Tales of a Wizard’s Thief (Complete)
Tales of a Wizard’s Thief (Complete)
Sex Story Author: | Kenneth Hammond |
Sex Story Excerpt: | As for staying, there are no bars on the windows or doors.” I walked to the door and turned |
Sex Story Category: | Non-Erotic |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, Non-Erotic |
My name is Sinclair and I was born on the street. I do not remember my mother and never knew my father. I was raised mostly by various thieves. By ten I was one of the best pickpockets and could pick any lock. By fourteen I was one of the best thieves in the city.
I had an edge over the others because I could see the signs magic left. Oh, I was not a mage or wizard but seeing the signs of magic let me avoid traps that caught others. I was eighteen when I met the mage Silver.
I was feeling a little bored and it had started to rain. The mage shop was quaint with glazed glass windows. I slipped the lock easily and stepped in avoiding a magic trap on the floor. I looked around before crossing to look through a doorway. All the items in the shop were showy with gems. I was not working and did not really need money.
What drew me through the doorway was a study with a few bookshelves. A comfortable chair in one corner almost seemed to call me. I crossed to look at the books in one of the cases and pulled one down. I looked around before moving to the chair and sitting. I relaxed and leaned back before opening the book.
I ignored the tiny figures that roamed around and began reading. It was several hours before I stopped and reluctantly closed the book. I was tempted to take it with me but I did not really want to damage it in the rain. I stood and put it back before petting the small black onyx dragon on the shelf and turning towards the door.
I slipped out of the shop and even took the time to lock the door behind me. I went back three days later after stealing a rich merchant’s money chest. I entered the shop as easily as before and headed back to the study. After I was seated in the chair an amber griffin landed on the arm. I caressed it before opening the book and going back to reading.
An hour later I looked up to see the mage leaning on a staff across the room. I was caught and was not going to temp fate by trying anything. The mage looked ancient but strangely he had a sense of strength about him. He smiled, “That was a very good book.”
I glanced at it in my hands, “It has been so far.”
He gestured around the room, “All the gems and other expensive things and you ignored them to sit and read a book.”
I shrugged, “I was not interested in stealing anything.”
He smiled, “And yet you are a well known thief.”
I looked at him closely, “You know who I am?”
He straightened, “Of course. I would have come to introduce myself before but I was… occupied.”
I grinned, “Some new fantastic spell?”
He laughed, “More like a bit of boring alchemy.”
I closed the book and stood to put it back on the shelf, “You know my name…”
He bowed and gestured to the second doorway into the study, “You can call me Silver.”
We went through a comfortable looking living area and into a small kitchen. He gestured to a small table and I sat as he went to the stove and poured hot water into two cups. He sat across from me and the cup of tea seemed to slid across the table on its own. I sipped it and smiled before looking at the mage, “so I take it you are not upset that I was reading one of your books.”
He shook his head, “I do not mind. Tell me, how would I go about using your services?”
I looked at him carefully, “Why would a mage need something stolen?”
He smiled, “More like returned.”
I nodded, “Tell me who, where and what and I will look at it to see how much to charge you.”
He smiled again and started talking. I listened while I sipped my tea and finally gestured for him to stop and stood, “Give me a day or two.”
I walked out thinking about the duke he wanted me to steal his charmed amulet from. I knew it would not be hard since I had already been in his manor. I crossed the city using shadows and hidden ways.
I stood outside the walls of the duke’s manor and just looked at all the light. I finally grinned and moved to the wall as I slipped on the tight kid gloves. This was going to be one of the hard parts because the wall top was covered with broken glass.
I pulled myself up and ignored the glass as I looked onto the grounds on the other side of the walls. I lifted higher as I turned my hands to put all my weight on the palms on the very edge of the wall. I slowly rotated my body over the wall and went to one hand before placing my other on the other edge of the wall top.
I shifted my weight to that hand and moved my other over. I slowly lowered my body to the wall and climbed down. I crouched in the shadow of the wall before moving across to the wall of the manor. I moved along the wall to an inner corner and placed my back in the corner before starting to climb using pressure from my feet and hands.
When I reached the roof I paused while guards walked by below me. I reached up and swung out before pulling myself up onto the roof. I moved slowly and carefully to the far end of the roof before lying down and looking over. I scooted out almost to my waist as I reached down to the roof vent.
It took a couple of moments to work the vent loose and then I wiggled back as I pulled the vent up onto the roof. I set it down on the roof before turning around and lowering myself down and into the vent opening. The attic was hot and pitch black so I carefully lit a black taper. The black candle gave off a dim black or dark blue light but it was enough for me to see by.
I carefully moved through the attic until I came to the hatch that led down into the house. I listened before setting the candle down and opening the hatch. I blew out the candle and slipped it into its pouch before hanging from the edge of the hatch and pulling it almost closed. When I dropped to the hall it made a slight noise.
The normal house noise hid it, not to mention the sounds of the party downstairs. I went to the end of the hall and the narrow steep servants stairs. On the second floor I used a tiny mirror to check the hall before stepping out. I walked down to the room beside the duke’s and picked the lock before slipping in.
I hesitated before crossing to the huge old fireplace. I squatted and moved into it before reaching out to feel the back wall. I grinned when it felt cool and looked up the chimney. I carefully stood and pulled out cat claws and put them on. I reached over my head in the tight space and began the slow process of pulling myself up.
It was a little while before the chimney widened and I moved my feet until I could lower them into the other chimney. I moved down slowly and finally carefully squatted in the duke’s fireplace. This was his study and a single glace at the door told me I was right. A mage trap wove around and through the door.
I moved out of the fireplace and across to the window. I looked at the mage trap there before grinning and disarming it with a couple of thin silver pen knives. I opened the window and let in the night air and some moonlight. I went to the desk and the glass cabinet behind it. It took moments to pick the simple lock.
I pulled out a small amulet and slipped it into a small silk bag. I pulled out all the other jewelry and then turned to the desk and went through it. Beside a large bag of gold coins, I picked a lock on the bottom drawer and took the single silver dagger that was inside. I crossed to the window and watched the guards below before climbing out.
I retrieved my two knives before dropping to the ground below. I moved to the wall quickly and started up. I froze at the top as I heard guards returning and glanced back to see them walking past. After they were gone I carefully moved up and over the wall like I had entered. I dropped to the lane outside and moved across into shadow.
I crossed the city unseen and slipped into the tiny room that was mine. I checked all my tells before pushing on a side wall and stepping into a narrow set of stairs. I closed the panel behind me before going down to the large stone room that had been a basement at one time. The sound of running water in one corner reminded me of how dirty and suet covered I was.
I stripped and put the clothes into a bag to take out later and walked to the large stone basin in the corner. I washed and then dried before walking to my bed and laying back. When I woke up it was the middle of the day. I dressed and slipped the silk bag with the amulet into my shirt. I put a couple of gold coins in my pouch and left.
The streets were alive with rumors of the theft. I stopped at a food cart for a couple of sausage rolls and slowly made my way towards the Mage shop. Several large men stood around watching the shop and as I walked towards the front door one moved to stop me. I stopped and looked from him to the two other men that moved to surround me, “How may I help you?”
The one that had moved in front of me stepped closer, “No one enters that shop unless we search them.”
I smiled peacefully and kneed him in the groin as I hit the one on my right with a knife hand strike to the throat. I shifted my weight and kicked sideways into the knee of the third man and pulled my dagger as I yanked the head of the man I had kneed up.
I put the edge of my dagger against his throat, “if you and your friends are still in the city when I come out, I will find you. When I do, I will skin you before I gut you and cut off your manhood.”
I let him go and slipped my dagger back in its sheath before walking into the shop. The mage looked up from a ring, “Ah, Sinclair.”
I smiled, “Mage Silver.”
I crossed and pulled the silk bag with the amulet out and set it in front of him, “Would you mind if I finished the book I started?”
He smiled, “Not at all.”
I went into his library study and crossed to pull the book out. When I sat the small onyx dragon flew to land on my shoulder as the griffin climbed up into my lap. I looked at them amused and opened the book. When I closed the book hours later the griffin looked up. He looked at the other doorway and then stood and leaped into the air.
The dragon nudged my neck and looked at the doorway. I glanced at it and at the doorway the small griffin had gone through. I stood and put the book back in the bookcase and looked at several others tempted to read another one. I finally turned and walked into the living area and then into the kitchen.
Silver turned from the stove and smiled as he poured two cups of tea. He pulled a tray of meat pies from his oven and they floated off and two stopped in front of me. He sat across from me and sipped his tea, “You worked fast.”
I smiled as I broke open the meat pies to cool, “I had an opportunity and things seemed to work out.”
He smiled and pulled a small pouch from his tunic, “Five gold pieces…”
I waved it away, “It is on the house. I managed to… acquire some gold while I was there.”
Silver nodded and tucked it away, “perhaps something else. My ornaments seemed to like you.”
I glanced at the dragon still on my shoulder, “They seem to have attached themselves to me.”
Chapter One
Book of alchemy
I slipped through the crowded streets and shook my head. I always hated the crowds during festival time. The tiny dragon dropped onto my shoulder and one clawed foot pointed towards a tavern. I pushed my way through the crowd and into a crowded common room of the tavern. One look showed me a table with only one man sitting at it.
I crossed the room and sat on the other side of the table, “Alright Silver, why meet here?”
He smiled and pushed a large tankard across the table, “Because I have a guest.”
I lifted an eyebrow, “So?”
Silver sighed, “She likes to listen in on my private conversations.”
I grinned, “And you do not want her to hear this one?”
His face reddened, “No. I need something Earl Tradia… acquired from Sultan Ghadishah.”
I sipped some of the bitter ale and looked around before snatching a bowl off a tray a passing bar maid held. I poured some of the ale into the bowl and the dragon dropped off my shoulder and walked to the bowl. I grinned as Silver shook his head, “What does this something look like and where would he keep it?”
He looked around, “Either in his library or his strong room. It is a small red journal.”
Silver looked around and leaned over the table, “The pages are made of human skin.”
I looked at him carefully, “Why would you want this book?”
He sighed, “The stupid… because Sultan Ghadishah killed my old master to get what is written in the book.”
I thought about it and frowned, “I do not like touching something that is for dark magic.”
Silver snorted, “It is not for dark magic. My master took it from a necromancer. It contains alchemy secrets given by shades.”
I sighed, “Why does Earl Tradia have it?”
He shrugged, “He probably heard what it was made of and wants the terrible secrets inside.”
I looked at Silver and narrowed my eyes, “I thought you said…”
He waved away the waitress, “And what was the first thing you thought it was?”
I sat back and finally nodded, “fine.”
I glanced at the dragon as it burped a small flame, “I will see you after I get it.”
I slipped a hand under the dragon and shook my head before slipping it inside my shirt. I pushed my way through the crowded streets until I could slip into shadows. I took the dragon out and looked at it, “Are you okay?”
It crawled up onto my shoulder and I turned to make my way into the richer section of the city. There were still people here but mostly inside the large estates. The one I stopped in front of was dark and seemed to have an aura that stank of evil. I slowly walked around the estate and shook my head. There was a curtain trap around the estate walls.
The servant gate was not only free of traps but unlocked. I slipped through and glanced at the path before shaking my head. The grounds were completely covered in magical traps but the path from the servants gate to the servants entry was clear. The entire outer wall of the manor was covered in magic but the servant entry was unlocked, I opened the door and walked in.
In the entry were collars and I grinned before pocketing one. I checked the kitchen and quietly slipped passed a cook. In the hall I walked down to a set of double doors ignoring screams from the hall. I carefully checked for traps and used salt crystals to bypass a demon summoning trap.
I picked the lock and walked into the room. I glanced at the bookshelves filled with books and scrolls I did not even want to get close too. Dragon nudge me towards the desk and I looked close to see a small red book. I checked the room carefully before crossing it. I did not touch the desk since it almost stank of blood and evil.
I reached for the book and a huge glowing face appeared over the desk. I hesitated and then pulled the collar out and showed it to the leering demon. I picked up the book and turned towards the door. I stopped when I saw the six tiny cages of glittering dragons. I looked at the one on my shoulder as it seemed to growl.
I pulled a silk bag out of my shirt and knelt. I glanced back at the demon and started pulling different colored dragons out and stuffing them into the bag. I stood and walked to the door and checked it before opening it. I checked the door frame before stepping through. I closed the door quietly and walked back to the kitchen.
I slipped past the cook and hung the collar up before going out the servants door and walking to the gate. I almost expected something to happen when I walked out but nothing did. I poured a line of salt across the gate threshold to prevent demons from following before moving into the shadows.
I dusted myself with salt before beginning to make my way across the boisterous city. I used a secondary hiding place to sleep that night and was up early. I walked into the mage shop and smiled at the richly dressed woman looking at something on a shelf. I crossed and stepped into the study and went to the bookshelves and Dragon leaped to another.
I picked a book and went to sit in a chair before opening it. I looked up as the woman stepped into the room. She was looking at me as she cocked her head, “Make yourself at home.”
I smiled and held up the book, “Thank you I have.”
She cleared her throat, “May I help you?”
I glanced at Dragon as it leaped and flew to me and looked back at the woman, “No thanks.”
She shifted around, “Do you know Mage Silver?”
I sat back, “Are you always this inquisitive in other peoples business?”
She grinned, “Yes.”
I flicked a tiny dagger from my sleeve and threw it to strike the door frame beside her head, “My business is mine. Those that interfere do so at their own peril.”
Her face went white, “I am a mage.”
I smiled as I opened the book, “Than you should know better.”
A minute later she was gone and I heard Silver chuckle. I looked at the other door and he grinned, “Well done. Maybe my daughter learned something.”
I stood and put the book away before crossing to follow him. He gestured to the kitchen table and I set both the silk bag and the red book on it. He looked from the book to the bag and then at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged, “They were in tiny cages and I had to get them out. I was wondering if they were safe.”
He sighed and opened the bag and looked in before smiling and folding it back. He nodded to me, “They are flying jeweled drakes.”
I looked at the six tiny drakes half the size of my little dragon. They came out and looked around before leaping into the air. Dragon followed them with her eyes as I tapped the red book. Silver picked it up and murmured something that made me shiver. He smiled and pulled out a fat purse and handed it to me, “Thank you.”
I nodded and turned to leave only to have the six drakes suddenly land on me and cling to me. I sighed as Dragon started purring, “Okay but you watch them.”
Chapter Two
Stealing from a thief
I looked up from my meal and glanced from Silver to his daughter. Dragon lifted her head too but the drakes continued to rip and tear at the rare chunks of meat on the plate. Silver shook his head as he sat, “I never thought of feeding them instead of…”
His daughter frowned but absently reached out to pet a drake. He looked at his daughter and sighed, “I need something. My daughter had an… assignation with a mage name Poulo. While she was… recovering, he took a flask of liquid fire from my workroom.”
I looked at his blushing daughter, “How do you know he took it?”
Silver sighed, “My watcher saw him and he refuses to speak with me or my daughter.”
I thought about breaking into a mage’s home or workroom and sighed as I looked at Silver, “A day and night with your daughter.”
He raised an eyebrow as she opened her mouth. I smiled, “If she could do it for a strange mage she can be my paramour for a day and night.”
Silver looked at his daughter and sat back, “Your choice.”
She looked at me and narrowed her eyes, “Fine.”
I nodded and looked at Silver, “Describe the flask.”
Silver smiled but did not look at his daughter, “Silver with an engraved sunburst. Two hands tall, a hand wide and two fingers thick. It will be warm to the touch and I need to caution you not the open it.”
I nodded and stood as I picked up Dragon, “call your children Dragon, we have work.”
I started towards the door as the drakes leaped into the air to follow. I made a side trip to a small room I leased and then headed towards what was called Wizard’s Walk. It was an area with fancy gardens and towers. I slipped into the bushes near a garish tower and watched the strands of magic as they glowed and shifted.
Dragon took flight as the drakes settled in a tree. It was past midnight before I moved towards the tower. I avoided the strands of magic on and above the ground as I got closer. I stopped next to the stone wall and studied the glow it gave off. I pulled out a ball of string and tossed the end into the air in time for Dragon to catch it.
She flew up past the line of windows and then over a thick roof beam before tucking her wings and dropping. I caught her and took the end of the string before putting her on my shoulder. I tied the string to a strong cord that I had made special. I pulled the cord up and over the beam. When the end was back in my hand I removed the string and made a loop.
I slipped a foot into the loop and began pulling myself up. When I reached the window I stopped, I held myself in place and use one hand to toss a light gauze onto a window sill. The gauze was made from spider silk so the mage spells would ignore it. I lightly stepped onto the gauze and carefully checked the room.
I finally stepped down and crossed to the door. I checked it before opening it and stepping out, magic strands of spells went everywhere. Only one door was free of magic and I silently crossed to it. I checked the door carefully and cracked it open to see a tall rangy mage working at a bench. I slipped in quietly and moved towards him.
I stopped behind him and listened to his angry muttering before blowing dust from a small pouch onto his neck. He barely noticed and a moment later was silent and stiff as the paralytic powder took effect. I turned and looked around before moving to what looked like a heavily warded bench.
I saw the flask right away as well as several other bottles and vials warded as strongly. I grinned as I pulled out a silk bag and another small pouch. This one held what could only be called insect dust. It was extreme fine and I sprinkled it over the flask and the rest of the bench. The ward spells seemed to slid down onto the bench a moment later and I began collecting.
I turned and stopped as I saw the small cage, inside was Silver’s amber griffin, it was crouching and looked pitiful. I checked and it was not warded so I opened the cage and slipped him into my shirt. I walked out and went back to the window and my waiting cord. This time I slipped my foot in the loop and easily let my weight carry me to the ground.
I pulled the cord over the beam and coiled it before walking away. The drakes landed on me and clung to me as I slipped back into the shadows. I went home and let Dragon and the drakes fly to their beds as I pulled the amber griffin out. I set him on my bed as I undressed and climbed in. I was up early and dressed nice before leaving with the silk bag and my companions.
I slipped the lock on the mage shop easily and walked in. I avoided his alarms and traps as I moved through the shop and into the back. I set the bag on the kitchen table and shooed the drakes off as I looked around. I started making breakfast and a few minutes later the mage walked in blinking with his daughter clutching his sleeve.
He looked at me and then at the bag on the table before smiling and crossing to sit. His daughter hesitated and then went to sit with him as he began pulling out bottles, vials and finally his flask. He sighed and nodded as he looked at me. His daughter looked a little wide eyed but stood and crossed to me.
She kissed me softly, “We can use my bed.”
I smiled, “First my lovely paramour, you need to dress. We are going to go shopping and then enjoy a picnic in the King’s garden. This afternoon we are taking a nice carriage ride outside the city and this evening we will have dinner in the Black Knight Inn. Tonight we sleep in my apartment.”
Her mouth had dropped open and Silver chuckled. I nodded to the amber griffin on a shelf, “I freed your griffin too.”
Silver glanced at the small griffin and then grinned, “That is not mine.”
I looked at him and then at the griffin. Silver chuckled, “It seems to like you if it has not gone back to its master.”
I sighed and murmured, “One more.”
Chapter Three
False Note
I woke with Dragon rubbing my face and turned to look at Jasmine sleeping beside me. I never expected Silver’s daughter to become a permanent part of my life but she had. I nodded to Dragon and she leaped into the air. I slipped out of bed and crossed to the table against the wall. I looked at the tiny scroll a small jeweled hawk had delivered.
There was no sign of magic on the scroll so I unrolled it.
Sinclair, I need you to steal a scroll for me. It will be found in the royal library in the guarded section. It is in a sealed case with several traps to guard it. It will have three wax seals that must not be broken. There will be a royal ribbon around it and you must remove this with out untying it. This scroll was to be removed and sold but it must never be read so I ask for your help.
I burned the note and looked at Jasmine and sighed before moving to get dressed. She had been here several times and had awaken with me gone a few of those times. I slipped out and moved through the quiet early morning streets. I glanced up a couple of times to see Dragon, Griffin or the drakes flitting from cover to cover.
The royal library was very large and only open during the day. It was simple to pick the lock and slip in. I quietly moved along the bookshelves and stopped to glance around the last one. I smiled when I saw the old watchman sitting in a chair and leaning against the wall. I silently moved to the door beside him and checked it before using a small oil bulb.
I squirted a tiny bit of lamp oil on the hinges and picked the lock. I looked at the sleeping guard once more before slowly opening the door. The room was large with three high windows. Tall bookshelves lined each wall and glass cases dotted the center of the room. One look and I walked to the only glass case with wavy strands of magic in and around it.
I slowly walked around the case before pulling out a small wrapped skin. I opened it and pulled out a tiny vial and a small wooden dowel. I opened the vial and poured a tiny bit of the clear liquid onto the case before careful standing the dowel up in the liquid. While I waited I moved to the wall with the windows and climbed up and opened one.
I climbed down as Dragon flew in and settled on my shoulder. I stopped climbing when I saw an interesting book and absently slipped it into my shirt. I went back to the case and pulled out a small metal rod. On one end was a tiny metal bulb and on the other was a diamond. I carefully used the diamond end to scratch a large circle around the wooden dowel.
I held the dowel and used the other end of the rod to tap around the scratch. I lifted the piece of glass out with the dowel and set it down on the floor. I looked inside the case carefully before reaching in. I turned the scroll to look at it before pulling my hand out. Out of a small kit I pulled another small rod with a tiny blade on one end.
I put everything else away before reaching into the case with the new rod. I turned the scroll over and carefully sliced the ribbon on the back side. I was extremely careful not to cut the scroll and used the rod to slip the cut ribbon off. I lifted the scroll out and put everything I had brought away except the dowel.
I slipped the scroll into my shirt and climbed up to the window. Dragon cocked her head and I looked at her. She shook her head as she looked at me and I frowned. I looked at the window carefully and saw very faint almost hair thin strands of magic. I pulled the scroll and held it out, “Wait for me to come out.”
Dragon leaped and her hind legs snatched the scroll as she flew through the window. I climbed down and moved to the door. I peeked out to see the guard missing. I slipped out and moved to the opposite side of the library than the door I had come in at. I had a bad feeling and pulled the other book out and slipped it onto a shelf, I also put my thieves kit on the shelf.
I moved to a door and slipped out, I had gone barely a dozen feet before men appeared. A smug looking mage walked behind them, “I told you he would do it.”
I glanced at him and then at the city guards, “Do what?”
They snarled and reached for me only to draw back as I drew my dagger, “Tell me my crime.”
The mage started to gesture and I grinned and threw salt in his face. He screamed as he was bathed in flames and several guards threw him down and rolled him on the ground. I looked at the guards, “What have I done?”
A sergeant cleared his throat, “we were told you were going to steal a scroll.”
I shook my head and sheathed my dagger before stripping. I turned around and shook out my clothes, “No scroll, no book, nothing.”
The guards looked at each other and then at the moaning mage. The sergeant cleared his throat, “What were you doing in the library?”
I blushed and looked around, “Promise not to tell?”
He frowned and I shrugged, “I was looking in the old texts for the original manuscript for mad king Terence.”
The guards all laughed, the manuscript I mentioned was supposed to tell where he hid a treasure. I blushed, “It was worth a try.”
The sergeant shook his head, “Get dressed and go home.”
I dressed quickly and started walking, the guards turned to the mage as I turned the corner. Dragon dropped from the roof and I caught the scroll as she landed on my shoulder. I glanced up at Griffin and the drakes, “I want the jeweled hawk that brought the note to me.”
They disappeared and I tucked the scroll into my shirt. When I walked into Silver’s kitchen he looked up and Jasmine turned. She smiled, “out working?”
I raised an eyebrow and she blushed, “Sorry.”
I sat across from Silver and slid the scroll across, “I got a note this morning saying you wanted this.”
He frowned and looked at the scroll before turning it with a finger to see the seals. He hissed, “That was supposed to be destroyed!”
I shrugged and he looked at me, “I did not send a note.”
I nodded and pulled Jasmine onto my lap, “I thought as much when the city guards and that mage that stole from you appeared.”
Silver frowned and tucked the scroll inside his robe, “what are you going to do?”
I smiled, “Go to the library for my kit and another book and then find whoever set me up.”
I kissed Jasmine and stood, “see you tomorrow?”
Silver nodded and I left thinking about the other mage. I walked into the library and made my way to the shelf with the book and my tools. I slipped both into my shirt before going to one of the reading chairs. I sat and opened the book and began reading. It was not long before the guard sergeant and a commander appeared.
I looked at them and closed the book, “Yes?”
The commander cleared his throat, “An important scroll was stolen.”
I held up the book, “I am only here to read this.”
They looked at each other and the sergeant reached for the book. When he saw the title he snorted and the commander shook his head. I took the book as they walked off murmuring angrily. After I slipped out of the library Dragon chased the jeweled hawk down to me.
I caught it and lifted it to look into its face, “Silver did not send you. You will lead my friends to your master, do you understand?”
It crouched and hunched its head in fright. I sighed and glanced at Dragon on my shoulder before looking at the small hawk, “You show my friends the mage and I will give you sanctuary.”
It looked at me and then at Dragon before giving a choppy nod. I opened my hand and it straightened before leaping into the air and spreading its rainbow colored wings. The drakes and Griffin appeared to fly around it and I sighed, “I think we know where it will lead us.”
Dragon gave a nod before dropping off me and flying after the others. I headed towards the Wizard’s Walk and mage Poulo’s tower. I thought about ways in and smiled, when I reached the tower Dragon and the others were waiting. Dragon dropped to my shoulder and rubbed her head against my cheek and I smiled, “keep watch outside.”
I walked around the tower to the servants entrance and smiled when I did not see any magic signs. I picked the simple lock and slipped inside. I checked everything before moving across a kitchen with the cook busily making a meal. I slipped up the narrow servants stairs and stopped when I reached the mage’s quarters at the top.
I silently opened the door and stepped into the room. I crossed to the work room and saw the smug mage from earlier. I tossed salt through the doorway and into the thin spider web of magic. It burst into flames as I walked through it. The mage spun and began a spell and I tossed more salt. He exploded in rainbow sparks and ribbons of colored light.
He screamed and fell to the floor and started rolling around. I walked closer and stomped down to crush his throat. I sprinkled salt all over his body and waited until he stilled. I squatted and poured salt into his mouth before pulling a candle out. I lit it and slowing melted the wax to seal his mouth and nose.
I stood and looked around before walking out, it was simple to slip by the cook and leave.
Chapter Four
Making a point
I glanced up as Jasmine walked into the kitchen and smiled as the small jeweled hawk flew to her shoulder and landed, “how is the new workroom?”
She caressed the hawk and grinned, “once I have everything I need, it will be perfect.”
I had found a narrow house not to far from Silver’s shop and bought it for Jasmine. Silver seemed more than grateful when I helped her move. I stood and kissed her, “Your father wanted me to meet him.”
She smiled, “I have a project. Tell father thank you for the supplies he sent.”
I nodded and started for the door as drakes filled the room to follow. Dragon and Griffin joined them when I walked out the front door and they disappeared into the foggy morning sky. When I walked into Silver’s shop a man was talking to him and turned to look at me.
He frowned as I stood waiting before looking at Silver, “You have three days.”
He turned and brushed past me on his way out. I knew him and looked at Silver as I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head, “they want me to pay for protection.”
I opened my mouth but he waved, “I need you to retrieve something for me. Merchant Martinez bought a floating illusionary display to advertise his wares. He was supposed to pay me the second half of the purchase price. He has ignored that and so far refuses to honor the deal.”
I shook my head, “You want me to steal the display back?”
Silver smiled, “inside the display is a small silver locket. Close the locket and the spell ends.”
I nodded, “sounds easy enough.”
I grinned, “payment?”
Silver smiled, “what would you like?”
I looked toward the curtained doorway, “To read your copy of the Gods Lost Treasure?”
He was silent, “hunting for their treasure can be very dangerous Sinclair.”
I smiled and he nodded, “very well but I did warn you.”
I turned and left thinking about the arm breaker that had been in Silver’s shop. The gang that ran this part of the city had always ignored the magic users. It did not take me long to find Martinez’s large shop. The display was above the door floating in the air. A large man was beside the door sitting in a chair.
I looked up and grinned before walking down to the alley next to the shop. I used the drain to climb up to a ledge between the first and second floor. I was facing out and side stepped back to the street. I carefully turned the corner on the ledge and moved along it slowly. Quick movements draw attention so I moved slowly.
When I was above the door, the display was almost in front of me. I slowly turned sideways and knelt before carefully reaching out. My hand pushed through and into the display and I felt around for a moment before I found the locket. I glanced down at the large man before closing the locket.
I stood and carefully and slowly moved back the way I had come. I had just turned the corner when I heard someone shout. I moved a couple more steps before quietly dropping to the alley below. I walked to the other end of the alley as Dragon settled onto my shoulder and the others flew around above us.
I was thinking about the gang that was trying to force Silver to pay protection. The small shop I stopped at did not have a sign or advertise. The narrow faced man that turned after hastily closing a cabinet grinned. He glanced at Dragon on my shoulder, “Looking to sell the mage pet?”
I shook my head as I stopped at the counter, “What has changed in Gregor’s gang?”
He glanced at the door as he licked his lips, “I really can not…”
I leaned forward over the counter, “You know me. They are touching something I am… concerned with.”
He sighed, “okay, I owe you. The gang is expanding, Gregor and Doles are merging with Doles in command.”
I shook my head, “Thanks.”
I walked out of the shop and a man leaning against a wall nearby straightened, “You owe us dues thief.”
My hand sliced sideways as he drew closer and he staggered before dropping to his knees. He was holding his spurting throat as blood fountained out of it. I continued walking and ignored the man and everyone in the street as I put the dagger away. The tavern I walked to was half full even though it was early in the day.
The drakes and Griffin followed me in. I looked around as the room went quiet and started for a table against the back wall. The drakes, Griffin and Dragon found perches before a weasel faced man stepped in front of me and held out his hand, “No one…”
I cut his throat and continued without stopping. The room came alive as everyone stood. I stopped at the table and shook my head at the tall fit looked man standing on the other side, “you want to challenge me Doles?”
The room went quiet as everyone stopped moving. The man smiled arrogantly, “You do not scare me Sinclair.”
I smiled and gestured to the small open area, “Than step up and take a shot.”
He licked his lips and looked at a couple of men. I shifted to glanced at them before looking at him, “You are interfering in my business and trying to shake me down. Now unless you want me to kill your pitiful gang of sneak thieves and bullies, step out and face me.”
He sneered before moving sideways, “It is about time someone killed you thief.”
I turned so that the men he had looked towards were in front of me. I side stepped as he came around the table and he frowned as I backed up. I shifted and then stood waiting as he pulled a dagger and suddenly rushed me. At the last second I dropped and lifted my feet. I caught him in the belly and my legs were smashed back.
I kicked out and came to my feet as a man screamed and Doles crashed to the floor. I pulled a slim throwing knife as I came to my feet and threw it to kill the man Dragon had attacked. Doles came to his feet and charged me. My left hand grabbed his knife hand and twisted as I side stepped and turned.
He spun with me and screamed as my left foot shot out and broke his right knee. He went to the floor as I twisted his wrist and turned towards him to slice across his throat. The room went silent as I stepped away from his spasming body. I looked at the man with my throwing dagger in his throat and then around the room, “Anyone else want to interfere in my business?”
They shook their heads and I looked around, “Leave the magic users alone.”
I crossed to pull my knife out and stood as Dragon landed on my shoulder. I walked out and they quickly moved aside. Griffin and the drakes swarmed around me as I left and then took to the sky. I glanced at Dragon, “Thanks.”
She rubbed her head against my cheek before sitting up.
Chapter Five
Dragon tomb
I quietly slipped out of the merchant’s house and held onto the ledge while closing and locking the window. I moved sideways before climbing up the wall to the roof. I reached out and up to grip the edge before swinging away from the wall. I lifted up and moved onto the roof slowly because of the extra weight I was carrying.
Dragon dropped onto my shoulder as I stood and started towards the other side of the building. Griffin came out of the night and landed on my other shoulder and I stopped. I looked at the small creature and then at Dragon, “what now?”
She sighed and nodded towards the narrow board across to the next house. I moved on and crossed before turning to pull the board after me. I looked at Griffin as it held out a tiny message roll. I took it and nodded as I slipped it into a pocket, “Thank you.”
I crossed the roof and knelt as Dragon and Griffin leaped into the air. I lifted the now heavy pack off and picked up the end of the rope. I tied it and lowered the pack down to the ground before dropping the rest of the rope. I grabbed the edge of the roof and dropped over the side before swinging under the eve and reaching for the stone drain.
Once I reached the ground I coiled the rope and added it to the pack before putting the pack on. A small drake dropped to cling to the front of my shirt and looked towards the street. I nodded and gave it a caress before it leaped away. I turned and headed down the alley and across to a small gate.
The small garden was well kept and I moved through it carefully. I used a narrow side gate beside the building to let myself out onto the street. I checked before stepping out and starting to walk. It was not long before I slipped in the back door to my house. I glanced at the closed door into Jasmine’s workroom as I headed through the kitchen.
I went down into the basement to a corner where several large cedar chests sat. I took the pack off and opened it and one of the chests before pouring the gold and silver coins into the chest. I went back up to the study and sat in the stuffed chair Jasmine had gotten for me. I dropped the almost empty pack beside the chair as I pulled the note out.
Dragon, Griffin and the drakes flew into the room through a half open window and swirled around before finding perches. Dragon landed on my shoulder as I unrolled and unfolded the message.
I need a favor again. The Dukes council has opened the Dragon Mage’s tomb. They wish to use the treasure he was buried with. They have yet to enter and I need you to retrieve anything that looks like it might be for a workroom. There is also a tall red staff that you absolutely must get.
I will be in your debt and will accept any bill you wish to present.
I glanced at Griffin on the bookshelf, “Did he give this to you?”
He nodded and I relaxed before looking at Dragon, “I guess we are going back out.”
She rubbed my cheek before looking toward the hall doorway. I nodded, “I know, I need to leave a message for Jasmine.”
I stood and lifted the pack and went into the kitchen. I used the thin charcoal stick and a scrap of parchment to write a note, I left it on the table before leaving. Griffin and the drakes appeared around the side of the house and Dragon began to hum softly. I smiled as I looked at her, “Feeling good tonight?”
She nodded and I smiled, those that haunted the streets knew me and stayed away. The noble and mage tombs were just outside the city walls on a large hill. The gate guards did not even come out to see who was leaving. There was a half moon above us that seemed to glow brighter as we moved away from the city and the lanterns in it.
I moved through the small and large stone tombs and went towards the crest of the hill. The tombs here were larger, almost mansions. A huge tower rose from the very crest. It had a full sized dragon wrapped around it. I stopped beside the two sleeping guards and looked to the left at the huge dragon’s head.
The black eyes almost seemed to flicker as they looked back. I smiled and bowed, “I mean no disrespect my lord. One of your kind wishes to make sure what you have will not be used to harm others.”
I waited a moment before looking at the large stone doors pried open. I moved closer and knelt to pull a tiny mage lantern. I carefully began checking for traps, Dragon nudged my cheek and pointed towards one of the carven stone tiles. It was only a couple of steps inside but I could see how one corner was raised.
I nodded and kept looking, one of the things I was wondering about was why they had buried the wizard with everything in his workroom. I finally stood and stepped inside on a tile carved into a dragon. Those were the only ones that appeared safe. The entry brightened and I looked around at walls draped with black curtains.
I moved to the stairs and knelt to look at the lower steps. Right away I noticed a pattern, like scales on the tail of the dragon. I shifted and stood before stepping on the first step. The drakes flew in suddenly and then Griffin. The drakes clung to the curtains as Griffin wheeled and dropped to land on my other shoulder.
He patted my face and pointed back towards the door. I glanced back and murmured, “Someone is coming?”
He nodded and I moved swiftly but carefully up the stairs, weaving from side to side. The workroom was on the next landing and I stared around before stepping off the path of carven tiles. A roar and scream split the night and my drakes were suddenly flying around me as flames exploded from below.
I barely even glanced back before I crossed to a stone worktable. I set Dragon and Griffin on the table before taking my pack off. I started with metal vials and small bottles. When the bench was cleared my pack was full and bulging. I glanced up at the drakes, “go up and look for another way out.”
They had all crowded onto the large candelabra hanging from the center of the ceiling. They dropped and flew up the stairs as I picked up Dragon and Griffin. I let them climb onto my shoulders before heading towards the stairs. Smoke and heat were starting to fill the stairs as I carefully stepped on a scale and started up.
I stopped on the landing to look around and Dragon turned my head so I would see the drakes. They were crowded around a narrow oval window and I nodded and lifted Griffin, “check outside.”
It leaped and headed towards the window as I turned back to studying the large comfortable room. There was a central fireplace with a fire still burning in it, two large cushioned chairs were by it. There were beautiful pictures on the walls and sparkling statues sprinkled around the room. To the side was a raised stone bed with the robed wizard laying on it.
I crossed the room and stood beside the bed. The red almost crystal looking staff was beside him. I sighed at the magic I saw and slowly reached for the hand of the wizard. As soon as I touched it there was a tingling, I closed my eyes to see the wizard looking at me.
I bowed, “Lord, the nobles are planning to enter your tomb. They wish to use anything you might have left. I cleaned the items off your worktable but I was told they must not get your staff. I wish not to disturb you but they are foolish men and the Mage that sent me…”
The wizard waved his hand and seemed to look around before looking at me once more, “Take the ring on my finger and the staff. Those that have waited with me will go with you.”
He faded away and I opened my eyes, I glanced at the cold lifeless hand in mine before carefully working the bright ruby ring off. I hesitated before lifting the impossibly light staff. I slipped the ring into an inner pocket before turning towards the window. I crossed the room and turned as I heard movement.
Two large cats were following me, one Emerald and one Sapphire. I smiled, “Your master said you would go with me.”
I turned to the window and the drakes dove out and down. Outside the window was like a curving tunnel that curved around the outside of the tower as it dropped. I knew right away that this was inside the dragon around the tower. I took the pack off and slipped into the tunnel with it and the staff against my chest.
Dragon dove down and spread her wings and I waited and looked at the two cats before wiggling and starting down. As the cats leaped into the window and the tunnel, the fire went out. I slipped further down as I felt the stones begin to shift. I started moving faster, wiggling and sliding. It seemed like a long time before I reached the end.
Smoke was thick everywhere so I did not hesitate and dropped out of the tunnel. I turned to see I had just come out of the huge dragon’s mouth. The cats dropped out as the dragon moved and began to turn. I moved away quickly and felt Dragon drop onto my shoulder and turn my head.
I headed in the direction she wanted me to go as the huge dragon behind me roared. I felt flames and moved faster. I bumped into another tomb and used a hand to move to a corner. I turned as the smoke began to clear. The tower was gone and in its place was the stone dragon. It mantled huge wings before leaping into the air with another roar.
All around in the tombs were running people. I glanced down as the Emerald cat patted my leg. It nodded and pointed towards a small path down the ridge. I nodded back and started walking as Griffin and the drakes found me and began escorting me towards the gate. The two cats trotted beside me as I walked up to the gate but all the rest slipped up and over the wall.
The guards took one look and the sergeant moved out to stop me. I smiled, “Can I help you Sergeant?”
He gestured back towards the ridge, “Were you inside?”
I snorted and gestured to the cats, “My lover is a mage and wanted me to gather certain… items from the graveyard. Those stupid nobles disturbed the old wizards tomb.”
I looked towards the ridge, “Would you believe they ignored common sense. Everyone knows wizards and mages always trap their burial places.”
I looked at the sergeant to see him nodding and sighed, “I only managed to get half the moss I needed but I am not staying to look for more.”
He grinned as the other guards chuckled. He nodded through the gate and I started walking, using the red staff as a walking stick. People were in the streets talking and I carefully made my way to Silver’s. I slipped in the back door and was not surprised to see him at his kitchen table. I was surprised to see Jasmine across from him.
He was frowning as I crossed to the table, “You were careless.”
I snorted as the two large cats leaped up onto the table, “I was not the one to trigger the traps. Those stupid nobles could not even wait until it was light out.”
I smiled at Jasmine before glancing at Silver and pulling the wizard’s ring out, “The wizard said to take his ring and the staff.”
Silver stirred and looked at Jasmine. When he reached for the ring the Sapphire cat’s paw reached out to slap it. I looked at the cat but they both were looking at Jasmine. I cleared my throat, “You want her to have the ring and staff?”
They nodded and I looked at Silver. He actually laughed as he looked at his surprised daughter, “well, I do already have a staff.”
She smiled and looked at me as I held the ring out to her. She hesitated before taking it with a smile, “giving me a ring like this is permanent.”
I grinned as she slipped it onto a finger. It shimmered and then shrank to fit her finger. I held out the staff and she accepted it. As her hand closed around the staff her eyes widened and she gasped. I looked at her sharply and she shuddered before laughing and looking into my face, “He sent a message, he said you are a bold but very respectful thief.”
I grinned as Silver laughed, “To bad I did not find his library.”
Jasmine smiled and caressed the staff, “It is all in here.”
Chapter Six
Miniatures for a young lady
It had been a long tense night. I had spent most of it in the Wizard’s Walk but I had finally found what I was looking for. Jasmine said she was going to be busy on a complex project so I was on my own for a few days. I glanced at the two cats as they slipped out of the shadows. They had the trick of being able to remain unseen when they wanted.
They also seemed to love eating porridge. I held the door open for them as the drakes flew through. Dragon hummed as she rubbed against my neck and we walked into the tavern. Only a few people were up as I crossed to my table against the back wall. Young Teresa came in and smiled before turning to tell her mother I was here.
I sat as the cats jumped onto the table and the drakes landed. Griffin slipped through a window and across the room to land on the table in front of me. He folded his wings and nodded to the Emerald cat before sitting. I smiled and reached out to take the tiny message scroll from under his right paw.
I opened it as Teresa brought three large bowls of porridge. She slipped them off the tray and onto the table before pulling a small wrapped piece of beef out of her apron. She held it out and Dragon jumped off my shoulder and landed on her arm to take it. I shook my head as I looked at the message, “You spoil them Teresa.”
She grinned as she sat and started petting each of them. I sat back and slipped the message into my shirt. Her mother appeared with my mug of hot spiced cider. She set it on the table with the two thick slices of toast covered with melted cheese. I smiled and slipped her two silver pieces which was a lot more than the meal.
She smiled as she left and I sipped my tea and started eating. When I was almost done the front door opened. Silver walked in looking tired and a little strained. He glanced around before crossing to sit. Teresa blushed and stood to collect the now empty bowls. I smiled at Silver, “It looks like you had a night worse than mine.”
The cats were laid out purring with all the drakes draped over them. Griffin was cleaning his claws and Dragon was curled up around my warm cup of cider. Silver smiled, “I do not know why you insist on feeding them.”
I looked at my friends and smiled, “They may not need it but they do enjoy it.”
I looked at him, “So what do you need?”
He sighed and turned to accept a cup of hot cider from Teresa. After she left he took a sip and sighed before glancing around, “In Duke Thomas’s treasure room is a shield. On the back by the buckle is three large rubies. I need you to switch the rubies and bring the ones from the shield to me.”
I lifted Dragon to my shoulder before drinking the cider down as I thought. I looked at Silver, “what do the rubies look like?”
He smiled as he slipped a small pouch across to me, “Like these.”
I opened the pouch and then closed it, “You want me to replace the other rubies with these?”
He nodded, “yes, these have simple warding spells on them.”
I finally nodded, “I will not be able to get in until tonight.”
Silver smiled, “Tonight will be fine.”
I grinned, “what is my payment?”
He grinned, “Well, you have been reading that book on the essence of transhifting objects I could perhaps enspell something for you.”
I thought about it and grinned, “A rope, one that can lengthen at least three times its length and then shorten.”
Silver nodded, “done.”
I nodded and stood, “Jasmine has a project so I am on my own for a coupe of days. I will bring the stones to your shop once I have them.”
He nodded and stood, “tomorrow morning.”
I glanced at the table, “come on you.”
I started walking and a moment later the drakes and Griffin flew through the door when I opened it. I knew the cats would find their own way and left. I woke to Dragon patting my cheek and the others all draped over me. I moved them before getting up and washing. I dressed carefully before leaving.
I stopped to eat before heading towards the richer side of the city. Duke Thomas’s estate was one of the larger and better protected ones. It had high walls around it and guards walking around. I stopped in the shadows to look along the wall. There were street lamps every thirty paces and a guard that patrolled as well as city guards that walked the streets.
I glanced down at one of the cats rubbing on my leg. It looked towards one corner and I stepped back into the alley. There was several loud and belligerent nobles arguing with two guards. I watched as more guards arrived and finally slipped back and walked quickly. I headed down the alley and turned to head away before finally turning towards the estate.
I crossed at a corner and ignored the light from the street lamp as I jumped and climbed up the wall. At the top I laid flat and carefully looked around but all the inner guards were together up where the nobles were gathered. I dropped over and crouched when I landed. Dragon landed on my shoulder and patted my cheek before pointing.
I smiled when I saw the open window and nodded before standing and walking towards it. Griffin was sitting on the window sill when I reached it. He moved as I jumped and caught the frame before pulling myself in. I found myself in the duke’s study and glanced around before moving towards the door.
Treasure rooms are either on an upper floor or in a basement. The duke was more open about things so after I peeked out the door I headed towards the stairs. I went up and followed the torches. At one end of the third floor was a bright lantern with a guard standing beside a narrow set of stairs.
From the position I knew they went up into the top of the tower. I moved back into the stairs and went up to the small narrow door at the very top of the stairs. I checked and then opened the door before climbing a few more steps. I pulled the tiny dark lantern I carried and looked around at the huge attic.
I smiled as I started towards the end with the tower. A tiny sparkle caught my eye and Dragon slapped my cheek. I glanced at her as she suddenly dropped off my shoulder. She flew to the side where an old moth eaten velvet cloth draped over a cage. I followed and knelt to pull the cloth away. In the cage staring back at me was a set of miniatures.
A set is like chest pieces. They are small with, four tiny wolves and four lions, they are the pawns. Two rainbow eagles, two drakes, two griffins and two dragons. I shook my head, I could not believe they had been brought up here and abandoned. I slipped my pack off and opened the cage, “Inside and be quiet.”
They swarmed out of the cage and into my small pack. I closed the pack and put it on before lifting Dragon back to my shoulder, “Stupid nobles.”
I silently made my way to the end of the attic. Through the vents I could see the top of the tower. I unlatched the vent and pushed it open before carefully slipping out. I had to be careful because the roof had slates that had been on for a long time and were very slick. I moved down slowly until I was against the tower wall.
I put cat claws on and started to climb and move sideways. The closest window was ten feet up and five feet over and took me a couple of minutes to reach. One look and I knew I would have to go higher. The window was more of a narrow slit than a window. I climbed another ten feet before reaching up and out.
I grasped the roof beam and swung away from the wall. I pulled myself up and careful climbed onto the tower roof. The drakes were already working on the vents at the tower peak. I climbs up the steep roof and nodded to the drakes that had pulled several vent slats out. I crawled through the hole and looked down as I moved onto a thick beam.
I hung from the beam before dropping into a crouch. Chests were lining the walls and treasure was everywhere. There were several shields and I moved to the closest. I found the one I wanted on the third try and went to work. I used small jeweler tools to remove the rubies and replace them with the ones I had been given.
When I was done I used a chest to stand on and leap for the beam. I went out the way I had come in. I placed a grapple hook in the frame of the vent and whispered to the drakes. Dragon dropped off my shoulder as I used the rope tied to the grapple and climbed down off the tower and onto the roof of the manor.
A minute later Dragon and the drakes dropped the grapple. I knew Dragon and the drakes were now replacing the vents as I carefully climbed the manor roof to the open vent. I waited until Dragon flew across and took her perch before closing the vent and locking it. I used my dark lantern to make my way back to the stairs.
It was simple to climb down the stairs to the first floor and get back to the study. One look out the open window and I knew the distraction from the nobles was over. I squatted and watched the guards for several minutes before I had the pattern down. I slipped out and moved to a thick flower bush and knelt.
A minute later a guard walked past less than five feet away. Once he was past I moved again, this time kneeling beside a wide tall fountain. After another guard went by I headed straight to the wall and started up. I lay along the top and watched the street as two city guards walked by followed a few moments later by a duke’s guard.
I dropped off the wall as soon as they went around the corner. As soon as I landed I was walking across the street and into the shadows of an alley. I took my time and used the shadows to leave that part of the city. I walked into the Grinning Cat and glanced around before crossing to my table.
There were a few late night revelers that murmured as my friends swirled around before landing on the table. I saw a sleepy Teresa stand up from her pile of blankets by the fire and grinned as I had an idea. I took my pack off as she walked to the table, “you got stuck attending the fire tonight?”
She smiled and absently reached out to pet Griffin, “yeah.”
I opened my pack, “You can come out now.”
Teresa’s eyes went wide as the set of miniatures emerged, “you got more?”
I grinned, “Actually, I was thinking they might need a young lady like you to care for them.”
She looked at me stunned and then at the tiny creatures, “for real?”
I reached out to caress her face, “For real. They have been neglected for a long time and need a lot of attention and love.”
She nodded and sat, “I will take real good care of them.”
She started touching and caressing each of the tiny creatures with an angel’s smile on her face. I smiled and stood, “See you for breakfast?”
Teresa nodded absently and I scooped up Dragon before heading towards the door, “I think I will ask Jasmine if she can make a few more of those miniatures to give to the street kids.”
Chapter Seven
Saving phoenixes
When I walked in the back door I knew someone else was here. I looked around as Dragon shifted and leaped into the air. Griffin and the drakes screamed from the study and I moved quickly. Two guards were fending off the creatures when I ran in. I waved Griffin and the drakes back and walked towards the two men, “Why are you in my house?”
They were flush faced and one turned to snarl, “We go where…”
I kicked straight into his groin and spun to grab the other mans hand as he reached for me. I twisted and turned before kicking into his knee. I stepped and knelt as I pulled my dagger and grabbed the first mans hair. He screamed as my dagger touched his throat and I stopped, “I will ask once more. Why are you in my house!”
He swallowed, “The wizard Silver requested you in the King’s court.”
I barely glanced at the other man as he moaned and held his broken hand and knee, “Why?”
The guard swallowed, “The King needs his help and he needed something from you.”
I stood and put my dagger away, “Where is my companion?”
He looked at the other man, “We had her taken to the King.”
I gestured, “You come into my house again without being invited and I will kill you.”
I looked at Dragon on the shelf, “Where is Sapphire and Emerald?”
She tilted her head before looking towards the study room door. I frowned as she leaped and flew to my shoulder and walked out. She pointed me to Jasmines work room and I hesitated before opening the door. The two cats slipped out looking pissed and I shook my head, “Jasmine left you in there so you would be safe?”
They nodded and I sighed, “Well, it looks like Silver is in trouble and we get to save him, stay close.”
I turned and started for the door trying to think of what Silver might have done. When I walked up to the King’s court four guards barred my way. I smiled, “I am expected, either move or die.”
They looked at each other before one nodded and they stepped aside. When I walked through the door Griffin and the drakes swirled in and Sapphire and Emerald walked beside me. Dragon was almost growling as I walked and started checking everything around me. The wide hall was empty except for six guards, the King, Silver and Jasmine who looked angry.
Jasmine smiled when she saw me and I saw her small hawk hiding in her hair. I walked towards Silver, “What did you do now old mage?”
He smiled as the king snorted. The guards shifted as I ignored them and stopped to caress Jasmines cheek and whisper, “You okay?”
She nodded and I turned to look at her father. Silver sighed, “The King has a serious problem. Someone sent a Phoenix into his chambers.”
I glanced at the King, “So?”
He raised an eyebrow as Silver snorted, “They cursed it.”
I waited and he sighed again, “I need something from the room before I can help.”
I looked at the king, “For this you sent guards to my home to kidnap my companion and attack me?”
I looked at Silver as the king’s face reddened, “Why should I help?”
He smiled, “you will need a Phoenix to enter where the book you received led you.”
I kept looking at him before sighing, “What is the curse on the Phoenix?”
Silver looked at the king, “It will attack the king and burst into flames.”
I waited and Silver shrugged, “if it is killed it will burst into flame and turn to ash before being reborn to keep trying.”
I nodded, “And what is in the room you need?”
He grinned, “A feather from the Phoenix.”
I laughed, “You want me to steal a feather from a Phoenix?”
He nodded and I turned to look down the empty court as I thought. I glanced at the two cats, “Why don’t you two go ask the Phoenix if I can borrow a feather?”
They looked away and I sighed, “My business, my chore.”
I looked at Dragon, “Take your friends up to look around the chamber.”
She nodded before leaping into the air. Griffin and drakes appeared from where they had been watching and followed her out a high window. I looked at Silver, “This time I want something else.”
He glanced at the king, “What?”
I smiled as I looked at Jasmine, “I would like to picnic with Jasmine in the King’s private garden.”
Jasmine’s eyes brightened as Silver looked at the king before nodding, “Done.”
I turned and headed towards the King’s entrance, “Do you know who sent the Phoenix yet?”
Silver did not answer and I stopped to look back. He sighed, “The mage Gelsipie I think.”
I sighed, “This just keeps getting better.”
Mage Gelsipie was not a real name it was something a shadow mage used to spread terror so he could use it to gather power. I turned and walked through the kings archway and down the hall ignoring the several guards that followed. One nodded to a set of stairs which I ignored and passed. I slipped into the kitchen a few minutes later and they all turned to stare.
I smiled politely, “Lovely cooks, could you tell me if you have had any strange visitors or deliveries?”
The head cook, a large older woman stepped forward, “A strange man wearing a dress left a package of rotten meat.”
I grinned, “Did you get rid of it?”
She snorted, “Of course, I tossed it to the king’s hounds.”
I nodded as I slowly walked around the kitchen ignoring the cooks and the guards. I found the small hidden glyphs beside the outer door frame. Magic from it spider webbed up the wall and I turned, “May I borrow some salt?”
The cook frowned but nodded to one of her kitchen helpers. She handed me a small bowl of salt from beside the stove and I used my finger to shift through it before taking a large pinch. I used the salt to rub out the glyphs and opened the door. Another set was on the outside and I used more salt to destroy those too.
I walked back in and through the kitchen. I went to the stairs leading up and followed them up and then walked down the hall to stop before a set of doors next to the king’s chambers. I opened the door into the queen’s study and looked around before crossing to the door out onto her balcony. I glanced to the left at the king’s balcony and the open door.
It was easy to go over the rail and move along the wide ledge to the king’s balcony. I carefully looked on each side of the open door and used more salt to remove the glyphs that spider webbed each wall. I stepped into the large chamber and Dragon dropped onto my shoulder. The phoenix was on the bed canopy and spread its wings nervously.
I ignored it and glanced at Griffin and the drakes spread around the room. Each was beside a glowing spider web of magic. I looked at the guards standing in the chamber’s open door before moving to each set of glyphs and rubbing it out. After the last one I walked to the bed and looked up at the colorful bird, “hello, need help?”
It mantled before shifting sideways as it peered down at me. There was not any attached magic on or in it besides its own. I held my arm up until my hand was in front of her feet. She hesitated before stepping forward onto my hand. I lowered it and smiled as I caressed her head, “Thank you, now do you have an old feather I might have?”
I looked at the guard, “Would one of you send for mage Silver?”
The phoenix lifted and held her right wing out and I saw a small bent feather underneath. I gave it a gentle tug and it fell out. I held the feather up to Dragon, “Take this to Silver.”
She rubbed her head against my neck before extending one foot and taking the quill gently. She leaped and flew towards the open door and the guard left standing there moved. I turned and walked to a large comfortable chair before slowly sitting and placing the bird on the arm.
I caressed her head again, “Now why would a lovely bird like you let someone trap you in here?”
She bobbed and turned to look at a low bookcase. I stood and crossed the room. I knelt and started looking carefully before something in a book caught my eye. It was the tip of a quill sticking out of a book. I took the book and went back to the chair to sit. I caressed the phoenix before opening the book.
The feather marked a page but first I looked the feather over, it was from a phoenix. I glanced at the door as Silver walked in and then looked at the bird, “Is this your feather?”
She bobbed her head and I set the feather on the arm beside her. I looked at the pages as Silver stopped in front of me, “The curse is gone.”
I glanced at him and then at the phoenix, “I do not think so.”
The book was a family history for the king and one page had several people in a small drawing. I held the page up so the phoenix could see the picture, “this picture has two phoenixes. Was one you?”
It bobbed its head and I smiled, “and the other was your mate.”
Again it bobbed its head and I nodded, “you are here to get your mate back.”
Silver sucked in a breath as she bobbed again. I looked at Silver, “The mage that sent you keeps him?”
Again it bobbed and I smiled, “so my job begins old man.”
Silver snorted, “to bad you do not even know who or where to look.”
I looked at the phoenix, “but I do.”
I looked at the book again before standing, “would you keep her company?”
Silver smiled as he sat, “of course.”
I closed and handed the book to him before heading towards the door. Dragon dropped onto my shoulder as Griffin and the drakes took wing. I caught Griffin as he tried to land, “We go to the mages retreat. To the tower of exile.”
Griffin nodded and turned to leap into the air and led the drakes up and out the first open window. No one knew why the tower was called that, it just was. I knew why now and walked through the Keep and then out into the city. I stopped in a small shop before heading towards the mages retreat.
There were a few mages wandering around like usual and they ignored me except for a few glances at Dragon on my shoulder. The tower of exile was a tall blocky looking building. I walked around it until I found Griffin by the servants door. He nodded to the door as I approached and I followed the magic in and around the door.
I grinned when I saw the flaw and went to work removing the hinge pins. I worked the door out of the frame and quietly walked in. The large kitchen was clean and organized with an air of waiting. I walked to the stairs and nodded to one of the drakes sitting on the railing. I carefully looked at the spells on the stairs before looking for ones on the rail.
I finally put the drake on my other shoulder before climbing onto the rail. I went up and hesitated on the second floor before continuing up. On the last floor I checked the floor before slipping off the rail. I set the drake back on the rail before wandering into the room. It was filled with suits of armor and elegant chairs and tables.
Portraits of finely dressed men and women hung on the walls. I walked to the only door with a web of magic where another drake sat beside it. I looked at the magic carefully before pulling out the package I had bought. I opened it and removed the two slim salt encrusted pen knives. I placed the tips against the door and began to carefully pull the spells apart.
It took a couple of minutes before I was done. I checked the door frame before picking the lock and opening the door. I stepped into the room and glanced around. In one corner was another phoenix with a tiny chain around its foot. I looked at the wide desk in a dark corner and at the other door into the room.
I knelt to check the floor before starting across to the phoenix. It ruffled its feathers as I came close and knelt. I looked at the tiny lock around its foot before picking it. I glanced at the bird, “You can go to your mate now.”
I stood and turned to walk to the desk and sat down. The phoenix leaped into the air and headed towards the open window. As soon as it left there was a loud scream and a few seconds later the other door opened. I looked at the tall man that looked much like the king and smiled, “so you are the mage Gelsipie.”
The mage started to gesture and I shook my head, “That would be a very bad mistake.”
He hesitated before walking towards the desk, “And why is that?”
I grinned, “Because I have salt in my pockets and a mirror ready to use.”
He looked at me as his eyes narrowed, “You interfered in my business.”
I leaned forward, “Just because you were sent here does not mean you can not return. You are the king’s brother, do you really think he does not care? You would take his life because he does not have magic? Or because he has what you can never have?”
The mage glared, “If he cared he would not just leave me here.”
I smiled and stood, “He was not the one to put you here, it was your mother.
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