
The Bus Driver And His Angels

1) Mandy: Medium build, light brown shoulder length curly hair, boyish figure, small half grapefruit size pert breasts, top with large dark brown nipples, flat un-toned tummy, smooth hairless pussy with puffy small lips, flat shapeless bottom, and shapeless smooth legs.

2) Chloe: Small build, short dark brown bobbed straight hair, slightly curvy figure, bust is small and coned shaped and large dark pink aureoles, topped by small little soft pink nipples, flat toned tummy and slight dark hair fuzzy pubes and tight large lips, round firm bottom and large muscular thighs and small petite feet, wears a bra and has started her periods

3) Denise: Very thin and tall, long light brown straight hair that falls to the middle of her back, no real curves and flat chested with small undeveloped nipples, flat stomach with ribs showing, small tight baby looking bald pussy, long thin shapeless legs, and large feet. Always immaculate dressed, tidy, very clever (Swot) and looks after the diary

4) Anna: The youngest of the group, short and slightly chubby, cute round face and short black thick straight hair with a straight cut fringe across her forehead, and dark brown large eys.. A plump round body with small soft mounds for a chest, each has a small light pink aureole and topped with a very dark small nipple. Tummy is plump and smooth and moulds into a very puffy protruded Y, with large oversized looking lips and lots of very dark pubic hair, short tubby legs and small chubby feet. To look at you would think by complexion and colouring that maybe she was of Asian origin possible in the past. Wears a training bra.

5) Nicky: Very shapely & curvy medium build, shoulder length blond wavy hair, blues eyes and the biggest chest of all, two very firm and shapely orange sized boobs, each topped with a very dark aureole and large hard bullet type nipples, a shapely smooth stomach, and a puffy full pussy which parts slightly showing small amounts of inner labia, topped with a small amount of very fine downy blond hair, nicely trimmed, a round perfectly pert bottom and long shapely smooth legs

6) Laura: Medium build boyish figure, mousy brown hair that is shoulder length, hazel eyes. Small buds of a bust that look about to flower, each topped with a small dark brown nipple like the top of a babies finger. A smooth defined muscular tummy and very fleshy large pussy lips that seem to hang slightly, a small amount of downy dark pubic hair and long slim boyish type legs. Caught Parents / Naturist

Story is a record of how I managed to progress from school bus driver, to personal driver to Mandy and her 5 friends. From age 9 when we met, through to later teens when and how my dream girls became my personal toys.

This all came about after I got transferred from long haul holiday coach work, I wanted something that kept me nearer to home more often, I had recently met a woman and realised that if I was ever going to have a relationship I needed to be able to be home more often.

I was transferred onto early morning school contract work, driving the same route every day collecting a range of youngsters who attended the local private school, some from smart rural homes and some from poorer homes. At the end of each day I then collected them all from school, and then took them to the local after-school activities such as swimming and netball practice, then on from there onto home.

When I first met Mandy and the girls they ranged in age from nine to ten years, and I never really got more than a polite good morning and goodnight each day. Then after about a year of doing this, another girl joined the regular group, new to the area, which made six in total and meant that for the first time the passenger seat next to me would be used.

The realisation of this didn’t really hit me until the Tuesday afternoon, when as normal traffic was heavy in town, and we were running late to get the girls to swimming. This has never been an issue before as the girls would change in the back on their seats, but now the problem for Mandy who had the front seat next to me was what to do.

They all started to get changed in the back so that when we got to the pool for their lessons the delay would be reduced as they could run in already in their swimming gear. Mandy looked up at me and I realised that she was unsure what to do. She then decided that she could manage to change into her swimming costume discreetly next to me. As she started, I pretended not to notice, she quickly removed her shoes and socks and then put her towel over her lap and tried to remove her undies from under her skirt. The combination of towel and sitting down, all made for quite a pantomime, which I struggled not to laugh out loud to. She then looked up again and I again pretended not to notice. She had realised the towel was a problem, so quickly again threw it down and decided she could remove her undies and that her skirt would hide her modesty, as she hooked each side of her panties the skirt rode up, I kept myself looking serious and looking forward but pinched the odd glance but mainly watched using peripheral vision. I was able to see the majority of her silky smooth white thighs and could feel my cock stiffening in my trousers making me feel very uncomfortable as the view I had was so tantalisingly close to the view of seeing her baby pussy.

Just as I thought I was to get to see the sweet flesh that men desire so much, she hooked the skirt and managed to keep her modesty. Still the view of being able to see her small pink flowered panties and I swear I was able to see a small damp stain on the gusset as she dragged them down as quickly as she was able.

To follow the knickers coming off the next stage was to pull the swimming costume back on and to do this again she had the issue of having to lift herself off the seat as she tried to drag the costume over her small pert bottom. Then for a brief moment, the smallest second, a view greeted my eyes of being able to see the puffy mound that was smooth and soft and without any hair or down. Not quite able to see the slit that sits below but so close my cock stiffened to a solid mass and it was very difficult to hide.
Just as she flicked the last part of the costume on, she darted a look in my direction and caught my eye watching her, as fast as I could I looked away but knew I had been caught. A reddening face and stiff cock was not doing anything to help me hide this, I looked back a moment later, and I looked back and she gave me a look that told me she knew.
She continued to get changed, glancing at me more often, I was squirming in my seat wanting to make my cock more comfortably but knew she would spot this so grabbed my map from the door pocket and made out I was trying to find an alternative route, at least this way the stork in my trousers was covered.
Slowly she unbuttoned her blouse, which was under her jumper and pulled the tails of the shirt out from her skirt. She then slipped her arms out of her jumper and blouse and then pulled the costume up as far as she could, and then to my delight she lifted her arms up pulling the costume and the same time lifting the blouse and jumper up onto her shoulders, the jumper obscured her face but left me with a perfect view of her chest.
Two small half grapefruit size pert breasts, topped with large dark brown nipples, the costume covered them showing two smooth mounds.
Off came the jumper and blouse, a quick flick of the arms and she was into the arm holes and covered. Mandy now sat there in just her costume top and school skirt; she reached under her skirt to obviously straighten the crutch and edges of the costume and then off came the skirt. When she had finished she then slipped on her tracksuit bottoms and top.
The whole operation had taken only a couple of minutes but had seemed to take so much longer, I was still struggling to hide a solid stiff cock under the map.
A few minutes later, I pulled up outside the swimming baths only 3 or 4 minutes late, and all the girls jumped out and where running up the path as fast as they could. I looked back over my shoulder and as normal found the debris of the girl’s clothes strewn all over the back of the car.
I closed the doors and parked up the car, my normal practice was to then get a coffee from my flask and read the paper until they returned, but today I was struggling with the image I had seen and the still stiff cock cramped into my underwear. When I had parked up I quickly rearranged myself and was about to get my coffee, when I spotted something that previously I had not seen before in the debris they left behind.
On the second row of seats, (Chloe’s seat) was a small yellow and brown lacy bra, a very small cup. I had not noticed any of the girls had grown to the stage when they would need to wear a bra. Curious I decided to have a little rummage. My rewarded was that in her bag was a matching pair of skimpy shortie panties that matched the bra and along the crotch was stuck a panty liner that had the smallest amount of blood showing.
Chloe obviously had got to womanhood and was having her period, I had never even considered that any of the girls where even approaching this stage. Strangely I found the combination of her soiled panties in my hand and the risk of looking through her bag to be a big turn on, my already stiff cock started to twitch and I could feel my balls getting tight.
I found myself without realising it sniffing on the crotch of her panties, and the smell was musky and slightly perfumed, not a pleasant smell, but never the less a great turn on. My curiosity got the better of me and I started looking through the other bags. I found in Anna’s bag some plain white ordinary girls pants, again I smelt the crutch and a similar aroma, but this time mixed with detergent.
I worked my way round the bags and kept looking for their undies, until I got to a bag in the back row belonging to Denise. By far she was the smartest of all the girls, always immaculate to look at, always on time very polite and seemed to be the group swot. When I opened her bag there was all her clothes neatly folded, carefully I lifted them out and found her underwear folded and in a small plastic bag. The smell in the bag fresher and stronger was very sweet, a fragrance like a flower but with a small hint of perspiration. I was about to replace them carefully when I saw a schoolbook with a title, the “School Bus Club”.
Again carefully noted how it was placed in the bag, so I could replace it without her knowing lifted the book out and started to flick through. It was a diary; it went back 14 months to just before I took over as driver to the girls. I got the impression that the book; was in fact the second book. That it had been started to record the previous drivers mistakes and bad manners, each day a diary record of how late he had been in picking them up, his bad moods and shouting and even her guess that he drank a lot, as he always smelt and would sleep a lot. It appeared that they did not like him very much and that all the girls thought he was like a smelly tramp.
I flicked forward a found the day I joined them and read that they thought I was very pleasant, and Denise noted that she liked the fact that I was clean and my clothes ironed not like Bob, who I took to be the previous driver. The diary carried on and was not that exciting and I flicked forward some more and repeated this several times till I hit the word pregnant, I flicked back to find the page and realised the tone of the diary had changed and that the girls were discussing other things other than me.
I found the page and it noted that the girls had discussed a girl called Susan in the next year up from them. She was apparently pregnant and the Police had chatted to a lot of them about it and the rumour was that she was pregnant by an older guy, some thought her Dad, some the school gardener, but most of the girls on the bus thought it was the science technician who sets up the science labs before lessons. They had talked about this a lot by the notes in the diary suggested that some of the girls knew and understood about sex and some did not have any idea, so they had shared information.
Denise says that Laura had caught her parents having sex and that her parents thought it was normal to walk around with no clothes on. All the girls were shocked, and asked her lots of questions about it. Whether she saw her dad’s penis a lot and what size was it and did her dad see her naked still. Laura seemed un-phased by talking about it and said her parents thought that being open and honest was best. All the girls agreed that her parents where cool.
I read on some more but it was mainly very boring and I was aware they would return soon. I placed the book and clothes back carefully into the bag, and decided to go for a quick pee before they came back.
Twenty minutes later the girls returned and we made our way to each of their homes.
I took the same route every night, dropping of in sequence; some parents I had seen, as they would wave or nod and acknowledge my existence, whereas others I think did not even acknowledge the existence of their own children let alone the driver who carries them around. Last out every night was Mandy, she lived in what was probably the most expensive house of all the girls, as I pulled up to the entrance gates I used the remote I had been given to open the gates and then drove a couple of miles up the lane to the house.
Mandy’s mother was always there waiting to greet her, she was always very polite and friendly to me, however in all the time I drove Mandy I never saw her father.
The following day was Friday and netball practice evening, almost like a repeat of the night before the girls started to get changed, again Mandy struggled her way from her school uniform into her netball outfit, I had been a bit sneaky in advance and angled the rear view mirror so that I could get a better view of the girls whilst I drove and they changed and Mandy again kept giving me little looks to see if I where spying on her, she knew I was but we both pretended I wasn’t.
When at the training centre, I was as ever treated to the site of about 100 girls of ages ranging between 9 and 18 all playing netball on the outside courts, each of them wearing a tight top and short skirt and the site of netball sports knickers was everywhere I looked.
Again I decided to have a nose about in the back of the car, and found more worn knickers and found that Anna had taken to wearing a training bra, this I found amusing as she was the youngest and smallest of all the girls, As normal the only seat with everything neat and tidy was Denise’s, I peeked in her bag carefully making sure I was not being watched, found her underwear, again folded in a bag, so fresh and yet musty, I could not help myself sniffing the contents wishing I was sniffing her actual young parts, then I spied the diary and went to the last page and found that they had been discussing the fact that Mandy had spotted me peeking at her.
The diary said that she had noticed me looking while she got changed, Denise thought that she had seen me looking in the mirror while they got changed as well, Denise was shocked at the thought, but apparently Mandy had thought it was quite fun and so had Chloe.
My mind went into turmoil not sure what I was thinking, what was I to do, was this the green light or was this the end of the chance to spy on them, only time would tell.
The girls returned a little while later and they were all very happy as they had won their match, they jumped in the car and the noise was deafening, I got them all seated and we started on our way, as I was pulling out of the centre when Laura asked if they I would stop in the town as they where early, they could then have a celebration milkshake at the burger bar, the girls then all started on at me to let them, I thought about it and agreed they could have 20 minutes, but they would have to be on time as I did not want to be late dropping them home.
The cheer of happiness went up and they all agreed that they would not be late, then they all started to get changed again, Mandy said we can’t go into town dressed like this, school uniform is not really cool but it is better that the netball uniforms, I said that I thought the netball uniforms where very nice and a voice from behind me said quietly that I thought that because I could see their knickers, I wasn’t sure who said it but felt myself blushing and they all laughed.
I tried to break my embarrassment by stating that I had not noticed…. all together they shouted Oh Yea Like, you are always peeking us when we get changed…. this was getting worse, I was worried that I had been truly found out and they would report me. Instead Mandy spoke up and said it was okay they had talked about it and they didn’t mind, well most of us apart from Denise, who thought you where rude to peek.
I was not sure what to say or do, then Mandy said “okay girls let’s get changed before we get to town” and they all started stripping off, unlike before where they had all been hiding under other clothes etc, they just got changed as if I was not there, never had I been so pleased to have black glass on the car, Mandy took off her top and sat there naked from the waist up whilst she sorted out the buttons on her blouse where she had pulled it off earlier, she noticed me look and just said “do you like, there is not a lot to look at though, not like Nicky and Chloe, they have much bigger boobs than me, but you have noticed that already we reckon” I was not sure what to say, so simply said she was very pretty.
The girls giggled and Chloe dared Nicky to flash her boobs to me, looking in the rear view mirror, I could see Nicky looking a bit flushed, it was true I had noticed she had the biggest chest but was not ready for her to stand up in the back and flash her boobs at me like she did, my eyes were glued to the mirror and then suddenly realised the car ahead had braked, I stopped in plenty of time but it shook me and I think the girls where a bit shocked as well.
I pulled over on the side of the road and looked back over my shoulder, most importantly making sure they were all okay. Once I was sure I then suggested that it was not a good idea to flash at me like that, I am only human and pretty girls flashing there boobs is going to get me in trouble one way or another, they laughed and promised not to do so again, then Chloe said she would make sure the car was still when they did and they all laughed.
Shortly after we pulled into the town centre and they jumped out and disappeared, I looked around the car and there was clothes and underwear everywhere, I decided to have a quick tidy round and enjoyed the chance to handle and smell their clothes and sniff the underwear. When they got back they all looked a little shocked at the fact I had tidied their clothes up, Nicky laughed and reckoned that I liked touching their underwear, they all laughed as I went very red and it became apparent I had been rumbled. Short while later I started dropping them all off home hoping that they would not say anything and that I would still have a job tomorrow.
For the next few weeks went reasonably quietly, they seemed less worried about me seeing them getting changed, but all I got was glimpses and sneak views, and I tried to keep a low profile realising that the episode after the netball match was quite close to getting myself in trouble.
Then as I was dropping Mandy off one evening, her mother, Debbie asked if I would spare her a moment, whilst she had always been there to meet Mandy, we had never had a conversation other than a brief thank you.
I stepped out of the car and into the kitchen, aware that the kitchen was bigger than my whole flat; she offered me a coffee and said she needed to ask me a favour.
I let her know that if I could help I would and waited to hear what she wanted, apparently it was Mandy’s birthday the following week and she had arranged for tickets to a concert in the arena, and wondered if I would be happy to drive the girls to the event, wait and bring them back. I let her know it would not be a problem for me but she would need to arrange it with the office as it was there vehicle. She has already spoken to them and they had said no, so she wondered if I would drive her car instead and she would pay me cash in hand. Never one to turn down some easy money I agreed.
The following week I arrived at Mandy’s house at 5:30pm to be welcomed by the girls all screaming and giggling, all very over excited at the thought of going to the boy band concert. Mandy’s mother Debbie laughed when she saw me and asked if I was sure I wanted to still do this, I assured her I was used to their high spirits and she laughed some more. By 5:45 all the girls were loaded and we were on our way.
When I picked them up all the girls had been dressed in generally sensible clothes with little or no makeup, however no sooner had I got out the bottom of the drive then out came the makeup and some alternative clothing, Chloe looked at me and said that their parents would not approve of them wearing makeup and such clothes, but they felt sure I would not object.
I asked why they thought that and they all laughed, Nicky said that considering I got my kicks watching them get changed and playing with their underwear I was unlikely to report them.

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