
Teacher Pt. 4

It’s strongly recommended that you read the first three parts before this, if you haven’t done so already. Text in italics are meant to represent dialogue spoken in Korean by one or more characters. Dialogue with grammar and syntax errors are intentional and meant to reflect how Koreans learning English often speak.

Chapter 1: Conversations and Revelations

I went home that night after that first group class with Sumin and Jihyun in a daze. Not only was I floating on cloud nine at my first threesome, but Sumin had thrown me yet another curve ball in that she seemed to be bisexual. And Jihyun had gone along with it! I don’t know if it was the heat of the moment or if that had always been inside them, but I couldn’t get the image of Sumin sucking Jihyun’s full teenage breast out of my mind. And the way Sumin had fed her fingers into Jihyun’s mouth after scooping up my cum from her tits… I’d seen that sort of thing in porn my entire life but I figured that was porn life. Stuff like that didn’t happen to regular people. But it had just happened to me. And then there was the afterwards that had my mind reeling.

After the tag-team blow job, much to the disappointment of the two sex-hungry high schoolers, I insisted that we do some actual studying. I promised Jihyun we would have actual sex next week and I was suprised to see Sumin look almost more disappointed than Jihyun did. And no, I wouldn’t get in the shower with them! I couldn’t be sure Jihyun’s mom wouldn’t check the textbook when she got home and if she saw we hadn’t even cracked the spine, there would be questions. The last thing I wanted was anyone questioning what we did in the class. They quickly showered off and put their regular clothes back on, then I hopped in doing the same. Sumin started a load of laundry after we were finished so there wouldn’t be a huge stack of wet towels to raise suspicions.

And, much to my surprise, we were able to get in a good half-hour of study time before the end of class came and Jihyun headed home. With the ice broken, I started working with Jihyun to get her caught up with Sumin in the textbook and gave her some light homework. Had to look official, after all. I kissed her full on the lips and her hand rubbed my cock over the jeans, then she left blushing and smiling. When she was gone I sat down on the couch with Sumin for a little bit and we talked about everything that had just happened.

“What did you think?” I asked her, as I put my arm around her and she curled her body up against mine. Her long black hair was still heavy with the scent of the shampoo from her shower. I breathed her in deeply as we settled in. The room was growing darker but it was late June so there was still some sunlight coming through the windows. Outside the window, lights were coming on and I could almost imagine this was our home and we were relaxing after a day of work.

“Teacher, that was soo wonderful!” she said. With her accent it sounded like wun-du-pull. Koreans don’t have an ‘F’ sound in their language. Or an ‘R’, for that matter. I couldn’t see her face but I heard the smile in her voice. Her hand was underneath my shirt, rubbing through the little bit of hair on my stomach.

“You really surprised me,” I admitted. “I didn’t expect you to touch Jihyun so much?”

Her hand stopped on my stomach and she didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds. Then, without looking at me, she said, “Teacher said… want sex thing is anything okay. Not bad.”

“Yeah, I said that.”

“When I see Jihyun and you lick the her pussy, she breathing a lot. Her… tits?” I made a noise of agreement at her correct use of the word. She continued. “Her tits going up and down and look so sexy and I think…” She paused again. “I want that in my mouth.”

I chuckled. “I know that feeling,” I told her. “I want tits in my mouth, too.” Sumin looked up and saw me smiling down at her, then put her head back down against my chest. Under my shirt her hand began to move through my happy trail once more.

“I start to touch her tits and she not say something to stop. And it feel very soft. I like that feel. So next I use my mouth and I think Jihyun like that, too.”

“Did you ever think about Jihyun like that before?”

She weighed my words and then said, “I always think her body so sexy and I envy her about that. But I didn’t think about want sex with her until she in my room and we wait for you. I want touch her a lot. And…” she trailed off.

“You can tell me, it’s okay. No sex thing you want to do is bad if everyone says yes. And they’re… old enough to say yes.” What I wanted to say was the old Alfred Kinsey line about how the only unnatural sex act there is is the one that you cannot perform, but I knew that would be over her head and I didn’t trust my Korean enough to try to translate it. Kind of like her and Jihyun with English, I could understand more Korean than I could effectively speak.

The pause stretched a little longer, then she broke the silence. “When I see you lick her pussy I little envy you, too. I think I want lick her pussy, too!” She buried her face in my shirt, as if to hide her shame. “Teacher, maybe I am lezz!” she moaned and I felt her warm breath pass through the shirt and onto my skin. Lezz is the Korean slang word for lesbian. Usually it sounds like lez-zuh.

I knew this was a serious moment for her, but I couldn’t help but laugh a little. She was discovering new things about her sexuality and Korean culture wasn’t great when it came to stuff like this. I had to take it seriously. But her reaction was still funny.

The LGBTQ community are second class citizens in South Korea, even now. They have no legal protections at all and every time legislation comes up to provide them with some, it gets shot down. Younger people were, on the whole, much cooler with it than their parents’ and grandparents’ generation, but they weren’t enough of a political force yet to change policy. So it was understandable why she might freak out if she thought she was a lesbian. I patted her shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

“You’re not lezz,” I told her softly. “It’s okay. And even if you were lezz, that would be okay, too.”

She sat up now and I saw her face was creased with worry. “But I really like her tit in my mouth and I want taste more her!” she insisted. “I want lick her pussy and I want her lick my pussy! That’s lezz!”

I admit, I was a little taken aback by her openness but then again, that’s what I’d been encouraging in her from day one.

“Sumin,” I said, calmly. “Do you still want my cock?”

“I…” she cut herself off, then considered. “Yes… I want teacher’s cock every day.” I saw the blush rise in her cheeks a little but she didn’t look away.

“If you were lezz then you would not want to have sex with me.” I watched as the gears in her head were moving.

“But then why I want sex with Jihyun, too?” She sounded unconvinced.

I know this sounds absurd but this was a perfectly rational conversation to be having with a Korean teenager. There was little to no sex education here and almost no discussion of LGBTQ issues in popular culture. Kids learned here through osmosis and bad pornos. You had to go digging around deep in the Korean internet to find information on stuff like this. The situation has gotten a little better in the last ten years but because the government has very broad censorship powers, you almost never saw any sort of gay relationship on television. It would be hinted at sometimes that a character was gay, but never shown. I can still recall a huge scandal that erupted over a lesbian kiss scene between students in a Korean drama. People lost their shit.

“I think maybe you’re bisexual, sweetie.” I said, soothingly. “Bi, it means ‘two’. Like bicycle? Two wheels. It means you like men and women. And that’s okay! I think it’s amazing, actually.” I leaned in and kissed her, and she returned the kiss but then pulled away.

I saw her mulling over my words, then something clicked. “Ah! I see that in Japan porno when the girl have sex with other girl and then man come. But I think that just because movie!”

“Maybe. They might only have sex with other women for money, but there are a lot of people who like both guys and girls.”

She pondered this information for a while, then said suddenly, “Teacher? Do you like boy?”

“No, I’m not bisexual. Some guys are, but that’s not for me. I only like women.”

She was quiet for a few moments then, tentatively, she asked, “Really it is okay if I do like that?” She looked up at me and studied my face, trying to detect any falsehood.

“It’s really okay,” I assured her. “And I think Jihyun liked that, too. I think she might let you lick her pussy. But maybe don’t tell your mom or other friends you like girls. At least not unless you think they will not be angry.”

Some people might not like that I told her to hide her sexuality, but Korea can be brutal to non-heterosexual people. For all I know her mother might kick her out of the house and leave her homeless. A big portion of homeless kids in Seoul were from the LGBTQ community. Kids at school might ostracize her, bully her, there was no way to tell. Younger people are generally more accepting but best not to take any chances.

Sumin gave me a wicked grin, then straddled me, kissing me passionately. When she broke away for a breath, she said “Thank you, teacher! You are best teacher.” She laid her head on my shoulder and we sat in silence for a while, just holding each other.

“Teacher…” she said softly into my ear, her breath hot on my neck as her voice trailed off. And I could hear it in her voice. I knew what she wanted to say, because I wanted to say it too. I’d wanted to say it for days. But once you said it, it was out there. You couldn’t take it back.

I lifted her off me and met her eyes in the darkness. Neither of us spoke for a long moment.

Finally, I broke the silence. “I know, sweetie. Me, too.”

Chapter 2: Patience

I was a ball of sexual frustration for the next seven days. And of course the new group chat on Kakao wasn’t helping. Sumin had invited Jihyun into our chat and the bulk of it was between the two of them, but occasionally it involved me, too. As a precaution I had all of them change their phone passwords and add password protection to Kakao as well, since that was a thing that could be done. The less chance of someone getting into their phones and seeing our conversations and photos, the better. All photos were to be deleted before they went to bed, no exceptions. And a hard delete, not just put in the trash can. Our chats were erased every 24 hours as well. I was taking no chances. We all set up daily alerts on our phones to remind us.

In the time between that though, there were a lot of pictures passed around. Sumin would post a picture, nude or otherwise, and then Jihyun would have to post one, too. The hottest ones were when they were clearly still in school and wearing their uniforms.

Almost all public schools here require uniforms. The school Sumin and Jihyun attended required the girls to wear white short-sleeve button-down shirts with plaid cuffs around the shirt sleeve collars and a matching neck collar. They wore skirts with shorts underneath in the summer and pants in the winter. The shirts were made tight because of pervy administrators calling the shots and it was most notable on Jihyun’s busty physique. The fabric of her shirt was pulled tight across her breasts much more so than Sumin’s more modest bust size. According to her, it was the biggest size she could get. She hated wearing it because the boys were always staring and so were some of the teachers. She did like sending it to me, though. She said she liked it when I looked.

Jihyun, knowing how much I liked her breasts, started sending a lot of pictures with her uniform buttons unbuttoned, exposing her bra. Sometimes she would flash a nipple and at other times they would send pictures flashing their ass, or with breasts exposed fully. At first Jihyun was sending them for my benefit but Sumin was making as many, if not more, appreciative comments and soon Jihyun was saying things like ‘this picture is for you, Sumin’. Sumin would comment about how she couldn’t wait to suck them again, or lick my cum off Jihyun’s tits, and Jihyun loved all the attention. I would send them dick pics in return, sometimes also from my job. I’d go into the bathroom and into the stall and snap a pic and they’d tell me how much they couldn’t wait to have it.

One night, I was working late grading tests and was the last one in the office. It was a real challenge to get the work done in a timely fashion and after a while I simply gave up. The girls were already at home, safe in their rooms and the sex talk was picking up. Sumin sent a short video of her masturbating, her fingers sliding up and down her soaking wet pussy, and Jihyun sent a video of her sucking one of her nipples into her mouth. They then demanded a video from me. I went to the front of the academy, locked the door, and then back into my classroom. Assured that I was alone, I moved the papers off my desk and set my phone up against one of my vertical organizers. Once I was sure that the camera had a good field of view, I pulled out my cock and jerked off onto the desk. The girls both loved it and I’ll admit the idea of doing that in my classroom was a pretty big turn on.

Jihyun was very interested in learning how to masturbate, herself. She confessed to feeling incredibly horny and when Sumin told her to get herself off, she admitted that she didn’t know how to do that and had never done it before. Sumin promised to show her in our class next week, which I couldn’t wait to see.

One thing that they hadn’t discussed, and which I hadn’t brought up, was their feelings of attraction for each other. It was clearly a growing thing judging by the way they had started talking to each other in chat, and I encouraged it but didn’t ask them any direct questions about it. I figured they were still very uncertain about how that would play out in the future and didn’t press. However, Sumin told me in our private chat that she couldn’t wait to explore more with Jihyun. I loved the idea. I couldn’t think of anything sexier than taking Sumin from behind while her face was buried between Jihyun’s thighs. Or of fucking Jihyun on her back while Sumin sat on her face.

Needless to say, my work suffered. I was often distracted in class and I was holding my breath a lot trying to get my erections to deflate. Which would make me dizzy sometimes and I got a few headaches. Thankfully I teach behind a podium and I didn’t have to risk the students seeing the bulge in my pants.

The girls were in a similar situation. Sumin said she was horny all the time and said she was always looking for an excuse to slip away to the bathroom to try and relieve some of the tension. She said trying to be quiet in the stall was the worst of it. Visions of her in her school uniform with her skirt bunched up around her waist and fingering herself to a silent orgasm while her classmates walked by drove me insane.

Chapter 3: Team Work Makes the Dream Work

All of us were ready to crawl out of our skin by the time Saturday came. Life had become something that happened in the background while we waited for our ‘class’. I don’t know what happened within the girls’ social circles but my friends had started to notice. I barely posted on social media and turned down multiple requests for weekend hangouts. I started getting messages asking if things were okay. I told them I was fine, just busy with a lot of extra classes but that we’d hang out soon. But honestly, I didn’t much care if we did or not. I had more important things going on.

I approached Sumin’s door that afternoon and punched in her door code myself, not ringing the bell. It felt wrong somehow using the door code for Sumin’s house like it was my own. That simple act more than almost anything else drove home the illicit nature of what was going on. I was walking into Sumin’s houseーher mother’s house reallyーlike it was mine.

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