Teenage Hormones_(0)
Teenage Hormones_(0)
Sex Story Author: | JSipes7798 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Jim has settled in his comfortable chair, and Logan is sitting on the sofa. Logan moves to the middle of |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Male / Older Female, Oral Sex, Virginity |
Logan Mitchell is an athletic, 6’ 1” ruggedly handsome nineteen-year-old college freshman. His broad smile, blue eyes, and blond hair catch the eyes of both young and old females. He is aware of his good looks and mindful of the fact that his hormones are hitting on all cylinders. Describing him as a horny teenager is a gross understatement. It takes very little to trigger his erections, and every time his mother, Lucy, or his seventeen-year-old sister, Becky, come into the same room with him a significant bulge develops in his pants. He is just weeks away from his twentieth birthday and is ashamed to admit he is still a virgin. He finds that extremely embarrassing.
It’s Sunday morning, and the family is having breakfast together. Logan’s mother is wearing a terrycloth robe that comes down to mid-thigh. It is apparent to Logan she is not wearing a bra, by the way, her breast jiggle when she flips pancakes. Logan often wonders what else she has on under that short robe. Does she have on a sexy nightgown? Is she wearing lace panties or maybe going commando? He would really love to know. Logan’s Sister is wearing her usual sleeping attire, which is a long cotton t-shirt that comes down just far enough to easily cover her panties; that’s assuming she even wears panties to bed. He doesn’t know for sure. It is apparent she doesn’t have a bra on because her nipples rousingly poke at the thin cotton fabric. Logan squirms in his chair and tries to adjust his throbbing hard cock secretly. His actions don’t go unnoticed by his father, Jim.
After breakfast, Becky and her mother leave the kitchen to get dressed for their weekly shopping trip to the mall. Logan has to wait for his cock to deflate before attempting to stand. After a minute or two, he pushes his chair back and starts to rise but his father motions for him to remain seated.
Logan’s father clears his throat and then says, “Logan, we need to talk.”
“About what, Dad,” Logan innocently asks?
Logan’s father wastes little time getting directly to the point and sternly asks, “Logan, how long have you been thinking about fucking your Mom?”
Logan is astounded by his Dad’s blatant accusation and stutters and stammers before saying, “What are you talking about, Dad?”
“You know damn well what I am talking about, Logan. I was a teenager once, and I notice how you incessantly eyeball your Mother’s body. A wonderfully sexy body, I must admit. Anyway, I know exactly what’s going through your horny young mind. So, don’t try to bullshit me.”
Logan drops his head and stares at his hands which are nervously twitching and trembling. He knows he has been caught in the act and has no idea how to answer his Dad. Logan has always tried so hard not to be too obvious when lusting for his Mom, but his Mother’s breasts are like magnets drawing his eyes to them every time they bounce or jiggle under her clothes. He knew sooner or later either his Mom or his Dad would notice his ogling but chose to do it anyway. Now that he has been caught red-handed, he decides the only thing he can do is be truthful with his Dad and hope for the best.
“I am sorry, Dad, but I can’t help it,” he whines. “Mom is so beautiful, and her breasts are so inviting. I keep wondering if they look like the ones I see on the internet. I wonder if her areolae are large or small; dark or light. I envision her nipples being long because of the way they poke against her clothes. I shouldn’t admit it, but I sneak around trying to get a glimpse of them for real, but so far, I haven’t been successful.
“You’ve seen her almost naked breasts plenty of times when she wears her skimpy bikini. I would think that would be enough to satisfy your curiosity,” his Dad responds.
“Theoretically, that should be enough, but in reality, it only makes it worse. I end up with a hard-on and a strong desire to rip away Mom’s top and suck on her luscious nipples,” Logan timorously confesses.
“Wow…you ARE a horny little bastard,” Logan’s Dad says as he reaches over and understandingly pats Logan’s hand. “Just for your information, Son, her areolae are about the size of a quarter, and they are a pinkish brown.”
“Thanks for that info Dad, but that doesn’t satisfy my curiosity, in fact, it makes me want to see them that much more.”
“Well then…there’s only one thing we can do to remedy this situation. We need to arrange for you to get naked with your Mom and to give her the fucking you have apparently dreamed about.”
Logan does a double take because he can’t believe what he’s just heard from his customarily conservative Dad. He looks at his Dad and exclaims, “Are you fucking serious, Dad?”
“I am as serious as a heart attack, Son! It’s the only way you will ever get past gawking at her every time she comes into the room.”
“Wouldn’t it bother you if I fucked Mom? I mean won’t you be jealous? I know I would be jealous if she were my girlfriend and some other guy was hanging around her and putting his hands all over her body, and God knows what else.”
“Well, I do have a selfish motive for encouraging you to pursue your desires to have sex with your Mom.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sure you probably know that your Mom and I both have strong sexual appetites and neither of us can go more than a few days without sex.”
“I suspected as much because I hear the two of you several nights a week going at it like a couple deer rutting in the forest,” Logan laughs. “Which makes me wonder even more why in the hell you would be willing to share her with someone else.”
“I don’t want to share her with someone else; that’s my point.”
“I don’t understand, Dad.”
“I travel several weeks out of the month with my medical equipment sales job, and the travel may become even more frequent since my recent territory re-alignment.”
“I still don’t understand.”
“Your Mom’s sex drive is every bit as strong as mine, and I am a shame to admit that a few times I have become weak and succumbed to my desires and had sex with other women while traveling.”
“Oh shit! Does Mom know?”
“No! And you better not tell her. I need you to keep that a secret and I need for you to help me out on the home front.”
“Sure, Dad. I will do whatever you say, but I still don’t understand why you would want me to have sex with Mom.”
“Well…your Mom is only human, and when she needs sex, her desires become so strong that sooner or later, she will weaken like I have a few times. I am concerned that if I’m not there to satisfy her desires then sooner or later someone else will notice her yearning look that most women get when they really need to be fucked and they will take advantage of her weakness. I don’t want her hooking up with some stranger. I worry it might be with someone whom your Mom could form a lasting emotional attachment which could eventually lead to her possibly running away with that person.”
“Mom would never do that, Dad.”
“Well…it wouldn’t be the first time a woman did that because women tend to get more emotional about sex. Unlike men who can fuck just about anything and move on; women often become emotionally attached to a sex partner.”
“I don’t think Mom would do that to you.”
“Probably not but I don’t want to risk it. That’s why I want you to seduce your Mom and fill the need that I can’t fill while I am traveling on business.”
“Do you honestly think Mom would let me or anyone else fuck her?”
“Yes. If she’s properly seduced.”
“No, not Mom. I can’t see anyone seducing Mom but you. She not that kind of woman.”
“Son, any woman can be seduced by any man, or woman for that matter, if she has an unfulfilled need and the seduction is done properly.”
“You really, honestly believe my Mom can be seduced by someone other than yourself?”
“I do. If it is done properly.”
“Well…that’s the key phrase; if it is done properly,” Logan says. “I don’t have any idea how to seduce a woman; much less my own Mom properly.”
“That’s where I come in, Son. I am going to coach you through the essential steps to appropriately seduce your Mom. When I am through, you will have the skills necessary to seduce any woman.”
“Really, Dad? Any woman I want?”
“Wait a minute. I know what you are thinking. I’ve also observed the way you look at your little Sister, Becky. She is off limits because she is only a senior in high school, still under eighteen and not considered a consenting adult.”
“Well as long as we are being honest with each other, what about after she’s eighteen? Her birthday is only a few months away. Would you mind if I use those seduction skills to fuck Becky after she is eighteen?”
“After she is eighteen and beyond the age of consent, I won’t give you a hassle if you try your luck with your Sister, but I would prefer you wait until after I’ve had my shot at her first.”
Logan is totally shocked at his Dad’s response. “Daaaddd!” He draws out the word. “I’ve never even seen you looking at Becky that way. How long have you thought about fucking her?”
“Practically every day since she started developing those fine tits that poke through her t-shirt every morning.”
“I would’ve never guessed it because I’ve never seen you looking at her in that manner.”
“Well…I do observe her like that, but I don’t make it so obvious others would notice. There is a reason I don’t gawk, and that is lesson number one for you to learn. Stop ogling her and your Mom because it only makes them feel creepy, and it can be a real turn off for most women. You will never get to first base with any woman if you stare at her body like a hungry wolf eyeing fresh meat. An admiring casual glance is okay and is often taken as a compliment, but lustful staring is a no, no.”
“I never thought of it that way,” Logan replies.
“And remember, your Mom is not a slut, so don’t expect to talk her into your bed in a few short weeks. Seduction is all about paying attention to someone else’s needs and moving forward accordingly. If you truly want to seduce a woman, spend time getting to know her and her body language. Set an appropriate atmosphere for the seduction, and move slowly, very slowly before getting too physical.”
“What should I do first?”
“Well, you already hug her occasionally. I suggest instead of gawky; you hug her more often and maybe follow up the hug with a kiss on her neck. The neck and ears have many nerve endings and are generally not touched as often as they should be. Your Mom loves it when I kiss her neck where it intersects with her shoulder. Nibbling on her earlobe is a real turn on for her, but that’s not something you want to do right away. Let her gets used to the gentle kisses on the neck before you move to an advanced technique such as earlobe nibbling. Remember to go slow and see how she responds to different things.”
Becky and her Mom interrupt Jim and Logan’s strategy meeting when they drop by the kitchen before leaving for the mall. Logan takes that opportunity to go to his room and Googles “How to seduced a Woman.” He finds several articles and spends the next few hours studying the information. All of the essays recommend going slow, paying attention to body language, listen more than you talk and not revealing your ultimate intentions right away.
Around six o’clock, Logan goes downstairs and finds his Mom is back from the mall and is in the kitchen hovering over the stove. His Dad is sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. His Mom is wearing a light blue polo shirt and khaki shorts that hug the contours of her firm butt. She is as sexy as a sixteen-year-old in that outfit. Logan walks up behind his Mom and encircles her waist with his arms and gives her a gentle, loving squeeze. He is tempted to go higher and fondle her tits, but his better judgment tells him that would fall under the category of moving too fast.
“What are you cooking, Mom?”
“It’s your Dad’s favorite; beef stroganoff,” she cheerfully answers.
Logan rests his chin on his Mom’s shoulder and says, “It smells wonderful. So, do you, Mom.” He then gives her another gentle squeeze and a quick kiss on her neck. The effect is immediate. She blushes and goose-bumps spread across her arms. She says nothing but Logan’s Dad winks at him and gives him the thumbs up.
Logan turns away and buries his head in the fridge looking for something cold to drink. His Mom glances around to make sure no one is watching and tugs at her wet panties that are beginning to stick to her moist vagina. She feels a moment of guilt because her son’s doting attention had had that effect on her. She blushes again and squeezes her thighs together.
Becky enters the kitchen and opens one of the overhead cabinets. She rises on her tip-toes to retrieve dinner plates from above. She is barefoot and wearing ultra-tight cut-off denim shorts that look like they are painted on her cute little butt.
Logan and his Dad both dwell a long moment on her tight round ass. After a few seconds of gaping Logan clears his throat and smiles at his Dad who is still studying her sexy little butt. Logan’s Dad gives an approving nod, and a wink then returned to his newspaper.
After dinner, Becky and her Mom clean the kitchen and then join the guys in the family room to watch TV.
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