The Caretaker
The Caretaker
Sex Story Author: | Jman1998 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I strolled to my truck, whistling a tune to myself as I climbed into my old ford pickup. As I |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Female / Girl, Fiction, Male / Older Female, Older Female / Males, Toys |
The Caretaker
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Liz moaned with each bounce on my cock.
Liz was a hot little blonde from my math class that had been pursuing me for the better part of the semester.
“Jesus you’re so fucking wet” I moaned as I leaned forward to pull her into me.
With my arms wrapped around her back holding her to me, I began pummeling her from below. She let out a series of squeaks as my long, thick cock pistoned her from below. Her small breasts jiggled in my face as her nails in my shoulder bit into the skin, her eyes rolled back into her head as orgasms wracked her body.
“Fuck” I yelled as I felt my cum start to broil in my balls.
I gripped her hips and held her down as I felt a massive amount of cum shoot deep into her gripping pussy. Bliss washed over my body as we slowly disentangled our bodies from each other.
“That was nice ” I sighed with a sheepish grin, glancing over at the cute girl to my right.
“I really wished you didn’t come in me Henry, I definitely have to get a Plan b now ” she replied, with a joking annoyance in her voice.
“Sorry about that, I should have warned you but I love finishing inside of women” I admitted without too much remorse in my voice.
“Oh, women plural now is there? ” Liz teased with an eyebrow raised.
I laughed, shrugging my shoulders as I stood to gather my clothes which were recently shed around her bedroom. I got a glace of myself in the mirror, perhaps with a bit too much of an arrogant appreciative stare. I was quite tall, standing at 6’4, with tan skin that was taut with muscle from my usual summer jobs in construction. I was always told I had extremely masculine qualities, dark black facial hair subtly accenting a razor-sharp jawline, dark eyebrows, and long brown hair with light curling at the end. I’ve been told I look like stunt double for Jason Mamoa. When women looked into my deep green eyes, they often told me my eyes seem to smolder, which always made them squeeze their thighs together. While I was quite fortunate to possess all these natural gifts, all paled in comparison to my favourite portion of my body; my cock. My eyes trailed down my fairly hairy chest and somewhat-defined abdomen and landed on my prized gift. I was blessed with quite a large cock, at about 8 inches when hard and so thick I could barely fit my big hand around it. The girls from high school loved it, and a year after graduation I had honed what skill I garnered from the girls that I had hooked up with during my high school days. Women were quite easy to come across after that, usually found in a bar after a hard days labour on the job, women were usually drawn to my naturally “hard” look. I usually went for the older ladies, the milfs and cougars out on the town, as they were the most appreciative of my youth and virility. They were also the most experienced, and taught me a serious amount of stanima and control that I had lacked when I was younger.
I stood transfixed at Liz’s standing mirror, looking at the sheen of mixed juices from her pussy on my cock. This was the the second time Liz and I had sex, the first time being back on prom night. We were both a little tipsy, and I was always interested in her casual good looks ever since she sat beside me in math class. We had good sex the first time, albeit a little bit foggy in the memory as we both had a generous amount of cheap beer that night.
“You better get out of here, my parents will be home soon” she said, giggling while watching me seemingly ogle myself in her mirror.
“You’re probably right,” I laughed ” But your Dad already took away my summer gig, so what do I really have to lose?”
“Well there’s also the fact of my defensive lineman boyfriend,” she said, in an almost challenging tone.
“I’m not too worried about it really, If I’m honest ” I said, as I flexed my muscles for her in the mirror, which elicited an amused grin.
‘Well if you’re really not scared, we should really do this again. I haven’t come like that since dating Jakob ” she admitted, rather sheepishly as she sat up from the sheets, displaying her b-cup breasts to me.
“I would Liz, but your Dad decided to give my summer job to your new boyfriend, so I took a job in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere a few hours away” I commentated, as I finally tore my eyes away from myself in the mirror and finally started to dress.
In truth, I really did not want to work for her father this summer anyway, while the pay was good and the physical labour kept my body in tip-top shape, the days were hot and long. I was already looking for another job when he told me, but he told me in such a casual way, as if my years of hard work had meant nothing, had stung. The lemon juice on the wound was that he was giving the job to Liz’s new boyfriend, who was dumber than a bag of rocks, and for more money too!
Liz took a moment to speak, searching for her underwear in the sheets before she finally spoke, “Well, that’s too bad Henry, but I suppose that would be for the best anyway. What are you doing out there anyway?
By the time she finished her sentence, I was already fully dressed in my usual jeans and button-down flannel shirt. “ Well the ad was called ‘Caretaker’, which is kind of vague but they pay was good and they offered free room and board on top of the salary so…” I trailed off my explanation as Liz had clambered above the sheets crawling towards her panties at the side of her bed.
Liz’s petite yet decently thick ass was perched in the air at the edge of the best as she stretched to grab her panties, as if ready to be mounted from behind.
Quickly blood rushed to my ears, as I felt adrenaline pump into my veins. The animal instinct in my body was beginning to climb its way back out, as I got a full view of her spread cheeks with her petite pink pussy presented right in front of me. I took three strides across the room and quickly gripped the tops of her thighs, getting a good grip to drag her further back to the side of her bed while still being on all fours. She yelped as she felt her entire bodily easily manhandled backwards.
I simply had lost the capacity to think critically, and was overwhelmed by the sexy sight, I quickly dove my head down and placed my tongue on her clit roughly. Liz immediately moaned and twisted, as her body was extremely sensitive to pleasure at the moment. I took this squirming as a means to slowly slide my tongue forwards, allowing my tongue to basically cover the entirety of her pussy and lick up. My tongue gently opened her lips, and her whole body shuddered as my tongue was running up to her hole where I had just deposited a huge load of my cum. This long lick elicited a loud moan that turned to a hiss, as my tongue passed her hole and trailed up to her ass. She giggled slightly and wiggled, as my tongue delicately probed inside her ass. While I was precise in this intrusion, I quickly began produce more spit as I wanted her nice and wet. I was giving full long licks now, from clit to ass, and was using the broad side of my tongue to wetly massage her ass. Liz just stayed there, unable to move as my iron grip held her down on all fours while also dragging her ass into my face.
This intense moment was interrupted as a car door slammed outside, which caused us both to jump.
“Fuck, fuck fuck” Liz repeated to herself, albeit in a different tone compared to how she said it about 10 minutes before, “they were supposed to be all day, not a few hours!”
I let her thighs go, watching her little ass jiggle as she jumped up and sprinted around her room collecting her clothes. I wish I had asked her out when I had the chance I thought, watching this little cutie make a mad dash around her room, but oh well at least I still got to have sex with her. I gave one last lingering stare as I watched her frantically throw a t-shirt on, as I silently slipped through her door. Unfortunately there was no easy escape route out of her house, and as I began to wonder how on earth I was going to get out of the house unnoticed, a feeling I have never had before began to emanate through my body. This feeling slowly washed over me, a feeling of un-caring and disregard. Who cares if I was seen, I don’t work for her father anymore, and what were they going to do? Call the cops for fucking his legal aged daughter? I shook my head, and began walking down the hall towards the stairs that would lead me right to the front door. It was then that I heard that very front door open, and two voices began to speak.
“… Henry’s truck, I’m sure of it! Jakob, Liz’s boyfriend, said quite heatedly.
“Well, I can’t see why he would be at my house, he’s not working for me this summer, you got his spot remember? “Liz’s father, John, responded with a bit of a huff in his voice.
“He’s a little bitch John, I’ll be way- “Jakob began to say before his eyes shot to the top of the stairs.
Jakobs mouth remained open as he saw me standing at the top stair, and his eyes followed me as I slowly started descending them towards the door.
“Henry, what on earth…. where….why…? “ John began, however as his eyes were flickering between me and the direction of his daughters room, his face began to redden. The realization of why I was there had begun to dawn on him.
“Henry, why the fuck are you here, looking for me to kick your ass? Jakob said with a sneer, still clearly not catching on to what John had already caught.
“Dad its not what it looks like I swear!” Liz shouted as she sprinted down the hallway towards the stairs, careening and sliding past them as she tried to abruptly stop. She was dressed in only a shirt and panties, which became apparent as she slid by, as her shirt flipped up and revealed her thong to both her father and her boyfriend.
Jakob, making the bag of rocks I compared to him before look downright brilliant, slowly put two and two together.
“Liz! What-fuck-Henry-Why” Jakob spluttered, too angry and upset to form a proper sentence.
With this sudden new air of confidence and disregard, I casually climbed the rest of the way down the stairs and announced “ Well Liz it was great catching up. John, you look well it was nice seeing you, no hard feelings about the job. Jakob you look- Well anyway”.
I was making my way to the door when my path was suddenly blocked by Jakob, who was shaking in rage.
“I’m going to beat the fucking-” Jakob stopped suddenly, as I had walked completely unperturbed up to his face.
What was I doing, I thought to myself, I’m big but I’m not some crazy tough guy. I could not quite explain exactly what I was feeling, but it was a mix of adrenaline, anxiety, and calm. All things that should generally be opposed to one another, much less ingredients to the same cocktail, yet It is the best explanation of what I felt. I just stared Jakob in the eyes, boring a hole into his soul. I did not say a word, no threats or commotion, just eye contact. For some inexplicable reason, Jakob faltered. He looked away, broke the eye contact I had created, and awkwardly shifted his bodyweight from foot to foot. Almost animal like instinct, I saw this as submission, and before John could even utter another word, I walked out of his house.
Walking with a level of self confidence and power I had never really tapped into before, I walked towards my truck with along strides.
“Henry? Why on earth are- “ Jennifer, Liz’s mom was interrupted by three very loud voices yelling from inside.
“Jennifer, you look as beautiful as always” I commented confidently with a cocky grin on my face.
Jennifer blushed and started to speak when the voices got even louder still, thought better of it and began to make her way to the front door.
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