
Teacher Pt.-3

It’s strongly recommended that you read parts one and two before this, if you haven’t done so already. Parts in italics are meant to represent dialogue spoken in Korean, by one or more characters. Dialogue with grammar and syntax errors are intentional and meant to reflect how Koreans learning English often speak.

Chapter 1: Busted

Sumin and I had both shut our phones off during our time together so there were no distractions. So after I had dropped her off downtown and she reactivated her phone, there were several Kakao messages that came through all at once. The most relevant being from one of her school friends, Jihyun.

“Teacher, what I should do?” she had pleaded.

Fuck! Fuck fuck! God damn fuck son of a bitch! This could be bad. Already I started calculating what it would take to leave the country, where I would stay when I randomly showed back up in the States and how I would explain my sudden arrival. “Well, see mom and dad, I had an affair with a student and I had to flee the country just ahead of getting fired, being publicly shamed, and run out of town on a rail. Is the guest room still available?”

Yeah, not a conversation I wanted to have. And all of that wasn’t even mentioning the absolute tarring and feathering I’d take from the teacher community. The actions of one teacher tended to reflect poorly on the whole group. I’d be lynched, metaphorically speaking. It wouldn’t matter that I wasn’t the first teacher to do this, or that it wasn’t illegal, it would only matter that I got caught. Hell, Korean teachers would sexually assault students and not even lose their jobs. Not kidding. But I was a foreigner and different rules applied to us.

I snapped myself out of that downward spiral and tried to focus.

Me: What did your friend say?

Immediately screen caps of their conversation popped into our chat. All in Korean, but I could understand well enough. Some of my translations are not literal, just approximate. Koreans don’t really say ‘OMG’ or ‘WTF’ for example. But there are equivalents.

Jihyun: Hey! I thought you said you were busy today? What are you doing downtown?

Jihyun: OMG whose car was that? Was that a foreigner? You kissed him! WTF?!? (shocked) (shocked) (shocked)

Jihyun: Answer me! (angry) (angry)

Jihyun: Where are you going? You’d better tell me what’s going on! Do you have a foreigner boyfriend? How old is he? Is he paying for sex? Are you crazy?

It was actually a perfectly logical assumption for Jihyun to think that Sumin was engaging in prostitution. The reality was that a lot of high school girls did that, and unfortunately. They would read online that it was easy money they could use for shopping and as I mentioned early on, image was everything here. If your parents weren’t rich enough or as free with their money as you liked and you wanted to buy the hottest new fashion, there were online cafes and group chats where arrangements could be made.

But the girls meet up with some old guy, give him a handjob or blow him, let him grunt on top of them for a few minutes, and they’ve got a hundred bucks for shopping. I hadn’t thought about that at the time, but it happened here enough that of course her friend would think Sumin had started selling her body.

The timestamp indicated that she had finally answered a little while after I dropped her off and she had reactivated her phone.

Sumin: What are you talking about, I’m at home studying. I didn’t go downtown today. (confused)

Jihyun: Yah. Do you wanna die? Don’t lie to me, I saw you! I called your name but you didn’t hear me! Then I saw you get into that car, the blue one with a foreigner guy. I was almost to the car when you started kissing him! (OMG) (OMG) Are you selling yourself?

Sumin: What? Never! I would never do that! (shocked) (shocked)

Jihyun: Then is he your boyfriend? How old is he? Is he a soldier? Did you have sex with him? Does your mom know? (OMG) (OMG)

Sumin: No, I…

Jihyun: I’m calling you! You’d better answer this time!

And that’s where the conversation ended.

Jihyun had the right of it. She’d caught us red handed. My car, a three-year old Avante, was blue. If it was white or black there might have been wiggle room since, no joke, 99% of the cars in Korea of any make and model are white, black, or grey. Not me, though. I had to be the rebel and get the blue car. Such was my panic that I briefly considered setting the car on fire and driving it off a cliff. Gotta hide the evidence.

Me: Did you tell her?

Sumin: (crying)(crying) I say a little. Teacher, she already know and she know if I lying. What do I do, teacher? I’m so sorry ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ I try to keep secret! (crying) (crying)

Me: It will be okay, don’t worry. Did she tell anyone else?

Sumin: No, Jihyun is best friend and she won’t say to other person I have boyfriend. But I still scary. I don’t want you to be problem because me. (worried)

Me: Hey, it’s not because of you. It was an accident. I’m not angry. It will be okay, I promise.

Sumin: (nervous smile) Teacher what do I do?

Me: What did you tell her?

Sumin: I tell her you are not boyfriend but that we have date today. I think she know you are my English teacher. I say to her we are not have sex but I think she know I lie. (scared)

Me: Okay. That’s not so bad. Is your mom home?

Sumin: Not yet. Maybe soon.

Me: Okay. Try to get some rest and don’t worry. We’ll talk about this on Saturday, okay?

Sumin: … Okay teacher. I wish you are here now. (heart eyes)

Me: So do I. We’ll talk soon.

Chapter 2: Damage Control

The next day was torture. Sumin and I chatted a little bit but there was no flirting, sexting, or photos. We were both a little too tense. I learned that Jihyun had cornered her in school and decided conclusively that Sumin and I were having sex. Sumin doesn’t have much of a poker face, apparently. It was one thing to deny via messages, another thing to look someone in the eye and tell them the same lie. Once she realized she couldn’t bluff her way out of it, Sumin had admitted that she had had sex with me.

From the way it sounded, Jihyun had thought that was amazing. She pushed for all the sticky details, but Sumin had done her best to not give anything away. She was fighting the good fight however, I could tell she was very stressed out and my heart ached for her. She didn’t want to be the one responsible for all the bad things that would happen if word got out. I felt terrible because I didn’t want her to feel like it was her fault. Especially when it wasn’t. Her friend spotting her downtown was a freak occurrence. When you got right down to it, I was the adult in this situation and it was ultimately I who allowed this to go as far as it had.

As I approached her building for our normal Saturday lesson, my stomach was in a knot. I had a podcast playing through my headphones but I had stopped pretending to listen a long time ago. In the elevator up I had wild visions of police waiting for me at her floor and being led off in cuffs as they looked for a way to throw me in jail, even though I hadn’t technically broken any laws. There were no cops, of course, I needed to stop being so melodramatic. But Sumin did open the door before I even hit the bell. It swung open quickly and I could see immediately that she’d been crying. Her eyes were a little puffy. Not like sobbing uncontrollably with snot dripping out of your nose, but she clearly wasn’t having an easy time.

As soon as the door closed behind us we embraced and I kissed the top of her head.

“Hey,” I said, trying to sound soothing. “It’s going to be alright.”

“Really? How do you know?” Her voice was a little muffled with her head buried in my chest and I could feel my shirt grow damp as a few fresh tears flowed. She sniffled.

“Did Jihyun tell anyone?” I asked, already knowing the answer.


“Then she’s probably not going to. She didn’t tell her parents, or your mom, or any other friends.” I was doing my best to sound reassuring. I figured if she hadn’t already run to tell a teacher or her own parents that Sumin was having sex with an older foreigner the chances were good that she wouldn’t. Maybe our worlds weren’t about to crash down around us.

My words seemed to have the desired effect and Sumin pulled away. She brought her eyes to mine and I could see her searching my face, perhaps trying to determine if I really believed what I was saying. I guess she was satisfied because she grabbed me by my belt and pulled me straight into her bedroom. I almost tripped trying to get my shoes off before stepping out of the entryway. (Wearing shoes in a Korean house is one of the biggest cultural taboos there is.)

She dragged me through the door and, with a surprising amount of strength for her small frame, pushed me onto her bed, then straddled me. We started making out heavily, each of our hands running over the other’s body as much as the position would allow. After a few minutes of uninterrupted necking, as the kids say these days, we broke for air. She could feel the hardness in my crotch and she pushed down on it knowingly.

Chapter 3: Ride ‘em, Cowgirl

“I missed you, teacher.” Her eyes kept scanning my face.

“I missed you too, Sumin.” I slipped my hands up the back of her tank top and gave her a back scratch. She arched into it immediately, like a cat. I let my hands continue up the back and the shirt slipped effortlessly over her head exposing all that light tan skin. She pressed harder into my crotch as my hands began to massage her breasts.

“I want to have sex now, teacher. So stress yesterday and today.” And she began to unsnap my shirt buttons.

“Say, ‘I want to fuck you’ or ‘I want you to fuck me’ instead of ‘I want to have sex now’,” I told her. “It sounds better. Sexier.”

With my shirt open, she brought her face in close and began to kiss my chest and my nipples, which she knew I liked. Then she started upwards towards my neck, which she also knew I really liked. Her hot breath tickled the hairs on my neck and I felt the hairs on my arm stand up. Her teeth found my ear and she nibbled on it, then she whispered low into my ear, “I want to fuck you, teacher. I want your cock! I every day masturbate because no your cock…” I groaned as she started to bite the skin on the side of my neck and my hands slipped under her shorts. No panties again. That’s my girl.

I sat up, pulling her tight to my body as we began to make out again in earnest. After a moment, I rolled her off me and then got up to begin undressing. All she did was slip off those little shorts she was wearing. I fell upon her then, our naked bodies writhing together. I let her push me onto my back once more and she straddled me. Her hips flexed backward and forward as she moved my cock towards the front, then sat down, running her slit up and down the length as she braced herself on my chest and moaned. I moaned right along with her.

“You’re so beautiful,” I told her, enjoying the hot slickness of her as she continued to move back and forth. Her hair was over her shoulders and cascaded down in a long black wave, almost to her stomach. Her nipples would peek through every so often as her hips never ceased their motion along my shaft. I wasn’t wearing a condom but she didn’t seem to care and I was too in the moment to stop her. I knew I should have but her taking control was such a turn on that I was worried if I did, it would break the spell.

After what seemed like hours but was probably less than a minute, Sumin decided she was ready. Raising her hips slightly, she took my slick cock in her hand and guided it to her pussy. Once she had it lined up, without waiting, she plunged herself down on my cock, causing both of us to cry out simultaneously. Her pussy still gripped like a fist and I could feel the walls of her opening move down my full length until we were pressed together. Her hands were braced on my chest and her nails pressed in a little painfully as she shuddered at the sudden but welcome intrusion. Her back was arched and her head back as she adjusted to me inside her.

I’d never entered her so forcefully before, so I’m not sure if she knew what to expect. While she was definitely no longer a virgin, this was only what… our fourth time?

“Teacher!It’s so much better without a condom” she half groaned and half growled as her hips began to move. “Mmmmm… I love your cock!”

“I love your pussy!” I told her as I began to try and match her rhythm. And I had to agree. I’d used condoms so much in my life that I’d almost forgotten how good bareback feels. Not knocking condoms, but god damn.

She brought herself down and put her head against my neck and began to suck me and bite me. “Fuck me, teacher! Fuck me!”

When a teenage Korean sex kitten tells you to fuck her, you fuck her. I began to arch my hips into her as she whimpered into my ear. Her chest lay flat against me and I could feel the tenderness of her breasts smashed against my chest as I thrust upwards. Sumin was in a world of her own. With her head on my shoulder I could hear her whispers of pleasure. Each thrust of mine brought a quiet but high pitched exclamation of ‘yes!’ from her, but in Korean it sounded like jo-ah. “Jo-ah, jo-ah, jo-ah!”

She pushed herself up after a couple of minutes, which was good because that position was wearing me out a little. She rocked back and took me as deep as possible. I felt my cock hit something solid inside her pussy and saw her wince a little as she readjusted. Then, hands once again braced on my chest, she began to move herself. Slowly at first as she found her rhythm, then a little faster.

Her eyes widened as they met mine. She’d found a new form of pleasure, one where she could control the speed and the depth. I’ve found that it’s best not to move when the woman wants to set the pace, no matter how much I want to. Tends to just throw things off.

As she began to experiment with positions and speed, I busied my hands caressing her body and telling her how amazing she was. Once she’d found a pace that worked for her, she started fucking me in earnest, her moans filling her bedroom, and echoing off the bookshelves filled with course books. Her pussy gripped my cock like it had a will of it’s own and her body quivered as her first orgasm began to overtake her and her pussy squeezed around the hard flesh that was giving her so much pleasure.

“Teacher!” she gasped. “Teacher! Ahhh!” Her cry trailed off as her muscles unclenched and she sagged down, laying herself once again on my chest while my dick was still throbbing inside her. I flexed it, knowing she could feel it swell slightly, and she purred, moving her small hips in a slight circle. I kissed the top of her head and said, “Roll over onto your back.” she complied and I positioned myself between her legs and then folded her legs up and placed her tiny little feet on my chest. Her ass was arched up slightly and her swollen pussy bulged out almost obscenely between her thighs, which were pressed together. She curled her toes, pinching the skin of my chest which made us both smile. Looking into her eyes I began to run the head of my dick slowly up and down her soaking wet pussy. She pushed forward, trying to capture the head, but I moved back just enough to keep her from swallowing it. She pouted.

Chapter 4: Teasing

“Does my little sex monster want more cock?” I said, playfully.

“Yes, teacher. I want more your cock.” She grinned at our little game and I saw a blush rise up in her cheeks.

I rewarded her by pressing my shaft firmer the lips of her pussy, gliding the ridge of my cock along her clit and then pressing up, sliding each vein along the tender little nub, making her shudder. As I pulled back, she pouted some more with a little ‘hmph!’ and her hips were pushing upwards again, trying to find my dick.

“Are you my slut, baby? My little teenage slut?” She knew fully what the word meant and she embraced the title. At least while we were in the bedroom.

“Yes, teacher!” she whimpered “I’m your slut. Fuck me, teacher…”

I put the head of my dick against her eager hole and inserted it just a little, maybe an inch. She inhaled and pushed herself forward, but I backed out.

“Yaaaaah!” she half cried, half laughed. I conceded a little and began to run my cock back up and down her pussy, stopping at the bottom to let just the tip enter her before pulling out again.

“Not yet,” I told her, grinning. “I want you to say please. Say ‘please fuck me, teacher.’

Her eyes were closed as my cock found her opening again, giving her just a little before pulling out again. I was in almost as much agony as she was. It was extremely erotic drawing these reactions from her, hearing her say those words, knowing that all she wanted in the world at that moment was my cock, but I held off. One of the advantages in our age gap was I’d developed much more control and patience than when I was a kid. I tried to use that to my full advantage. I never could have done this when I was her age.

“Please fuck me, teacher!” she panted. “Fuck me! I need teacher’s cock!”

“Look at me, baby.” I told her.

Her dark round eyes opened and found mine and I immediately sunk my cock all the way into her pussy. I watched as her eyes widened almost comically at the feeling of my cock burying itself inside her and the breath exploded from her lungs as we cried out together. It was bliss. I pulled out slowly, groaning at the loss of feeling. I wanted to fuck her hard, to thrust into her until our bodies couldn’t handle the pleasure anymore and we collapsed into unconsciousness.

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