
Test Subject_(1)

Test Subject
By Droid447

Aylin analyzed every electric circuit but she couldn’t find the glitch that was keeping her spacecraft from reaching hyper speed. Her fuel pods were running on empty and there were no space ports close enough to provide shelter.

Lucky for her, a small dot showed up on her long range scanner and she adjusted the curse accordingly. When she got closer to the coordinates, Aylin was astounded. It was a derelict cruiser, and there was nothing small about it.

Wow! That thing is huge. Looks like there is no activity inside. I wonder who built it. she thought, In any case, I have no choice but to land. Maybe I can recharge fuel and find something to fix the electrical problem of this crappy ship.

Even though the ship seemed abandoned, it was still functional. The doors of the landing port opened when she approached and closed behind her when the spacecraft descended. When her instruments detected breathable air inside of the ship. Aylin couldn’t believe it. It must have been built by humans hundreds of years ago, which meant there could be spare parts for her to use. Her luck was changing for the better.

Aylin stepped out and looked around. The cruiser was in perfect shape. She wondered why the crew had abandoned it.

Suddenly, with the corner of her eye, Aylin saw movement. She turned her head to see a robot walking towards her in a hurried pace. It had a menacing appearance and Aylin reached for her gun. She cursed when she realized that she had left it in the cockpit.

“Fuck! That thing is coming this way! Crap! My gun! I left it in my seat!

Aylin could hear the robot saying something but not to her…”Log 371X – Possible test subject arriving.”

The humanoid robot slowed down and stopped one meter away from the nervous woman. He spoke in perfect English and didn’t seem to be aggressive. All good news.

“Are you the test subject? You are 1,492 days late,” the robot said.

“What are you taking about? Who owns this place?” Aylin responded with another question.

“Master built this place to make invaluable research. He has not return in 1,489 days. I am in charge of the latest experiment. Are you the test subject?” the robot ask again.

“The hell I am. My ship has electrical problems and I need assistance. Can you fix it?” Aylin said, hoping that the robot could help.

“If you are the test subject, I can fix your ship. If you are not, you have to leave right now,” the robot responded.

“I can’t leave with a broken ship, you idiot. Fuck off! I’ll fix it myself,” Aylin responded angrily, guessing that this robot was not an artificial intelligence. It was just programmed to do a specific job and was useless to her.

Aylin decided to explore the cruiser. She needed to find something edible first, then find some tools to work on the ship’s electrical problem.


She searched for many hours without success. Most of the doors were closed and there was no way to override the locks. The voice control of the cruiser was not responding to her commands and the technology used in this place was too sophisticated for her to hack. Aylin remembered that the robot had said that it could fix the ship. She decided to talk to him again.

Aylin found the robot in some kind of laboratory, “You said that you can fix my ship, right?”

“If you are the test subject, I can fix your ship,” the robot responded. He was holding a weird device.

“Test subject for what?” Aylin asked.

“For the next experiment,” the robot said briefly.

“If I agree to do it. Will I be hurt in any way?” Aylin asked, evaluating the situation.

“The test subject will not be damaged,” the robot answered.

“Fine, I’ll do it. But you will fix my ship when the experiment is done.”

“Affirmative. Take off your suit and I’ll put this device on.”

Aylin didn’t mind getting naked; that taboo had been eradicated decades ago. The only purpose of her suit was to protect her from cold temperatures. But she protested when the robot moved the device closer to her bare back. The contraption seemed complex and a little suspicious.

As the robot placed it along her spine, Aylin felt it attaching to her skin. The procedure hurt, but not enough to worry about it.

“What is this gadget for? I feel tiny punctures on my back.”

“It purpose is to increase your endurance,” the robot responded.

“That sounds good. Will I be stronger?” Aylin asked.


The robot led Aylin to an adjacent room, which had an isolation chamber. Aylin got a bad feeling about it, but her curiosity had always been stronger that her common sense. That was the reason she became an explorer.

Inside the chamber, Aylin could see three large eggs. There were alien eggs! No way she was going inside. Unfortunately, it was not her choice anymore. When she tried to move away, her legs didn’t respond. At that moment, she understood the true purpose of the device attached to her spine. It was controlling her body! Aylin felt panic. The robot had tricked her. By controlling the device, he could control her!

“What the fuck is happening?! I can’t move.”

“You will move in a moment. We are taking control.”

“You lying son of a bitch!!”

Aylin could still speak and she could also turn her head. Apparently, the gadget was controlling her body from the neck down. Her legs moved and she walked into the chamber while the door closed behind her. Then she stood still, facing the eggs. The metallic floor felt cold under her feet, which meant that she still had all her senses intact.

The stiff woman gasped when she saw the egg in the middle opening like a flower. An instant later, a creature crawled out from within, standing at the edge of the fleshy shell. The organism scanned the surroundings and quickly detected Aylin’s presence.

Shit! The egg is opening! …what the fuck is that?!

The woman’s heart was beating fast inside of her chest and her breathing accelerated. The creature was rather small, and apparently didn’t have any teeth or spikes, but it was scary nonetheless.

An instant later, Aylin saw the creature jumping towards her. It had eight bony legs and a long tail.

In her mind, the scare woman was flinching and moving out of the way, but in reality, she was standing like a statue, unable to do anything. She watched with disbelief as the creature flew through the air towards her crotch.

The creature aimed perfectly and landed on her pelvis, quickly wrapping its long legs around her hips and its tail around her right thigh, securing its position.

Aylin was desperately trying to regain control of her arms, so she could push the monster away, but her muscles were not responding. To make things worse, the scared woman felt something pressing at her vaginal entry.

It wants to push something inside of me!!

Then it penetrated her! Some kind of fleshy appendage, long and cold. At first, it went in a few centimeters and wiggled around, exploring her cavity. Then it penetrated deeper. Aylin couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She thought she was going to die and was tensely waiting for the creature to rip her guts apart. There was nothing she could do to stop it. Then she realized with astonishment that the monster was being gentle. It penetrated slowly into her body, squirming and twitching, finding the path with less resistance. The coldness of the appendage quickly changed into a pleasant warmth.

Aylin startled herself when she elicited a soft moan as the phallus reached the bottom of her pussy. The surprised woman had never felt anything so deep inside of her. She could swear that the appendage was wiggling inside of her womb, but that was impossible; it felt too pleasant.

The tentacle was expanding and contracting, increasing the joyful sensations. Aylin couldn’t know that the purpose of these motions were to push a small egg, which was slowly gliding within the hollow ovipositor.

Then she felt it! The creature’s phallus bulged larger inside of her and something came out it. The organism was definitely dropping something in her womb. An egg! Aylin began to understand what was really happening…

“Gods!! This thing is shoving eggs inside of me!”

The creature was fucking her with an ovipositor and now it was pushing eggs into her womb! She wanted to feel disgusted, but she felt only pleasure. Her pussy twitched around the tentacle, showing an unwanted excitement that Aylin couldn’t suppress. It was an instinctive action, beyond the control of her conscious mind.

More eggs followed the first one and after a while, Aylin was displaying a slight bulge on her belly. The troubled woman was fighting against those unwanted feelings that spread deliciously from her crotch in every direction, but she was losing the battle. Now her pussy was twitching without pause and each egg expelled into her womb was bringing her closer to orgasm. Somewhere deep within her mind, Aylin wanted it to happen. She needed some release from this burning fire that kept growing in her loins.

At last, Aylin reached climax. She didn’t care that it was a monster fucking her pussy. Nor she cared that her womb was being stuffed with alien eggs. At this moment, the entire universe was reduced to the blissful waves of orgasmic pleasure that overshadowed everything else. Aylin hadn’t cum so hard in a long time.

It was a weird orgasm nonetheless. Despite feeling incredible pleasure, she was just standing there like a robot. Her arms and legs were trembling timidly and her pussy was twitching over and over, but these reactions would be barely noticeable to an outside observer.

For a fraction of a second, Aylin noticed that the gadget attached to her spine couldn’t keep up with the myriad of sensation cluttering her brain, and she could feel as if her motions were her own again. This happened a few times during her climax. Unfortunately, all she could do on those brief instants was to moan loudly and contort spasmodically.

In one of those moments that the device lost control of her body, Aylin’s legs caved beneath her and she crumbled to the ground. The creature clutched the woman’s hips tighter. It wasn’t letting go until it was done with her.

The device let me fall. It lost control of my body for a second!

Aylin felt dizzy after such a mind-blowing orgasm, but she knew that something important had just happened. She had discovered a flaw in the controlling gadget. It didn’t work properly during her climax! Aylin had to figure out a way to use this defect to her advantage.

A squishy sound filled the chamber, interrupting Aylin’s thoughts. Another egg was opening and a creature, identical to the first one, climbed to the upper rim.

The device, having regained full control of Aylin’s body, forced her to kneel on the floor. The agitated woman could feel one more egg being pushed into her womb and her pussy jolted in response. She turned her head and looked at the other creature, ready to jump towards her, and her pussy twitched again.

“Gods! How many eggs will I have inside of me when this is over?!”

She wondered what was going to happen. Will the two creatures fight for access to her pussy? Will the new creature wait until the other one was done? Then Aylin thought of another possibility and her heart skipped a beat.

And she was right about her suspicion. The other creature jumped and attached itself to her buttocks. There would be no competition for her pussy, since there were other cavities available.

“It is going to fuck my ass!!”

Conflicting feelings roamed in Aylin’s mind. She was scared, but also very aroused. It was all so confusing.

As anticipated, the immobile woman felt the second ovipositor poking at her anal entrance, and then piercing through. Aylin was expecting a searing pain, but when she opened her mouth to scream, only a moan of pleasure came out.

The squirming appendage was well lubricated and it penetrated slowly, the same way the first one did, pushing one centimeter at a time and reaching deep inside of her.

Aylin’s initial fear quickly vanished and soon there was only arousal. She was being fucked in both holes simultaneously for the first time in her life. Aylin was fully aware that the appendages churning within her body were alien, but it didn’t make them less pleasurable.

The creature’s cocks expanded and contracted over and over, driving the woman insane, until she couldn’t resist any longer and exploded in climax on more time. Aylin was really surprised of having another orgasm so fast, but she wasn’t complaining. This climax was even stronger than the first one. Her eyes rolled back and her entire body shuddered violently from head to toe, however the latter was only happening in her mind. Aylin remained in place, kneeling rigidly with her arms limp by her sides.

The same way as before, the device couldn’t keep up with Aylin’s mind-blowing orgasmic signals and lost control of her body for brief instants, during which the woman’s hands jerked and contorted, showing the proper response to such a powerful climax.

As her bliss faded away, Aylin felt the new ovipositor also pushing something into her insides and her pussy gushed in response. There were already several eggs in her womb and soon there would be just as many in her ass.

The other one is pushing eggs inside of me too!

Aylin realized something else; despite her orgasm, she still felt very horny and her arousal was on the rise again. She wondered if the contraption attached to her back was not only controlling her body but also influencing her mind, making her crave alien cocks.

Outside the chamber, the robot was watching every detail of the ravaging. “Two organisms in position and placing eggs. One pending,” he said to nobody in particular.

According to his observations, the test subject was responding well to the controlling device, with the exception of brief instants. Having no data on human orgasms, the robot couldn’t understand why this was happening, but these moments were too short to be a problem and it dismissed them as irrelevant.

It didn’t take long before Aylin reached her third climax. Her mind went blank from utter bliss, causing the device to lose control and letting her fall backwards. The device got smashed against the metallic floor, but unfortunately for Aylin, the blow didn’t cause any damage.

However, the woman’s hips never touched the ground. She kept them up in the air, allowing the probing organisms to do their job without interruptions.

The last creature had already jumped off the large egg and now was crawling rapidly towards Aylin. It detected that two other creatures were already penetrating the host and there was only one opening available.

Aylin recovered from her climax and she regained focus just in time to see a shadowy figure covering her entire face. Her scream was muted by the bulky body of the organism as it wrapped her bony legs around her skull and its tail around her neck. The woman’s heart jolted when she felt the creature’s appendage poking at her lips.

However, this time she wasn’t at the mercy of the robot because she had control of her head, and more importantly, her mouth. She tightened her lips as hard as she could.

But after a few seconds, Aylin realized that she wasn’t able to breathe. Even if she opened her mouth, it was blocked by the organism. She wondered if she was going to choke to dead? Will she die while being stuffed with eggs and double penetrated by alien creatures? Maybe this was her purpose in this strange experiment; to serve as decaying food for the hatching monsters.

Aylin began to panic and she opened her mouth in desperation. Fresh air filled her lungs and the same time, a new appendage filled her mouth. It squirmed hastily beyond her throat. The woman’s body was hypersensitive from the lack of air and the ovipositors in her pussy and ass became more evident as they churned and pulsated.

Aylin exhaled and breathed in again. The creature was feeding her oxigen! She was surprised, confused and excited. The appendage in her throat began to pulsate as well and the aroused woman felt one egg passing between her lips and slide downwards through her gullet and into her belly. She exploded in climax once again.


A while later, Aylin opened her eyes and found herself alone on the floor, She had passed out some time during the ravaging. Aylin had partial control of her arms and legs but lost it quickly. As soon as she was fully conscious, the contraption took over.

I came so hard that I passed out.

She noticed that the three organisms that had fucked her were now lying inert around the floor. The long ovipositors had partially retracted into the creatures’ bodies but were mostly exposed, also motionless. Aylin assumed that they were dead. They had served their purpose.

Aylin could feel a bloatedness in her belly caused by the eggs. She stared at the ceiling, wondering what was going to happen next.

The answer came quickly. Like a passenger in her own body, Aylin stood up, walked out of the chamber and stepped into an adjacent room that contained an identical enclosure. As she got closer, she saw an ugly humanoid standing inside. Aylin had seen this species before and her heart jolted with fear. She knew they were extremely dangerous and wondered if the robot was aware of that. If he made her walk into the chamber, she was dead for sure. Then she heard his synthetic voice…

“Enter the chamber.”

“Holy crap! That’s a yautja! Don’t make me go in there.”

The robot was right behind her, moving her like a puppet. He stopped near the window and forced her to approach the door.

The yautjas were smart, crafty and vicious. Aylin was thinking that even fully armed, it was unlikely that she would defeat him in battle. Today she was completely naked, walking helplessly to the slaughter.

The creature saw her stepping in. He waited in a fighting stance while extracting his wrist blades, ready to kill.

But Aylin quickly noticed something completely out of place. The yautja’s phallus was unprotected and dangling freely between his legs. There could be only one reason for him to be nude like this. He was also under the robot’s control.

As she walked closer to him, the yautja went rigid and stood immobile. His wrist blades retracted. Aylin leaned forward, grabbed his phallus and began stimulating him. The woman moved gracefully but she was not in control of her arms and legs. At least she knew that she wasn’t going to die right away. The robot most certainly was planning something else.

The astounded woman watched the creature’s cock grow between her fingers. It felt a bit firmer than a human cock, but the size was pretty much the same of a well-endowed man.

I can’t believe that I am giving a hand-job to a yautja.

She heard him making weird noises with his mouth and she figured that he could also move his head at will, but not the rest of his body. Although, the yautja’s cock was responding as expected to the involuntary massaging and it grew even bigger until it was fully erect.

Aylin got anxious, guessing that very soon that phallus was going to be penetrating her pussy. Why else would the robot put her in the same room with this monster?

And her fears were completely justified. The robot made her bend over, supporting her weight on a metallic box, while the yautja moved behind her. He was going to fuck her with that big, green cock and there was nothing she could do to prevent it.

For the Gods! He is going to fuck me! His cock is huge!

Then she thought about the eggs inside of her. Most likely, this monster was going to ejaculate in her pussy and flood her womb. Was this the experiment? The robot wanted to use her body as a petri dish to fertilize alien eggs? This was insane!

Aylin gasped when she felt the tip of his phallus touching her pussy lips. Then it moved forward, brutally stretching her vaginal entrance until the cock head was inside. Aylin shrieked. The girth was three times fatter than the ovipositor’s.

More of the phallus pierced in and she screamed again. This was definitely the biggest cock she had fucked in her entire life. When it was half way in, the creature pulled back, and then in again, a couple of centimeters deeper. He did this a few times until the tip was banging against her uterus.

He is so freaking big!

The yautja was trying with all his might to fight against the controlling device on his back. He was angry and frustrated. He could see that the intruder had a similar contraption on her back, which meant that she was here against her will.

But then he realized something else. The human’s pussy was clenching his cock in the most pleasant way. He had only mated with females of his own species and this experience was new to him. This female was warmer and softer.

After a moment, the odd couple was getting a rhythm. They fucked with stiff, perfect motions that made them look like machines. Aylin was almost standing, with her knees and torso slightly bent forward. She moved her hips backward in perfect synchrony with the cock that moved in the opposite direction.

The yautja had his feet steady on the ground while he swayed his hips back and forth, penetrating the tight pussy in front of him all the way to the bottom. He wasn’t so angry anymore. If he wasn’t under control of the device, this female would be dead right now and he wouldn’t be enjoying the strange mating session.

Every time his cock reached the bottom of the Aylin’s pussy, the yautja groaned with pleasure.

He had been so stupid for letting himself get captured, but at least something good was coming out of this nightmare. He had learned that human females were great for fucking.

Both Aylin and the yautja felt their excitement rising to a boiling point. As he got randier, he wanted to fuck her faster and deeper, but the device wouldn’t allow it. He kept moving with the same pace. Only his grunts got louder.

If we keep this up for a little longer, I am going to cum again! Aylin thought.

Aylin was on the verge of climax and she wanted that cock to pump her as fast as possible. The same way it happened with the ovipositors, she didn’t care anymore that it was an alien cock lodged in her pussy. All she wanted was release…

The both reached climax at the same time. Aylin felt the first gush of hot sperm ejaculating within her loins and she exploded in mind-blowing bliss. Apparently, the device controlling the yautja had the same flaw, because she felt his hands grabbing her waist, pulling her closer to his body and lifting her off the ground.

Aylin didn’t think it was possible, but when he pulled her back, his cock went even deeper. Her eyes rolled until they were mostly white, her legs shivered violently and her pussy twitched over and over, milking the creature’s balls to the last drop.

This orgasm was stronger than any of the ones she enjoyed in the other chamber.

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