Taking Care of a Problem_(1)
Taking Care of a Problem_(1)
Sex Story Author: | furrybert |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "You think you can win, Bay?" He dipped his head and flexed the muscles in his back and shoulders for |
Sex Story Category: | Hardcore |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Hardcore, Male Domination, Male/Female, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance, Written By Women |
Lily stirred uncomfortably, and realised she had rolled over onto her stomach. Still half asleep, she groaned as she felt the stiffness of a troubled night settle into her bones, and shooting pains run from her neck to the bottom of her spine. As she came to her senses, she realised it was still pitch dark. She was never one for waking through the night, not before all of the shit at work, but now she was lucky to get a couple of hours before she woke up drenched in sweat.
That wasn’t all, though. The pain and stiffness in her spine wasn’t just from sleeping. There was a figure sitting on top of her, straddling her thighs so that she could not move, and fear gripped her in a vice. As soon as she tried to turn her head to scream, a hand tightened in her hair and shoved her face into the pillow, hard enough to stifle her voice and restrict her breathing. Lily bucked, scrabbling as she tried to twist her arms behind herself to scratch at the person holding her down. They pinned her left arm under their elbow, and she felt a callused hand grip her right wrist hard enough to cut off her circulation.
Lily’s attacker leaned forward so that they were lying practically on top of her, and she felt the hard muscle of a male torso pressing into her back. His lips and breath were hot against her ear, stubble rasping her skin as he started to talk.
“Nice to see ya again, Bay,” he growled, and ice trickled into Lily’s ear and spread throughout her aching body. He had used the nickname to be certain she knew who he was, but she would have recognised that voice anywhere. The townie accent and the cocksure attitude that had made her cheeks blaze at the bank. Back Bay, he had called her. Almost spat it like a curse, as if he assumed she was from some rich, stuck up old-money family that would look on him as scum.
Despite being exhausted and half suffocated, Lily let out an anguished moan that was only slightly muffled by the pillow in her face. He smiled, she could feel his mouth curl against her ear, and she clawed at the bed sheets in frustrated fury.
She knew his name. Lily had never met him, or even come close to him in the street, but she knew him by reputation and despite the masks, she had recognised his voice as soon as they had entered the bank. She had done everything she could to stay away from that kind of crowd, but here she was, with a bank robber — a convicted murderer bank robber — about to kill her in her own bed.
His smile turned into a nasty laugh as he heard her whimper. “Wanna know why I’m here, baby?” he asked, but did not release any of the pressure on her head to allow Lily to speak. “Remind me, Bay. What did I say I would do, if you talked to the fucking cops?” He finally allowed her a fraction of breathing space, and Lily gasped for air while she had the chance. Ben tightened his grip on her scalp and she whined in pain.
“I didn’t talk to the-“
The pillow cut her off again as Ben shoved her face back down. “I said, what did I say I would do, if you talked to the fucking cops, huh? Remember where we were, in the back of the van, when I was grinding my cock into your tight little ass cheeks and you were squealing for fucking mercy? What were my exact fucking words, Bay?”
No. There was no way that she was going to repeat what he had said. Ben’s words, and the memory of what he had done to her when they were alone in the van made her skin crawl. But then he wrenched on her hair until Lily felt sick with the agony of it, and she couldn’t hold out any longer.
“You- you said,” she croaked, so quietly she almost couldn’t hear herself. “You’d come back, and fuck me and kill me.”
“That’s exactly right, Back Bay,” Ben growled. “And now, here we fucking are.”
“But I didn’t talk to the Police!” Lily insisted. “They questioned me! I didn’t go talk to them!”
“Spare me, Bay,” he hissed. “They didn’t teach us fucking syntax in the pen, baby. There was you, there was them, there was talking.”
“But I didn’t tell them anything!” Lily insisted.
“Course you didn’t, baby.” The sarcasm dripped from Ben’s voice like poison. “What you do? Sit in the Fed’s office, drinking his coffee and discussing the state of the fucking economy?” Lily hesitated for a moment, unsure whether she dare say what had come to mind, but she was already screwed. It couldn’t really get much worse than soon-to-be-dead.
“Look, I’m not blind. I don’t walk around with my head in the sand. I know who you are, you live like three miles away from my house. If I had talked to the Police, they would have broken your door down and hauled you away by now, and you know it. You want to do this anyway, then go ahead. But don’t you dare try to tell me I asked for it, you fucking townie knuckle-dragger!”
“Oh, Bay,” Ben said, laughing again. “You got some fucking balls, considering where we are. I give you five minutes before you start to beg.” He loosened his grip on her hair, and repositioned himself so that he had imprisoned both of her wrists in one of his massive, rough hands. Her wavy dark hair was still tangled in his fingers, and he gave it a vicious tug to remind her not to move. In the next moment, Lily heard a metallic click, and then the cold metal barrel of a gun was pressing into the soft pale flesh of her throat.
Jesus. She was immediately transported back to that fucking van, kneeling with her face thrust into the cold metal wall, with Ben’s muscled body welded to her back. He had his gun pressing into her neck and his mouth snug against her ear as he talked, and his cock was rock hard as he ground it against her ass. The heat in his voice was mortifying as he explained, in his blunt and repulsive way, exactly what he would do to her if she dared try to turn them in.
Ben said she had begged for mercy, and it was true. He was a goddamned lowlife, and the thought of him laying his hands on her was abhorrent. She had just watched this man bash in the skull of one of her colleagues and shoot another. She knew what he was capable of, and the hard cock at her ass told her exactly what he wanted to do to her. She had begged and promised him the world, and in the end all it had done was buy her time.
He was hard. Lily had no idea when that had happened, but the sudden realisation snapped her back to the present with a bang. She felt panic rise in her chest as Ben started circling his hips against her, teeth grazing her earlobe before he spoke once again.
“Yeah, you’re gonna beg, baby. I’m gonna hold you down and slam my dick inside your cunt so hard you see stars. You’re gonna beg, and then you’re gonna scream for me while I tear you apart with my cock. And I am gonna love every fucking minute of this, Bay. Right up until I fucking break you.”
Ben shifted his weight once again, leaning to the side so that he could flip Lily on to her back and then slide on top of her once again. He still held her wrists against the bed above her head, gun wedged into the hollow of her throat. It was hard to see in the gloom, but he noticed the moisture trailing down her cheeks.
“Save em for someone who gives a fuck, baby,” he snorted, and Lily scowled in embarrassed fury. As he settled his weight back over her, he made sure that his cock was pressed directly against her clit, and Lily tried to squirm away, but she had no hope of moving him. He was wearing a wife beater, and in the pale moonlight Lily could make out the curve of his bicep as he held her wrists in place. He was all muscle and attitude, his body deliberately hardened and designed to intimidate, and it was working.
He slid one of his legs inside hers, and nudged with his knee until he was pressing his thigh onto her pubic mound. Lily shuddered; his legs were as cut as his arms and for one terrifying moment she felt her body flush as he hit exactly the right place to make her clit hum with pleasure.
Desperate to distract herself from the mortifying tingle of arousal, Lily spat back an insult to make up for Ben’s previous trash talking. “Pull my nightie back down when you’re done, will you? I mean, it’s not like I’m going to notice.”
He laughed. He was big, big enough that he was going to hurt her if he didn’t take it easy, and they both knew it. But it wasn’t even that which had made him laugh, Lily knew. She had seen him before, had seen the way he interacted with people. She had seen the way that he swaggered around town. He was completely at ease with himself, and utterly self-confident. She couldn’t dent his ego with an assault tank, never mind bare-handed and at his mercy as he held her down against her bed.
“Aw, baby,” he murmured. “You’re gonna get this so fucking hard.” His blue eyes hardened as he suddenly pulled her even closer, making sure that she had no way to look away from him as he spoke. “You try to wake the neighbours, and I will fuck you up, Bay. Beyond all fucking recognition. Do you get that?”
She got that. Ben knew how to intimidate, and Lily couldn’t help but tremble as his eyes bored into hers, the barely suppressed violence evident in his face. Satisfied that she understood his terms, Ben finally slid the safety back onto his gun and buried it in his pants at the small of his back. With his free hand he cupped her chin, lifting her face and holding it immobile as he leaned down to taste her.
His mouth was hot and hungry, and Lily groaned in surprise as Ben kissed her, deeper than any man had ever bothered to kiss her before. His tongue played at the corners of her lips, and he slid his thigh harder against her clit, building a steady rhythm as he melded their bodies together even closer. Lily wrenched her mouth away and gasped for breath, flexing against his hold on her arms with all the strength that she could muster. Ben grabbed her by the hair once again.
“Do yourself a favour, Bay,” he growled. “You can fight me all you want, but you ain’t gonna win. So you can lie back and let me do ya, or I can start fucking up your face. Either way, I’m gonna empty my load inside you. You wanna still look pretty when I’m done, you open your fucking mouth and relax. Up to you.”
Her brain screamed at her to lie still and do as he had told her. It was the least painful option, and it would be over eventually. Pride, however, had always been her undoing. “You think I’m going to just lie here and take it, you fucking window licking coke head? What’s the matter, Ben? Don’t have the balls to finish what you started?”
She was still struggling, and he was still holding her down with ease. A fucked up grin slowly spread across Ben’s face, and that was even more terrifying than the thought of him just hitting her. He slid his mouth to Lily’s ear and started to whisper, his voice coarse with arousal.
“You like it rough, baby?” he asked. “That it? You want me to hold you down and fuck you hard?” He slid his thigh again so that it was back in the exact position that had caused her clit to hum, and kept it there. Lily shuddered, her back arching off the bed before she could even think to hold still. “You wanna feel my dick stretch you wide open, huh?” he went on. “You wanna know how it feels when I pound the shit out of your cunt until you cry?” He felt her arching against him, and he let out an animal, guttural growl that made Lily flush with heat. He turned his head and buried his mouth into the sensitive skin beneath her ear, rasping his tongue along her throat until she couldn’t help but whimper.
He looked up, and forced her eyes to meet his. “You fucking like this, don’tcha baby? My little Back Bay fucking slut.”
That did it. Lily’s anger finally cut through the embarrassment of Ben feeling her respond to him. She still couldn’t break her arms or legs free, so she did the one thing that was still within her power. She spat in his face. He didn’t react for a moment, just held still over her, staring, until Lily’s saliva slowly dripped back down off his nose and onto her cheek. He loosened his grip on her hair, then smiled as he stroked his thumb over her face, smearing and rubbing her spit into her own skin. She turned her head away and he grabbed her by the chin to hold her steady.
“I don’t need you to fucking spit, Bay,” he growled. “You’re already wet for me. You think I can’t feel your cunt through my fucking pants?”
“Fuck you!” Lily hissed. “You’re dreaming, you asshole.” She never normally swore, but it seemed to be the only thing he understood.
“You think so?” Ben asked. He shifted his weight, used his other knee to force Lily’s thighs wider apart so that he could force both his legs between hers. He took his hand from her chin and slid it downwards, across her heaving stomach and down over the lilac lace of her underwear. He settled his fingers so that the tips danced across her opening, and the length of his digits pressed against her clit. Lily let out a moan of disgust; she could feel that she had dampened her underwear and the thought made her sick. He chuckled at her, then hooked his fingers under her pants and slid them directly onto her slick opening. He pressed gently, not enough to actually slide inside her, but enough of a threat that Lily didn’t dare move. His thumb followed, sliding onto her clit and rocking against it in a rhythm that made the muscles of her vagina pulse against her will.
Ben finally eased his fingers out of Lily’s underwear and she sighed in relief, until she realised what he was about to do to her. He slid his fingers over her mouth, watching as he coated her lips with her own juices. She groaned in revulsion and he laughed once again.
“What’sa matter, Bay?” he asked. “Don’t wanna see how you taste? Well, I do.” He lowered his mouth to hers once again, sucking her lips into his mouth as he hungrily took in the taste of her. He leaned on her again, sliding his cock until it rested right at her opening, and started to grind against her as he deepened the kiss. She squirmed, but it only made him harder. She had never felt so thoroughly enveloped by a man before, so completely at his mercy, and the fear of what he was going to do was rapidly being swallowed by her fear of how her body was going to respond.
Ben came up for air and rested his mouth against Lily’s ear once again. His breathing was ragged and hot against her skin. “Admit it, Bay,” he whispered. “You fucking want this so goddamn bad.”
She would rather die. “Yeah, Ben,” Lily agreed, her voice stony. “Let go of my arms, and I’ll show you exactly how much I fucking want it, you cock.” She felt that damned smile against her ear again, and Ben raised his head to look down at her.
“Wanna fight, huh?” he murmured, squeezing the flesh of her wrists as he held them to her pillow.
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