
Temple of Torture – Vanessa’s First Journey

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1. This story is fiction.
2. This story is FICTION!
3. The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality
of any kind against living beings in general and females
in special. The author insists on the consumption only by
those legally of age and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited
by law. If you get offended by those topics, stop reading.

Venom, September 2007


Three slavegirls (“a ponygirl, a painslut and a snuffette”) became
attractions at the “Heaven’s Gate Exhibition”, an extreme and
exclusive underground torture fair.
Their deliciously cruel Mistress guides them to unknown hights of

This is a loose sequel to “Temple of Torture” (that can be found at
the public story area of this site).
The author recommends to read “Temple of Torture” first for becoming
acquainted with the characters’ backgrounds.

Temple of Torture

Vanessa’s First Journey


Still the Grand Mistress’ words rang in Vanessa’s head:

“A ponygirl, a painslut and a snuffette.”

At noon, Vanessa, Kate and the very young brunette with the long
beautiful hair had been chosen by their cruel goddess and been
brought to the south-eastern wing of the old, concrete,
shelter-like complex. Here they had been soaped, washed and douched
by slavemaids in a sterile looking huge room, almost a hall.
Furthermore Kate and Vanessa had got their bellies pressurised
with chemical enemas.
Afterwards the trio had been collared tightly. Hands cuffed in
front and their ankles chained, all three had been hanged nude on
hooks running in a rail at the ceiling, just like in
slaughterhouses. Being lifted off the white-tiled floor, they had
dangled helplessly. One of the slavemaids had taken the long chain
dangling from the dainty brunette’s collar and had headed towards
the big roller shutter at the far end of the room, where the
ceiling rail was leading to. The long-haired slavegirl’s hook had
started to move, the chains from collar to collar had tightened,
and finally Kate and then Vanessa followed their companion. All
three had groaned as the pain in their shoulders reached
intolerable levels through body weight and movement.
The roller shutter opened as they had reached it. Behind it had
been a smaller room, maybe ten metres deep, with a concrete
platform of about three metres length at the right wall and a
second gate in the far one; just like an airlock.
Relieved Vanessa had seen that a second rail branched off the main
one, leading them over the 60 centimetres high platform so they had
could reach ground with their feet. The slavemaid had left wordless,
the inner gate had shut and darkness had swallowed the trio.


The sweet brunette was the first daring speak:

“Damn, I’m just to short!”

Kate’s eyes had get used to the darkness. The petite slave before
her, five feet, two inches of height, was dancing sexily on her
tiptoes the whole time. Her exceptionally long hair was waving with
the motion, cascaded in light curls down her shoulders to the small
of her back.
Kate could reach the cold floor better, and her lover Vanessa
behind her could stand almost flat on balls and heels.

“Be quiet!” the tall blonde whispered

“What’s your name?” Kate asked.

“Kate! shhhHHH!” Vanessa hissed.

“Michelle. Hello, Kate.”

“Shut up, both! I beg you!”

“Relax.” Michelle tried to turn around, but spun back by the
tension of the cuff’s chain after ninety degrees.
“I know this area. I has been here before. They have stored us here
because they are busy. It’s not a trap. Here are no microphones or
stuff like that. You are the two lovers Grand Mistress has tortured
so cruelly, right? Kate! And your name is…you are…?”

Vanessa moaned: “I’m dead meat!”


“You have heard the Grand Mistress: a ponygirl – that’s obviously
you; a painslut – that’s what this sadistic bitch wants to change
my poor Katie into; and a snuffette – a silly cow like me, getting
snuffed slowly.” Her voice had got a light crack at the last

“Vanessa, don’t…” Kate had been more successful in turning
around. Now she was hobbling towards her lover to comfort her,
working against collar and hook.
Behind her Michelle protested as the collar chain tightened,

pulling the leather, buckled around her neck, against her larynx,

choking her.

“Grand Mistress won’t snuff you!” she croaked.

“Why not? She said it…you know something?! Where will we be
taken?” the Italian beauty said louder than intended.

Kate turned around again, eager to hear the answer.

Vanessa investigated further: “You’ve said that you has been here
before; and that all are busy! What’s happening?!”

“I’ve no idea what is happening!” Michelle damned her loose tongue.

Kate pulled herself up on the hook and rammed her knees into the
back of Michelle’s thighs.

“Oouuwwaa! Bitch!”

“Tell us! I’ve learned a lot from these sadistic whores here!”

“We are not supposed to know it! If Grand Mistress finds out…”

” ‘No microphones or stuff like that’ somebody told me. The same
who will tell me about our destination!” Kate nudged her again.

“Ooouuuww! Stop it!”


Michelle moaned. These nudges really hurt! And every time the
strawberry blonde athletic bitch badgered her, she lost her
balance. And, finally, she was absolutely sure that this was just a
logistic area.

“Okay, okay! I’ve overheard that we are going to the Heaven’s Gate
Exhibition, some kind of slave market and show for torture


The hysterical undertone in Vanessa’s voice was evident: “And from
that you conclude that I’m NOT getting snuffed?!”

“Wait! The exhibition has started four days ago. Tonight will be
the main event, presented by Grand Mistress.” She heard Vanessa
almost go crazy. “No, wait! I was there two years ago! Of course
there are snuff shows, and Grand Mistress’ performance will include
extreme tortures. But She has a very high reputation, so She’ll
only use Her best slaves, slaves She ‘ll never sell or kill!”

Vanessa was far from being convinced: “I’m surely none of Her best

“She likes you. Both of you.”

“Are you crazy?! Do you know what this witch had done to us?!”

“Yes, I was there…”

“Wha…you are the girl that fitted these terrible shoes to me!”

“Yes, I’m sorry, but.,.” She paused and pull herself up on the
chain to relieve her cramping calve muscles, causing more pain in
her shoulders. “…She forced me…” – “I know. You don’t have to

Although standing, more or less, the trio’s shoulder joints were
still strained by their upraised arms. All of them now were
suffering from severe cramps in shoulders and backs. The handcuffs’
metal was cutting mercilessly into their wrists. Especially
Michelle’s voice was filled with pain.
Furthermore the stretching of their slim bodies made it hard to
breathe and talk. But talking was the only thing they could do to
deal with their situation.

“Extreme tortures, you said?” Vanessa asked after some minutes.

“Nothing both of you haven’t already endured inhumanly long.”

“Great. Hear that, Katie? We are going to enjoy all our favourite
tortures again!” Vanessa laughed humourlessly.
“Maybe I should even hope to get snuffed!”

Kate had been silent for a while. Now she said: “How they are going
to transport us? By car?” – “Last time they did.” – ” Maybe we
could escape, once we are outside the area.”
“No chance. We’ll be bound most tightly and be heavily gagged.
Besides, do you know the flaxen-haired runaway, who’s almost did it
to the inner fences before she was caught?”

“The Grand Mistress have sliced her Archilles’ tendons.”

“Yep. And the tendons in both her knee hollows.”

Vanessa meanwhile has calmed down: “The Latvian? But I’ve seen her
afterwards. She clearly had been dragged through hell, but walked
more or less normally.”

“Grand Mistress sliced the tendons LENGTHWISE, splitting them on a
length of four inches – as a first and final warning.”


“A single act of mercy.”

“You are overhearing a lot.” Kate’s voice housed a strange tone.
She didn’t trust the teenager bound in front of her. Maybe Michelle
lied about the microphones, or maybe the Grand Mistress didn’t need
any microphones to get informed. The brunette had broken the
silence first, was talking carelessly, trying to motivate Vanessa
and herself to do the same. If Kate would find out that Michelle
was a little spy, she would hurt the small sweetie till she pukes
her ovaries.

“You are right. Grand Mistress likes to have me around Her.”

“What are you to Her? Some kind of pet?”

“I think so. Her little pony. Being a ponygirl is my fetish. Maybe
I’m something like a mascot, I guess.”

“And you like that?!”

“I’m not entitled to decide that. Let me say so:
I consciously agreed to be abused against my will.”

Vanessa couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“You VOLUNTARY let the Grand Mistress enslave you to become a
ponygirl?! You ARE crazy!”

Michelle hopped again to get a little less uncomfortable.

“I was young and stupid and didn’t knew what I let myself in for.
Besides, I started as a normal slavegirl. In those days I was not
yet sure about my…penchant. So I didn’t tell Her, especially not
when things went out of control, at least out of MY control.
And now I’m Grand Mistress favourite ponygirl, Her sweet ‘Beauty’,
since three years.”

“How did She find out about your liking?” Vanessa asked.

“What do you think? She tortured me and I confessed.
She put me on The Rack, then stretched me till my shoulders popped
out; just for fun. I had already talked when She had racked me with
three or four notches.
Such a small body like mine hasn’t much length tolerance.” – her
chains rattled – “I’m feeling it right now again…ponygirl…”
she said more to herself, “luckily I’ve never had intentions to be
a toilet slave.”

Kate still wasn’t free of doubts: “Why had you been at our torture

“Because it had been the will of Grand Mistress.”

Michelle paused a moment, then mewed pertly: “Are you trusting me
now? Or would you like to kick me some more?”

“One more thing: I’m a little confused…”
– “I can tell!…Ouwahh!” – “CONFUSED about your more than three
years lasting enslavement: How old are you?”


Both Vanessa and Kate stammered incredulously, recalling the
childlike, heart-shaped face with the innocent features and the big
brown eyes.

“But you are looking like fifteen!” Vanessa was truly amazed.

“I know. I think, that’s why Grand Mistress dotes on me so
incredibly; Her super-sweet little filly.” Traces of resignation
could be heard in Michelle’s voice.

Cold neon-light flared up, hurting their eyes.

“Quit!” Vanessa hissed.


Grand Mistress Gillian was in stress the whole day. In the early
afternoon She had raced the 80 kilometres from the Heaven’s Gate
Exhibition to Her Domicile of Pain in under forty minutes to check
things at home – among other things to make sure that Her tonight’s
actresses start off on their journey in a suitable way.
The whole week She had been busy and hadn’t left the HGE-area.
First She had prepared Her own presentation (as exhibitors, She and
Her staff had rooms near the fair halls at their disposal), then
had coordinated the supply with fresh flesh for Her shows. She had
to call for replacements till the accumulator of Her cell phone had
been red hot. The first two days of the fair had been mostly
occupied with slave auctions, but the last three traditionally had
seen untold bloodbaths. At least Grand Mistress Gillian had been
able to transact some very advantageously sells and buys at the
slave market.
Now the Grand Finale was near, and the Master promoting the
exhibition had asked Her to be His Mistress of Ceremonies and
furthermore to carry out the penultimate part of the main event.
Grand Mistress Gillian just had the perfect subjects in mind for
this occasion…

She opened the small steel door leading to the platform, followed
by two slavemaids. With strained muscles under stretched skins
carrying lusciously the fading marks of glorious whipping sessions,
Her three beauties half hung, half stood in the hard
neon-brightness. Light covers of fresh, odourless sweat accentuated
their quivering bodys’ details.

With an electric hum the outer roller shutter opened to let in a
huge black van with tinted windows. The car, leaded by yellow
markings on the concrete ground, drove backwards up to the
platform’s edge, then stopped. Roaring sounds escaped the four
tailpipes, indicating a massively souped up V8-engine. The gate
came back down, and the frightening vehicle was trapped tightly
between roller shutter, platform and right wall.
The left front door opened and the dark-haired driver, one of the
Inferior Mistresses, got out. Her slim body looked mouthwatering in
Her skin-tight black leather skirt, matching jacket and boots. The
young woman approached and jumped onto the platform; a risky
venture wearing five inch heels. She opened the tailgate a bit and
stepped back to let it swing up.

Being last in the file Vanessa saw least of all, but what she saw
let Kate’s earlier considerations of escape appear laughable.

From the outside the big car with its huge black rims looked more
or less like a normal Mercedes-Benz Viano. But the bigger engine
and the reinforced drivetrain were the most harmless modifications.
The German van had been transformed into a high-security
transporter. The passenger’s sliding doors had been
weld-shut to the car body. Behind the front seats a steel partition
had been installed. A lockable spyhole and a camera informed the
driver about the wellbeing of the involuntary fellow passengers.
Walls, floor and roof were lined with additional steel plates.

Behind the original tailgate a high-grade steel grille came to
light. The Inferior Mistress opened it, too, and the slavemaids
took Michelle from her hook and removed her bounds.
Immediately the cute brunette kneeled down.

“Prepare the next one! I’ll do my little darling myself,” the Grand
Mistress ordered. She walked towards Her submissive pet, Her
six-inch-heeled stiletto boots clicked cruelly on the concrete.
The gleaming latex of Her black (what else?), ultra-tight cat suit
reflected the neon-light in a diabolical manner.

She saw the 2×3 blue prints of Kate’s knees on the brunette’s upper

“What’s happened to your thighs, Beauty?”

“Come on, Beauty!” Kate thought bitterly, “tell your Great Fucking
Mistress, you sneak!”

“Your slaves had collided with each other at the end of their rail
transport, Grand Mistress,” Michelle answered, being sure the
pounding of her heart was clearly audible outside her body.

“Ooohh, my poor sweetie! But I have a present for you to console my
little pet about its pain. Don’t fear your journey to the
exhibition. There only a good friend of mine will take your
measurements for a tailor-made puppy equipment. Do my little pony
like to become a puppygirl occasionally?”

“Oh yes, Grand Mistress!” Michelle was relieved. “Whatever Grand
Mistress wishes!” (Actually the slave liked cats more than dogs.)

Grand Mistress Gillian looked at Kate who just got her right tit
electro-shocked with a cattle prod by the Inferior Mistress for
bitching around. No single black or blue mark on her thighs.
“Collided, three times, with both knees?” She thought, resting Her
eyes on Michelle’s youthful body. “Wait, you little liar, you’re
already on the list!”

One of the slavemaids had brought in a big box tidily filled with
exquisite bondage gears.

Grand Mistress Gillian took a leather head harness, nothing else
than a bridle, and put it on Her pet’s skull. Michelle willingly
opened her mouth to welcome the bit gag as the Grand Mistress
buckled up the degrading accessory and fitted it to the collar. The
metal-decorated straps now ran tightly over the brunette’s fine
face, forehead and neck, under her chin and around her head. On
top, a huge black plume, like on the heads of circus horses, rocked
slightly with every motion. Left and right of it, two faked horse
ears stood in the straight upward-forward position that signalled
attention. Two leather-made devices, looking in profile like
blinders, were mounted on the harness. But unlike real blinders,
these gadgets completely took their human victim’s vision away.
Through a metal ring, high at the back of the head harness, the
Grand Mistress led most of the girl’s long hair to create a wavy
ponytail. She then tightened the sexy face-bondage once more,
forcing the bit gag even deeper into the slavegirl’s cute mouth,
bridling Her pony into true submission.

A breast&crotch harness was next, highlighting the slave’s curves
without covering the breasts or the genital area, including the
ornamental branding on her mons veneris. The body harness, too, was
connected to the collar and tightened to the edge of brutality.
A moan escaped the slavegirl’s gagged lips.
Special knee high leather fetish boots were fitted to her legs. The
extreme form straightened the bridled girl’s feet in line with her
lower legs just like in ballet boots. But the soles, starting at
the slave’s pointed toes without any heels, had the form of hooves
and were designed to leave horseshoe-like imprints. Indeed real
horseshoes had additionally been fitted.
Grand Mistress Gillian laced them up the way She liked it…TIGHT.

She helped Her mute and blinded pet onto the aching feet and led
her towards the opened van, using the leash chain on the collar.
The brunette’s special fetish boots created a hollow sound with
every step, not unlike the tones of shoed hoofs on asphalt.
The floor of the van was nearly at one level with the platform, but
the roof was just about 1.2 metres above them.
“Don’t stub your head, honey,” the Grand Mistress warned
and protected Her pony with Her gloved hand as the girl
teetered in.

Where the rear passangers’ doors had used to be, a polished metal
pole had been mounted in waist high, running from side to side.

The Grand Mistress let Her plaything bend over it with straightened
legs and hooked the collar chain to a ring welded onto the van’s
floor. The slave now was nearly bent double.

Willingly the petite girl let her owner fit black latex opera
gloves, with straps dangling down along the sides, to her arms.
When Grand Mistress had buckled all straps, the slave’s arms were
bound in front from above the elbows to the wrists – once again
very tightly. They were stretched to the same ring as the collar

A calf binder, locked to a second ring, trapped her lower legs
effectively…and, sure, tightly.

As a special gift, the Grand Mistress hooked tiny bells on the
brunette’s nipple rings, then pressed a running egg-shaped vibrator
deep into the vaginal slit between Her slavegirl’s closed legs. The
love passage was already wet due to the intensity of the erotic
bondage session.

“Come how often you want. But don’t you dare loose it!” She
whispered into Her pony’s ear.

She tenderly parted the girl’s bum cheeks to reveal a cute puckered
anal flower. Grand Mistress took Her time to very gently lube up
the tiny, sensitive opening with Her finger, then inserted an two
inches long object. She elicited a long moan between pain and
pleasure from Her slave as Her finger pushed deeper and deeper into
the helpless secret hole.

“This is a ginger horse suppository, darling. It will make you
wiggle your beautiful tail for your Grand Mistress, so everybody
can see what a lovely pony you are. And on the whole journey you
are remained who’s loving you.”

With this words Grand Mistress Gillian took a rather big butt plug
with a very long ponytail made of the girl’s natural auburn hair.
She completed the brunette’s transformation by slowly sliding the
bulbed end into the soft, enslaved rectum and securing the plug to
the harness.

“Now you are truly a real ponygirl!”

Beauty imitated a high-pitched neigh.

Grand Mistress Gillian turned around and left the van. She had
obviously enjoyed putting Michelle into bondage.
And the next task She would enjoy, too.

Kate was down on her knees, her hands metal-cuffed in front, feet
also bound like before. The slavemaids had forcefully inserted a
heavy inflatable gag into her mouth and buckled the straps running
around her head and under her chin.
The down-taking and gagging of Kate hadn’t went as peacefully as
Michelle’s. She had fought and swore, and even after she had been
tit- and cunt-shocked repeatedly, the reddish-blonde wasn’t
cooperating completely.
Then the Inferior Mistress had started zapping Vanessa’s genitals.

Hearing her lover’s stifled shrieks, Kate finally had bowed to the
inevitable and led herself be prepared for more pain.

Grand Mistress Gillian examined the extensive collection of nipple
clamps in the Box of Pleasures, then chose a set of saw-toothed
ones with weights and locking screws.
Slowly, to let Her victim experience every nuance of pain, She
tightened the vicious instruments simultaneously on both of Kate’s
hardened nipples. With the standard nipple rings still in place,
there wasn’t much space left between the serrated jaws. Small
pearls of blood appeared, sensually contrasting with skin and

Kate pressed her breath sharply through the nose, but didn’t utter
another sound.

Nevertheless Grand Mistress Gillian knew that it hurt terribly.

“Tough bitch, I have to admit,” She thought.

Kate had been the only one ever who had really attacked Her, and
that was past her phase of enslavement which normally should left
the slaves broken.
Of course, sometimes wilder ones among newly arrived fresh-meat
gave Her names, spat on Her or tried to kick Her, but all learned
proper behaviour fast.
The sporty blonde, however, had waited month for the right moment.
No “I scratch out your eyes”-girlfight but hard kick-box punches.
Grand Mistress Gillian finally had knocked her out, but this whore
had even managed to bite Her!
That was now ten month ago and the Grand Mistress wasn’t nearly
through with her yet.

“Tough bitches need special attention.”

A simple hand pump was dangling on a rubber hose at the gag.
The Grand Mistress grabbed it and gave Kate a squeeze.


The rubber bulb in the slave’s mouth extended a bit.

She pumped it up some more.


The gag forced Kate’s jaws open wider, now creating real pain.
Furthermore the expanding bulb effectively prevented breathing
through the mouth.

Another rush of air followed.


The merciless wall of rubber tried to crush the blonde’s tongue and
pressed against her front teeth. Still the kneeling woman even
refused to groan, but now the pain was evident in her face.
Her mouth was opened unnaturally wide and the first cracking sounds
could be heard from her joints.

Grand Mistress Gillian made it last long. Waiting half a minute,
She studied the hate in Kate’s eyes, then inflated the awful gag


A long, agonised moan escaped the kneeling woman’s throat. but
didn’t find any resonating cavity in her over-stuffed orifice.

“Please stop!” Vanessa yelled and immediately received a shock
from the Inferior Mistress.

“Thank you, my dear,” the Grand Mistress said to Her female
paladin, then devoted Herself again to Kate’s suffering.

“Another one? Yes? Okay.”

She had to press quite strongly now.

“Ungrateful scum-hole”

The gag had alarmingly grown in size, pressing hard against the
back of Kate’s mouth, making her want to retch.
The limits of her oral capacity had been reached.
Underneath the look of hate fear became visible, and the woman
lifted her bound hands towards the rubber hose.

“Hold her!”

The slavemaids grabbed her at shoulders and arms, the Inferior
Mistress positioned Herself behind the slave, holding Her beloved
cattle prod.

Cold sweat appeared on Kate’s skin, her hot breath let the metal
surface of the nose ring piercing her septum steam up.

The Grand Mistress pleasurably pressed more air into the bulb,
parting the aching jaws to their anatomical maximum.

Now even breathing through her nose was hard for Kate.
True panic rose and she started to struggle and wriggle in earnest.

Once more, Grand Mistress Gillian’s latex-gloved hand closed to a
fist around the pump.

With a dull, wet sound Kate’s lower jaw dislocated, first the right
side, immediately followed by the left. The slave howled.
Grand Mistress Gillian gave her three more squeezes until She

“Into the van with her!” The Grand Mistress tightened the clamps
once more, brutalising the nipple flesh till pearls of blood
appeared between the metal jaws.

The two slavemaids disconnected the pump and dragged the
pain-weakened blonde away.

In the van Michelle/Beauty was groaning into her gag as the hot
suppository had started to melt in her anal tract.
Kate was sat behind her on the ground, facing the brunette’s cute,
tail-wiggling arse. Slavemaid One blindfolded Kate, slavemaid Two
passed a short metal bar under her knee hollows and over the bound
arms, then hooked cables running to a mechanism in the van’s roof
to the rings at each end.
The mechanism hummed for some seconds, drowned out by Kate’s
guttural sounds, then the slavemaids left the van, glad not to have
a place in there, too.

Grand Mistress Gillian stepped in the van once more and She liked
what She saw there: The torture-gagged bitch was obviously in even
more pain than before, hanging upside down on the Parrot’s Perch.
Her medium-long hair was spread on the floor, but her head dangled
freely like her squirming body.

Grand Mistress Gillian set the tip of Her boot to the pumped up gag
between Her slave’s stretched lips and gave Kate a strong push.
Rocking slightly forwards and backwards on the metal bar, the
blonde tried hard to scream through her useless mouth.

“There’s something else I want you to enjoy during your ride.”

The Grand Mistress forcefully dry-rammed a metal device into the
hanging woman’s defenceless arse.

“That’s a soldering iron…” She informed, found a car’s
12V-socket and plugged it in. Immediately the iron started to head
up. Kate panted in known horror.

“Don’t panic, there is a possibility to switch it off. The switch
is built as a push button inside a…what is it called? Come on,
help me with that word! I know you have it on the tip of your
tongue…Rubber bulb! Yes, that’s it!” (Very weak pun, Gillian!)
“However, you have to squeeze it to cut out the current, and you
have to hold it squeezed, of course. Since the cable is to short to
reach your hand, we have to switch to your whorish cunt.”

With no hurry She generously lubricated Kate’s lovehole
knowing exactly that the lube would make it far more difficult for
that bitch to hold the bulb in a pressed position.

Meanwhile the iron’s tip, resting deep in the colon’s last bend,
had become unbearably hot. Kate’s moans turned more and more into
cruelly muffled screams.

“Keep still, slut!” Grand Mistress Gillian pretended having
difficulties to guide the bulb into Kate’s slit, then finally

pushed it in with two fingers.

Instantly the anally burning slave clenched her vaginal muscles
fiercely, switching off the iron but grabbing Grand Mistress
Gillian’s fingers, too.

“You are indeed a greedy little whore!”

The Grand Mistress pulled Her fingers away. They popped out with a
wet, vulgar sound.

Vanessa’s face was moist with tears when the slavemaids released
her from her hook. Watching her lover getting electro-shocked and
mouth-tortured had made her suffer just like corporal pain.
The screams coming out of the van had told her everything, though
the Grand Mistress’ enviable body had blocked her view.

Now it was her turn. One of the slavemaids removed her collar, the
handcuffs and the ankle chains. Vanessa hesitated a moment, then
got on her knees willingly. She had to save her strength.
The second slavemaid brought some interesting devices which made
the beautiful Italian groan in despair.

Again the clicking of high heels on concrete – then the Grand
Mistress stood in front of her.

“I bet you can’t wait to join your companions, right, slavegirl?”

“Yes, Grand Mistress. This slave is ready to take whatever its
Grand Mistress gives to it.” The girl’s voice was weak and thin.

“We’ll see.” Grand Mistress Gillian let Vanessa’s long blonde hair
flow through Her gloved hands.
“We’ll see…”

With a quick, unexpected motion She had made a ponytail, plaiting a
strong, thin rope into it. She tugged at it a few times and Vanessa
let out a short scream, moving her head backwards with every jerk.
The mass of hair knotted to the rope gave her no other chance.

The Grand Mistress let go of the girl’s hair for the moment.

“Lie down. On your belly.”

Vanessa obeyed, just to feel her arms being painfully laced
together with wetted leather ties, hands to elbows.
The slavemaids buckled strange, heavy metal devices to her naked
heels. More leather, wider, but as wet as the thinner ties, were
wound around her ankles, then used to pull her feet to her
buttocks. Now the blonde slave could tell what these cold gadgets
on her heels were:

“Spurs!…I guess this things are normally used by Grand Mistress
to discipline Michelle, Yee-Haw!” she thought with gallows humour.

A spreader bar was placed and fixed into her knee hollows to hold
her knees wide apart. Now there was no chance for her to turn
herself to her side.
The ankle ties were then tightly secured around Vanessa’s upper
thighs, forcing her spur-bearing heels deep into her arse cheeks.
Formed similar to little gearwheels, the multi-teethed discs
weren’t just piercing the slave’s soft skin but were eating into
the full flesh with every motion like sawblades. An ideal,
automatic long-time torture that will get a tiny bit worse with
every breath. Not to mention cramping leg muscles, the car’s rapid
manoeuvres, hidden potholes…

Again wet leather, this time from her big toes to her arm bindings.
Vanessa was panting, her firm breasts flattened by her body weight,
her nipple rings stamped into the aureoles.

In her hogtied/frogtied position the tall blonde had to hold up her
head by straining neck muscles to see what was happening next.
But Grand Mistress Gillian was already taking measures to fix that
The large metal device in Her hands was called an arse hook, in
this version fitted with a 2-inch-sphere at the end instead of a
simple rounded tip. She lowered it to the girl’s face.

“Lick it!”

Vanessa reached out her tongue to lubricate the metal ball, but
after only two licks the Grand Mistress pulled the hook away.

“That’s wet enough for you, cunt!”

Insufficiently prepared, the sphere pressed against the Italian’s
rectum, parting the petals of her unwilling rosette, trying to take
them with it. So the hook started its painful journey into the
anal darkness of the unprotected passage, loosing its poor
lubrication on the first few centimetres.

Grand Mistress Gillian didn’t stop this unnatural insertion until
the globular tip was resting all dry at the far end of the girl’s
ampulla recti. Now the hook’s bend was fully embedded between
Vanessa’s shapely bum cheeks with the second, ringed end laying in
the small of her back.
Smiling about the whimpers the nasty inversion had elicited from
the young, bound female the Grand Mistress took hold of the
hair-rope and yanked the slave’s head sharply back.

Further and further Vanessa had to bend her head backwards. She
arched her back into a painful bow. Her scalp burned like fire, her
mouth opened automatically due to the strain. Then she felt the
Grand Mistress running the rope through the hook’s eye. Now her
arse was attacked, too. The spherical metal in it followed the
outer force, finding the entrance to Vanessa’s colon and sliding
even deeper into her body. The hook’s bend crushed her arse cleft
as every single hair of the blonde’s long mane was turned into a
red hot torture instrument. The front of her neck was stretched
tightly and her larynx was pressed deep into its place. The strain
increased once more, now the hook tilted, the inner end pressed
downward, trying to rip through the belly. Vanessa’s screams found
a straight line from her lungs, through her windpipe, out of her

Grand Mistress Gillian knotted the rope which was now taut like a
string chord.

Vanessa tried to avoid any motion, but just moments later severe
cramps in her back and legs announced themselves.
Suffering from her hardened muscles, she saw the Grand Mistress’
boots in front of her again. The sadistic redhead bent down to her
and showed her a obscenely long rubber dildo.

“Open wide!”

Vanessa knew much better than to refuse. She took the first two
inches rather easily, but then she started to choke. With all might
the blonde slavegirl fought back her gag reflex and allowed the
monstrous toy to penetrate her pharynx. The dildo pressed hard
against her uvula, then pushed itself past her tonsils and into her
oesophagus. Deeper it went, beyond the point where the windpipe
branched off. Grand Mistress Gillian gave her an additional two
inches, then pulled out the dildo an inch again to re-open the
girl’s epiglottis. Performing a permanent deep-throating, Vanessa’s
only protection against death by suffocation were small channels
running lengthwise and radially through the phallus. Hectically she
gasped for breath, but then forced herself to calm down, reducing
her need for oxygen. She consumed the essential element in tiny
bits, every breath a silent battle against panic and rubber.

“Be thankful that it’s not a spiked one!”

Holding herself in a state between gagging and swallowing,
Vanessa’s options to express her gratitude were limited.

One channel, running lengthwise through the rubber cock’s middle
from one end to the other, was separated and with no radial holes.
So this one wasn’t for breathing, but nevertheless Grand Mistress
Gillian had use for it. She plugged a clear plastic tube to the
dildo’s base sticking out of the stretched mouth. Then She
competently inserted the evil-looking catheter on the tube’s other
end through Vanessa’s urethra into her full bladder, adding another
source of pain to the Italian’s body. The new intruder caused an
even sicker feeling than the anal hook. Immediately a yellow stream
of urine could be seen trough the tube’s clear material, rising
pressurised from its origin, over her back and into her synthetic
mouth-lover, moistening her throat.
Just for good measures, the Grand Mistress stuffed the hogtied
girl’s vagina with a short but thick rubber plug, coated with
undefinable stuff. Grand Mistress Gillian often liked to spice up
the lube used on Her toys. Over the time, Vanessa had learned to
differentiate the various mixtures, almost tasting the “secret
ingredients” with her nether openings: Tabasco, Chile powder, even
pure capsaicine…
Today the Grand Mistress was in a gentle mood: black pepper.
The plug’s tight fit pressed the burning material deep into the
delicate membranes, forcing the tissues against arse hook and
catheter. Vanessa screamed anew.

“No blindfold for that one. Let her see her lover suffer.”

The slavemaids placed the sobbing blonde on the van’s floor, so her
face was only centimetres away from the left inner wall, her knees
just touching the right. This action ripped some hairs and some
muscle fibres but at least the girl was quickly stowed away.
Catheterised, arse-hooked, froggie-hoggie, orally dildo-gag-raped,
forcefully piss-fed; Vanessa couldn’t complain.
Half bending, half turning her head to her right until the extra
pain got too much, she could see Kate in the corner of her eye,
centimetres away. The dangling woman was suffering, too.

Grand Mistress Gillian was satisfied: all nine slave-holes plugged,
ten with the teenager’s urethra.
She gave a signal to the Inferior Mistress and the younger one
closed first the grille, then the outer tailgate.

“Hurry,” the Grand Mistress commanded, “I’ll follow soon.”

“Yes, Grand Mistress,” the younger, leather-clothed woman answered.
Seconds later the roller shutter opened remote-controlled and the
van’s engine started anew.
The journey began.


Inside the horrible vehicle it was absolutely dark. No lamps, and
the original windows had no correspondence in the inner steel
walls. The blindfolding of her two companions had just
psychological reasons. But soon Vanessa discovered that not being
blindfolded was no mercy at all. Sensing the wall centimetres in
front of her face, she tried in vain to focus her eyes on a point
in the darkness. This and the constant paining of her scalp quickly
created a nasty headache. But she also couldn’t keep herself
from vainly searching for Kate’s form in the dark every time her
lover’s metal shackles rattled or the hanging woman’s body touched
her own. From the front of the mobile prison Michelle’s nipple
bells rang sweetly with every bump.

But already after some minutes other sensations took Vanessa’s
attention. Her position, formerly painful, threatened to turn into
pure agony. Muscles she didn’t even know having cramped horribly.
The car’s vibrations worked her spurs slowly deeper and deeper into
her flesh till tiny rivers of blood were forced out of her bottom
cheeks. That wasn’t all: from experience Vanessa knew the wet
leather’s unpleasant characteristic of contracting while drying.
And she wasn’t getting disappointed. Slowly, mercilessly, the
leather sliced its way into her soft body. The Italian tried to
control her breathing, to hold it steady and even.

Please don’t vomit!

If she threw up, she would suffocate, that was for sure. And
because the dildo gag wasn’t bad enough, the acid taste of her
bladder had crept out of her pharynx into mouth and nose, during
the pepper was spicing her body’s far end. The burning sensation
was overwhelming now.

But she wasn’t the only slave in pain. Nasal, wheezing sounds came
from Michelle, mixed with gagged moans due to the suppository
taking effect. The petite brunette struggled in her bounds and
sexily wiggled her bottom, but despite all her jerking and pushing
she couldn’t get rid of the chemical heat because of the arse plug
locked tightly in her firm, little bum.
At least the indefatigable vibrator donated her sweet, draining
orgasms in regular intervals.

Behind her, Kate was in real agony. Due to the long-lasting upside
down position blood was pulsating in the blonde’s head with the
force of a sledgehammer. Her dislocated jaw ached beyond believe
from the large inflated sphere plugging her overstretched mouth.
She had to fight for every breath with her air supply almost
completely shut off. Her abdominal muscles hurt and cramped when
contracting to hold the soldering iron in her rectum switched off.
In shorter and shorter intervals the ripping pain forced Kate to
relax her vagina. Soon the iron wouldn’t cool down fully between
the pauses. She knew what that mean – from former experiences and
from fresh memories when she had let her quivering love canal rest
too long.
Slow anal burning was one of Grand Mistress Gillian’s favourite
tortures. And Kate was one of Grand Mistress Gillian’s favourite
torture toys. The blonde never had taken shit from no one, and that
made it easily for her to get into trouble. It had been impossible
for her to accept her enslavement, and so she had waited just for
the right moment for escape and revenge…and had failed.

Again the rising heat in her rectal tract became unbearable and the
pain-gagged slave clenched her vaginal muscles, exchanging one
agony for another. Too late. The soldering iron was cut off, but
still emitted heat and gave Kate the first of many serious burns.

A miserable scream gurgled out of her mouth’s destroyed mechanism.

Vanessa could hear her lover’s sounds of terrible agony, and this
only increase her own ordeal. Every movement of the van echoed in
her straining body. Now the leather was cutting deep into her and
her feet and lower arms had become numb and dark red. The pain of
the bondage being undone would be horrible!
Eventually her overstressed nerves gave up, the burning in her
vagina dulled to a tingling sensation, and Vanessa’s ability to
form thoughts wasn’t totally crushed by suffering any more.
So she started a poor try to escape her multiple tortures, letting
her mind drift away.

Where are we taken to? – No! Better don’t think about that!

WHERE are we?

Vanessa had been abducted in the bright daylight, from the open
street. With no advance warning. She never had visited adult book
stores or sex shops or even internet porn sites. She hadn’t talked
to strangers in chatrooms and never had spot a stalker.
She didn’t care about BDSM or the odd pony play Michelle was into
(she knew Kate had liked kinky stuff, but this was over now, for
sure, too).
A beautiful, sunny day in Milan was her last memory of freedom.
Her captivity had taken many month, but still she didn’t even know
the country she was in. She had heard numerous languages being
spoken in the slave camp, both from slavegirls and Mistresses.
The weather was mostly cloudy and rainy, some sun, some snow. Not
the Mediterranean warmth she had enjoyed during the summer month,
or the fresh breeze in the mild-sunned vineyards along the Mosel
river when visiting her German mother’s family. A sole tear found
its way over her strained face.
From the climate she guessed here weren’t high mountains or an
ocean nearby. Maybe North America or Continental Europe. She didn’t
recognised the van’s number plate, but the car seemed to be left
hand driven. And it seemed to slacken speed…

Indeed the van got constantly slower.

Behind her, at the car’s right side, Vanessa could more feel than
hear the crunch of the street’s shoulder. The van stopped.

The blonde girl tried to listen, fading out the sounds of the other
two slaves. The van’s holding cell was more or less soundproofed,
but pressing her forehead against the cold steel, she believed to
sense the vibration of human voices.
But they couldn’t be at their destination, not after maybe fifteen
minutes! Why had the Inferior Mistress stopped. Apparently to talk
to someone, on the road.
The realisation hit her like a white hot lightning and she almost
swallowed the phallus gagging her.
They had been stopped by the police! The Grand Mistress had said
“Hurry” and this dumb bitch had been too fast and now a patrol car
had stopped them and FREEDOM WAS NEAR!

Because Vanessa wasn’t born as a slave, she knew the meaning of

freedom and escape. Ignoring the legions of newly awakening pains

in her body she started to struggle and wriggle in her strict

bondage. She mmpfhed and grmmpfhed through her gag like a

mad-woman, not caring about the danger of vomiting or the damage

the dildo caused in her throat. She didn’t know if she could be

heard outside, but the heavy van rocked in its suspension like a

ship in a typhoon.

Something was happening! She sensed it! She knew it!

The tailgate swung up, bright sunlight fell through the bars, and
there stood two police men! Knights in shining armours, ready to
rescue the virgin princesses kidnapped by the fiery dragon!
They wore dark uniforms and had parked their car, coloured in an
never seen design, behind the Mercedes-Benz. Real police! Vanessa
didn’t care which country they were from. Police!

Both police men uttered sounds of absolute disbelief. In front of
them were three naked beauties in hottest bondage, sexily moaning,
groaning and screaming into their gags!
Their hands wandered to their holstered weapons.

“WHAT’S THAT ?!” the first asked, his English carrying an accent
unknown to Vanessa. The Inferior Mistress, now standing next to
them, was obviously nervous, but didn’t seem to lose Her head.

But before She could even answer, a third car arrived – a black
coup?stopping behind the patrol car. The cruel clicking of
extreme high heels on asphalt reached into the opened van.
Grand Mistress Gillian’s fire-red hair glowed in the warm daylight,
contrasting with Her fair skin and dark sunglasses.
At the sight of Her, Vanessa’s heart missed a beat, her skin went
white and cold, like in shock.

“No. Oh, please, NOOO!” These words pumping in her skull, letting
her vision blur.

But then, surmounting her mind’s first reaction, she realised the
meaning of the scene! Euphoria, close to hysteria washed away any
pain that her car-rocking had created:

“Yeah, join us, BITCH! I hope they’ll perform the Rodney-King-show
on Your arse!”

The first police man shouted at Her in his mother tongue, most
likely telling Her to drive away.

Now the Grand Mistress had arrived at the two men and one woman
behind the van, Her body language signalled pure domination.

She was in a sinfully tight anthracite woman’s business suit, but
Her gloved hands indicated that She was wearing one of Her latex
body cat suits underneath.

Grand Mistress Gillian talked to the wildly gesticulating police
man, obviously in the country’s language.

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