The Babysitter came too
The Babysitter came too
Sex Story Author: | styxx |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Suddenly, his words dried up, his mouth sought hers while his hands pulled at her clothing, mauling at her breasts |
Sex Story Category: | Boy |
Sex Story Tags: | Boy, Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Male / Females, Masturbation, Older Female / Males, Romance, Young |
The babysitter came too.
“Abby has been fed; my cell number is by the phone if you need it. Don’t wait up for me Bobby.”
“I won’t Mrs Howard; have a nice time.”
Mrs Howard kissed his cheek, momentarily showing most of her breasts in a tight cleavage, his eyes dropped to them as he blushed from her peck. She turned in a cloud of perfume and chiffon to open the door and escape to her date for tonight.
Robert closed the door behind her, waving as she stepped into the waiting cab. Babysitting was a regular thing between him and Jean. Since her decree absolute had been granted, she had taken up some evening class or another in the local school; Robert sat for her every Friday trying to entertain her lively young daughter and keep her out of trouble. Abby, a vivacious twelve-year old, was no real trouble, they had even become friends in a kind of way; he was only four years older than she after all and could remember the antics he got upto, giving the sitter a hard time. Wasn’t that what they were for anyway?
He had seen Mrs Howard through the lowest times during the past few years. The divorce had not been amicable in the slightest. The fight over Abby had gone to court, as had the bitter war over finances. Mrs Howard, or Jean as she preferred, had hit bottom, often crying spontaneously; Robert had witnessed some of those despairing moments and, in his young inexperienced way, tried to be a friend, an ear for her to pour out her heart to.
The television was on when he came into the lounge. Abby had put a DVD in, Harry Potter, one of her favourites. She was curled up on a sofa, dressed in her nightie, ready for bed promptly at nine according to mummy, but somehow, was always extended for half an hour, sometimes even a little more.
“Do you want a drink?” Robert asked her and got a shake of the head by way of answer. He sat next to her to watch the film, probably for the third time.
Some way into it, a holistic dragon leaps almost from the screen; it always makes Abby jump, even though she knows the plot inside out. It is a ploy she had used on a few occasions now, knowing that, if she feigned fright, Bobby would put his arm around her to hold her body close to him; exactly the reason for the choice of film.
Predictably, he did just that, throwing a protective arm around her shoulder; he drew her closer to him. She nestled, feeling his warmth through his tee shirt and cuddled him around his stomach, her head resting against his torso.
It was no accident that her hand strayed to his groin. Abby wanted to feel his cock, even through his jeans; her imagination had her unzipping him so that she could grasp him in her small hand, his bulbous head, purple in colour, poking through her fist. He shifted a little, sitting up a bit so that her head lay in his lap. Robert had no idea what was on Abby’s mind until her fingers so carefully and deftly found the tab of his jeans. She had managed to pull his fly open without his knowledge until her fingers quested under the denim fabric. He almost shot up to a standing position, which would have thrown her full length onto the floor, but instead, she pushed herself up, using the hand still placed on his cock to lever herself into a kneeling position beside him.
“Can I see it Bobby?” Her saucer sized eyes looked directly into his with an expression that had almost always twisted her father around her finger before daddy left for good.
“No Abby, you can’t, it’s private.” She noticed he hadn’t lifted her hand away. She could feel his dick under the cloth of his underpants, her fingers closed around the girth of him, outlining his dick in cotton relief.
Half kneeling, she took no notice of his words, but full advantage of his momentary incapacity. In the time it took to blink, she had hooked a finger under the elasticated band of his shorts and pulled. His semi-hard cock was revealed. She grasped him, her fingers closing around him, only just meeting in a vice like ‘O’. He gasped and feebly tried to push her off of him, but the action only made her grasp tighter, concentrating all of his attention to where her hold on him was. He was in a precarious situation with his most delicate parts vulnerable in her grip.
She looked deep and directly into his eyes, he looked like a rabbit, caught in the glare of a pair of on-rushing headlamps.
“Abby…” He was gong to protest, but with the quickness of youth, she had ducked her head and planted a kiss on his cock head; the shock of what she had done, disabled his function of speech completely. Her lips parted, she took him in her mouth and suckled on him, using her tongue to trap his cock head against the ridged roof of her mouth. His traitorous cock sprang to life instantly, threatening to explode there and then.
Somehow, he managed to gather enough wits to gently lift Abby’s head so that her mouth was no longer likely to get flooded with his come. The memory of the warmth of her mouth lingered. Her hand still grasped him; he really was in desperate straights and clear thinking was something that eluded him at this precarious moment.
“Abby, this is wrong, you’re only twelve, and I’m a lot older.” Again, Abby ignored him, deigning not to answer, but instead, twisted around, straddled him and then sat down with a plop on his lap facing him. She had managed to keep hold of his cock, positioning him at the entrance of her down covered cunt until her downward momentum, forced his length into her body. Although she was tight, virginally tight, his cock wasn’t the first thing to have found its way into her little twat. Abby had had designs on Bobby for a while, since she became aware of the pleasure she could contrive from rubbing herself with a fingertip. Secretly, in the evenings after bedtime or in the shower, she had been practicing for this eventuality with her mother’s soft rubber dildo, fucking it into her, just as she had silently witnessed her mummy do in private moments when she was supposed to be in bed asleep. It had hurt at first, but the more she practiced, the easier it got. Her climaxes had hit a peak when she found the pleasures of her clit. Rubbing that hard little bead while ramming the bendy dildo into her twat; brought her off in no time flat and all the while, imagining Bobby’s cock pounding into her instead of a shocking pink coloured rubber dong.
She bounced up and down, using her knees either side of his slim waist. The feelings she received were confusing to her; the thrill of having successfully mounted the object of her desire was great, her body was responding in a much more aggressive and demanding way than when she had wormed the dildo into her, but his reaction was not what she had expected.
Instead of pounding into her as Uncle Keith had done to mummy many times, Bobby was just sitting still, dumbstruck and immobile. She stopped bouncing, sat down on him, successfully burying his shaft to the hilt and looked in earnest into his eyes. She couldn’t help tearing a little.
“Don’t you like me?” She asked, fearing the answer.
“Yes of course I like you; it isn’t that, just that, well, what we are doing here is totally wrong. I’m supposed to be looking after you, not making out.” He realised that his cock was still deep inside her; an involuntary twitch almost had him shooting his load. He was just as confused as Abby, at one level he was horrified at the position he was in, but at a more fundamental level, his cherry was being popped and it felt pretty damned good.
She burst into tears, her hands covering her face, wracking sobs caused her shoulders to bob, sending a tremor through her body to be transmitted straight to his dick still inside her and very much ready for unloading. He grasped her shoulders, as much to stop the feelings her movements were doing to his testicles, as to try and pacify the poor girl.
“Abby, I do like you; I like you a lot, but…”
“But, not enough…” She interrupted him. “…Not enough to want to screw me anyway.” A word she had heard her mother use on occasion while her uncle was ramming his cock into her. She went into another paroxysm of sobbing, the pressure was becoming too much for Bobby to bear; he was so close to coming that it was painful. Her words surprised him, even stung, because he did think an awful lot of this little girl. Her next words though, threw him into a complete panic.
“I’m telling.” She announced as she got off of his rock hard erection and cruelly slapped his dick with an open hand. Two things happened in very quick succession; Robert jumped up from the sofa as if his tail was on fire, pain galvanized him unto action and Abby ran, screaming blue murder, from the room, heading for the sanctuary of her bedroom.
It took him a few minutes to calm down sufficiently and get his throbbing cock back where it belonged, in the safety of his jeans, to be able to follow her. He was very worried now, not sure if Abby would in fact, tell her mother, but fearing she might say something on the lines of ‘Bobby touched me’ and the whole heap of pain that that would bring on. He knocked softly at her door hearing her sobs muffled. She didn’t answer so he knocked a little harder, using his knuckles.
He heard her answering, “What?” distortedly through the panelled door.
“Can I come in?” She didn’t answer. “Abby, can I come in please?” She still didn’t answer him so he tried the handle, it was not locked, the door swung open.
She had thrown herself on top of the bed, burying her head in a pink covered pillow. Her nightdress had ridden up to reveal her narrow buttocks, stark white in contrast to her sun-tanned legs. Robert tried not to look, but her position meant that this was the first thing his eyes landed on and, even in the position he was in now, male hormones are not interested in moral dilemmas.
He sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her nightdress down so that the distraction of her smooth skin didn’t sway him off track. He needed to know what she would say, if anything, to her mother and, if he could, dissuade her from telling. He stroked her hair in a soothing touch. She had stopped crying, just sniffed into her pillow, staying flat on her stomach.
“Abby, we have to talk.” She made no move to indicate that she was listening to him.
“Abby, I think you are lovely, I mean, you are a fantastic girl, pretty, attractive and all that, but…” She spun up from the pillow into a kneeling position next to him so fast that he didn’t finish what he was going to say.
“You think I’m Lovely?” She cocked her head and looked at him askance from underneath her eyelashes. “Do you really think I’m pretty?”
“Yes Abby, I think you are very pretty.” He wasn’t sure where this was going, but it was better than her crying.
She fluttered her eyes and asked, “Do you think I’m beautiful? Daddy called me his princess. I miss my Daddy.” The floodgates opened again as soon as the words left her lips, he held her while her slim shoulders shook as wracking sob after sob tore through her. He was at something of a loss as to what to do, so he did nothing other than hold her and stroke her hair. Gradually, she calmed again.
As with the wind and it’s fickle intention, her direction changed. “I’ve watched mummy and Uncle Keith; I know what to do you know and I’ve been practising; wanna see?” Without waiting for his answer, she spun from his side and jumped off the bed. He caught a glimpse of her hairless fanny momentarily. She ran from the room and was back in less than a few seconds. In her hand was a shocking pink dildo, obviously filched from her mother’s bedroom.
She dived, head first onto the bed and had her nightdress pulled up in less time than it takes to blink. Before Robert had time to react, she had flipped over onto her back, legs spread impossibly wide and the end of the shocking pink coloured dildo, disappearing into her tight little hairless twat.
Transfixed, he watched as she forced the thick rubber dong into her self and then began to fuck it into her body, using a good five or six inches of the foot long monster. She gripped it with one hand and rubbed her little clit with the fingertips of the other. At one and the same time, he thought that what he was seeing was the most troublesome, but the most erotic thing he had every witnessed. Pretty shortly, her back was arching as the dildo was getting rammed into her in a blur of motion, fingers furiously twiddled her pronounced clit until she cried out, collapsing in a quivering heap, the glistening dildo still inside her; fingers still as she calmed from her climax.
“See.” She said breathlessly, “I have been practising and guess who I think about while I’m doing it?”
She sat up, bending the dildo almost double where it was half in and half out. A stray thought passed through his mind, that that had to be uncomfortable, but she didn’t seem to notice. Her nightdress was pulled over her head while she sat on the dildo, facing him.
Fascinated and worried at the same time, Robert stared at her underdeveloped breasts; only in the first flush of budding. She traced his eye line.
“They will grow; I hope they aren’t too big when I’m grown up.” She, matter of factly announced, as if the scenario they were currently in were an every day occurrence.
She leant forward, bending the dildo even more, and kissed Robert’s lips; smiling as she did so. Automatically, his arms went around her slim frame, pulling her into him.
“Hang on.” She unfolded her legs and pulled the dildo from her body. He couldn’t miss the wetness of it. She laid it on top of the duvet then, turned back to Robert, grasping his hand and placing it on her reddened cunt lips. He made to pull his hand away, but she covered his fingers and forced one into her.
“Oh Bobby; how I have dreamed of this.” She was still kneeling, facing him, her arms now around his neck. She drew him to her and kissed his mouth, pushing her small tongue between his lips. Her body felt hot to his touch, smooth, but the heat from her little twat, now resting in the palm of his hand while a finger explored her insides, was radiating out like a small furnace.
“Put the dildo in please?” She whispered into his ear; “Fuck me with it.”
As if having no will of his own, Robert reached out and caught hold of the dildo; it felt huge in his hand. She knelt up allowing him to pass it around the back of her, into his otherwise occupied hand to enter her from under. She sat down on it, back into an upright kneeling position. Still clasping his neck, she started riding the dildo while he held it upright. Her breath rattled in his ear as the effort told on her. Suddenly, his hand holding the pink monster was covered in girl jizz as her cum flooded around its girth. Shakily, she stood up on rubbery knees leaving his slick covered hand holding the dildo behind.
In his sitting position, her hairless little twat with its perfect fold was at eye level. He could smell her sex; the aroma of her juices invaded his nose. He dropped the dildo and pushed his hand between her legs until a lone finger entered her sex. He frigged her slowly, hooking his finger so that her little clit was pushed out and forward. He pulled her towards his face and licked her as his finger worked inside. She grasped his hair at the back of his head, pushing him into her cunt.
Again, she flooded; her juices ran down his hand and wrist. She gasped as if short of breath.
“Your turn!” She said as her legs buckled under her. She pulled at his zipper and yanked his jeans down with his help. His cock, although still sheathed in his boxer shorts, was prominent in its hardness. His jeans hit the floor, discarded, and then his shorts joined them along with his shirt.
She pushed him back gently and sat astride his body. The heat from her sex was like a small furnace on his stomach. Abby ran her hands over his chest as if she was giving him a massage; tracing circles while her twat rubbed against his body. She knelt up and shuffled down and then grasped his twitching cock. He supported his head on a couple of pillows so that he could watch her; all thoughts of stopping this had gone with his clothes, he was completely taken up with the run of events.
Slowly, she bent her body to bring her mouth into position; her tongue flicked out, licking the very end of his throbbing dick; a thin string of pre-cum connected them between cock head and her bottom lip.
He saw her smile, a curl of her lips as she lowered her face once more to take him between her lips and into her hot little mouth. She sucked hard, drawing even more blood into his bell-end, then, released the pressure of vacuum to begin stroking his length with her hand while holding him in her mouth.
He couldn’t take very much more of what her mouth and hand was doing. “Abby, stop please, otherwise it will be over too quickly.”
She said nothing, but spun around so that her back faced him, then she shuffled back and sat on his face, her knees spread wide. He tasted her cum from earlier as his tongue darted into her slit. It was as if she had been electrified, as soon as his tongue found her hard little clit, she began to rock and rub herself on him in a rapid pelvic rock, his nose getting forced into her little twat while his tongue concentrated on her nub. Suddenly, she stiffened and then spurted her girl cream into his mouth and nose while she whimpered and whined in a high-pitched voice he didn’t recognise as hers.
Bonelessly, she collapsed on top of him to regain her senses. After a few minutes, the quivering lessened to something manageable. She climbed off of him, only to turn around and stand with her feet either side of his body. Abby transfixed his eyes with an intensity of her own eyes, then, once she had his full attention, she slowly began to bend her knees, lowering her self until she had his cock at the entrance of her cunt. She poised for an agonising second or two, then, continued her downward progression, sinking him into her until her whole weight was centred on his cock.
Robert grasped her slim buttocks and lifted her easily, only to let her down again. He fucked into her as carefully and gently as he could, but the pressure and need to come was becoming extremely urgent. Gradually he increased the pace, Abby helped, placing her palms on his chest and lifting in time with Robert.
He felt his balls clench, the pressure had built to a point where he could no longer hold on. His come shot from him, splashing over her insides, filling her young cunt with his seed. Pulse after pulse left him, he cried out in release; Abby cried out in the same release and the realisation of her dream. At last, Bobby had fucked her, filling her belly with his milk. It might have only lasted for a few minutes, but was no less delicious in its intensity.
Her hand passed under her. She hooked a couple of fingers, feeling his cock inside of her tight cunt. Then she pulled them back out, covered in his and her come. Mischievously, she licked her fingers one at a time while she smiled her gratitude.
After staying inside her until his dick softened, Robert got up from the bed to go to the toilet. By the time he had washed him self off and returned, Abby was curled up under the duvet, fast asleep. He dressed and made sure she was covered properly.
His next couple of hours were spent in front of the television. It played to its self while he thought about what had happened. He knew it was all wrong and he was in deep trouble, but Abby had had him at a disadvantage; if she cried rape to her mother, he would be sunk, possibly goaled, but whatever, in a whole heap of trouble. His thoughts were interrupted when Mrs Howard quietly opened the front door. She was back from her night out much earlier than expected.
Immediately, he knew that she had been crying; her make-up had run in black lines down her face, her clothes were dishevelled and a mess.
“Oh Bobby,” She broke down in floods of tears as the door clicked shut behind her. She ran across the hall and threw herself into his arms. She sobbed, deep-wracking sobs of utter desolation, soaking his shoulder as her tears collected in his tee shirt, staining it beyond redemption. He held her close, his arms around her slim waist, then stroking her hair to try to soothe her. Gradually, her sobbing subsided.
Somehow, and he didn’t really have a clear recollection of exactly how it happened; they were naked in her bed.
Chapter 2
Mrs Howard’s evening out had been a disaster. As so often happens when work colleagues go out, away from their normal environment, a different side of their personality often becomes prominent. David, who was fairly high in accounts, had turned from an essentially nice guy in his office persona, to a sexual predator when the shackles of office politics were removed.
Dinner had been okay. The Italian restaurant had been a little overpriced, but the food and service had made up for the cost. Initially, David had been the perfect companion, holding the door open for her and seating her at their table as a gentleman would. He had even consulted her on the choice of wine to accompany their food and chatted about general topics while they ate. But, afterwards, after the bill was paid and they had left the restaurant and walked for a while along the embankment of the city’s river, under the festoon lighting, his manner changed. As if a switch were turned on, his sexual predation swung into action.
They had sat on one of the many benches that lined the path and continued to chat about themselves, illuminated by the moon and the lighting.
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