
The Best Therapy ch. 02

Grandma just found out. Will she join?

Mary was lost. Her mother had just witnessed her giving a hand job to her own son. How could it have happened? She was sure she locked the door. She always was careful about it. Images started to flash before her eyes, her in jail, the end of her marriage, people at church pointing at her and whispering between them. It was Brad who broke her out of her reverie.

“Hey Mom, are you all right?” he asked.

Brad too was shocked but after reflection he realized he couldn’t do anything about it so he stopped worrying about it.

Since his mom had caught him masturbating Brad had changed. Before that he stressed a lot, but since then he had learned to relax. His mother had been aware since his diagnosis that he masturbated a lot, so each time he went to his room to jerk off he was ashamed because he was sure his mother knew what he was doing. After a few months he noticed his mother didn’t really act any differently around him. The only difference was she didn’t enter his room anymore but he liked that. He had his own private space. He wasn’t ashamed to jerk off anymore. He accepted the fact that he didn’t have a choice in the matter so he shouldn’t worry about it. That philosophy extended to other areas. It helped him a lot in school because he stopped stressing about tests. He was still worrying when he studied for a test because it was on him to study correctly but after that there was no reason to freak out. Either he knew the answers or he didn’t, and he could do nothing about it during the tests.

That’s why he could think clearly about the situation he and his mother were in. Firstly, his grandmother wouldn’t tell anyone about it before asking them for an explanation. Even after that she would only talk about it in confession or in therapy if she felt the need to. She talked freely about her life but she respected the privacy of other people. Secondly, his mother was helping him with a medical problem. It was essential for his health that he ejaculates several times a day and being unable to do it, his mother was the only person who could right now. He just had better not tell her he took advantage of the situation and was now having his mom jerk him off a lot more than she needed to.

Meanwhile Eleanor was going to the place she always went when she had a problem. She was driving to church. Maybe some time praying to the Lord would clear her head and understand what she saw because she couldn’t believe it. Her daughter, the woman who hated sex, was giving a hand job to her son. She didn’t understand the reason for such an act.

At Mary’s Brad was still very hard and waiting for his mom to react. After a couple of minutes Mary composed herself and stood up.

“I’m alright, Bradley,” she lied. Her only wish was to crawl into bed and cry.

“What are you doing?” Brad asked her.

“I’m just going to my room for a bit,” she responded.

“But we aren’t finished, Mom,” he said.

“Yes, we are Bradley. I shouldn’t have done that with you,” she said guiltily.

“What are you talking about, Mom? You HAVE to help me or else it’s going to hurt like hell,” he responded.

His remark hit home. It was true she had to masturbate him. It was for medical reasons. She shouldn’t feel guilt or shame about this because she was treating him. For some unknown reason she felt like she had been caught cheating on her husband whereas she was just helping her son. She reluctantly knelt again before her son and resumed her hand job. Why did she feel guilty about this? It was embarrassing being caught like this but her motives were pure so where did the guilt come from?

Eleanor came home a few hours later. She still hadn’t the faintest idea for the motive behind her daughter’s actions but she was calm enough now to let her explain herself. Mary and Brad were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Christine was still in school as she was on the track team and needed to stay late. Eleanor went into the living room and approached her daughter.

“Mary, we need to talk,” she said, and she walked into the kitchen.

“Stay here, Bradley,” Mary told her son.

When Mary entered the kitchen her mother was sitting at the table. She sat in front of her. And she began talking.

“Mom, what you saw must have shocked you but know that I have an explanation for this and I hope you’ll understand.” She then related the story of her catching Brad pleasuring himself, the visit to the doctor and finally his situation now. Once she finished she waited for her mother to respond.

“So you are telling me Brad has hyperspermia and he has to ejaculate several times a day or suffer excruciating pain?” she asked.

“That’s right,” Mary answered.

“Do you really believe I’m going to buy that?” Eleanor asked.

“Do you believe that I could do something like that without having to do it? For godsakes I don’t do that for my own husband,” her daughter said.

“I don’t know what to think Mary. It’s completely unreal. I think I just need time to think,” Eleanor said, before standing up and heading for the guest bedroom.

“Alright. In the meantime I’m going to buy some groceries. We can talk later if you want,” Mary told her mother before she left the room.

Once in her room Eleanor thought about the conversation she had just had with her daughter. Her story seemed like the plot of a cheesy porn movie. Who had ever heard of a disease whose treatment is masturbation? She should go see Brad’s doctor and get some answers. Her daughter never lied to her and was disgusted by sex so it seemed crazy that she would make up a story like that. Maybe Brad played a prank on her or something. She had to talk to him. Ten minutes after her discussion with Mary she walked downstairs.

Brad was still in the living room watching the end of the movie. He was waiting for his grandmother to come talk to him. His mother told him about the discussion she had with Eleanor before telling him she had to buy some groceries. He worked on a plan all afternoon and he had an idea. So when he heard footsteps in the stairs he faked being hurt in his crotch area. She couldn’t be mad if she saw him in pain.

Eleanor came into the living room and saw Brad sitting on the couch. He seemed uncomfortable and changed position every two seconds.

“Are you OK?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He played the tough guy suffering.

“You seem uncomfortable,” she stated.

“A little,” he told her. “So how are you feeling?”

“To be honest I don’t know what to think and that’s why I want to chat with you,” she answered. “On the one hand I don’t believe the story your mother told me, but on the other it seems the only explanation for what she did. But I have my doubts about you and the doctor. I don’t think your mother lied but the story is so ludicrous that I think one of you is playing a prank on your mom. So let me ask you. Did you hire a fake doctor to play a dirty trick on your own mother?”

Brad was shocked his grandma thought that. He didn’t expect that from her. He might be a pervert but it was a sick plan even for him.

“Come on, Grandma, you know me better than that. Besides, we went to the same doctor I’ve had since I was little so I guess I would have had to have planned this thing since I was five,” he explained to her. “I looked it up on the internet and my condition is pretty common. It is usually a good thing when men have my condition, it means they have a higher sex drive. So it’s not considered a disease. My case is just unique and very rare.”

His explanation seemed truthful. Maybe he really had to masturbate a lot and his injured hands prevented him from doing just that.

“Are you hurting now?” Eleanor asked because his agitation seemed to have gotten worse.

“Yeah, it’s starting to really hurt,” he lied to her. “Do you mind if I go see Mom? She told me we couldn’t do anything until you accept things but it really hurts so I’m going to see if I can change her mind,” he told her, even though he knew his mother had gone out. His plan was simple. He would fake being in so much pain for the next hour that Eleanor would be begging her daughter to take care of him.

“She went out for some groceries but I think I have finally accepted the situation. Seeing you like this made me realize a mother would do anything to help her son. So I will tell your mother she can continue to help you as she did before,” Eleanor said.

“Thanks, Grandma,” Brad said. He was really thankful and also relieved his plan worked.

They watched the rest of the movie but Brad lost interest after a few minutes. The movie was really dumb and he only watched it because his mother liked it and the actress was hot. His perverted mind began to drift and he noticed his grandmother sitting next to him. She really dressed sexy, unlike his mother. He had a clear view of her cleavage and it was beautiful. He still had to fake being hurt but it gave him an excuse to check out his grandmother when he wanted.

His plan worked so well he began to think he could push it. So he became more agitated pretending his pain had gotten worse. He had to let his grandma make the first move. Finally Eleanor couldn’t help but notice Brad moving on the couch.

“What’s wrong Brad?” she asked him worried.

“It hurts,” he told her.

“Really? Your mom didn’t tell me it was this bad.” The movie was still playing but neither one of them noticed.

“It usually isn’t but it’s been a while so…,” he said, playing shy.

“Oh, I’m sorry Brad but your mother should be home soon.

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