The Chauffeur (#46) Shopping for Christmas
The Chauffeur (#46) Shopping for Christmas
Sex Story Author: | PABLO DIABLO |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Let him know that Officer Murphy is trying to bully us because he doesn’t want to understand that his buddy |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Group Sex, Job/Place-of-work, Romance |
The Chauffeur (#46) Shopping for Christmas
Copyright 2019
When I woke up the following day, I was a bit excited. The idea of Tony Stewart coming to the office was very interesting. I spent a couple of hours laying in bed thinking about what would bring Tony Stewart to our office. I do remember Sharon telling me that he was meeting another client on a different floor and took a shot that I might be available. My mind was wondering if I should have some lunch sent in or just have the meeting and then have lunch after he leaves.
Taking a shower felt good as I always miss the shower at this house, it’s better than any hotel shower that I have ever felt.
Jill was still in bed sleeping when I headed to the bathroom. Oddly, Dakota spent the night in her own bed. We had a wonderful sensual time together, but when we finished, we took a shower together and Dakota left the bedroom to head to her own bed, which surprised me. We really had a passionate session lasting more than 2 hours. We haven’t had a session like that for several weeks. However, I slept like a log after she headed back to her own bedroom.
When I finished my shower, I put on a nice dress shirt and dress slacks and a tie. I really didn’t feel much like putting on a suit. Yes, it is Tony Stewart, but he’ll probably only be around for an hour or two.
I know that the 500 cases of wine are also being delivered today. Hopefully, John has enough troops to handle the delivery. Amy will be here to help direct the troops as will Bobby and Sammy as one of the wine cellar doors is next to the main kitchen. The other door is next to the big kitchen.
In my head, I figured that at some point I need to send one of the chefs down to the cellar and take an inventory of everything. I also have the intention to try and figure out who is putting things, such as the three vineyards in Jaxson, Inc. name. I know Sharon was working on it yesterday, but when she got home, she made no mention of what she found out if anything.
Once I was dressed, I headed out to the main kitchen. Sharon was already there as was Jennifer. Jennifer got up and poured me a glass of pineapple juice. In my head, I was still amazed at Jennifer’s bonus check. I know that she earned all of it, but it just surprised me.
Buying those figurines for Dakota made me feel really good. I finally found something that made her happy. It was also nice to have that conversation about her being very happy with Jill and I. The story she told me about how cheap Bob was really surprised me. I get not spending huge amounts on people, but a $25 gift card was ridiculous.
The furniture that was brought in for Mom yesterday was a bit of a surprise. I really didn’t pay much attention to it, but Amy apparently did, and she thought that the furniture was beautiful.
As I sat there drinking my pineapple juice, I realized that I was hungry.
“Bobby, could you make me a cheese omelet, some bacon, and fried potatoes, please?” I ask him.
“Absolutely. It will take about 15 minutes. I hope that is OK with you,” he tells me.
“It will be fine, thank you,” I reply.
As my omelet was cooking, Jennifer, Diane, Paula, Donna, and Amy all came out. Amy was dressed in a pair of old jeans, but the other four ladies all looked stunning.
“Paula, did you get a call from a chauffeur who works in Dallas?” I ask.
“Yeah, he told me that you gave him your card and gave him instruction to call me We had about an hour conversation. He seems nice and really knows the limo business well. While he won’t know LA for a few weeks, he certainly could manage our hotel to airport service in Black Car Limo. Since we don’t know much about him, I’m not ready to tip our hand and let him work at Happy, Happee Limo,” she tells me. Her reasoning is sound and I’m glad that she has a good sense of running the business.
“Hey, is that Congressman and his wife still use Happy?” I ask not expecting for them to still be clients.
“Oh yes, they are. In fact, they have upped their usage of the limo service from once every two weeks to twice a week now. They still have their little fetish; she gets pounded while he sits in the back and jacks off. They are quite an interesting couple. They ask about you occasionally,” she tells me.
“Are they using the card or still paying cash?” I ask.
“Oh, they LOVE the card since they play together. It keeps them from having to carry cash,” Paula tells me which surprises me. I would figure with them being in California politics, they would want something that isn’t so easily traceable.
“How’s Billy what’s his name?” I ask.
“Oh, he’s become a real ass. He gets all indignant that Jill isn’t available to be his personal sex toy. He keeps telling me that he should get a discount since he isn’t getting the driver he wants,” Paula explains to me.
“Do we still have that large black lady…. what was her name? Betty, no Bertha Bethune. Yeah, 300 pounds of unsatisfied sexual woman. I think you should turn her loose on him and give him his stupid discount. Hell, tell him that I authorized a onetime discount of 25%. I think Ms. Bethune will fuck him into submission. Does he still want his stupid British cigarettes……oh wait, he calls them fags doesn’t he?” I ask her.
“Oh yeah, thankfully we still make a pretty penny on those stupid smokes. But I like your idea about Bertha. Hey, why don’t you bring her here one weekend? I’m sure she would love a shot at you. She likes white guys. She takes it as a challenge to try and fuck them into submission,” Paula says to me giggling.
“While I’m sure you would have a big laugh at my expense, I’ll pass on Ms. Bethune, besides, Dr. Ronda wants time with me. You know that, right?” I say to her with a smile on my face. In all actuality, she is a good-looking woman, but her personality is very loud. I don’t know why it is, but she’s loud all the time.
“Hey, I have an idea that I’m sure you will find funny. How about we turn her loose on John? Let’s see who wins that battle. My well-endowed sidekick or your overly horny white guy loving driver? My money is on John. Who do you think will win this one?” I say to Paula laughing a bit.
“OH, my money is on Bertha. I’ve seen her take on three white guys and fuck and suck each one until they were laying in the back of the limo barely able to move,” Paula says to me.
“Hey, we could make a bet. We put John and Bertha together and see who outlasts the other one. If John wins, then I’ll be your pet for a weekend. If Bertha wins, you have to fuck and suck every woman I put with you for 24 hours,” she says.
“Um, one minor point. Won’t I do that anyway?” I ask her.
“Yes, probably, but I get to pick the women. You might find yourself having to please Bertha, her sister D’Andrea, and their Mother Shantae. This sounds like fun to me. You, as good as you are, and three constantly horny black women. Two sisters and a Mother. I think before we agree, I should ask Jill and your second wife Dakota to see what they think,” Paula says.
“Hmm, well Paula if we’re going to play like that, then I need more compensation if John wins,” I say to her. I see her rolling her eyes at me.
“What do you think you want?” She asks me.
“I don’t know now. Let’s talk about it tonight,” I tell her. She kisses me, passionately and squeezes my cock as she leaves the kitchen. I know that it would be a delightful 24 hours even if she did put all three of these black women on my list of people I would have to satisfy. I’ve never been with a black woman and the idea of doing three, all loud and all big women is kind of exciting. Maybe I should just have John and I take on the three women that Paula is backing.
However, just having Paula be my pet for a weekend really isn’t all that much of a prize. Oh, I love to play with Paula, but that can happen anytime plus she’s a willing submissive already. Certainly, I need to think of better compensation.
I see the time and head with John to his truck. He was surprised that I jumped in the passenger side of his vehicle. Clearly, he isn’t completely used to me needing to be driven around. He waits for a couple of minutes and Jennifer and Diane appear and get into the back seat of his truck. Quite honestly, I think that it surprised Diane to see me in John’s truck.
“Good morning ladies. You all look beautiful. Does anyone know who I’m supposed to meet at the office at 11 am?” I ask everyone in the truck.
John tries first. “Um, that cute FBI lady, what’s her name? Oh yeah, Agent Longmire,” he says.
“Nope, next person to guess,” I say to everyone as John is traveling towards the office.
“Special Agent Fernandez,” Jennifer says smiling and believing she is right.
“Nope, not him either,” I say. Now Jennifer puts on that pouty face just like Dakota. In my head, I’m wondering if Dakota held a pouty face class.
Now it’s Diane’s turn. She sits and ponders for a few minutes.
“Is it that guy who showed up to speak to you yesterday, but you and my fiancée had not returned from Dallas. I can’t remember his name, but it was Italian sounding. Um, Anthony something,” she says. I laugh she’s right, but she’s got the name all messed up.
“Close enough. It’s Tony Stewart,” I say.
“The NASCAR driver?” John asks.
“Yes, that one. He was meeting with someone in our building on another floor and decided to come up to our office to try and meet with me. Why I don’t know. But since he’s very well known, his face and name open a lot of doors and people will take a meeting with him even though there is no appointment. He apologized to Sharon yesterday, but truth be told, I think I know Sharon enough that she would have banged him right in front of her desk,” I said to everyone in the truck causing everyone to laugh out loud and laugh hard.
“Too bad Tony’s married,” John says to me.
“What do you think he wants to talk to you about?” John asks me.
“You know, I’ve been thinking about that since we landed yesterday,” I say to John.
Suddenly an LA city police car has its lights on behind us and is pulling John over.
“John, just sit still. Roll down your window and keep both hands on the steering wheel. Answer his questions, but say yes sir and no sir,” I tell John quickly and quietly.
The officer walks up behind John’s vehicle. I see through the visor mirror that the officer unsnaps his gun and has his right hand on the weapon.
The officer comes to the driver’s window.
“Good morning officer, what seems to be the problem?” John asks in a clear submissive tone.
“You ran through a stop light back a couple of blocks,” the officer says to John.
“I need to see your license and registration. How long have you had this truck?” The officer asks John.
“Just a couple of weeks sir,” John says following my directions.
“How does a punk like you afford a new truck?” the officer says to John.
“Because I bought it for him,” I say to the officer who is obviously trying to bait John.
I whisper to John, “Remain calm. Just answer his questions with yes sir, no sir,” I tell him. He nods his head.
“And who are you? His Daddy?” he says with some venom in his tone.
“Nope, I’m his boss,” I say to the officer.
“Why don’t you break out your ID then. I want to know what boss buys a punk kid a brand-new Ford truck. What did this cost you, about $50,000?” The officer asks sarcastically.
“Actually, closer to $65,000,” I tell him not backing down from his taunting tactics.
John hands the officer my ID.
“David Greene with an E. I know who you are. You’re the one who got the best Lt. locked up because rich people don’t like to follow rules. Maybe I should run you in for whatever I choose to and there would be nothing you could do about it. What do you think about that Mr. Greene with an E?” He says in a tone of superiority.
“I think you would be making a bad career choice. You ought to know that I have more attorneys working for me than you have socks in your drawer. How about we go chat with the US Attorney and find out what he thinks of your Lt. Horowitz?” I say to him, not willing to back down. Jennifer is shushing me from the back seat. John is trying to subdue a smile.
“Maybe I should cuff you and put you in the back of my cruiser, we’ll see how funny you are then,” he says to me clearly losing his cool. I believe it is time to go for the knockout.
“Officer, what is it, Murphy? You wear a body camera and recording, as well as your patrol car, has video. Don’t worry my next phone call is to Captain Billings. You know him, don’t you? He’s the Captain of LA police internal affairs department. How do I know this? Well, his daughter goes to college with the young lady in the back seat. If you want to give us a ticket, fine we’ll pay for the ticket. However, if you want to try and strongarm me or any of my friends, then you brought a knife to a gunfight. I don’t back down from officers who are making poor career choices. Diane, please take my phone and call Captain Billings.
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