The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family
The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family
Sex Story Author: | tw_holt |
Sex Story Excerpt: | This is a lot of money involved. With your help, it’d be even more.” Alice remained quiet, trying to |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Coercion, Drug, Female/Female, Fiction, Group Sex, Incest, Lesbian, Male / Females, Male / Older Female, Male/Female, Mature, Older Male / Female, Prostitution, Teen Male / Female |
Author’s note: This story contains mom/daughter sex, sister/sister sex, sister/brother sex, and mom/son sex. Pretty much everyone has sex with everyone. If you’ve read the first three Challenge stories then you know how this will end. Be aware there is a very small portion of the story where one daughter is sedated by the mother, so she can easily have sex with her.
This story begins in April of the same year as the first three Challenge stories. The mom, Lisa, is based off Lisa Ann if you’re curious.
Editing thanks go to Todger65.
The Challenge 5: Lisa’s Family
Chapter 1
Lisa put her long, dark brown hair in a ponytail, grabbed and lit a cigar, and slowly slid herself into a nice, hot bath. Smiling as the hot water enveloped her small, 5’2” body, she sucked on the cigar, savoring the taste.
“My doctor would tell me not to smoke these,” Bob said, sitting at the opposite end of the tub with his own cigar.
“Well don’t,” one of Bob’s longest tenured employees joked. Lisa was based out of Los Angeles, but was in Atlanta for various meetings. Technology improvements allowed face time via the internet, but sometimes a good old-fashion in person meeting was far better for team building. The fact that Lisa and Bob have been occasionally sleeping together since her early 30’s was another reason she flew to the east coast from time-to-time.
Now, at 43, having secured and saved millions for Bob over the years, she was relaxing in his huge tub after an evening of fine dining and sex with the old man.
Bob ignored her suggestion, continuing to suck away on the cigar. He paused, watching Lisa do the same. “You like sucking on that don’t you?”
“I like sucking on other things too, Bob,” Lisa replied, blowing a smoke ring.
“I believe it. How old did you say your boyfriend is?”
“Well, he’s not my boyfriend anymore. We broke up when he left for college,” Lisa winked from across the tub.
“Mmm, you wild woman. You love sex don’t you,” Bob stated.
“I do. With all shapes and sizes.”
“Do you love sex more than your own children?” Bob asked, knowing the answer.
“Ha! Not quite that much, Bob.”
“Why don’t you combine the two? Sex with your children?” Bob suggested.
Lisa laughed, “Sure!”
“I’m serious. Put that cigar down and come here.”
Lisa did as she was told, moving across the tub to straddle Bob. She smiled, feeling his erection, and slowly guided it in her.
“There, much better,” Bob said. “Now let’s talk. I was serious. Sex with your kids.”
“Bob,” Lisa grunted, feeling him thrust upward. “That’s a little odd, don’t you think?”
Bob thrust once again, “I’ll pay you.”
“Uhnn,” Lisa moaned. “How much?”
Bob kept thrusting, water splashing over the side of the tub. “$10 million for each.”
“Ahh! Bob,” Lisa moaned.
“You have four children, so that’s $40 million, unless,” Bob kept thrusting, grabbing her large breasts.
“Uh-uh-unless what?” Lisa said with each impact.
Bob went still, releasing her breasts, “Unless you get one of them to help you. Then I’ll pay you double. Then an extra bonus, since you’ve been such a great employee.”
“You’re serious about this?” Lisa asked.
“Very. So that’s $40 million for sex with all four of your kids if you do this alone. If one of them joins in and helps you by seducing at least one of your other children, then I pay you double for everything. It’d be retroactively too. So if you seduce two that’s 10 million for each. Get one of them to seduce the other, and then I’ll pay you double for that kid, plus an extra 10 million for each one you slept with on your own.”
Lisa thought about it for all of three seconds. A smile formed on the sex loving, single mother’s mouth, “I’ll do it.”
“Good girl,” Bob said, thrusting upward into her again, spilling more water.
“I only have one question,” Lisa said. “Which of my kids should I recruit to help?”
Chapter 2
“Done!” Alice made a final click of her mouse to book her tickets for a singles cruise in July – three months away.
“Well that does it. I hope it’s worth it,” Said the 26-year-old to no one in her apartment.
Alice’s love life was fairly dismal. She ended a long-term relationship four months prior in December. It was now April and the guy she had been sleeping with the last four months was about nine inches long, jet-black, and was usually mounted to her shower wall or bed’s headboard. She called the dildo “Rodney” in honor of the absolute pig of a man her sister, Angela, had tried to set her up with. Alice much preferred the sex toy Rodney instead of the human being Rodney; the sex toy was far more intelligent, kind, and attractive.
Alice looked at her long, nearly black hair in the mirror, full lips and dark green eyes. She grabbed her nice sized breasts, covered by her t-shirt. “Maybe, I’ll meet a nice guy,” She thought about the singles cruise.
She removed her shirt, then her shorts and thong, turning around in the mirror, glancing at her long legs. At 5’11” she wondered if her height, gotten from her father’s side, was an issue. Maybe men didn’t like really tall women, she often wondered.
“Rodney! Come shower with me. I need that cock!” She called playfully out into the hallway. Changing her voice to imitate a male’s as best she could, “I’m already in here, baby.”
Alice pulled back the shower curtain, seeing the dildo already mounted, “Ah, so you are. Well then, let’s get to work.”
Just as Alice was about to turn the water on, she heard her cell phone ring. It was the tone she assigned to her mother, Lisa. She always answered her calls in the event of an emergency and just to be respectful.
“Hey mom, can I call you back? I was getting ready to shower,” Alice said, biting her bottom lip, looking at the massive mounted dildo in her shower.
“Sure, but I just wanted to tell you I’ll be flying down to Miami to visit you in a week or so,” Lisa said, lying naked against Bob.
“Is this part of that buyout deal? You’re not going to be my boss are you?” Alice asked.
“No! No, sweetie. I’m actually visiting just to visit,” Lisa said. Bob’s company had recently bought out the company Alice worked for. Lisa told Bob that her daughter worked for the smaller company, prompting Bob to suggest Alice when Lisa wondered out loud which of her children she could recruit to help with her challenge.
“Oh, uh sure, that’d be nice to see you. Are you staying with me?”
“Yes if that’s ok. I’d like to spent time with Angela as well,” Lisa said.
“Ok great. Well let me know when to pick you up from the airport.”
“I’ll have a rental car, but thank you.”
After they ended their call, Alice went to her knees in the shower, lovingly sucking on her favorite toy for several minutes. “Well, Rodney, my mother is coming to visit me soon,” Alice said, standing, turning around, and presenting her butt to the dildo. “Please don’t take offense if I don’t introduce you two.”
Back at Bob’s, Lisa smiled, thinking about this challenge. “You know Bob, I’ve heard rumors over the years that you were quite a pervert,” Lisa said, turning around, her hand going to his limp cock, bringing it back to life.
“It’s a good thing if you are,” Lisa said, sliding down his body, bringing his cock to her mouth. “Because I am too; get your checkbook ready, I’m going to seduce one of my kids before I leave for Miami.”
Chapter 3
Bob and Lisa discussed more of the challenge the next morning. He gave her a camera device to record her actions, explaining the imagery would be downloaded with software on his computer.
Her youngest daughter, Jules, lived in the Atlanta area. Lisa already had lunch and dinner with her a few days earlier, right after she arrived. Jules relationship was often strained with her mother. Lisa knew it was because Jules and she were so similar. The two often argued about focusing on college and not partying so much – something Lisa had indulged upon way too much in her younger years. Jules was 21 and almost done with her junior year. She was barely passing.
Lisa recalled her memories from a few days earlier at her daughter’s apartment. She remembered seeing unusual, yet familiar, outfits strewn about, in poor attempts to be hidden at Jules’ apartment earlier in the week. There were bikini bottoms here and there, partly obscured by a pillow or couch, Jules obviously hurriedly hid them. It wasn’t summer yet, so Lisa found it odd. She also saw a sequined thong, tucked behind the couch from snooping when Jules was in the other room. There are black knee-high boots in the corner. She also saw a purple wig hidden in the bathroom closet. In the kitchen there was a schedule scribbled on some paper. The times 11 am to 3 am for the upcoming weekend were written on it.
Heading back to Jules’ apartment the day she left Bob’s mansion, she strategized, thinking about how to meet his challenge, pushing any thoughts that didn’t pertain to getting paid aside.
It was 1 pm when she knocked on Jules’ door. A taller, blonde woman, possibly late 30’s answered. “Hi!” She said.
“Hello, I’m Jules’ mother. Um,” Lisa confused, looked to the woman’s face. Her long hair was disheveled, she was wearing a shiny, blue sequined dress – it was as though she never changed out of it from the night before.
“I’m Torrie, Jules’ coworker, please come in! She’s just waking up and I have to leave. But it was nice meeting you,” Torrie replied, giving Lisa a hug. Her hair smelled like cigarettes and perfume.
“Bye,” Lisa smiled weakly, waving at the woman.
Lisa sat on the couch, listening to Jules brush her teeth in the bathroom. She saw a wad of money, several 20’s on the coffee table in front of her. There was a note under them.
“Thanks for covering for me the other night. Here’s your share. Wash your hands! They were in my thong!
PS: thanks for the hot night too!”
Lisa brought a hand to her mouth and stood. Pacing in front of the door, putting two and two together. “Mom?” Jules appeared, running her hands through her short black hair.
“Oh hi! Hello,” Lisa said.
“You ok?” Jules replied, quickly snatching the money, pretending she was cleaning off the table.
“Yes. I just wanted to take you to lunch. Looks like you’ve just woken up, so breakfast?” Lisa awkwardly attempted humor.
“Heh, yeah,” Jules moved to the kitchen, straightening up, putting dishes away. “I’ll change. Give me a few minutes.”
At lunch Lisa barely talked, thinking and planning instead. “She’s a stripper. She’s dancing somewhere. I gotta find out. I need to follow her, but what if she spots me? What if she gets mad? I need someone to help me. Alice can’t, she’s in Miami. Someone close.”
Jules talked about school a little. She didn’t want to drone on about how much she hated it, for fear her mother would come down on her, reminding Jules to be more responsible – unlike Lisa at that age.
“Wow that was a great lunch, mom. Thanks,” Jules hugged her at her apartment door.
“Mmhmm,” Lisa paused. “Um, sweetie, do you have plans tonight?”
“Oh, yeah, I have a bunch of studying to do,” Jules lied.
“Ah. I understand. I was thinking we could hang out again before I fly to Miami.”
“Yeah maybe. We’ll see.”
Lisa nodded, the door slowly closing on her. She had to find out where Jules danced.
“So you’re saying you’ll pay for everything, Bob?” Lisa asked on her cell phone. She was on the way to a coworker’s house to ask for assistance.
“Yes! I’ll pay for any travel fees, flights, any clothing you want to buy, and services you want to employ,” Bob said.
“So what if I want to give a friend $1000 to follow someone for me? To follow my daughter?”
“Sure, I will reimburse you. Anything you’ll need to accomplish your goals, to meet the challenge, I will purchase – including a nice vacation trip. Should you want to go somewhere,” Bob explained.
“Great! Gotta go, Bob, we’ll talk later!” Lisa ended the call, pulling into Devin’s driveway. She was a coworker and friend. She knew Devin would gladly help her.
Lisa was met with a flurry of kisses when the 5’10” 40-year-old blonde pulled her into her home. “Mmmph, I didn’t think you’d stop by on your visit,” Devin said in between kisses.
“There’s something I have to ask you,” Lisa said, removing her top, following Devin to her bedroom.
“Sure ask me anything,” Devin said, removing her own top, pushing Lisa back on to her bed. Ulysses, Devin’s former stepson, was already there and already naked, waiting for the two women.
“Mmmm,” Lisa said, kissing down his muscular body. She didn’t know Ulysses was Devin’s stepson, she thought he was her younger boyfriend.
Devin climbed into bed on the other side of Ulysses, kissing her way down his chest and abs, meeting Lisa at his cock. Devin took it in her mouth, looking at a hungry Lisa, coating the tip in saliva. She popped his cock out her mouth, handing it to Lisa. “So what did you want to ask me?”
Lisa took Ulysses in her mouth, moaning and slurping all over his dick. “I need you to follow someone for me. I need you to follow my daughter. She doesn’t know you. If she spots a gorgeous blonde woman following her, she may not think too much of it. I can’t have her catch me,” Lisa explained, sucking on Ulysses’ cockhead a few times before handing it back to Devin.
Lisa sucked and kissed on Ulysses testicles, while Devin thought. “I’ll pay you,” Lisa added then resumed sucking on a cum-filled testicle.
“I’ll do it!” Devin said, taking Ulysses’ cock out of her mouth with another loud pop. “I’ll need you to take care of Ulysses while I’m gone though,” Devin winked at Lisa.
Lisa glanced to Ulysses’ smiling face. “Hi, I’m Ulysses, nice to meet you,” He extended his hand to shake Lisa’s.
“Likewise,” She shook it and smiled back. Lisa grabbed his cock, sucking on the tip again, looking to Devin, “I’ll be glad to take care of him tonight.”
“Good, then give me all the information I need,” Devin replied. The two women licked each side of Ulysses’ long shaft, their tongues meeting at the tip, then parting with a string of saliva connecting them. They smiled at each other, Ulysses moaning in the background.
Chapter 4
“I have some interesting news for you, my friend,” Devin told Lisa on the phone, sitting in her car in a parking lot. “Your little girl works for none other than Fat Rob.”
“What!?!” Lisa said.
“Yep. I followed her from her apartment to one of his clubs. I even went inside and watched her strip. I also spoke to Fat Rob afterward. And you know what he asked me?” Devin said.
“What?” Lisa was straddling Ulysses, pausing her cock riding to answer Devin’s call.
“He asked me if I want to buy her for the night.”
“You mean, she’s also hooking?” Lisa said, slowly getting off Ulysses, his cock sliding out of her. She went to the bedroom window, staring out into the moonlit back yard.
“Apparently. I said no thanks.”
“Wow, I can’t believe it. This is horrible,” Lisa was genuinely upset. Yes, she herself was a wild, sexual woman; the thought of stripping wasn’t too bad. She had visited many strip clubs in her years. However, prostitution was dangerous and irresponsible. Lisa felt genuine concern and fear for her daughter’s safety.
Lisa gathered her composure and thanked Devin. She ended the call and climbed back in bed with Ulysses. Snuggling against his hard body, she thought about Fat Rob. He was a coworker, responsible for “talent relations and acquisitions.” Most people that had worked with him for years knew that he slept with most of the female models he hired. Lisa was even aware that he managed a couple clubs in LA and Florida. She had no idea he dabbled in prostitution.
Lying against Ulysses body, she sighed heavily, thinking about her next step. “You ok?” Ulysses asked.
“Yeah, I’m just thinking about things,” Lisa replied. “You sure are a sweet guy. I’m glad Devin is willing to share her boyfriend for the night.”
“Uh, yeah,” Ulysses coughed, not wanting to reveal that Devin was his former stepmother to someone he just met. “We have a special kind of love.”
The next morning, the three of them had sex in the shower. Ulysses was in the middle; Lisa was in front of him, kissing his body, servicing his cock. The much taller Devin was behind him, kissing his back, neck, shoulders, and face.
Lisa wrote Devin a check for $1000. She wrote a little receipt of sorts on a piece of paper, Devin initialed it, Bob would reimburse her.
She had come up with a plan. Lisa called Bob to get Fat Rob’s address. She was on her way to have a talk with her daughter’s employer.
At Fat Rob’s large apartment, she knocked on the door. To Lisa’s surprise, Torrie answered, wearing a thong bikini, “Oh Hi! I remember you, come in!”
Lisa smiled politely, assuming Torrie worked for Fat Rob too. “So, Torrie, right? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I live here,” She answered.
“You work for Fat Rob?”
“Yep,” Torrie led Lisa inside. “He’s my boss!” she cheerily said, leading Lisa to the hot tub Fat Rob was sitting in out on the balcony of his luxurious apartment.
“Miss Lisa! What are you doing here?” Fat Rob, smiled, putting his cigar down.
“I’m here to ask you about some business.” Lisa glanced to the two younger women on each side of him, “In private.”
Torrie backed into the apartment, followed by the two other women, after Fat Rob motioned for them to leave.
“Well, then please have a seat, or join me,” Fat Rob grinned.
“Not today.”
“Suit yourself. What can I do for you?”
“You are employing someone I want to spent time with,” Lisa replied, relaying the conversation she practiced over and over in her head on the way to Fat Rob’s. “I want to,” Lisa paused, clearing her throat, “buy them for the night,” she struggled to say.
“I see. So you like ladies as well as men?”
“Yes. Are you willing to help me and sell me some time with this special person?” Lisa asked, ignoring the sadness she felt for Jules.
“Of course, Miss Lisa. We’ve worked together for a several years. I’ll throw in a discount. I’ll throw in an even bigger discount if you get in this hot tub with me and ride my dick awhile,” Fat Rob winked, puffing on his cigar.
Lisa sighed. “Sorry, not today. How much for time with a girl named Jules?” Lisa asked, hoping her brown eyes and short stature was enough to hide any resemblance from the taller, green-eyed, Jules.
“Ooh, Miss Jules. She’s pretty pricy. She’s VERY high in demand. If you want all night, that’s five grand, normally eight.”
“Wow. What about an hour or so?”
“Well,” Fat Rob paused, thinking of an arbitrary figure to give his co-worker. “How about $800 an hour. Normally I charge $1200 per hour. But you and I go way back.”
“Does Bob know about your little side job?” Lisa asked.
“Of course! He’s the one that built and developed the land the strip club is on. He’s the one I pay rent to. He even came to me with the idea of charging clients extra for sex,” Fat Rob explained.
“Figures,” Lisa said. “Anyway, yes, $800 for an hour with Jules. There’s one other thing.”
“What’s that?”
“I want her blindfolded.”
“Ooh, kinky,” Fat Rob grinned, finishing his cigar.
“Is this doable?”
“Sure. I’ll have her waiting for you in a hotel room of your choice. She’ll be blindfolded and ready.”
They ironed out the details, the times, and the place, shook hands and closed the deal. Fat Rob stood in the hot tub as Lisa was leaving. “Miss Lisa.”
She turned around, seeing his naked body. “Are you sure you don’t want any of this?” Fat Rob asked.
Looking at his dangling cock, “Thanks for reminding me why they call you Fat Rob, but again, no thanks. Maybe when you’re in LA again.” Lisa smiled and took her leave, Torrie hugging her on her way out.
After Lisa left, Torrie stripped out of her bikini, re-entered the hot tub, guided Fat Rob’s fat cock back inside her and smiled at him. “So what was Jules’ mom doing here?”
“Jules’ mom?” Fat Rob asked, a sneaky grin appearing on his face.
Chapter 5
Lisa borrowed Devin’s perfume that night. She used Devin’s shampoo instead of her own. She also used some of Devin’s makeup products, deodorant, and moisturizer. She didn’t use anything she owned. She didn’t want any trace of her scent to fill Jules’ nostrils. She had her hair in a ponytail, hoping to avoid her hair coming into contact with Jules’ skin or hands, fearful Jules may recognize the thickness.
Lisa nearly started crying when she saw her daughter, blindfolded, smiling, and waiting in the hotel room. Lisa took a deep breath, careful not to exhale audibly enough to where Jules would recognize it. Lisa was going to be silent.
“Hi, are you there?” Jules asked.
“Shhh,” Lisa attempted to disguise her voice making the shush as high pitched as possible.
“Ah, no talking, I understand. I’ll be quiet and enjoy this,” Jules replied.
Lisa set the camera on the entertainment center the TV resided in. Turning it on, like Bob instructed her, she waved at the little red light. Bob said he may not be at his computer to watch in real time, but the software would save the footage and notify him of it when he opened the program.
Jules felt someone standing next to her; she smiled, waiting for this mystery woman to begin. “I love women just as much as men. I’ve never been blindfolded by one, but this’ll be great. Do you want me to – ”
Lisa brought her index finger to Jules mouth to quiet her daughter.
Lisa froze once again, looking at her daughter’s lips, her short black hair, her cleavage. She was wearing a white bathrobe, presumably nude underneath. Lisa shook her head, closing her eyes, “Think of the money. $10 million for this. An extra ten on top of that if Alice joins me.”
Lisa slowly started to remove the robe from Jules’ shoulder. Lisa looked on in shock at the elaborate shoulder tattoo she had. It was a floral pattern and it trailed down to her elbow. Lisa figured she got the money for it from stripping. She cringed thinking that prostitution was a source of income for her daughter as well. Here Lisa was, contributing to it.
Moving the robe further down, exposing Jules’ perky breasts, Lisa stared at them. They were nice, not too big or small. “Keep going,” she told herself.
She helped Jules slide her other arm out of the robe next. Sliding it down her back, Lisa sat behind her daughter, discovering more tattoos. Lisa shook her head looking downward. Closing her eyes, she kissed Jules’ back, between her shoulder blades. Next she kissed her shoulder, then the back of her neck. Jules moaned, the kisses sending tingles down her spine.
Lisa reached around, lightly cupping Jules’ medium-sized, perky breasts. “Do it,” Lisa told herself.
She tweaked the nipples, rolling them between her index finger and thumb. Jules had a sharp intake of air followed by a soft moan. Lisa kept teasing, kissing the back of her neck in the process. “Yes,” Jules whispered.
Lisa closed her eyes, “Just let go,” she told herself. “Think of the money.”
Lisa released one breast, the fingers of the other hand still rolling and teasing a nipple. Her free hand slid down Jules’ tight body, over her belly button ring, pausing when a finger grazed Jules’ trimmed bush.
Lisa pictured a check, written to her by Bob. She pictured giving Jules enough money to stop working for Fat Rob, to get her out of that lifestyle. Pushing any further guilt out of her thoughts, Lisa slid her hand down further, arriving at and rubbing Jules’ clit.
Jules moaned and shook, laying her head back on her mother’s shoulder, her mouth hanging open. Lisa turned, looking to it, listening to the moans. She opened her own mouth, inching toward Jules’. When the bottoms of their lips touched, causing Jules to moan once more, Lisa’s mouth covered her daughters. Lisa was careful not to make a sound; not wanting her voice to give her away.
Their mouths were connected for several minutes, while Lisa worked Jules’ clit and nipple, before sliding her fingers into Jules’ soaking wet pussy.
Lisa broke the kiss, her other hand going to Jules’ clit, rubbing it while she fingered her with her other hand. A moment later, Lisa felt her daughter shake harder, tensing up, climaxing in her arms. When the moaning stopped, the orgasm subsiding, Lisa was overcome with taboo lust.
She quickly stood and stripped naked, taking Jules hand, bringing it to her breasts. Lisa watched Jules smile while she felt the large tit in her hand.
Lisa’s hand went to the back of her blindfolded daughter’s head, pulling her forward. Lisa’s other hand held her own breasts, offering it to Jules’ incoming open mouth. Jules flicked her tongue at the nipple several times, before devouring it, sucking hungrily at it.
Lisa couldn’t take anymore. She pushed her daughter on her back and climbed on top of her, turning around, lowering her own soaking pussy to Jules’ face.
She tasted so good. So wrong, but so good. Lisa nearly climaxed within ten seconds of experiencing Jules’ oral skills. She wondered how many pussies her daughter had licked. Lisa wondered if it was more than she had. She wondered about how many cocks Jules had serviced. Lisa thought about Fat Rob grimacing with pleasure before blowing his load into Jules, like he had done to Lisa during his LA business trips.
Lisa’s tongue swirled around the most forbidden of places – lapping up the juices, drinking the nectar of her youngest daughter. “Such wickedness, such unnatural pleasure, all for money,” was Lisa’s last thought before her orgasm erupted in her. Jules’ tongue slithered out of her mother’s pussy and she bellowed out into the hotel room. Lisa covered her own mouth, hoping to quiet her own cries of pleasure.
Feeling her daughter’s body shake under her own, Lisa collapsed on top it, shaking with her. “Was this enough to satisfy Bob?” She asked herself. She shook her head – it wasn’t.
She pushed Jules further back on the bed, spread her legs, and guided her own to entwine with Jules’. “I want that pussy against mine,” Lisa thought. Right as her clit met Jules, right as her drenched pussy lips kissed her daughter’s, she nearly came again.
Grinding and sliding their pussies against each other, Lisa thought how much better Jules’ felt than Devin’s, or any of the other women she’d been with. As they bounced up and down, facing one another, Lisa watched Jules lick her lips clean, her long tongue lapping at the saliva and vaginal fluids. It was so erotic; Lisa had to pull Jules in for another kiss while continuing to grind their pussies together.
Lisa felt Jules tense up once again, another orgasm approaching. Lisa couldn’t help but have one of her own. They climaxed together, Lisa biting her bottom lip to keep from screaming. “I love you! I love you darling!” Lisa screamed in her head instead.
It was done. Lisa, still out of breath, quickly unwrapped her legs from around her daughter’s. She put on a t-shirt she had in a bag followed by some shorts. She closed the door a little harder so Jules would know she was alone in the room.
Jules was left moaning, writhing around on the bed, her hand gathering up as much of her and her mother’s juices as she could. When the orgasm subsided, she removed the blindfold and let out a euphoric induced laugh.
She called Fat Rob a moment later, “I don’t know who that was, but that was the best sex I have ever had.”
“Mmm, good girl. Why don’t you come down to my office at the club and give me more details in person,” Fat Rob replied.
“I’ll be right there,” Jules grinned, ending the call, gathering her things, her body still numb.
Chapter 6
After leaving her daughter in orgasmic bliss, Lisa headed back to Bob’s crying tears of guilt on the way.
Bob comforted her, watching the footage, writing her a check of $10 million. He suggested Lisa could help Jules with her troubles, perhaps lead her out of stripping and prostitution, and provide her a new life with this money. He reminded her that she was going to Miami soon and to think of a way to include Alice in this challenge. Lisa also had to figure out how to seduce Alice’s twin, Angela.
They were non-identical or fraternal twins. Angela was 5’9” had similar long dark hair; however, her breasts were slightly larger than Alice’s. She also seemed to get most of her curves in her hips, butt, and thighs. Having posed in Elite Magazine, a magazine marketed toward African-American males ages 18-35, she knew of her assets and used them to her advantage and fun.
Angela was sleeping with the human version of Rodney. She had been for a couple years now. She was part of his entourage. Angela repeatedly tried to get Alice to join, to go clubbing with them or to parties, and then back to Rodney’s for sex, however, Alice always refused. One time, Alice lashed out at Angela, calling her trash, an idiot, and other fairly hurtful names. It hurt Angela’s feelings, but deep down, she agreed. Lifestyle habits were hard to break.
Angela woke up early Saturday morning to the sound of her coworkers, Elite Mag models Taylor and Claudia, sucking on Rodney’s cock. The blonde and Puerto Rican sucked and slurped along his dick, as Angela yawned, stretched, and made her way to the bathroom – Rodney’s dried semen trailing down her thigh.
Her mother, Lisa, had called her earlier in the week letting her know she was visiting for a few days. Angela called Alice, receiving a typical cold reception of “uh huhs,” “yeahs,” and “oks” with no other conversation. She wished things were different between her and her sister, but she blamed herself.
Angela was looking forward to seeing her mother. She hadn’t seen Lisa since Thanksgiving. They weren’t extremely close, but got along well enough.
“Hi there,” Taylor told Angela when she reentered Rodney’s bedroom. She was sitting on his face, while Claudia was sitting on his cock.
“I have to leave. Take my place?” Claudia asked.
Angela didn’t feel like it. She wanted to leave too. But, like in so many situations before, she wanted to appease her friends, kicking herself later, she decided take Claudia’s place upon Rodney’s cock. She smiled into Taylor’s face while she rode it. Claudia got dressed, kissing them both goodbye, and left.
Angela’s orgasm was mild if anything. Like most have been lately. Ever since Alice told Angela off, her hurtful words stirred something in her.
She got dressed, smiled goodbye, and went home. Angela cleaned her apartment for her mother’s arrival. Lisa, however, was stopping by Alice’s first.
“I think I’m going to be sick. Are you joking?” Alice, feeling rage and disgust building, asked her mother. Lisa had arrived earlier, sitting her daughter down to have a serious discussion. The discussion was everything Bob had challenged her to do and all the monetary amounts as the reward.
“I’m not joking, Alice,” Lisa placed her hand on Alice’s. Alice quickly withdrew it. “Alice, please.
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