
The Airplane Ride Home

Sam is a horny 19 year old who realizes a fantasy most teenage boys have. He fucks his mother!

Chapter 1
It was after midnight as I sat in the airport waiting room. A violent summer storm delayed our flight. The rumble of the thunder and blue white flashes of lightening caused the few bedraggled passengers waiting for this last flight of the night to recoil in their charcoal grey institutional plastic airport seats then nervously laugh.

My name is Sam Albertson. I am travelling home with my parents after attending my grandmother’s funeral. The trip was the disaster I thought it would be. The old aunts, smelling of lilac and talcum powder, pinching my cheeks, ohing and ahing at how much I had grown was demeaning.

It was not my choice to go. My mom, Jamie, and dad, John, made me go. Even though I never met my grandmother they felt family needed to be there. It was very unfair. I am 19 years old and was fully capable of taking care of myself.

The service was interminable. It seemed everyone in town wanted to say a remembrance. Near the front of the church was a large stained glass window. Some saint or other was depicted with his hands raised in benediction. He might have been praying for the end of the never-ending service.

As usual, Mom and dad were getting drunk in the small terminal bar. Mom was 45 and dad was 47. Mom was a full-figured woman and fairly tall at 5’ 9”, about 200 lbs. Once I sneaked a peek in her lingerie drawer. She was a 38D cup. Dad was a short stout guy at about 5’ 8”, 220 or so.

I watched as they consumed down drink after drink. Mom’s button up the front flowered summer dress was between her legs exposing all of her calves and most of her chubby pink thighs. Dad’s hand was on her bare thigh. I had seen them like this before, drunk, and touchy feely.

At home, my bedroom shared a common wall with theirs. Often they would come in from a party drunk and playful. I would hear mom shushing dad as they noisily tip toed up the stairs. Then there would come the equally noisy fucking, the moans, groans and finally a scream from mom. Then silence!

Once I had crept into the hall after their lovemaking stopped. I planned to peek into the bedroom. My mother’s body fascinated me. Sometime in the last few years, she had gone from mom to this voluptuous mature woman. She was the object of my masturbation fantasies.

I took to searching the clothes hamper for soiled panties. I would inhale them while jacking off. Once I saw her walk out of the bedroom stark naked. Her pendulous breast swayed invitingly as she crossed the hall to the bathroom. My dick sprang to rigid attention. She was holding a towel between her legs.

I was confused at first. Then I realized she was holding dad’s cum in her pussy. She made her way wide legged into the bathroom. I could barely breathe. I slipped quietly down the hall. I leaned my head far enough out to peek in the bathroom. She had wet the towel. Mom stood with one leg on the bathtub washing her pussy. She swayed slightly, feeling the effects of the night’s partying. After vigorously scrubbing between her legs, she dropped the towels in the hamper.

She used both hands to smooth her pussy hair. It was short but well-trimmed. Then she ran her finger in her pussy, pulled it out and licked it. I groaned as I spontaneously came, spilling my youthful seed on the hallway floor. I gasped. I had to lean against the wall to support myself.

I scurried down the hall to my room. I barely made it back before I heard her bedroom door close. I lay in bed sweating profusely. My dick was still granite hard. My heart was in my mouth. The thrill of seeing her, the nearness of almost being caught was almost more than I could stand.

However, I knew there was one more trip I had to make. On catlike feet I tip toed down the hall. I turned quickly into the bathroom and closed the door. The hamper held my prize.

I opened the hamper. There they were on top. The cum soaked towel she had between her legs to hold the cum in and the wet towel she had washed with. The wet towel barely held the scent I wanted it. However, the dry towel took me to nirvana. It was still damp with mom and dad’s sex juice. I took it to my nose and inhaled deeply.

The pungent aroma of mom’s pussy and dad’s seed filled my nasal passages. I was a little light headed. With one hand, I balanced myself on the wall. There was a pain in my dick from being so hard so long. My cock slapped gently against my belly. Impulsively I stuffed the wet crusty part of the towel in my mouth. I sucked hard on their mixed juices. I took my other hand and began to stroke my steel hard member.

Many nights I had whacked off to the sounds of their lovemaking. I had grown skilled at finding mom’s panties from those nights. Sometimes dad fucked her without her taking them off. I would inhale deeply, reveling in the smell of wet pussy and semen. Then I would add my sperm to the load dad had left.

I did not know it then but years later, I would read an article that said sons always lust for their mothers. Most men spend their lives looking for a woman who remind them of mom. It was a vicarious substitute for sex with their mother. The article went on the say the king in Oedipus Rex did not really make a mistake when he took his mother for his queen. He was fulfilling that need to outdo his father and possess his mom.

I do not know about all that shit. All I know is that from my vantage point, I could see dad run his hand under mom’s dress. She giggled, grabbed his hand and made a half hearted attempt to stop him. My hard dick ached, trapped my jockeys and jeans as I watched their sex play.

Fortunately, they called our flight. It was well past midnight. The plane was a 727, the workhorse of the airlines in those days. Dad was a frequent flyer on this airline. We had scored the exit row seats. On a 727 that meant tons of legroom in the three across seats.

Chapter 2

The flight was barely a third full. Mom took the window seat, dad the middle. I took the aisle seat across from them.

Shortly after takeoff, the flight attendant passed out blankets. She apologized for the delay and announced they were dimming the lights to allow the passengers to sleep.

I dozed off. When I awoke, I glanced across the aisle. Mom and dad were gone. I needed to pee and went aft to the bathroom. As I entered one bathroom, dad exited the other. He was obviously drunk and barely able to walk. He never noticed me. I watched as he staggered drunkenly up the aisle to our seats.

When I returned, dad was in my seat, covered head to toe in a blanket and snoring loudly. Initially I was chagrined. Then I figured what the hell. I slipped into his seat across the aisle, pulled my blanket over me and dozed off.

I was dreaming about a cheerleader stroking my cock. I slowly opened my eyes. I realized that my mom had returned to her seat. While I slept, she had opened my pants and was slowly jacking me off. “Wake up, John, she hissed, I want to play!”

I opened my mouth to correct her. I stopped. I realized that she thought it was my father. The semi darkness, the change in seats and her drunken state made her think it was my father’s dick she was stroking.

“John, wake up. You said we were going to join the five-mile-high club!”

I could hear the frustration in her voice.

“I took my panties off,” she hissed!

I recalled listening to them having sex, the erotic aroma of my mother’s worn panties.

I reached over and lightly squeezed her ass. She wiggled it deliciously. She went to speak and I shushed her. I reached down and slowly pulled mom’s skirt up. I was sweating profusely. My heart beat like a trip hammer in my chest. What if she realized it was me? What if dad woke up? You scared bastard, I said to myself. What if the fucking plane crashed while you are dealing with what ifs!

I rubbed her bare ass. She pushed it back against me. I scooted forward. I eased my finger into mom’s pussy. The wet heat was incredible! Her bush was drenched. Obviously, the sex play in the bar had her hot and bothered.

I heard her moan as I slowly worked my finger in and out of mom’s pussy. Her ass drove back hard against my fingers. She moaned loudly. I stopped finger fucking her and shushed her.

“Ok, John, ok,” she whispered, “but fuck me now!”

I slipped my pants down and scooted closer. I gripped mom’s waist in both hands and pulled her toward me. She scooted back. I pushed forward and slowly entered my mother’s pussy. The heat was almost unbearable. Her wetness was incredible. I stopped. She was so tight I was afraid I would cum too quickly. She leaned her back closer to me.

“John, you feel so big in me! I have never felt this full!”

I began a slow in and out. Her pussy was so wet I was sure the whole plane could hear the sloshing sound. I could feel mom’s pussy contracting, holding me tight as I thrust deep into this most desired hole. I shushed her again as her moans got louder. Her big ass thrust back, trying to drive me deeper. She stuffed her fist in her mouth to stifle a scream as she came. She bucked and thrust back hard against me. Her orgasms consumed her as she tried to get me deeper. The hard contractions of her orgasm were more than I could take. I unloaded deep in mom’s pussy, pushing my dick forward hard to meet het thrusts as spurt after incestuous spurt filled the same vagina I had come out of in birth!

Now there was an image. The mental image of me exiting her vagina as a squalling baby. The image of my baby makers replaced it, strongly swimming, now on their way up that same birth canal. I collapsed into my seat. My blanket was soaked.

“John that was the best ever!” Mom chortled as she reached back and patted my hip.

A few minute later she was snoring quietly.

I could feel our juices drying on my dick as I dozed off. Mom and dad were still sleeping when I woke up. I lay quietly rubbing her ass. She stirred. I quickly recovered my head and pretended to be sleep.

“John, I want you to fuck my ass. You know, like you do at home but at 30,000 feet. I got some lube in my purse. I’ll be right back.”

She crawled over me and walked forward to the bathroom. I sat up and watched her ass roll sensuously as she moved down the aisle. At eighteen, I had fucked a few girls. However, I had never had a pussy like hers. I knew girls would never again satisfy me. I looked over at my snoring dad across the aisle with a mixture of camaraderie and envy. He might never know it, but we now shared mom’s pussy.

She had reveled in my bigger dick, old man, I thought. I envied him his many years of getting this fabulous piece of ass.

When I saw mom exit the bathroom. I scooted down, turned toward the window covering my head. Mom stepped across me and settled into her window seat. She straightened her blanket and covered herself. She glanced over me at my father across the aisle. Did I detect a moment of confusion? Did the size of the person not match what she thought? Although not fat like my father, I was a big guy.

She reached under my blanket. “Here’s the lube,” she said.

I peeked from under the blanket as she furtively looked around the plane. I panicked as she turned toward me. The game was up! She was going to move my blanket and realize her son had just fucked her. Would she scream in amazement? Would she stand and announce to the world that her son had fucked her? What state were we over? What was the penalty for fucking your drunk mom?

Instead, she scooted down to her knees. She covered her head with the blanket. I felt her feeling around under the blanket.

She found my dick. I felt her tongue lick me. She took me in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down. Suddenly she stopped and sat back in her seat.

“Use the lube,” she whispered,” but I just had to get a taste of your dick encrusted with our cum. You know how much I love that!” Mom rolled to face the window. I felt her bare ass under the blanket. I slowly eased the head of my cock in her ass. She reached back and pressed against my belly.

“Easy, John, easy! Lord, why are you so big tonight? Your dick hasn’t been this hard in years!”

We lay like that for a minute. The head of my dick was just inside her ass. Then I felt her push back slowly. An inch more slid slowly into her ass. I heard a sharp intake of breath as she pressed again on my belly with her hand. Then she released her hand I slid halfway into her fantastic ass. I pulled back slowly. Then I pressed in again hard. I felt her body trembled slightly as she tried to handle my girth.

Then she pushed back hard and I bottomed out in her ass. She reached back and grabbed my blanket. As I slowly pulled back, her death grip on my blanket caused her to pull it off me.

I scrambled to grab it. Too late! She turned to help with the blanket. Her eyes widened first in surprise, and then horror as she realized it was her son buried balls deep in her ass. She tried to move forward away from me. I grabbed her waist and assayed two quick in and out thrusts. Mom gasped.

“Do you really want me to stop now;” I whispered urgently, “do you really want me to stop?”

She stopped moving and her head dropped to the seat. Nevertheless, she did not push me away. Nor did she push back in response to my thrusts. I moved slowly in and out of her tight ass. I reached around and palmed her breasts. Thrust in; squeeze tit. I sat up a rhythm. Her head moved back closer to mine.

“Cover us with your blanket,” she moaned.

I quickly covered us with my blanket.

“Now hurry! Finish in me before your father wakes up. Son, give mom all that big fucking dick and fill my ass with your seed.”

She thrust back and I pounded forward. I leaned forward so I could whisper in her ear

“Mom, your ass is amazing! So tight!”

“Oh son, I have never felt like this. It’s wrong but so dam good”

We were good together. We settled into a rhythm that had us both blowing like steam engines

I glanced back at my drunken snoring father. This is our ass now, old man, I thought. I squeezed mom’s tit hard. she groaned and thrust back against me. We were both covered in sweat and fucking like barnyard animals. From now on, you share her with me. She is my mother, your wife but this ass and pussy is ours!

We came together, thrusting against each other as we struggled to stifle our moans. I filled her bowels with my sperm. She groaned loudly as my dick spurt deep in her ass. I grabbed one large nipple and pulled it hard.

“Oh, Jezuz yes, “she screamed again stuffing her fist in her mouth to stifle it.

We rolled to our backs, exhausted. I reached under the covers and caressed my mother’s belly. She covered my hand with hers but continued staring at the ceiling.

The lights came up in the plane. The flight attendant announced we were descending for a landing. I watched as mom buttoned her dress. Her expression was unreadable.
She folded the blanket and laid it on the floor.

“Wake your father. But first, what you did…what we did is very wrong.”

“You didn’t like it?”

She paused and looked me deep in the eyes.

“It was fantastic! I haven’t cum like that in years. In addition, you are so much bigger than your father is. However, what we did was legally and morally wrong. If anyone found out, we would both be ostracized and probably jailed. You must never tell anyone!”

I nodded my head. The thought that I would never enjoy carnal knowledge of this woman, my mother this amazing sexual animal again depressed me. Nevertheless, I understood what she was saying.

“So, we won’t be doing this anymore?”

She reached across me and shook my dad. He groggily started to come out of his drunken sleep. Mom smiled wickedly.

“I didn’t say that!”

Chapter 3

John and Jamie’s weekly lovemaking had been as intense and satisfying as it always was. She relished feeling his come leak out of her swollen pussy. Even after 30 years, she enjoyed the sensation of a cum-filled pussy. A wantonness about it enthralled her. In one of her sexual fantasies, she envisioned many men filling her. The thought of all their swimmers competing to fertilize her egg caused a tingle in her nether regions.

Her hand trailed down over her sweaty breasts. Her nipples were still engorged and sensitive. A thrill shot through her body as she lightly rubbed them. There was a slight burn were John had lightly bit her nipple.

However, lately, she wanted more. The guilt engendered by her need gnawed at her. Her son, Sam, fucking her on the plane awakened an aching chasm of need in her. It was an evil need, a demeaning need. It took her into the abyss of social and moral degradation. It was so wrong! Still the memory of his huge young cock filling her pussy then plumbing the depths of her anus caused her to shiver involuntarily.

Jamie rolled to a sitting position her, bare feet slapped loudly on the cool terrazzo floor. She stood and stripped off her sweat drenched gown. The coolness of the night air caused her to shiver slightly. Her nipples hardened. She wrapped her arms over her large pendulous breasts as she padded softly to the shower.

Her movement caused John’s come to leak out of her pussy. She smiled to herself at how wicked this always made her feel. She loved the erotic sensation of come leaking out of her pussy and running down her thighs.

Involuntarily her mind shot back to her soggy walk down the aisle of the airplane after her son, Sam, had come in her pussy and ass. Her full back panties were soaked with Sam’s come. She recalled wondering if the other passengers could hear the squishy sound she made. Her eyes had shot guiltily from one anonymous face to the other.

Was that man in seat 23F giving her a knowing smile? Was there disgust on that woman’s face in seat 19A? Did they know she had just committed incest? That she had fucked her barely 19-year-old son? And yes, Gawddamit, that she had experienced orgasms like those that she had never had before! Fuck you, seat 12C!

She shivered again as she remembered the incredible soreness. She recalled the delicious wetness of another man (boy’s?) come filling her birth canal. She recalled the dull ached in her cunt. Sam had stretched her to her limits and beyond. Thankfully, John had not wanted to fuck for nearly a week afterward.

A tingle diffused through her body. Her clit pulsed. Her anus convulsed as she recalled how Sam had impaled her with his enormous cock.

Shame and lust fought for prominence in her mind. She unsuccessfully tried to at once force that shameful incident from her mind and relish the moment when she realized that it was not John but Sam who had her coming like a schoolgirl. That it was Sam who filled her anus so completely, who scratched an itch she did not know she had.

She started to sweat profusely. Her legs felt weak. She thought she might pass out. She realized her fingers were massaging her soaking wet pussy.

You sick bitch, she thought to herself. You are getting aroused thinking about your son fucking you. But I was drunk, she thought. John and I had drunk excessively while waiting for the plane. She smiled as she remembered their whispered decision to join the five-mile -high club.

Jamie, you are lying to yourself! You knew the cock was bigger than any you had ever had. But God it felt so good! Even now, she reveled in that incredible fullness. Moreover, when you realized it was Sam in your ass you let him finish. And, yes, you sick slut, you enjoyed it.

The hot water streamed over Jamie’s body. She added body wash to her sponge. As she soaped her breasts and gently washed her pussy, she realized that she had crossed a bridge. She knew she could not keep fucking Sam. She also knew that she could not stop.

Her clit was always incredibly sensitive after sex. She balanced herself against the wall of shower with one hand as she thoroughly washed her pussy.

Each time the sponge moved over her swollen clit, a thrill ran through her body. That was unusual. Normally her weekly romp with John sated her. However, in the month since they returned from the funeral, she was insatiable. She laughed to herself. Poor, baby, he is having trouble keeping up!

I bet Sam could…

Stop it, stop it, stop it, she screamed to herself! You need help! You are fantasizing about your son, the issue of your womb, fucking you.

Quickly Jamie rinsed off the soap. She stepped from the shower and started toweling herself dry. She surveyed her form in the full-length mirror on the bathroom door.

Lord, she thought. I look like the Pillsbury doughboy! She turned sideways to the mirror. She inhaled deeply then pressed her hands to her abdomen. The action caused her breasts to jut out prominently.

At 5′ 9″ and 200+lbs, Jamie was a big girl. The years had softened her belly and enlarged her ass. She had a pronounced pooch in front and a large jiggly ass behind. Her breasts had the disturbing habit of bouncing slightly when she walked.

Not bad for an old lady, she thought. Besides, I am not trying to attract men.

Her breasts had a pronounced sag. However, her nipples stood out proudly. Maybe I should start going to a gym. Tighten things up a little. Somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind, she knew whom she really wanted to look good for.

Jamie slipped on a cotton robe and buttoned it up the front. Absently she opined that she should at least put on a bra and panties.

Fuck it, she thought. She moved briskly down the hall. As she passed Sam’s open bedroom door, she glanced in. He was flat of his back, snoring noisily. Her eyes widened as she saw his dick standing erect. It must have been 9″ and as big around as a coke can. It pulsed rhythmically in tune with his beating heart.

Jamie’s hand trailed down to her moistening pussy. She recalled the initial shock of pain as that huge piece of man meat entered her pussy. She ran her fingers through her wet slit as memories of that incredible violation flooded back.

In her mind, she screamed as she tried to push the unclean thoughts from her lust-filled mind. Her fingers found her swollen clit as her anus clenched and unclenched. All of that had been in her ass! Dear lord, how had she managed it?

With a will, Jamie shook herself and started down the stairs. She wondered if menopause caused these hormonal surges. She would make an appointed with her doctor today. It was obvious that she could not walk around in a constant state of semi arousal, particularly if her barely eighteen-year-old son was causing that arousal.

Jamie busied herself preparing breakfast for her men. She smiled dryly at the literalness of the thought. She, for the first time in her life, was fucking two men; one was her husband of 30 years, the other was her 19-year-old son.

As she sliced the potatoes, diced the onions, and blended the eggs, idle thoughts ambled across her mind. Besides the doctor’s appointment, she needed to shop for provisions for their motorhome. Their were driving up to the lake for the weekend. She recalled how sore her pussy and ass had been after she and Sam fucked.

Wait! Where did that come from?

She felt someone come up behind her. Strong arms enveloped her. Eager hands cupped her breasts. She pressed back and felt a hard cock pressing against her ass. She wiggled a little.

“Good morning, John. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes”

“It’s not dad, mom.”

Frantically, Jamie tried to pull away.

“Sam, you stop this instant!”

Her voice was firm, authoritative. It called upon the ingrained response required of a child. Sam hesitated. Then he renewed massaging of his mom’s tits. He ground his rigid member into her large ass.

“No mom. I’m not stopping. You have been avoiding me since the airplane.”

Sam’s voice quavered. There was dryness in his throat. Nevertheless, he had thought about this. He needed to know.

Jamie twisted and turned violently trying to free herself. She felt her robe riding up, exposing her bare ass.

“Sam, dam it, stop!” She demanded.

Jamie realized her voice was too loud. She did not want to wake John. That would be the beginning of a long conversation that could only end with the revelation that she had fucked their son. Her life was unraveling enough. She felt her robe being pulled up.

“I love you, mom.”

“Baby, this kind of love is sick. It’s incest. You must stop. “

Jamie felt her son’s huge cock sliding up and down the crack of her ass. Reflexively she bent forward, trying to twist out of her son’s vice like grip. She felt the pressure of his massive dickhead against her now very wet cunt.

“I love you, mom”

Jamie sucked a sibilant breath as she felt her son’s massive mushroom like dick head enter her love canal. She felt her pussy spasm in anticipation.

Oh, my god, she thought, I am losing control. She winced as Sam forced his enormous tool into her gushing wet cunt.

“Easy, baby, easy! Go slow! “

Jamie felt a wince of pain. Her son bottom out against her cervix. Still he pushed.

“Wait baby, wait! Momma needs to get used to you.”

Sam slid out and thrust back hard into his mom’s pussy. At 19, there was no technique, just need. Each youthful thrust slammed Jamie against the sink.

Jamie worked her arms free. She grabbed the edge of the sink. He was going to ram her through the wall. Still she realized she was thrusting back. She was having mini orgasms. She trembled uncontrollably. He was like a jackrabbit, pounding her unmercifully. She heard some slut moaning fuck me and realized it was her.

Almost impossibly, she felt Sam’s cock swelling. She screamed as the pain /pleasure wracked her body. He is coming, she thought. My son is planting his seed in my womb. The force of his ejaculation brought her to a moaning, thrusting orgasm. She can hear him groan loudly as rope after rope if his strong, potent sperm filled her love channel.

Jamie was exhausted. Her knees were rubber bands, barely able to hold her. Her chubby little fingers gripped the kitchen sink desperately. She sank to the floor, her cheek relishing the smooth coolness of the polished wooden door. A line of perspiration smeared its surface.

Sam slid down with her, his young massive pole maintaining its position deep in his mom’s now gaping pussy. Slowly he began a slower, steadier pace. He was a man possessed. Fully 8″ of his full 9″ donkey like cock was filling his mom’s pussy.

Jamie sank to her belly; her arms splayed out over her head. Insanely she had an image of herself, on a crucifix impaled by Sam’s cock. He could not want more. He could not! She could not take it! She felt each thrust of his youthful eagerness push her up the tiled floor.

Even as she thought she could take no more, she felt his balls slap her ass. He was all the way in her! She began the animalistic growling of a bitch in heat. She was dimly aware that she was thrusting up hard to meet his frantic downward pounding. It feels so good, so fucking good!

She could hear his groans; feel his sweat dropping on her back. Stunned, she felt him slap her moon shaped ass hard as he implored her to keep fucking. Her son was demanding that she fuck him harder! She did as ordered. Rising to her knees and hands to give herself more leverage, she began a rhythmic rocking and thrusting. She felt her large tits swinging like larger melons hanging from a vine.

The sounds of ass hitting crotch filled the kitchen, flesh on flesh. The bitch in heat was crying in exhaustion and lust. He slapped her ass again, urging her on!

“Fill momma’s pussy! Pump your seed deep in me. Make momma your bitch! “

From a distant corner of her mind, came a feeling of intense embarrassment. A mother should not talk to her teenage son this way. However, mothers should not fuck their sons either.

She felt his cock swelling inside her as he began to come again. He thrust hard forward repeatedly, pumping Jamie full. Her orgasm matched his, causing her to thrust back hard, accepting the gift of his seed deep in her welcoming womb.

“Jamie, is breakfast ready,” John asked from upstairs.

The kitchen air stank of their sweat. In the hallway above was discovery, shame, and ruin. They could hear John moving down the hall toward the steps.

Despite herself, Jamie pussy spasmed as she squirted her contribution to merge with Sam’s seed. Sam had a hand on either side of his mom’s luscious ass. He stared upward. Jamie was trying to talk but her hips had a mind of their own. She kept rocking back.

I must answer him, stop him before… “About 10 minutes, John.” Her voice was squeaky, wavering.

“Are you ok, dear? You sound odd.”

Jamie heard John take a few steps down the hall. A few more and he would have a full view of this erotic incestuous scene. I’m still cumming! Oh my lord! I’m still cumming!

“I’m fine. But don’t you dare come down to my kitchen until you shower. “

She heard him chuckle and his footsteps head back toward their bedroom.

“Take it out Sam.”

Sam was in a trance. Jamie reached back, placed a hand in his chest and pushed. She could have sworn she heard a popping sound as her son’s massive schlong slid slowly out of her aching pussy.

“Go clean up!” She pointed to the downstairs bathroom.

“I love you, mom!”

“I love you too, baby!”

Jamie turned back to the sink. She returned to fixing breakfast. Her hands trembled slightly. She straightened her robe and rebuttoned it. As she added bacon to the sizzling skillet, she felt her son’s come oozing out of her pussy. Its warmth caused her to shiver deliciously as it ran down her thigh.

As she turned the bacon, Sam came out of the bathroom.

“Watch the bacon for mommy while I clean up.”

“Ok mom,” Sam said somewhat shyly.

Jamie saw his diffidence. She also saw he was still semi hard. Lord, she thought, what am I going to do?

In the bathroom, she wet a towel. She quickly washed her son’s come from her thighs and pussy. She held the towel close to her nose and inhaled the aroma. Impulsively, she stuffed the come soaked towel in her mouth and sucked it hungrily.

She got a little dizzy.

What now, she thought ruefully, what now?

Chapter 4

John nearly caught his wife and son fucking in the kitchen. He had stood at the top of the stairs while they were caught up in their carnal act of incest. Jamie had been on her hands and knees thrusting her ass back hard against Sam`s dick, rutting like a bitch in heat. He might have heard her begging for more of his son’s massive tool. He might have seen his son smacking his wife`s fat ass, calling her a bitch and urging her to fuck harder. However, he had not.

Now he sat next to the boy who cuckold him sharing Jamie’s excellent Spanish eggs and bacon. There were piles of hot buttered toast. The glass pitcher brimmed with fresh squeezed orange juices. The fragrant aroma of cinnamon rolls wafted through the air.

John`s main concern was that Sam act more responsibly, more like a man. One day he would inherit all he had. He thought his wife pampered the boy too much. He thought the boy would never be a man if Jamie kept pampering him. She needed to be firmer with the boy. After all, one day he would run the business.

“What’s so funny?” John asked.

“What dad?” Sam mumbled absently, his mouth stuffed with food.

“I asked what was so funny. You are sitting there with your mouth full grinning like an idiot.”

“Oh, I don’t know, dad. Many things! I’m off to college in a few weeks. I was thinking of how much I was going to miss you and mom!

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