The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins_(2)
The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins_(2)
Sex Story Author: | PABLO DIABLO |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He got drunk. He almost took a swing at me, but I picked up his softball bat and told him |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Female/Female, Fiction, Group Sex, Job/Place-of-work, Male / Females, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Romance, Threesome |
The Chauffeur (#16) And So It Begins
Copyright 2019
Fred was taking us to his Italian restaurant for a nice meal. Jill, of course, still topped on my mind. Although I’m not a religious person, I have my beliefs in God and one of them has to do with ‘you have to ask’ for something to happen. I was asking every day of her coma, practically every hour.
I was also thanking. Dakota was a godsend to me.
On the way to the restaurant, my phone rang. It was Bob Jaxson.
“Hey Bob, what’s up?”
“What the fuck are you doing on TV? I didn’t hire you to be some FBI stool pigeon.” Bob says to me with a large amount of anger in his voice.
“Well Fuck it then, I Quit!” I reply and hang up the phone.
The car sat stunned at what I just said.
We traveled in silence before my phone began to ring again. This time it was Melanie.
“David, Hi it’s Melanie. What the heck just happened between you and Bob? He just threw his phone across the room smashing it into several pieces. I thought I was the only one who could make Bob that mad.” She says clearly trying to be a neutral party.
“Nothing really Mel. He barked at me and I responded by saying that I quit not giving him a chance to respond, I just hung up.” I said straight-faced. In my mind, I was not going to be barked at by someone who was acting like a petulant child instead of allowing me to do what I was hired to do, make the company better again.
“You said what? Darling, I’m no lawyer but I think you can’t just quit. You’re under contract. Did you forget that?” Melanie reluctantly says.
“Heck no. I didn’t forget. You both know that my wife is in the hospital laying in a coma and he wants to yell at me like I stayed out past my curfew. Jill is not only my wife, but she’s also your number 2 in the company. I would expect a boss of mine to realize that, or did I misread you guys?” I say to her getting a bit more annoyed by the minute.
“No David, you didn’t misread us. We are concerned about Jill. You probably don’t know this, but Bob has a bad history with the FBI.” She says.
“Yeah, yeah I know he spent a long holiday weekend in jail because of the FBI’s mistake. It was all over them misspelling his last name. Instead of Jackson, they spelled it Jaxson thinking that they were taking down a corporate owner for electronic theft.” I explain to Melanie that I already know of his dislike for the FBI.
“How did you know about that? Bob doesn’t talk to anyone about that.” Melanie asks with a clear shock to her voice.
“You guys aren’t the only ones who can do a deep background check. I used to date a beautiful woman that owns a bail-bonds agency and does lots of work as a skip trace. I wasn’t going to allow Jill or myself to take on a job with this much responsibility until I knew everything there was to know about you both.” I say to her.
I look at John. He sits without saying a word, listening to everything I’m saying.
I suddenly become aware that the whole car is silent listening to my half of the conversation.
Fred pulls the car into the parking lot of the Italian restaurant. I give the silent hand signal for everyone to go inside. Everyone gets out of the limo except for Dakota. She sits next to me silently with her assistant’s book in her lap.
“Mel. Things in the company are starting to really come together. I’ll call Bob tomorrow, hell I’ll even apologize. I want to go over some ideas that I have for some of the new unexpected companies that we’ve come into. I’ll be at the hospital most of the day tomorrow. Either Dakota or I will text you how things are going.” I say to her.
“Well, text me since Bob’s phone is still laying on the floor in several pieces.” She says chuckling.
“OK. I will do that. Have a good night, sweet dreams.” I say trying to end the call.
“If I’m to have sweet dreams, it will be of you my darling.” She says before hanging up.
I exhale.
“Daddy, did we all just hear you quit?” Dakota says to me.
“Yeah, but I’ll call them tomorrow and apologize to Bob. I just wasn’t in the mood to be scolded like a teenager that stayed out past his curfew. I wanted to remind them that I hold their company’s success squarely in my hands.”
“Daddy, while we have no one listening, did I see two blonde girls laying naked by one of the pools as you were pushing us out of the new house?” Dakota asks.
I think to myself, she doesn’t miss, much does she?
“Yes, you did. They are two college students that were staying there as guests. They work for Tulip Productions, as actresses.” I say to her without cracking a smile.
“Daddy, you do realize you may never, ever, ever have John leave your house if you have two porn actresses living with us. Where in the house are, they staying?”
“They are staying in one of the pool houses. I collected all their house keys leaving them one until I get things changed on Monday morning.” Trying to reassure Dakota that I had a security plan already working in my head.
“Thank you, Daddy. I was beginning to worry about two ‘porn’ stars living with us. Does Diane know yet?” she asks.
“Hopefully not. They don’t need that stress on their relationship. John is really trying to be a good boyfriend, he’s just young and occasionally he thinks with the wrong head.” I say to her smiling. She knows how to read me quite well. She anticipates my needs and wants, both physically and emotionally.
I kiss her, and we get out of the car and head inside.
As we walked into the restaurant, the chatter around the table came to a hush.
“OK, OK I’m still employed. Everyone need not worry.” I say smiling.
There seemed to be a huge exhale from everyone. I notice that the two empty chairs, one for me and one for Dakota had Jennifer on one side and Marcus on the other side.
Just to be an ass, I sat next to Marcus holding out the chair for Dakota to sit next to Jennifer. I smiled all the way through dinner. I could see Jennifer somewhat fuming that I didn’t sit next to her.
John, being my young protégé, asked the questions everyone wanted to ask but was afraid to do so, “David, what the hell happened? You basically told your boss to fuck off and quit, hanging up! What the hell did he say to you to get to that spot? I haven’t seen you so mad since I’ve been lucky enough to hang out with you.”
“OK everyone please listen, I only want to tell this once. My boss was scolding me for helping the FBI. He doesn’t like them not even a little bit. Here my gorgeous wife lays in the hospital in a coma and he wants to scold me like I’m some stupid teenager that stayed out beyond my curfew. I borrowed your favorite word John and told him to fuck off and quit. I know, and he knows that I’m under contract and not going anywhere. I am setting things up for his company to make more money than they have ever seen. Divesting the dead wood in the company and acquiring companies that are supremely undervalued. My deal with him was for me to be the face of the company, which helping the FBI got us wonderful FREE advertising. We’ll be in the news cycle for at least a week. Don’t be surprised if our stock goes up somewhere between 5 to 10% on Monday. Are there any questions?” I say trying to stave off a litany of questions.
No one said a word. Although, I did see John pensively thinking about what I had just told everyone.
I looked around wondering where Fred was. I asked if Fred had gone to the bathroom. Only John had the guts to tell me that he was probably still sitting in the car.
“What the hell? We wouldn’t even know about this place if it wasn’t for him. Someone please head back out to the car and get his ass to join us for dinner.” I was pretty ticked off that no one said anything to him about joining us.
Darleen popped up and walked out to the limo. Several minutes passed before she finally returned with Fred. While they were still outside, I had everyone scooch over making a spot for him at the table.
As he sat down, everyone greeted him warmly. He thanked everyone for the invite.
Once again, I asked him to order for the entire table. He ordered the exact same as last time. Spaghetti with meat sauce, baskets of garlic bread, and a bottle of Chianti.
The mood had changed. People were laughing, joking, and smiling…. a lot!
I sat there thinking about what to do with the FBI check. Again, I thought about holding a dinner for all the agents involved along with their wives/significant other.
I got up from my seat asking Dakota to change chairs with me. My joke was now over, and I felt I needed to ask Jennifer for a bit of forgiveness for being such an ass.
Her gorgeous smile returned when I changed places with Dakota.
“Did I do something wrong? You didn’t sit by me. I thought I must have done something wrong, maybe at your home.” Jennifer says to me.
“No Darling. You did nothing wrong. I was just being an ass. I knew that if I sat next to you, we’d end up fucking. I don’t think its proper for me to have playtime when my gorgeous wife lays in a hospital bed in a coma. Does that make any sense?” I’m asking her, trying to be as heartfelt as possible.
“Yes, Master. I understand.” She says to me.
I put my hand on her thigh. I rub it gently hoping that she really understood.
The time passed quickly. Fred regaled us with tales from his days in the Navy.
The reference of his military days made me think of my gorgeous wife being a Marine.
I get up and walk outside. I hear several people asking one another where I was going.
I stepped outside. I need a breath of air. Jill is on my mind. I just can’t shake my worry about her. I make the decision that after we get people home, I might head down to the hospital to just sit with Jill.
As I’m standing outside leaning against the front glass windows of the restaurant, Dakota comes out to check on me.
“Daddy, what’s going on? Are you alright?” She asks me in a tempered tone.
“I’m fine. Just worried about Jill.”
“Well, everyone inside is worried about you.” She tells me.
She reaches her hand into my pocket. She retrieves some cash to go pay the bill. I smile thinking that she was trying to be cute and get me aroused, but instead, she was again taking care of me.
“Darling, you know I love you, don’t you?” I say to her before she opens the door.
“Yes, Daddy. I do.” She does the kiss to the air and goes back inside.
I stand outside for a while thinking about Jill.
Fred comes out and asks, “Sir, is there anything I can do for you?”
“Um, yes there is. After we get everyone home, I would like to go to the hospital to sit with Jill if you don’t mind.” I tell him.
“I’ll be happy to do that for you.” He says as he heads towards the limo.
He pulls the car around and opens the door for me to get in. The rest of the group now arrives at the limo and piles into the car.
Dakota takes her place next to me. Darleen plops herself down on the other side of me trying to be all sexy and cute with me. I’m not amused by her antics. My mind is worried about Jill and now it comes back to me what used to annoy me the most about Darleen’s personality. It was her immaturity and always wanting to be the center of attention. She is just selfish. At times it might be cute and charming, but right now this minute it is annoying the hell out of me.
Fred heads to the house. Everyone except Dakota and I get out of the limo. John leans back in saying, “David, we are all here for you. If you need anything call on us. We’re here for you.” And with that, he closed the limo door.
Fred got back in the driver’s seat and headed down the road towards the hospital.
I put my arms around Dakota and pulled her into me just holding her.
We stayed like that the entire trip to the hospital. Since it was evening now, the hospital had signs posted that the main entrance was closed, and all traffic was to enter the facility through the ER.
Dakota held my hand as we walked silently through the hospital’s maze of hallways to finally find Jill’s room.
There, in a hospital bed was my gorgeous wife Jill. She looked so peaceful, even with the IV in her arm, the electronic monitoring machine, and the light over her head dimly lit.
Dakota led me over to a chair right next to her bed. I sat there just staring at her. I reached up to her hand and held it gently. Her hand was so cold. I put both of my hands around hers trying to warm it up.
My assistant said she was going to go get some coffee. It was then that I noticed that the temperature felt very, very cold in the hospital room.
I just sat there, quietly. Nurses came in and out checking on Jill. Everyone smiled but no one said a word.
After a while, I somehow had drifted off to sleep holding my wife’s hand. When I opened an eye, I saw Dakota looking at her phone sitting in a chair on the other side of Jill’s bed. I smiled at her. She got up and walked over to me, caressing my back and shoulders.
“Daddy, can I get you anything?” She said in a whisper to me.
“No Darling. I’m fine.”
“How about we go to the cafeteria, get something hot to drink and then come back here?” She asks.
Something hot did sound like a good idea. As we passed the nurse desk, I asked for an additional warm blanket for Jill as her hands were like ice. She said she would take care of it. Dakota let her know we were heading down to the cafeteria to get some hot coffee and would be back shortly.
When we got to the cafeteria, Dakota sat me down and headed to the order line. She got herself a coffee, some French fries and me both a hot chocolate and a pineapple juice. On the way back to the table, Dakota stopped and slathered her fries with ketchup and put milk and sugar in her coffee.
For the first time, I felt a bit more human not some zombie just existing.
Dakota plopped herself down in the chair next to me.
“Daddy, open your mouth.” She said as she pointed a couple of fries towards my mouth. I open and suddenly my mouth is stuffed full of fries covered in ketchup.
I’m doing everything I can to keep the fries in my mouth.
“Daddy, wanna lick something off of me?” She says to me seductively.
I just smile. Her antics are making me realize that I needed to come out of the haze I’ve been in.
I take her hand and lick each finger clean, much to the horror of two old ladies a couple of tables away. I hear things such as ‘look at that’ she’s young enough to be his daughter. The other one even says, “You know, she probably IS his daughter. They are just disgusting. Look at them being all handsy with each other.”
Of course, that only made me a bit more animated now. Dakota was giggling and putting her fingers in my mouth and squealing “Daddy” loud enough to piss the old bittys off to get up and leave the cafeteria.
I leaned in and kissed Dakota. “Darling thank you for being by my side. I would not have made it through without you.”
“Don’t worry about it, Daddy. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Dakota says before she kisses me, biting on my bottom lip in the process.
We sit and act stupid for a few minutes before we head back to Jill’s room. I walk with a purpose now.
When we arrive at Jill’s room, I see Jennifer, John, and Diane already in there waiting for me.
“Hi. Why is everyone here?” I ask no one in particular.
Jennifer replies, “We’re worried about you. We decided to Uber over and check on you.”
Diane adds, “We should have known that Dakota was taking good care of you. She seems to always take care of you.”
John says to me, “David, may I talk with you in private?”
“Absolutely. Do you have anywhere in mind?” I ask
“There’s a waiting room a couple of doors down. Can we go there?” John asks
I let him lead the way to the empty waiting room. Once inside he turns and says, “Sir. I know you are worried about Jill. We all are. However, we’re just as worried about you. I hope you understand how much You and Jill mean to all of us. We all want to help but we don’t know what to do.”
“John, thank you. That means a lot to me. The doctor thinks Jill will be able to come out of the coma in the morning. I’ll spend most of tomorrow here, with Dakota by my side keeping me sane. However, come Monday it will be balls to the walls. We’re going to rock this company doing things the business world has never seen before. We’re going to make this company so much fucking money they’ll have to carry it to the bank in dump trucks.” I say laughing out loud.
John is smiling.
He leans into me giving me one of those ‘man hugs’ and punches me in the shoulder as we head back out of the room.
With John and I smiling as we return to Jill’s room, Jennifer and Diane seemed to be relieved.
Jennifer gets up and puts her arms around me whispering in my ear, “I’m glad I didn’t have to throw you down and fuck your brains out right here in front of everybody.” She says with a big smile on her face. She kisses me and heads out into the hallway.
John man-hugs me again and steps out into the hall as well.
Now it’s Diane’s turn. “Daddy, I’m glad you’re smiling. You had us all worried.”
“Did you call Dr. Ronda and make an appointment to be checked out?” I ask.
“No, I didn’t.” She said hanging her head.
“I’m not scolding you. I just want you and the baby to be safe.” I say to her, without thinking about Dakota not knowing that Diane is pregnant.
She kisses me and heads out to the hallway as well. I hear them all head down the hallway. I am proud of John speaking to me privately. That was a mature thing for him to do.
“Daddy, what is going on with Diane? Did you get her pregnant?” Dakota inquires.
“Maybe. Maybe not. It might be mine, or it might be John’s. Either way, I’ll help her through the pregnancy as much as I can. Does that bother you if I did make her pregnant?” I ask.
“NO WAY! That would be HOT. I’m hoping it is you. If it is, will she come stay with us at the Commune?” She asks.
“I don’t really know. We haven’t even gotten that far. She just told me she’s pregnant. She’s not sure if it’s John’s or mine.” I tell her.
Dakota gets up and puts her arms around me. “Daddy, I’m so lucky. You’ve given me my deepest wish. I know you will be a wonderful Daddy. Kiss me please.” She says looking into my eyes.
I lean down and kiss her. Our mouths part a bit to allow our tongues to do the dance of love between two lovers. I pull her into me tightly. I hear her moan into my mouth. She is biting on my lip as our tongues intertwine.
I look over her shoulder and see the clock says 9:55pm.
“Darling let’s go home. We’ll come back in the morning.”
Dakota pulls me in tighter to her. We kiss again. She picks up her assistant’s notebook and we head out. I stop at the nurses’ station letting them know that we will be back in the morning. They wish us a good night. We walk down the corridor halls hand in hand.
After what seemed like a long walk, we finally arrived at the ER to exit the hospital. Fred was waiting outside for us.
Before I get into the limo I stop and ask Fred, “Fred are you happy doing this, being my personal driver? Is there something else you would rather be doing?”
“Sir, I’m very happy being your personal driver as long as you want me to be. You’ve been so very generous, probably too generous, and you include me in things that no other person I know of would include me into. So, to answer your question, No I don’t want to be doing anything other than what I’m doing right now.” Fred answers me.
I get into the limo and we head off towards home.
Dakota leans her head on my chest. I put my arms around her and whisper into her ear, “Darling, do you know just how much your Daddy loves you?”
“Not nearly as much as I love you, Daddy.” She says smiling at me.
Fred weaves his way through Saturday night traffic. We finally arrive at the house at 11:41pm. We get out of the limo and I hand Fred all the money in my pocket. He tries to refuse, but I won’t hear of it and just walk away.
He shouts over to me, “What time would you like me back here in the morning?”
“How about 10:30?” I reply
He acknowledges and heads off. I think to myself that I should check in with Paula on Monday or Tuesday about how well the two limo companies are doing and if she’s thought about whom could take over the Vegas limo company.
Dakota and I go inside. It’s dark. No one seems to be home, which is fine by me. However, I do wonder where Darleen has headed off to, but quite frankly I’m not that concerned.
Dakota and I head down the hall. Once in the bedroom, we both strip down and head into the shower. Our hands are all over each other. We’re kissing, touching, licking and sucking on as many parts of each other as we could.
My cock is rock hard and pointing at the ceiling. She takes hold of the base and positions herself so that the thick bulbous head is at the entrance to her sex. I lift her up by her underarms to allow my cock to part her labia and enter her wonderfully wet womanhood.
I’m thrusting into her. My cock is pushing deep. She is moaning almost continually from our lovemaking. I feel her body splash my crotch and thighs with her woman juice.
“Daddy, I love you. I love you inside of me. I will always love you. Take me and do what you want with me. I’m yours.” She says with her heart in her eyes.
I thrust up into her deeply and with force. I begin to spew my man seed into her.
We spend the next several hours making love over until we were both sated and exhausted. I peeked at the clock to see it was nearly 6am. Fred would be here at 10:30, maybe we should change him to arrive about 11 instead. I text him to not arrive until 11.
Dakota and I drift off into each other’s arms. She is snuggled into me, her lithe little body intertwined with mine.
I heard the doorbell. I opened one eye, then the other. The doorbell rang again. I looked at the clock, nope couldn’t be Fred since it was only 9:45. Reluctantly, I got up, put on a pair of shorts and a white tee shirt and scuffled down to the front door. The doorbell rang again.
“I’m coming, hold on a minute.”
I opened the door. There in front of me was Amy. I hadn’t seen or heard from her since we got back from Vegas.
“Mr. Greene, do you remember me?” Amy asks.
“Of course, I do Amy. Get your cute little ass in here and give me a kiss.” I say to her.
She lunges at me wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me.
“Why are you here?” I ask.
“I need a place to stay. I hope you can help me. My boyfriend threw me out when he heard about our Vegas weekend. He got jealous.
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