
Teacher Student Confidentiality

Adventures of Catherine Walker

Teacher Student Confidentiality

Traits of the main characters
Amy Rayne-18, White, B-Cups, Cheerleader, most sexually active of her friends, 5’10.
Samantha Mill-18, Black, G-Cups, Nerd, watches the most varied types of porn, 5’2.
Tiffany Prelin-17, Asian, C-Cups, Volleyball & Karate, stamina of a bull, 5’5.
Lily Inferno-16, White, A-Cups, Poetry, no unique sexual traits, 6’5
Catherine Walker-25, White, DD-Cups, Teacher, was born a hermaphrodite and her parent refused the surgery. Cock is a full 12 inches long and 1.5 inches wide, 5’11.

It was raining cats and dogs outside as Ms. Catherine Walker (Cat by her friends) graded her Accelerated Integrated Geometry test scores. Her was long and flowing and her sweater was purposely pulled low to embarrass the male teachers with her cleavage. Her cock twitched as she shifted her leg to a more comfortable position.
“Ohhh” she moaned
Deciding she was alone enough she freed her cock from her slacks confident that on the chance that if anybody came to her door she would have time to hide it behind her desk.
Looking up from Steven’s F she saw a group of students standing under the overhang at the school entrance. Thoughts passed through Catherine’s head with lightning quickness going from concern about their health to concern about their bodies to what she could do with their bodies to finally wondering if they could take her cock. After thinking about the last question she decided something that could quite possibly give her the greatest experience ever or get her fired and 20 years to life.
After 5 seconds of intense philosophic thought she decided 2 things, First that she didn’t become head of the math teacher’s council without taking risks and Second that chances like this only came once every 13 years and 257 days. She couldn’t however approach them while the monster between her legs so excited which left her with only one option, to make it go down and the quickest way to do that was masturbation.
Luckily for Ms. Walker she remembered to bring her custom made fleshlight to school. She had ordered it directly from Sweden and it had cost her a pretty penny as well, but it had paid for itself when no matter how many time she washed, used and abused it, it had refused to break or even tear. After getting up shutting the door and pulling down the blinds, her cock flopping all the way, she sat down at Amy’s desk. She had long fantasized about Amy when she masturbated, not unusual considering she was head of the cheerleading squad, twice national.
Pulling the main part of the desk to the right so she had room watch what she was doing, Cat got started by pouring baby oil down the exceptionally long sheath. When she considered she had poured enough to stop friction burn, she stopped and set the bottle down on the desk behind her. Lining up with the artificial hole she squeezed inside and elicited a sharp
Once she found her rhythm she increased her tempo and the only sound in the room was a low groaning and the sound of flesh slapping flesh. Inside Cat’s mind Amy was bouncing up and down on her cock as Cat roughly kneaded her nipples as she spewed obscenities (Our protagonist has a deep fetish for cursing during sex and actually devotes her bedtime masturbation time to testing out new words). Cat soon felt the oh so familiar tightening in her balls and screamed as she came.

Change of POV
Amy, Tiffany, and Lily stood outside under the overhang as they waited for Amy’s boyfriend, the school’s football team’s quarterback, to pick them up. Amy was wearing her ultra-revealing cheerleader outfit and no panties as usual, her blonde hair waved violently in the strong wind. Tiffany was wearing some khaki shorts and a graphic tee, her dirty blonde hair was short a cropped up with gel. Finally the tallest girl was wearing ultra skinny jeans with a black tee that had a skull in the middle of it; she had neck length raven colored hair and had her bangs covering her right eye. They had been standing outside for a good 20 minutes and Amy was pissed.
“Where the fuck is that loser!?” She yelled at the rain as if it possessed the answer.
“Maybe he got caught up somewhere” Lily said to Amy as she wrote in her journal, her highlights a dark blue against her pale skin.
“I still say he still messing around with that slut Sarah?” Tiffany added her own opinion to the clusterfuck, after looking hungrily at Lily, which was the question, where the hell was John?
They waited another five minute with Lily’s pen scratching at her paper and Tiffany practicing kicks with an imaginary dummy. Just as Amy was about to start complaining about John, Ms. Walker came out from the school.
“Looks like you girls need a ride, you could ride with me if you want” She offered.
“Oh you’re a life saver Ms. Cat” Amy said for the group as they picked up their scattered stuff from around the area.
When Amy had finally been assured that she had left her lipstick in her locker they walked through the school and out to the faculty parking lot in the back. Catherine told them to wait at the doors and rushed off into the rain which had gotten so fierce that the rain drops felt like sharp stings when they hit and you couldn’t see a full 5 feet through it.
After a few minutes Cat pulled up beside the doors in her purple, but pink streaked Ferrari. Needless to say the three girl’s jaws dropped when Cat rolled down the windows and expertly tossed her long blonde hair.
“You girls getting in or what?” she asked
After a scramble and a brief fight between Tiffany and Amy over who got the front seat, the girls were situated, with Amy in the front seat. As soon as the last seat-belt clicked Cat gunned it out the school parking lot and onto the near empty main road.
“So how can you afford a car like this with a teacher’s salary Ms. Walker?” Tiffany asked “Did you steal it?”
“Hardly” she replied “My dad was a wealthy business owner and he gave me a third of his money in his will.”
“Cool” Lily commented absently mindedly from her book and as Tiffany turned to her to show her something at waist height so Cat couldn’t see.
“Sooo” Amy began brushing stray hair out her face and turning to her teacher “while we are here I wanted to ask you if there is anything I can do to bring my grade up in your class?”
While she asked she placed her hand on Cat’s right leg and started moving it up and down creating goose bumps along Cat’s calf.
“I’m sure I could” Cat replied her tone completely calm which unnerved Amy enough to remove her hand “but don’t you have the same period as Samantha? I’m sure she would be more than willing to tutor you; oh wow speaking of Samantha there she is right there.”
Ms. Walker pulled up alongside Samantha who had pulled her broke down moped under a tree where she was protected from 80% percent of the rain. Samantha had on a long pleated skirt and a plaid shirt. Needless to say she squeezed in the car to escape the rain, her breasts jiggling as she crawled over Tiffany and Lily. As Cat pulled away Amy turned on the radio just in time to catch an announcement that the road was flooded trapping a local high school quarter back on top of his car.
“Well at least he wasn’t cheating” Tiffany muttered
“Oh no where will we go now?” Amy said aloud.
“Calm down girls” Cat said “my house is only a few blocks away from the school, that’s why you never say my car before, I usually walk.”
Sure enough her 2 story house was only a few seconds away (33.885 to be exact). Cat had left her garage opener at the school so they all had to run across the grass and well decorated path to the front door. Once inside they practically collapsed on the floor in their soaked clothes.
“Come on girls let’s get out of these wet clothes and take showers. I have a special device I bought on an infomercial that air dries your clothes 10 times as fast so by the time we are done they should be done as well.”
After getting Samantha to agree, the group trudged upstairs. Tiffany and Lily said they would bathe together in the guest shower and Samantha would go after them. Amy said that she would be double showering with Ms. Walker, not knowing what was in store for her. Inside the master shower Amy was getting undressed while the water heated up, Cat however was spiking Amy’s sprite with an aphrodisiac pill that she usually used on hookers so they wouldn’t remember where she lived.
Handing a glass to Amy, who downed it one gulp, she pretended to drink while Amy hoped in the shower. Once she was sure that Amy was locked in the shower, she moved across to the bathroom to a two-way mirror she had installed, dropping her robe along the way. After removing the child-hood painting from in front of the mirror she had a great view into the guest bathroom.
Inside were Lily and Tiffany taking a bath, they were however doing more than taking a bath as they were French kissing. Tiffany was dominating the taller girl’s mouth like a pro, while she had hand on her tit and the other was out of sight beneath the water, but from Lily’s squirming it wasn’t too hard to guess where it was. Cat couldn’t believe her eyes, it was like she had a house full of sluts and the only real challenge would be Samantha, but judging by her phone history (which Ms. Walker confiscated one day) she watched tons of porn.
While Catherine contemplated how to effectively drug the other girls Tiffany had stood up revealing her and all her six pack glory and moved to the other side of the tub, her crotch hidden. Thinking they were done Cat stopped stroking her cock and bent to retrieve the painting. When she looked back up Lily had started eating Tiffany out from what Cat could see from her position. Quickly putting the picture back up Cat shuffled back to the shower which she unlocked.
“Amy could you do me a favor and turn around while I get in the shower?” Cat asked.
“Sure thing Ms. C.” Amy replied giggling slightly delirious.
Stepping into the large shower Cat closed the sliding door behind herself.
“Want me to wash your back?” Cat offered.
Amy complied simply by sinking to her knees and moving her hair out the way. Seizing the soap Cat lathered her cock with soap and then began to use it as a loafer.
“Ohhh your sponge is so slippery” Amy giggled
Her balls made slapping sounds as Cat began to thrust on Amy’s back.
“Ready for some shampoo?” Cat asked gently grabbing Amy’s hair.
“It’s how I keep my hair sleek and shiny after all so yeah” Amy agreed.
So without further words Cat grabbed a handful of loose hair and released her sticky payload. Cat came for a good 20 seconds given Amy’s hair an even coating.
“Ugh” Cat sighed as she finished “You can go head and turn around now.”
Swinging around Amy received a face full of limp cock.
“W-What is that!?” Amy asked unable to bring herself to any type of action because of the drug and burning sensation in her loins which had caused her to start fingering herself during Cat’s absence.
“Does it really matter?” Cat replied “Just suck it and if you do a good job I’ll give you a reward in that slutty pussy of yours huh?”
The thought of getting rid of this burning sensation filled her mind. She started by running her tongue along the 3 inch limp dick, stopping every other time to flick Catherine’s balls with her tongue.
“Ohhh!” Catherine groaned, making her happy that she had installed sound proof walls a few months earlier when neighbors had made complaints of noise and limping women leaving the house.
Cat’s pole gradually grew longer under Amy’s expert ministrations. Deciding to take initiative Cat seized the back of Amy’s head and held as her cock grew to its full size inside Amy’s mouth that was lucky to have received deep-throating lessons in preparation for her boyfriend John. Cat felt every sensation as Amy slapped away at her growing cock with her tongue. For lack of a better definition it was heaven on earth.
When Cat reached her full length she pulled out agonizingly slowly from Amy’s mouth. Finally she got her full foot out with a wet *PLOP!*.
“You’ve been a bad girl haven’t you?” Cat growled
“Mmmhmm” Amy moaned still furiously fingering herself.
“Bad girls need to be punished don’t they?” Cat continued and was answered to by another gratuitous moan.
Using her cock as a makeshift police baton Cat began to slap Amy in the face with her rod. *Slap Slap Slap!* Cat had even turned off the water so she could better revel in the glorious sound. Cat continued from Amy’s general face to her lips in which case she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Going from her lips and then down to Amy’s relatively small B-cups.
“I think you’ve had enough my little shower bitch.” Cat growled still deep in her officer roleplay “Now it’s time for a cavity search!”
Dropping to her knees Cat set her cock against Amy’s stomach as she leaned in and captured her lips. At first it was just tongue then it progressed into Cat’s tongue trying to put Amy’s tongue in a submission hold. Deciding to press her advantage Cat started roughly pinching Amy’s nipples which caused the teenager to moan into Cat’s mouth. Which she thought the cheerleader was ready Cat pushed Amy onto her back and the teacher set her cock against the cheerleader’s opening.
“Are you sure you want this?” Cat asked Amy knowing good and well that the burning in her loins had graduated to a full on inferno.
“JUST DO IT!” Amy yelled
“Fine, but when I do I want you to scream and use every swear word you knew deal?” Cat asked
Amy said nothing, but furiously shook her head. Sealing her fate Cat pushed her way into Amy’s sopping pussy and when her balls clapped against Amy’s ass Cat vision flashed to her being locked up inside a jail cell. However the feeling was too good for Cat to concentrate on anything other than Amy’s pussy. Amy’s walls squeezed her staff like a Russian pro wrestler forcing Cat to kneel over Amy and swear.
“Come the fuck on! Fuck this tight pussy as hard as you can! I know you can do better than that you fucking hung whore.” Amy kept up her end of the bargain.
On Amy’s end everything felt just as good if not greater. The drugs were pumping strong through her system and would continue to do so for the next 2 hours. Cat on the other hand was getting back cramps from thrusting in this position, grabbing Amy’s firm ass she stopped thrusting and then stood on one knee at first then the other, slowly rising from the shower floor with Amy hanging on by her cock.
“Ohhh!” Cat yelled
“Ohhh shit! You’re stirring up my pussy! You’re so deep!” Amy yelled as she climaxed which was ignored by Cat.
With a bestial yell Cat rose from the floor and slammed Amy against the wall and started pounding her against the wall. Cat then took one of Amy’s nipples in her mouth and started rolling it around with her tongue causing the girl to groan even more if that was even possible.
“You’re so fucking good” Amy gasped as she had her 2nd orgasm.
After a few minutes Cat felt the tightening in her balls for the 3rd time that day.
“Ahh shit!” she said as she pulled out not wanting to impregnate the teenager like she did that one hooker who she had to spend a fortune on to keep quiet and get an abortion.
Without a cock to keep her up Amy collapse to her knees, because Cat had literally fucked her up off the floor.
“Take my load you dumb bitch!” Cat yelled as she blew her load directly on Amy’s face and blonde hair.
She aimed her cock directly into Amy’s open mouth and came all over her face.
“Go head and wash up then come down stairs” Cat ordered as she and her limp dick strode out the shower and hit the water knob on their way out.
Deciding to check in on the 2 lovebirds Cat removed the painting and was shocked at what she saw.

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