The Book Model
The Book Model
by Lubrican
Julie Stanton was bored. Her husband was gone again. He was always gone since he’d gone to that special school. He was a Lieutenant in the Army and since taking anti-terrorism classes he was usually off somewhere in the world where she couldn’t go. It wouldn’t have been so bad except that she’d only been married for a little over a year. She’d wanted to start having children right away, but that’s hard to do when you don’t get any sperm in you. And with Roger gone all the time, she had a definite shortage of sperm.
Normally she didn’t need to work, but Roger had gone to some place where he couldn’t even call her and he’d taken the check book with him. She had a credit card, but she didn’t want to rack up a big bill that she couldn’t pay off at the end of the month.
She needed some spending money.
And she was bored. So, she was leafing through the paper, looking in the want ads. Something caught her eye. “Models wanted for illustrations for book. Must be young and fit. Some nudity required.” She almost went on, dismissing the ad, but curiosity got the better of her. She called the number listed and, after answering a few questions she had an appointment to talk to the author.
Julie had never modeled before, but she was an obvious pick if beauty was the criteria. She had waist length almost platinum blond hair, was well tanned and kept in shape by running regularly. Her route took her by a retirement home and she’d noticed lately that every time she ran by there were more and more elderly men loitering around on the front porch. She thought she’d heard a croaked “Here she comes now” but she’d dismissed the idea. Why would those old men be paying any attention to her anyway? It never occurred to her that her 36-23-38 figure had brought new life to some pretty shriveled plumbing on that porch.
She’d have been even more surprised to find out that after she ran by, the geezers all went into the home and beat off to her memory!
She thought about calling her step brother, Mark. She wanted to share her good news with somebody and he was the closest male in her life other than Roger. Even though he was technically her step brother, they’d grown up together since they were both five. He was her brother as far as she was concerned. In fact he was the reason she’d met Roger in the first place. Mark had been in the Special Forces with Roger and had introduced them to each other. Since then Mark had been injured and was out of the Army. He’d gotten some kind of high tech job position and was busy a lot, so she hadn’t talked to him much in the last month or so. She called his number but all she got was his voice mail. She didn’t want that. She wanted to TALK to him. With a sigh she hung up.
She decided to run to her interview. She’d be hot and sweaty, but they’d see how in shape she was. She put her hair in a loose braid and took off. Twenty minutes later she knocked on the door of room 106 at the Restful Inn Motel and was admitted by a man who introduced himself as Bob. He looked her up and down. She wasn’t surprised. Every man looked her up and down. She was used to it.
Bob got right into the interview. “Why do you want this job?” he said.
She looked at him. “I’m bored. My husband is away and I don’t know when he’ll be back. I need some spending money.”
He stared at her intently. “Husband” he said under his breath. “The ad said that some nudity would be involved. How will your husband feel about that?”
Julie smiled. “Who says he has to find out about it? What kind of book is this for? My husband is not a big reader. This isn’t for some porn mag is it?” she frowned.
“No, no, it’s not like that” said Bob, but he looked uncomfortable. “But it DOES involve nudity. More than a little.” She frowned again and he went on “Really, I’m sorry, but I have to tone down the ad because otherwise I get the League of Women Voters down on me, trying to shut me down.”
Julie was even more curious now. He didn’t seem like some scumbag who just wanted to stare at her tits. “Go on” she said.
“Well, the book is sort of like the Kama Sutra. It is a ‘How to’ manual for adults and covers a number of sexual positions that my partner and I have developed. These are supposed to use the ergonomics of the body to make sex more enjoyable. We’ll need pictures of each of the positions. That’s what we’re hiring models for.” He looked at her and waited.
“Sexual positions” she said. “That’s a lot more than ‘a little nudity’. I don’t think I’m interested in letting some strange man stick his penis in me so you can illustrate a new sexual position.”
Bob held up his hands. “No, don’t get the wrong idea. Most of these shots don’t have to show anything in that much detail. It’s the positions of the two bodies that count. There wouldn’t be any need to actually show penetration. Well, actually there are a couple, but we could do something different with those. Maybe use another model or something.”
He was staring at her breasts. Julie crossed her arms. “And I suppose you are the other model for these pictures.”
“Oh no!” stammered Bob. “I mean, not that I wouldn’t enjoy posing with you.” His mouth snapped shut. “Um, I mean …. oh shit, I can’t believe I just said that” he said under his breath. “No!” he barked. “There is another man. We haven’t actually interviewed him yet.”
Julie smiled at his obvious embarrassment. “Who is this ‘we’ you keep talking about?”
“Oh! that’s my sister and me” said Bob. “We’re writing the book together. Her name’s Lori” he said, still flustered.
Julie took pity on him and said that if he thought she would work out in the pictures, she’d give it a try of a day or two. If things got too weird she’d just quit. His only questions were about scars, tattoos, body piercings and body hair. When she said she had none of the above Bob actually smiled. She saw the lump in the front of his pants flex, but all men did that around her too. He explained they were only interviewing at the Motel. The actual photographs would be done at their home, in a studio. She said she’d see him the following Saturday and he said he’d call her if they hadn’t hired a male model by then.
Saturday rolled around and Julie stood at Bob’s door. She was a little nervous. She knew her husband wouldn’t like what she was doing, but he was gone and she was frustrated, so she had convinced herself that what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. She took a breath and rang the bell. The door was answered by a pretty woman about her own age with dark red hair. “You must be Julie” she said in a voice that was low and soft.
“And you must be Lori” said Julie, smiling.
Lori let her into the house and took her to the studio where the pictures would be shot. “We really appreciate you modeling for us Julie” said Lori. “It’s so hard to find just the right look and this is a tough kind of assignment for any model. You’re really quite beautiful.”
Julie smiled, but admitted she was a little nervous.
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