
The Chauffeur (#20) The Return of Jill

When I woke Sunday morning, my mind was filled with excitement and hope.

The Chauffeur (#20) The Return of Jill


Copyright 2019

Chapter 1

When I woke up Sunday morning, my mind was filled with excitement and hope. Today is the day my Queen is scheduled to come home. However, I woke up much earlier than I needed to. I pulled out my laptop and began to get some work done as I took Friday and Saturday off.

When I signed on to the work email, I saw the usual assortment. However, the one that I was expecting was not there. The one from the district manager in Florida. I double checked that it was read, and it was. I thought that maybe I needed to make an unscheduled unannounced visit to that district and find out what was going on.

I knew that Monday would be quite long with the closing of the Fab Five.

Thinking about all the paperwork that should be accompanying the closing. I also needed to ensure that I carried a check for the $165 million to seal the deal.

I checked the stock price to see that Jaxson Inc. stock had gone up $2, woohoo! I also checked the Vegas restaurant, still number 2 in the company. I sent another email to the district manager, the restaurant general manager, and the chef congratulating them on their continued success. I considered for a moment that maybe I need to add one or two restaurants to that district manager’s group.

It was completely quiet in the house. I was guessing that all the fun play over the past 48 hours wore everyone out.

Thinking that I was hungry, I pulled the stuff needed for cereal. One box of Froot Loops, check. Milk, check. Bowl and spoon, check. Now pour and eat, YUM!

Looking at the time on the microwave, it was still early…..7:02 early.

I kept working my way through the emails while I was enjoying my Froot Loops.

I noticed that Roger had sent me a couple of emails with attachments. I opened the first one. It read:



Attached to this email is a letter from the DEA and Homeland Security. They indicate that the Pinetree has been an unknowing accomplice to drug smuggling and human trafficking.

We need to formulate a plan on how to combat this huge issue. We can’t allow this to continue or it will destroy the Pinetree as a company and affect Jaxson Inc. as a whole.

Please review the attached letters and get back to me.



I was stunned. I opened each attachment and read the letters. The one from the DEA indicated that the drugs were through a Mexican Cartel that had connections that flowed all the way to South America. Columbia to be exact.

The letter from Homeland Security was a bit more detailed, but none the less, just as worrisome. It detailed a methodology of using the cover of ‘vacation packages’. Young women and college-aged men were being sent to stay at one of the Pinetree hotels for a week to ten days. No one would suspect that they were people abducted from their homes in Central and South America and sent to the US under the guise of a ‘vacation’.

They went on to detail that there seem to be nearly a dozen shell companies that look legitimate but are just that, shell companies.

The Homeland Security letter indicated that they would appreciate our cooperation as we have been highly recommended by the FBI.

I sent Roger an email asking him to set up a meeting with both the DEA and Homeland Security this week, middle to latter half of the week.

I also sent a letter to Special Agent Fernandez asking for some time to chat any day this week except Monday.

The second email from Roger told me that his security team is coming together. He also wanted to know if I had any real issues with teaching and arming both Tina and Dakota as well as any others that I felt might be a candidate. This email made me think about both Tina and Dakota. I thought that I needed to keep thinking on that. I sent him a reply that I didn’t have any objections and I would send him a couple of names soon. But he would need to handle the whole process. I also included, since the email was regarding firearms, a reminder that we had an idea about an armed Chauffeur service. I told him that I realized he was extremely busy and maybe he could recommend someone to take that project over for him.

I saw an email from Mark Newberg asking how his nieces Kim and Kay were doing as he hadn’t heard from them since starting with us. I looked them up and found that they had both been assigned to the Pinetree. I didn’t think that we had hired them for that, so I scribbled their names on my note pad to follow-up later with HR.

The rest of the email group was basically junk stuff. I read, I answered, I deleted.

As I looked at the microwave clock again, I noticed that time had gotten away from me. Thankfully, I heard some stirring behind me. Both Tina and Dakota had emerged from their slumber to put the coffee pot on.

I asked if either one of them would drive me to pick up Jill this morning. They both offered. I asked Tina since I had never ridden in her car. Dakota asked I minded her coming along. I told her that would be lovely.

I shut my laptop off and headed to the bedroom to shower and dress to pick up my Queen.

I thought about needing to change the sheets on the bed that I had played on, and in fact, I thought all the sheets that had been played on needed to be washed and changed.

I make a mental note to ask Amy and Jennifer to change the sheets on all beds that were played on.

I also thought about Jennifer and Paula maybe needing to be added to the firearm list. They both could be put in awkward positions, but I needed to consider it further.

Again, I laid out nice clothes for myself to wear to get my Queen. Dress slacks and another of my Cuban style shirts along with a belt and dress shoes.

I headed into the bathroom, this time I was intent on shaving before the shower. Stepping into the shower, I still was amazed at having hot water the moment I turned on the faucet.

Being alone in the shower, the whole process went rather quickly. As I was stepping out, Jennifer was coming in and put on her pouty face seeing me finished.

“Can I entice you to step back into the shower?” She says seductively.

“Not this morning. I’m getting ready to go pick up Jill, my Queen,” I say to her.

She smiled and didn’t push the issue any further. I did ask if she and Amy would take some time and change all the sheets of the beds that were played on and wash those that are removed. She agreed.

As I was leaving the bathroom, I thought about Amy. She did a great job cooking last night, everyone loved the meal. She is moving in here. I wondered to myself if she would be willing to be our assistant at the house. Tina and Dakota are the assistants outside the house, but what about running the house? The house is huge. Keeping it clean, cooking, grocery shopping, following up on lawn service and pool service. Could she handle such a task? Would she need a second person to help? Certainly, questions that I needed to chat with Jill about.

Tina and Dakota were both in separate bathrooms getting ready.

I pushed open a door in the hall and found Amy sleeping, of course, I was looking in Tina’s room. The third time, maybe it is time to ask Tina privately about this relationship, especially if I was considering Amy to run the house for us.

I pushed open another door and found Allison all snuggled up with Belinda.

Both had big smiles on their face. I just thought to myself, ‘thought so’.

Dakota was the first to emerge ready to go get Jill. As we walked back down the hall to the kitchen, I leaned in and kissed Dakota good morning. She responded back by putting her arms around my neck and kissing me very passionately.

As we stood at the entrance to the kitchen, Tina emerged and asked if she could get some. I released Dakota and walked over to my little ebony beauty wrapping my arms around her and kissed her just as passionately.

The three of us headed out to the garage where Tina had parked her car after she returned from taking John and Diane home.

The three of us got into her white BMW and headed to the hospital. Dakota dialed up the hospital and double checked on Jill’s pending release, they told her that Jill was ready to go she just needed to be picked up.

While we were driving to the hospital, I figured that I had the two beauties in a private setting that I could chat with them without other ears listening in.

Ladies, I have a serious question for you two. Roger has suggested to me that maybe both of you need to be trained in firearms and be licensed to carry, at least here in California. He’s checking in on license reciprocation with other states. What do you each think of this idea?

Dakota chimed in first, “Daddy, I love the idea. Sign me up,” she says gleefully.

Tina is a bit more pensive.

“Tina, what are you thinking,” I ask a bit concerned.

“Well, I keep going back to that night when you and I ended up at IHOP. I was a mess that night. I’m not sure that having access to a firearm would be a wise thing for me,” She says in a heartfelt manner.

“I’m glad you are thinking this through. If you have concerns, then you are probably making the right choice. How about this, instead of getting you a permit and a gun, how about Roger just teaches you how to use a firearm properly and safely?” I ask.

“That would be OK, I guess,” she says hesitantly.

“Which brings me to another question for you Tina. What’s going on between you and Amy? I’ve seen you three separate times sleeping in your bed with Amy all snuggled up into you,” I ask as gently as I can.

“Well……I don’t really know……Roger’s nice and all, but he’s out of town so darn much that I feel alone. Amy fills that void for me. She’s wonderful. I can talk to her about anything. Sexually she’s probably the only one who can match Dakota. She’s hardworking and calls me on things when I slack off. Quite frankly she’s been on my mind all the time. By the way, when did you see us? We’ve been trying to keep this quiet,” She replies.

“Don’t worry when I saw you. Look, if you don’t think the thing with Roger will work out because he’s away so much, be straight with him. He’s a grown man. Don’t think you have to have a relationship with him just for a place to stay, you know you are welcome to move back into the Commune. We’d love to have you,” I say to her in a sincere manner.

“I know just the room for you as well, the remaining master suite,” Dakota says with a huge smile on her face.

“OK. I’ll call Roger today. This will be a difficult conversation,” She says in a defeated manner.

“Better to be upfront with him now, rather than blindside him unexpectedly,” I say to her.

We arrive at the hospital. Tina parks the car and we head inside.


The volunteer at the front desk directs us to Jill’s room, she missed the whole point of what we were asking. We just went to the elevator and moved to Jill’s room.

When we got to the room, no Jill.

I walked back to the charge nurse’s desk asking where Jill was since she wasn’t in her room. I got shrugged shoulders and an ambiguous answer. This really ticked me off. How do you lose a patient?

Just as I was preparing to cause a scene, Dakota tapped my shoulder and pointed down the hall. There in a wheelchair was my Queen. I sprinted down the hall. When I got to her, I hugged her and kissed her all over her face.

“Where the heck were you?”

“Well, they wouldn’t let me just walk down to the cafeteria to get better coffee, which they don’t have by the way. This nice young man, Darius offered to push me down there,” She explains holding a coffee cup.

“Darius, may I take over from here?” I ask.

He releases the wheelchair and tells her that he hopes she will be OK. She thanks him and he heads on his way.

Tina was already in Jill’s room getting her overnight bag and her discharge paperwork.

“David, I would like to send a set of pizzas to the nursing staff on this floor and another set of pizzas to the overnight staff. They have been running very short staffed. They got an increase in pay but their union agreed to a 7% reduction in staffing levels,” She says to me.

“Minimum wage,” I mumble.

“What? I didn’t understand you,” Jill says to me quizzically.

“Nothing don’t worry about it. I’ll explain later,” I tell her.

“So, tell me…. are you physically OK to play, because there’s a whole lot of our playgroup that has missed you,” I say with a big smile on my face.

“Yep, Doc Ronda says I’m good to go. But she did warn me not to overdo it for the first couple of days. She remembers how we play and told me to pace myself. Which by the way, she wants another shot at you. Her date with the other guy turned out to be a big bust. You know the type, all talk about their prowess and then…” She says holding up her pinky finger indicating that he was NOT well endowed as advertised.

Both Tina and Dakota laughed out loud. Even I laughed.

As we went down towards the car, it was good to hear my wife and her tales of the hospital.

Dakota took the bag from Tina so she could go get the car and bring it to the front entrance.

“David, can I get some time with you to just make love? I feel as if we’ve been a million miles apart,” She says to me in a serious tone.

“Of course, my Queen. You know you can have anything you want from me,” I say in a sincere manner.

When the three of us get to the main entrance, Tina is already waiting with her car. She holds the back door open for Jill. I walk around to the other back door and get in. Dakota takes the front passenger seat.

Off we go to the Commune. Dakota makes a point that Jill has not seen the Commune, Jill seems excited.

It only takes us about 35 minutes to get to the house.

Jill’s mouth falls open. Dakota giggles seeing Jill’s reaction.

“Oh, my Gawd David,” She says in amazement.

All I can do is smile. To me, my Queen deserves the very best of everything.

Tina purposely parks back from the house so Jill can take in the enormous size of the place. Once she gets out of the car, she just stands there looking at the sheer size of this palace.

I take Jill’s hand and walk her over to the front door. Dakota already had it unlocked.

I twist the knob and push the door open. She steps inside. Again, she is speechless.

As I walk-in behind her, I reach down and scoop her up honeymoon style carrying her through the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and down the hallway to our Master Suite bedroom.

I turn the knob and push the door open.

“What that fuck?” she exclaims.

“David, this is the biggest bedroom I’ve ever seen. This whole house seems much larger than when we saw it with that real estate guy,” She says.

I carry her over to the bed laying her gently down on it. I smile seeing that Jennifer and Amy did indeed change the sheets on the two play beds. I walk back over to the door, shutting it and locking it. I don’t want to be disturbed while I’m with my Queen.

I hear someone try the doorknob but when they discovered it to be locked, they moved on.

I kicked off my shoes and climbed into bed. I began kissing Jill. Our tongues intertwined almost immediately. I kissed her entire face as we broke from the kiss. I licked her neck, I nibbled on her ear, I kissed the tip of her cute nose. I kissed across her forehead and down each cheek to her chin. Jill began letting small little moans escape her lips.

“Oh David, I’ve missed you so much,” she says to me in almost a whisper.

I just kept kissing her. I worked my way down her neck to her collarbone. I licked from one end of the collarbone to the other end. As I was licking it, I began unbuttoning her blouse. Once her blouse was off her beautiful body, I unhooked her front clasped bra.

Jill sat up a bit to allow her blouse and bra to fall off her upper body. I grabbed the garments once off her and tossed them to the floor. I gently kissed her. I licked my way down again, but this time I didn’t stop at her shoulders, I kept licking until I reached her beautiful chest.

I licked her areolas. I licked the cleavage between her gorgeous breasts. I nibbled on her beautiful pink eraser nipples. They seemed to even grow a bit more with the attention I was giving them. I heard another moan escape her lips.

“Oh David, I’ve missed you so much. I’ve missed the way you make love to me. I’ve missed the way you touch me,” she says almost out of breath.

I just smile and continue licking her beautiful chest.

I slide a hand down her flat stomach to her pants. Using my thumb and my index finger, I’m able to unclasp her slacks, I push her pants down to her knees. I stop licking her chest to utilize both of my hands to fully remove her slacks. Once they were off her, I slid her gorgeous pink panties off her.

I leaned into her and took a big whiff of her delicious womanly scent. I began teasing her sex with my hand. I gently rubbed the hood that covered her clit, causing it to expose the nub. I began to make circles around it. Jill continued to moan further. I hear her breathing change from slow and steady to shorter breaths.

I rub my fingers up and down the labia, slowly and gently. Jill moans even louder and parts her legs slightly. I just stare into her eyes. She is so beautiful. I am such a lucky guy having her in my life as my Queen.

I whisper in her ear, “Do you remember the first time we had sex in that hotel room during our lunch break from the limo?”

“Oh yes, I thought you would have forgotten that by now.

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