Texas dildo masscare (part1of2)
The sun was about to set and made a fitting back drop to the blackened hole peppered house in front of them. It must have taken thousands of rounds in its old tired shell in this last hour and with the drought lasting as long as this first day of September they’d been lucky to get the ignited timber under control. Fortunately only a mere fraction of its imposing hulk lay burnt beyond recognition.
The golden field was full of beer drinking good ole boys and NRA enthusiasts. It had been one hell of a fight and the local county law men were mightily relieved to have had them here; those guys packed some heavy duty firepower. Everyone knew what was a stake and those fuckers had it coming.
It would have never happened if not for the tip off, the searching scaled back some time ago. The crazies were all dead now but so was one of the cops own men, the recriminations no doubt to follow.
At the moment though all waited for the search party to just get it over with and bring the inevitable bodies out.
Suddenly there was a cheer.
They were alive.
The temperature inside the cab must have been nearly ninety but the beautiful woman remained seated watching the queue of irate cars and trucks which hadn’t moved in over twenty minutes. She tapped her nails on the dash board of the brightly painted mini bus as she struggled with her impatience.
She could feel the eyes of the man seated next to her lingering on sweat beads forming on her long neck and firm cheek bones.
“I’m sorry Miss Sims,” the sweaty man said hoping she’d turn to look at him so he could admire her full pouting lips. “I had no clue we’d run into this tail back.”
Natasha shifted on her seat and the man couldn’t help glancing at her firm hot thigh as her mini skirt rode up ever so slightly.
It had been one of those days nothing going right. In fact the whole trip had been difficult to say the least. The idea to take her students away for the weekend had backfired and she’d spent most of the time trying to keep them in line not to mention the accommodation falling far short of acceptable.
She finally glanced to the bus driver next to her who in turn smiled a cracked tooth grim like an eager puppy dog hoping for a hint of acceptance.
“And this drooling fool hasn’t helped,” she thought to herself uncharitably.
There was a giggle and a female yelp of fun from outside and the bus driver’s eyes trailed from the firm figured redhead sat next to him to heat haze covered mirages of loveliness standing along side the road.
Miss Sims seeing his eyes lingering gave an audible grunt of disgust and opened the door.
“Concentrate on getting us back to the college!” She snapped, stepping down onto the hot road her heels clicking on the gravel. She had decided it was time to round up her young charges.
The bright yellow mini bus had certainly attracted a little bit of attention on this jammed road. With stationary engines running for nearly half an hour many pairs of eyes had decided this was the only thing worth a second look.
Miss Sims was the English teacher at the Rose of Texas finishing college for young ladies. The flowery emblem and title were emblazed across the buses side; but it was the gaggle of students stretching their legs and trying to cool off which had captivated most driver’s eyes and minds for so long.
“Girls lets get back in now shall we?” Asked Natasha striding up to the side of a gas tanker.
The young man leaning out of the cab window saw the beautiful teacher sauntering confidently towards him and his grin got even wider.
Hanging on his every word or certainly acting like that where Bianca and Sandy. Both girls were blonde angels; waif slim, pouting lips and school girl seductive manners. Dressed in their blue sweaters and knee high college skirts the driver had been staring down into their sexy eyes for an eternity, while other surrounding car drivers had been gazing lustfully at their stretch long legs almost on tip toe as they thrust their heads higher towards the man.
As the teacher approached the pair she shook her head in disapproval, especially at the taller of the two girls.
Bianca Highcastle was absolutely breathtaking to behold and she knew it. Legs that went up to heaven on a slim model like figure her breasts high and rounded with a perfect arse and of course long blonde hair left loose to cascade down to the small of her back. She had a reputation of walking around the school with an unmatched elegance that left other girls looking jealous and guys drooling. Her snooty attitude as queen bitch of the school matched her rich upbringing on her parents million dollar fortune. She was difficult to handle both as a student and girlfriend; Miss Sims had heard all about her reputation of going through guys as quickly as she did her fathers cash.
“Miss Hardcastle, back in the bus, if you would be so kind.”
Bianca turned and gave a shrug as if to say,” what did I do?” Then she grinned and turned back to the eager young man.
“Bye sweetie,” she said with a glint in her eyes then left him, swinging her hips catwalk style back to the bus.
“Hey maybe we could…”
The young driver was cut short as she gave a dismissive wave without looking back her upturned nose pointing snootily skyward.
“You’re ok to pass a boring half hour with but don’t get ideas above your station, please!”
Sandy her cute companion smiled and shrugged her shoulders.
“Sorry,” she said to the frowning driver,” it’s not personal she always that rude with boys.”
Then she too spun around curtly giving Miss Sims a military salute and marched back to the bus, the chastised driver still admiring the two girl’s similarities as they went.
Sandy Michaels was a few inches shorter at only slightly below average height’ like Bianca she had shapely legs which today she had accentuated by wearing thigh high white stockings. She had a cute face without the arrogant cast of her friend with baby blue eyes compared to Bianca’s flashing green, she also had shoulder length blonde hair pulled back into pig tails and slightly overlarge breasts for her small lithe frame. With her big eyes and sexy stocking pins she’d really nailed that Japanese Magna school girl look.
As he watched them go the truck driver couldn’t argue with their confident claims a few minutes earlier to be the two hottest girls in their college.
Miss Sims didn’t give the driver another thought as she now turned to the wolf whistles from the cars ahead of her. As she neared the dirty old Buick 3 guys hung from the window hollering. Along the side the jam was a tall high stepping brunette. She balanced on the road side, stretching, cart wheeling and high kicking a practiced routine as her impromptu audience watched mesmerized at the beauty in the tight college skirt and top.
Michelle Wood was a cheerleader and this was the only thing she really knew anything about; which was the main reason her parents had decided she needed this extra year at finishing college before heading off into the big wide world. Admired in the school by others for despite her lack of intelligence she persevered. She was a tall girl with an athletic build everything about her been toned curves and firmness. She was envied at the school for her rock hard breasts, tight ass and killer figure. She had angelic features with a wide full lipped mouth that begged to be kissed and deep brown eyes that you could be lost for eternity in. Long lustrous brown hair held in a single long ponytail down her back completed her appearance.
Michelle finished a spectacular cartwheel and looked across to her teacher with a broad gleaming grin on her face.
Miss Sims gave her a wry smile back.
“Let’s go the shows over.”
Her captive audience gave a groan of disappointment then a round of applause as she ran past giggling. In more than one car the occupants had wondered upon seeing the stretches and manoeuvres that Michelle performed with ease and would make any contortionist proud what would she be like in bed and what could she do?
One of the Buicks guys on seeing the new sexy teacher in her elegant business suit, short skirt and heels gave her a playful call.
How about you Miss, fancy giving us an encore?”
Natasha glared at him her temper rising then saw the young mans shocked reaction. They were only kids after all.
“Sorry, “she said giving a jock melting wink, “I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day.”
The busy teacher found her final student under a low willow tree. The young woman sat cross legs engrossed in her book. Her raven black hair looked like a cascade of oil down over her impressive sweater encased breast. She wore black rimmed oval glasses which accentuated her fabulous lashes and deep blue eyes.
Sophie Tyler was the final of the four hot college weekenders and also happens to be the most intelligent. She was top of every class and first in every test. In every sense a teachers pet but her gorgeous looks completely saved her from the derision of being a nerd. Like her less academic friends she too had dreamy legs with a trim figure a measurable benefit of her elite schools fantastic gym facilities.
She looked up chewing a pencil between her fabulous lips and arched her back in a theatrical over stretch. Her magnificent breasts thrust forward, larger than all the other girls but firm and high a dream cushion for any man or woman her butt shapely and tight a reward from her exercise.
School brain box or not Natasha knew this one was just as likely to tease and use her charms when the opportunity arose.
As her final student climbed into the back of the bus Miss Sims heard the young truck driver calling.
“Hey Miss.”
She tried to ignore him but he shouted louder
She looked to the sky for divine patience
“Yes?” She said in a high school mistress manner
He had some advice.
“I’ve just been wondering why you guys don’t take the turning just two miles back. It runs through the valley it’s a longer road but least you’ll be moving. Its locals only though, not sign posted for Joe public.”
Natasha was unimpressed.
“Why haven’t you then?” She asked hands on hips, her academic head kicking in.
He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the 30 ft of tanker he was hauling.
“This thing’s not exactly made for country roads”
She gave a looked along the shimmering length of steel trailer. The midday heat was getting unbearable and now most cars appeared to has either overheated or the occupants given up moving anytime soon.
Back in the bus the college driver wiped his brow his eyes wide in his rear view mirror watching his sexy young passengers. Suddenly his door opened Sims looking inside her finger out in an ordering manner.
Natasha Sims was the dream teacher of the Rose of Texas schools entire male population of academics, support staff and bus driver. She had a deserved reputation as a fiery redhead with a body that even the uber-babes in his back seats would envy. She oozed sexuality and the tight mini skirts she had worn today along with her firm breasts and a small curvaceous ass had severely affected his concentration. He knew that this school English teacher didn’t approve of slackers and would have no hesitation in giving voice to her disapproval with great heat that matches her hair.
“Now I’m going to tell you how to get us back home, since you don’t seem to have a clue!” She said in her arrogant tone.
“Any arguments?” She added.
The driver gave a gulp aware the girls in the back had also frozen from their animated debates as Miss Sims spoke.
“No ma’m I haven’t,” he instantly replied unwilling to lock horns with such a fierce goddess.
They found the turning like the trucker had said maybe a mile and a half back down the road. He was not joking about getting his truck down there as it looked like nothing more than a dirt track.
The bus driver gave a smirk and looked at the woman next to him.
She didn’t react and nodded for him to take the turning.
“He said it was local traffic only,” she added angrily,” what did you expect, a freeway?”
The road to her relief did begin to widen and firm up into a clear drivable passage and as they started to make good head way the driver gave her a nod of respect.
“Looks pretty good now miss.”
Then he pointed to an old rusty road sign telling them they were 60 miles from their destination.
The lush high grass country side shimmered in the afternoon heat but with the windows open and the bus heading at speed the cool air made the young women’s expensive hair styles billow.
In the back Bianca brushed her long golden mane from her chiselled face laughing at how the truck driver had acted.
Sophie touched her lip with her finger as if in thought.
“He was quite cute though wasn’t he?”
Bianca shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve known better.”
“You mean you’ve had better.” Michelle added.
The group laughed in agreement.
“Did you see Miss with Michelle’s little fan club back there?” Sandy added, the bronze tanned cheerleader shrugging her shoulders resigned to the fact she certainly knew how to put on a show.
“Yeah I though for a second she was going to rip his head off.” The dancing babe replied.
“You know what she needs?” Bianca added under her breath.
And Sophie lent to her ear to whisper. “Yeah and I think Pedro driving up front would be first in the queue to give it to her.”
Sandy put on a passable Al Pacino accent griping her groin. “Hey mizz Sims say hello to my little friend!” And group erupted again the driver frowning from the cackle, Miss Sims turning to quieten them down.
There was a scream and yelps as window glass showered the back seat passengers. Natasha saw a large figure momentarily at the side of the van the sun blinding the occupants from seeing clearly out of the back window.
The girls spun their necks and saw a distorted backlit figure in the road a halo of golden grass and sunshine putting him into a dancing, pirouetting silhouette.
“Jezzzzzz what the…” Pedro had swerved the bus but had managed to get it back under control.
“Have we hit something, what’s happened?”
Natasha gripped his arm; she had caught the best sight of the strange figure.
“Don’t stop do you hear. Just keep going!”
Seeing her beautiful eyes full of horror Pedro slammed his foot on the accelerator.
There was a strange noise in the vehicle. The girls were hollering and cursing but one of them had heard it; below at her feet.
Sophie bent down her hand searching in the foot well.
“Oh my God!” Cried Bianca then gave a giggle of surprise.
Sandy and Michelle also burst out in embarrassed shocked giggling.
Sophie brought the buzzing firm piece of plastic up in front of her spectacled nose her long lashed eyes crossing in surprise at her new found projectile. Natasha held her hand over her mouth as the bright pink phallus squirmed and hummed, Bianca adding the obvious in words.
“Someone’s just thrown a fucking vibrator through the God damn window!”
They all just seemed to stare in disbelief at the fat 6 inch cock, Sophie holding it at the base upright frozen like a rabbit in head light. It was ribbed corn cob surface not smooth more like solid chunky peanut butter. The raven beauties mouth quivered as her eyes traced the knotted uncomfortable looking length, her imagination working overtime.
“Ohhhh my it’s…”
Sandy snapped her out of it.
“Throw the fucking thing away! You don’t know where it’s been!”
Instantly Sophie reacted and with one disgusted grunt tossed the rubber cock out into the corn fields as the bus continued to zoom at breakneck speed.
Once rid of it the girls then began to panic and Natasha had to shout to be heard. But she never finished her sentence as suddenly the bus lurched; the track was too narrow for its speed and screaming in unison they careered into a small ditch
Five aching minutes later they all began to recover along side the steam belching mini bus. Pedro examined the front wheel and reported it had buckled.
The girls stood arms across breasts surveying the problem. Miss Sims was looking nervously back down the road. What had she seen? It looked like a massive figure in rags, and his face? A bizarre mask? She couldn’t be sure. She flicked open her mobile and groaned.
“Shit! No signal.”
She shielded her eyes squinting back down the road. The assailant must be a good few miles behind at least. Pedro had really hit the gas when she told him to.
“What kind of sick prankster throws a dildo through a moving cars window?”
She shook her head annoyed at her own stupid thoughts. “Who throws a dildo at anything?”
The bus had come off the road at a fork. There was a pre 40’s sign saying “Merryville half a mile ahead.” The other fork continued on the main route.
“Ok I’m going to go get help.” Announced Natasha. “This Merryville must have a phone or somebody to tow us.”
“And leave us here?” Asked Bianca. “No fucking way!” The other girls were shocked at her vulgar language to her teacher.
“We should all stick together.” Suggested Sophie; then she too looked ominously back down the road.
Pedro gave a wink to Bianca and Sandy. “Stay here with me I will protect you. ” He said this in a heroic movie style way pushing out his chest. The girls looked at each other with sceptical eyes and tilted their head in amusement.
“Yeah sure.” They added in disbelief.
The unshaven little man reached into his bus and pulled out a gleaming revolver.
“You bring a gun on a college bus!” Natasha went ballistic. “Are you a lunatic?”
Sophie stepped in again keeping them focused. “No miss; but maybe that guy back there is?”
Bianca changed her mind.
“I’m staying here with the bus.”
Sophie rolled her eyes and looked at Natasha. “I’ll stay too miss if you want.”
Miss Sims nodded in acceptance. It made sense for Sophie to stay, she was the smart one.
“Ok Sandy, Michelle looks like we’ve got a little walk.”
The road was a slight winding incline and slowly the three women began to feel the heat and strain on their bodies. Natasha suffered the most her heels making dirt track walking difficult. Michelle had stripped her regulation sweater before setting off and put on her t shirt out of sight of that leering bus driver. She’d also stripped to shorts her fantastic tanned legs glistening with sweat. Miss Sims had also undone her suited blouse exposing a deep cleavage; but the pale Sandy remained in her sweater her body feeling intensely humid beneath.
After what was an energy sapping climb they came past an old gas station totally derelict then onto a number of empty run down barns. The air was full of humming insects and the tree canopy made the sun hit the grown in piercing shafts of light.
Off the road maybe half a mile away across high grass fields they could see a large colonial style farm house. There was washing on a long line, and noises of farm machinery.
“Let’s hope they have a phone,” Sandy said wiping her brow.
It had been 30 minutes since the women had set off and back at the damaged bus Sophie once again sat under a tree reading. Bianca had remained in the bus long legs up on the seat corn stork in her mouth. She too had changed into tight shorts and a cut down top. Pedro was near by still holding his revolver. He wiped his brow his eyes focused on Bianca rising and falling chest her t shirt drenched in sweat the valley between her breasts a dark stain. Unlike Michelle she had been less coy in changing in front of him.
She gave him a smile flexing her thighs stretching her calves.
“We feel soo much safer with you here.” She said sweetly. Sophie looked up frowning over her book.
“For fucks sake!” She snarled giving the surprised blonde a knowing stare. “This is serious! We’ve no time for your fucking about.”
Pedro had stopped listening anyway he had moved out into the road. He could hear something; an engine. He squinted in the blinding sunlight. A dark shape was appearing. Bianca and Sophie heard it too and sat up to look. It was a dirty flatbed pickup. All the windows were covered in grim the engine growling as it crunched through gears. Its rear flatbed had a black tarpaulin canopy fluttering at the machine gunned towards them.
The vehicle came closer and closer Pedro waving for it to slow. Sophie suddenly felt very uneasy. She pulled herself back against the tree trunk Bianca looking at her then back to the truck.
Pedro was caught in a moment of indecisions.
He raised the revolver, but too late
Aeiieeeeeeeeee! Thuddddddd!
The truck crashed into him the weapon flying into the corn Pedro folding like a house of cards
Bianca screamed; Sophie sexy mouth was open yawningly wide.
“Oh Shit!”
Bianca was standing knees locked together her hands over her mouth just staring in disbelief. The truck had rammed all the way into a tree trunk, Pedro’s lifeless body crushed between the tree and engine block.
The driver’s door burst open and a huge rag covered mound fell onto the ground. The thing had arms and legs and as it rolled around as if drunk Bianca could only watch in terror.
“For God sake get away from it!” Screamed Sophie, not wanting to leave the shelter of the tree line.
The lumbering figure raised itself up its face covered in a distorted mask of leather and rags. It eyes looked wild, its mouth dripping a fat human tongue with spittle running down his chin.
The fabulous blonde turned to run but the monsters hand reached from under its rags pulling out a strange pistol grip device.
Two darts attached to wires instantly jumped the twenty feet hitting Bianca squarely in the back. She gave a surprised grunt as the electricity coursed through her; then she dropped like a dead weight the Tazer type device knocking her unconscious.
“Ohhhhhhhh heavens no! Bianca!” Sophie gave a cry of despair and began to turn to escape, what else could she do?
The monster reached back inside his truck and with an animal roar pulled out a strange pole like device. It had a petrol chainsaw engine connected to a foot long pole. On the end of the pole was a fat dildo. The thing was bright pink and like the one early knotted and ribbed. This one was massive and as long as a man’s fore arm and as thick, the bulbous axel greased end like a cone shaped hand.
He pulled the rip cord and the engine ignited the rod and greased maxi-sized dildo vibrating and juddering at petrol driven speeds.
Wielding the crazy cock above his head he staggered after the fleeing Sophie.
The busty student had seen Bianca motionless on road side but could do nothing.
She ran as the stumbling mad man followed.
As she fled she could hear the dildo buzzing terrifyingly close behind. She jumped through bushes and over tree trunks the mad man seeming to hit every obstacle possible. He acted as if he had four independent brains all trying to move a limb each, sometimes in completely opposite directions. But even so it was a terrifying few minutes before she realised she was alone in the dense undergrowth.
She fell to the floor pushing herself against a tree trunk her body hyperventilating, her breast bouncing like they too were petrol driven.
As Natasha, Sandy and Michelle approached the old farm building they felt sure this place could help. There were numerous cars and trucks in different states of disrepair along with a number of barns full of chugging machines, irrigation devices etc. At last there was someone to call to.
On the columned veranda sat two figures taking in the afternoon air. One was a middle aged plump farmers wife and beside her a man maybe her husband or maybe her father. He was scrawny and tight skinned. He sat in his old wheelchair even from a distance it was clear he had no legs below the tops of his thighs.
“Having trouble?” He shouted down as he puffed on a pipe.
His wife raised an eyebrow in suspicion and a little admiration.
In front of them there were three tired and perspiring beauties. Sandy’s freckled face was flush from exercise her twin pony tail blonde hair adding to her ‘Britney’ school girl attire look. Michelle stood like a fine sculptured statue her perfect chest and tummy like she was indeed fashioned from stone, yet her brown puppy dog eyes and pleated hair made her look innocent and vulnerable. And finally Natasha her fucia pink business suit matched her red bobbed mane the fabric now pulled open her sweaty bra encased chest heaving and glinting in the sun her deep rich tan adding to her sultry appearance. She rubbed her calves together to wipe off the perspiration, her high heels giving her a dominant erect posture even after a one mile uphill hike.
“Can you help please,” she asked in little hint of desperation in her voice. “We’ve broken down?”
The old man laughed rather rudely the wife standing up putting down her knitting and inviting them inside. “Off course my dears, come out of the sun.”
The women were glad to be finally in the shade of the farm houses main entrance. The old man twisted his wheelchair like a pro darting along behind them. Sandy looked back over her shoulder and gave an embarrassed expression as the man winked and stuck his tongue out in a licking suggestive manner.
“We just need a phone,” Natasha explained. Michelle also quickening her steps as the man pushed and nudge close up against her butt too.
“Hey do you mind,” she snapped looking at her teacher for reassurance
“Pa! Behave yourself,” barked the wife, “please he’s only jesting, don’t take offence.”
Natasha gave an unnerved smile and picked up the old receiver. The line buzzed but no matter how she dialled she got no response.
“Ain’t used it for years honey,” explained ma unconcerned. Natasha gave a silent groan of frustration.
“Any mechanic around here we need a tow?”
The old man looked up. “Tow? Sure ma son can sort that out for ya real easy.”
Great said Sandy shifting away from the seated man as his hands continue to wander. And all the women nodded in appreciation as they looked around the dusty bare interior.
“He’s out at the moment but will be back real soon. Why don’t ya take a rest?”
Natasha looked at her watch then thought of the mini bus.” I suppose we have no choice but we’re hoping he won’t be long.”
Ma gave them a smile offering a tray of ancient cookies. “Don’t worry honey he won’t be.”
Back along the road the maniac had given up looking for the big titted bitch. He staggered back to his truck stepping over a moaning crawling Bianca. She gave a half conscious grunt as he lifted her up in his powerful arms, her legs hanging limp trainer feet dangling loosely.
“Uhh please I ughhhhh.”
She groaned her hands pushing lightly against his oily rag covered chest. The sun was brilliant over head and as she looked up all she saw was a huge featureless black headed silhouette. He carried her to the damaged mini bus as she arched her back arms out like she waking from a deep sleep.
The maniac tilted her head down into the open window of the bus’s driver’s door. The door was jammed half open and he thrust her head and chest through so she had to quickly come to her senses standing almost on tip toes her hips against the door her shoulders touching the under side of the top of the opening.
“Ugh no, no ughhh you uggggg!” She grunted. Now with more energy returning to her body she had the will to argue, but it was too late. The man was binding her hands behind her back with cord pulling her cute wrists tight together.
Bianca screamed looking around confused and terrified. Once her arms were tied tight he pressed his massive hand between her shoulder blades to hold her in position. With his other hand he reached around to the inside of the door turning the window lever.
The window jacked up rapidly pushing into her t-shirt under her firm tits.
“Oh shit uhh stop stop!”
The glass thrust her tits up and out at the same time jamming her shoulders inside the frame. Her great ass raised and tensed her calves stretching to keep her feet on the ground. He had her pinned, bent over and jammed through the rigid doors window opening. Unable to use her hands to push the glass back down she could only wriggle from side to side.
“Oh God oh God what, what no please!”
The man ripped her tight ass shorts down to her sexy ankles, leaving only a white thong which his instantly snapped.
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