got my robotics test this week, mind if I show you what I’ve been working on?” Bex sat on the floor, one leg tucked under her. She leaned her back on the bed, her right shoulder inches away from the rock tucked under the mattress.
“Sure.” Sam leaned back in his chair flipping a pen up in the air and catching it, or often not catching it. He kept the cap on so he wouldn’t mess up his “After a while, alligator” t-shirt. “There’s a robot class at the JC?”
Bex watched her brother closely. “Yes, for the eleventh millionth time. I’m taking a robotics class. You don’t seem interested. I thought you’d want to see it, since you like science.” She didn’t get up to go get it.
“Why do you say that?” Flip, flip, flip.
“Well, you like space. And geology.” Bex wore baggy pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved t-shirt.
“I’m sorry, Bex. I’m just really tense. I’ve got a big chemistry test this week.” He looked down at her. She was older, but smaller than Sam. Thank God for that. Sam was tired of looking up at people. Her pretty blue eyes sparkled.
“I’m interested in your science stuff, you know,” Bex said. She absentmindedly twisted a strand of blonde hair. “I’d love to see your rock collection.”
“It’s under the mattress, right behind you.” Sam pointed. “No, the other side. On the right.”
Bex reached behind and pulled the rock from under the mattress. The deep black mineral was very familiar to Sam. The rock’s veins glowed faintly and cast a red reflection in Bex’s eyes. “How’d you know which one I meant?”
“It’s my very best rock.” Sam caught the pen and placed it on his desk. He turned his chair toward his sister. “What other one would you want to see?”
Bex stared at the rock for a while. Sam watched his sister.
“Have you had a chance to practice what I showed you? You know, about girls?” Her eyes didn’t leave the glowing light in the palm of her hand.
“I tried, Bex. But I’m too awkward with girls. I never make it that far. And then I’m also worried about showing them my dick.”
“I can see why. It looks like some sort of deformed monster.” Bex looked up from the rock and curled her lips into a frown. “Sorry. I mean, I’ve never seen one like it before. Have you?”
Sam shook his head. “Maybe if you gave me some more tips, I could feel better around girls. Maybe if I was more comfortable … I just need to know how it’s supposed to work.”
“Well …” Her frown dissipated. She gently bit her bottom lip. “Don’t worry, Sam. You just need to learn what to do. I suppose a good big sister should show you how the world works. Bex looked back at the rock and then back at her brother. “Take off your pants.”
“Really?” But he didn’t wait to be told again. Sam stood and pulled down his sweatpants and his briefs. He kicked them onto the floor. His dick bounced out of its confines, standing at attention. A small drop of precum trickled down the purple head.
“Wow.” Bex put her hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry, it really is scary looking. Does it always shake like that?” His dick did its subtle bounce to the rhythm of his heart.
“I think they all do that.” Sam fought the urge to start fapping.
“No, they don’t. Not like that.” Bex dropped the rock on the floor and crawled on all fours toward him across the carpet. Her hips were so much slimmer than their mom’s, but the curve out from her waist was still magical. As was her little round butt as it rolled under her pajama bottoms.
She stopped when she reached his feet and sat up on her knees, staring at that monster. The crisscross of veins stood out prominently, making it look even more ghastly. “Does it hurt at all?”
“A little.” Sam’s legs trembled in anticipation.
“I’m going to show you how a girlfriend is supposed to take care of her boyfriend. Hopefully, once you know how this works, you can relax with girls and you won’t scare them away.” She reached her hands out to his knees. Sam’s balls hung down. They looked very full. Very heavy. “I’m sure you’ll find someone who will know what to do with this thing.”
“Do you?” Sam tried to calm his shaking legs. “I mean, do you know what to do with it?”
“I know what do with a normal one.” Bex slid her hands up Sam’s bare thighs. “I think I can manage this.”
“Well, thanks Bex.” Sam watched her pale, little hands snake their way toward his dick. Life was beyond good.
“This …” Bex grabbed his dick with her right hand just under the head. “Is how …” She placed her left hand below it. Her fingers didn’t quite reach all the way around. This really was a monster. “A girl helps her boyfriend.” Her hands moved up and down. On the downstroke her left hand hit the base, on the upstroke her right hand nudged the head.
“Wow.” Sam clenched his fists by his sides. “What else does a girlfriend do?”
“Do you have any lotion?” Bex’s thin arms worked hard as she kept up a steady rhythm.
“You need lubrication.” She pulled her right hand off, brought it up to her mouth, and spit into the palm. Her left hand continued while she did this. She put it back and her strokes spread the spit around the shaft. “That’s better, right?”
Bex continued the handjob on her knees for about ten minutes. “Are you getting close?” Her eyes fixed themselves on her task.
“Not … ah … yet.”
“You are strange.” She cocked her head to the side, watching the precum ooze from the head. “Okay, since I’m already doing this. I’ll show you how a girlfriend can help speed things along.” She leaned forward and licked some of the precum. Salty and very hot. The temperature was all wrong, but the taste was … really good. She dipped her head and licked again. “There now. A girlfriend can also do this.” Bex opened her mouth wide and lowered it onto his dick. She bobbed her head up and down.
“That … feels … good.” Sam clutched the armrests.
After a few minutes, Bex lifted her mouth off the head with a pop. “Girls like it when you put a hand on the back of their head when they’re doing this for you.” She went back to sucking.
“Okay.” Sam released the armrest with his right hand and cradled the back of her blonde hair.
Bex lifted off his dick again. “Gentle, but firm. No pushing.” She dropped back to his dick.
“Okay.” Sam hadn’t really done much head holding with his mom. Really only that first time. He wondered if she’d like it too. He’d have to give it a try tomorrow after school.
Another ten minutes passed and the room filled with the sounds of Bex’s slurping and Sam’s grunts. Hopefully they weren’t being too loud.
Bex lifted off again and looked up at Sam. “Are you close?”
“Um …” Sam didn’t usually have this sort of staying power with his mom. But he sensed if he could hold out a little while longer, he might be rewarded. Bex seemed really into her birds-and-the-bees demonstration. Behind her, on the floor, the red glow from the rock shown brighter than before. “Not yet.”
“That’s crazy.” Bex let go of his dick and stood up in front of him. “You must be some kind of mutant.” She grabbed the waist band of her pajama bottoms and pulled them to the floor. She slipped her thumbs under the sides of her panties and shimmied them down too. There was that little triangle of blonde hair again. She shuffled the clothes to the side with her foot. “There’s something else I can show you. But you can’t tell anyone I did this for you.” She grabbed the bottom of her shirt, pulled it off and tossed it behind her.
“No one, I promise,” Sam said.
She was so different from their mom. Small, skinny, and taut. Her boobs were a couple handfuls that defied gravity, with dark, puffy nipples. She didn’t really have freckles, but she did share their mom’s pale skin. “You can’t tell anyone about any of this.”
“Yeah, yeah. I promise.” Sam was so surprised, he didn’t bother to remove his own shirt. He sat down in his desk chair.
“This will help you finish and hopefully build your confidence.” She stood with her hands on her hips. “But I’m only going to show you one position. I don’t think I could handle that thing any way but on top. Can you move those armrests?”
The armrests did swivel to the side. Sam pushed them out of the way.
Bex awkwardly straddled the chair, looking down at her brother’s frightening dick. Was she really going to do this? “When the girl’s on top, it’s always best to let her put it in.” She reached down and grabbed his dick with her right hand. “Like this.” She lowered herself onto her brother’s lap. “Aaaaahhhhh. You’re huge. There’s no way I’ll get it all inside me.”
“Oh,” was all Sam could say.
Bex’s muscles slowly relaxed. She lowered herself inch by inch. Grunting and moaning, but trying not to make too much noise. After a few minutes, improbably, Sam bottomed out in her pussy. “I … uh … uh … don’t believe it.”
“Me either.” Sam rested his hands on her hips. Trying to be gentle, but firm. No pushing. His gaze moved down to her boobs, up to her pretty face, and back to the boobs again. Her chest rose and fell with the effort.
For a little while, they just sat there, Sam fully inside his sister. “Uh, you’re all the way up in my belly, Sam.” She could feel him pushing things around inside her. She gently rocked her hips. “Now, there are two ways we can do this. I can rock my hips back and forth, or I can try bouncing up and down.”
“Bounce, please.” Sam gripped her hips a little tighter. His fingers made indentations in her tight flesh.
Bex pressed her hands onto Sam’s chest and pushed herself up and down and up and down. Slowly at first, but when the pain she expected never came, she sped up. “Uh … uh … uh … uh …”
“You’re … amazing,” Sam said. He had now experienced both women in the house. Joyce was round in places Bex was not. Joyce’s movements were smooth and fluid. Bex bounced like a maniac, her motions herky-jerky. Her body brimmed with kinetic energy. Sam looked down between their legs. On each upthrust, her pink pussy lips spread themselves tight around his dick, hugging it all the way up.
“So, this … uh … uh … is one … uh … oh … position in sex.” Bex’s boobs shook and jiggled right in Sam’s eyeline. Little beads of sweat trickled over and between them. “Are … you … close?”
“Not … yet.”
Bex looked down at her brother, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide. “Oh, Sam. You’re gonna … make me … ooohhhhh … cum.” She thrust down and held her pussy there, grinding her narrow hips into his. “Oooooooohhhhhhh.”
“Shh.” Sam put his hand over her mouth. “You’ll wake Mom and Dad.”
Bex shook uncontrollably. Her fingernails dug painfully through Sam’s shirt and into his chest.
A minute later, she was pumping her pussy up and down again. “Sorry.” She looked over her shoulder back toward the door. “I think we’re okay.”
Sam returned his hand to her hip. She looked so amazing, spread wide, bouncing herself up and down on his dick. She was so small, he wondered where it all went inside her. “Get off, Bex. I’m … gonna …”
“It’s okay. You can … uh … leave it inside.” She looked down at her brother with a faint half smile. Sweat dripped down her forehead. “I’m on the pill.”
Sam gripped her hips hard. He wasn’t gentle or polite. “Uh … uh … uhhhhhh.” He pulled her up and down on his dick to the rhythm of the blasts that covered the inside of her womb.
“Oh, Jesus. It’s … so … warm.” Bex shut her eyes tight and came again.
After he was done, Bex leaned forward and rested her head on his slim shoulder. Sam’s hands held loosely to her hips. She stared off in a daze into the corner of the room. The red pulsing light shone against the wall. Her breathing gradually slowed. “So, now you know what a girlfriend does. Feel better?”
“Almost.” Sam’s fingers tightened around her hips. He pulled and pushed, rocking her on his dick. The room filled with the squelching sound of his sister’s cum filled pussy. “I want to know what that back and forth thing is all about.”
“Oh, Sam. Ooooohhhhh. You are not normal.”
A little later, Sam came for the second time inside his sister. Afterwards, she staggered back to her room and fell into bed. A puddle formed in her sheets between her legs. Sam had really filled her up. She didn’t care. It was all so crazy.
The next day was Friday and before school Bex avoided Sam. She made no eye contact as she whirled through the kitchen, picked up breakfast, and rushed out the door to her robotics test. Sam watched her little butt go. It was fine, she was probably just uncomfortable after last night. They’d be fine.
Paul left for work and Joyce chased Sam out the door so that he’d make it to school on time.
Sam tried to concentrate at school. But daydreams of his mom and sister crept into his mind. Then his imaginings took flight and went in new directions. He found himself thinking of his neighbor Mrs. Singh. She had a son, Arjun, who was in Sam’s class. He was the tall, athletic type, who played sports all year round. So, Sam didn’t have much in common with him. As his daydreams unfurled, he saw Mrs. Singh flirting with her son. Seemingly innocent at first, with just a hint of the dirty events to come. He saw things spiral out of control. Once started, they’d slide down a never-ending abyss of lust.
Eventually, Arjun would be nailing his mom from behind in the upstairs bathroom, while his father, Raj, got ready for work downstairs. Mrs. Singh was always very proper and quick to shake her head at other’s scandals. This made the daydream exponentially better.
And so, Sam wasted the day playing out these perverse stories in his head. But school wasn’t a total loss, he did get his chemistry exam back, and it had a big, fat A at the top.
When Sam got home, he found Joyce reading on the couch in the living room. She looked up at him, blinked through her reading glasses, and then took them off. “How was your day, honey?” She had on a long white skirt and a blue sweater.
“I got an A on my chemistry exam.” Sam held up the exam for her to see.
“That’s great.” Her face lit up with a wide smile. “I’m proud of you, Sammy. I know how hard you’ve been working in that class.” Joyce’s smile shone at about a million watts.
“We should celebrate, Mom.” Sam returned a sly smile to his mom.
“Ice cream?” Joyce stood up and smoothed out her skirt. It fell below the knee.
“I was thinking about something better,” he said.
The bulge in Sam’s pants was evident from where Joyce stood. “Better than ice cream?” She looked at him in mock confusion.
He gave her an exaggerated shrug.
“Okay, fine, hotshot. I’ve been saving something for a special occasion.” She stepped by Sam and ruffled his hair with her right hand. “Go up to your room and wait for me. I have to go get something.”
Sam jogged up to his room and pulled off his clothes. He tossed them toward the hamper. He turned, sat on the bed, and waited.
A minute later, Joyce stepped into the room and locked the door behind her. She had a box in her right hand. She looked at her naked son. “Goodness, Sammy, you don’t waste any time.” She held the box up to show him. “Magnum XLXL, the biggest condoms I could find.” She walked across the room and handed the box to Sam. “I want you to keep these hidden in your room. Your father is not to find them. Understand?”
“Okay.” Sam’s smile faded. “Aren’t we going to use them?”
“Such a long face.” Joyce smiled down at him. “I got these for you to use when you get a girlfriend. They’re not for me. Here.” She motioned for him to hand the box back to her. “How about I show you how to put one on, and then I’ll help you with my mouth. Sound good? We have a little while until your sister and father get home.”
Ten minutes later, Joyce had impaled herself on his giant thing again. She rode Sam on his bed, her skirt bunched around her waist. Her panties, long since discarded, lay on the floor. Her sweater remained in place. Their hips ground together. Joyce leaned back and put her hands on Sam’s knees.
Sam watched her body undulate. “Mom?” He grabbed a handful of skirt at each of Joyce’s hips and held on tight.
“Just … a … minute, sweetie.” Joyce continued to grind her hips in a smooth rocking motion. “Mommy’s kind of … oooooohhhhhh … busy here.” Her thrusts sped up, and she leaned back further. Her neck straining, her eyes looking up at the ceiling. “Aaaaahhhhhhhh, Sammmmmmy.” Her hips stopped and she convulsed several times.
When it was over, she leaned forward, eyes shut.
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