Sex Story Author: | JackassTales |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It was growing in firmness. Her blood was pulsing inside her vaginal mound. I wondered silently, “Do girl’s pussies get |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Exhibitionism, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Reluctance, Virginity |
SWEET SISTER SUSIE (Edited & RePosted)
by JackassTales
Curiosity and circumstance lead to sibling sexual experimentation
JackassTales…Tale # 1…
SWEET SISTER SUSIE (Edited & Re-Posted)
[1] Dick and Me
I was told to do it, so that’s what I did. Mom told me to go wake up my sister and tell her breakfast was ready.
I reckon Mom didn’t know that I had a hardon that was stretching my jeans. Of course, a stiff hardon in my pants was nothing new to me. Shit, it seems like my twenty-year-old dick was hard from morning till night! The only time it was limp was after I’d jacked-off. Even then, this soft limpness was only a temporary condition. My dick would soon jump back to full, erect firmness, so I had to jack-off two or three times a day just to keep up with the demands of my horny erection. Often, there were days when I had to do pump it four times…and occasionally it was five.
Okay now, please don’t be too put off by all my talk about my dick infatuation in the next few paragraphs. For an understanding as too why I later developed such an intense pussy infatuation, one must realize that before pussy came into my life, my dick and I only had each other.
Actually, I didn’t ‘have’ to jack-off. Nobody forced me to do it. I did it to relieve the bulging pressure in my groin, that’s true, but I reckon the main reason I did it was because it felt awfully damn good. I loved my dick. My dick was my best friend. We got along just fine. I took good care of him and he took care of me.
I loved to grab my swollen, hard shaft and play with it. It really came to life as my hand and fingers pumped and squeezed. It would come to full attention with an engorged erection. Six inches, more or less, of stiff, throbbing muscle pulsated with sizzling hot blood running through distended blue veins. In my skilled hands, it stretched to its limit. It grew longer and thicker with each stroke of my tight fist.
I was good to my dick. I made him feel good. In turn, he rewarded me right back. There would always come a point in our play when he would be filled to his limit. My balls would release a load of semen into my shaft. My dick, my glorious friend, would take that fluid and compress it and heat it. The heated liquid became a scorching cauldron of molten, volcanic fire. When I could stand it no longer, my dick would explode with an enormous eruption. White-hot juices would spurt out in stream after stream of fiery, liquefied lava. Wave after wave of orgasmic delight would sweep through my body. I would shudder and shake with almost unbearable bliss.
Yeah, my dick and I were a good team. We liked each other just fine. We worked well together. We played well together. Our work and play were always inspired by our mutual quest for orgasmic satisfaction and pleasure.
I reckon by now you’re kinda put off by my self-love talk about my dick. I suppose I owe apologies, especially because I must end this paragraph with a few more words of dick-talk explanation. This morning I had every intention of taking my dick, my good pal, into the bathroom as soon as I jumped out of bed. I had plans to work him into a frenzied awakening. I’d make him beg for my touch. I’d make him cry for release. I’d let him erupt and make me too feel good.
There is an old saying about The Best Laid Plans being interrupted by unfortunate circumstance. On my way to the bathroom, I passed the kitchen. My mom called my name. She caught me mid-stride. It’s a damn good thing I’d taken the time to slip my jeans on. Otherwise, there’s no way she wouldn’t have seen my bone-hard erection.
The kitchen table was set and bacon and eggs were mounded on plates. My mom was speaking. “Jason, come here and watch this toast. You don’t want burnt toast for breakfast do you?”
I did as she said. I always minded my mom. I watched the toast in the oven. I didn’t say a word. I surely didn’t tell her that I’d rather be in the bathroom jacking-off and feeling good. Good god, my boner needed attention really bad!
The phone began ringing. Mom answered and spoke to her friend. Mom was a nurse and this was her weekend off. At least it was supposed to have been. When she finished speaking on the phoned she turned to me. She wasn’t very happy. She spoke, “Jason, they need me to come into work. I have to leave right now. You go wake up your sister and tell her breakfast is ready. I want you to stay here today and watch her. I’ll try to get home sometime after lunch.”
I told her I would do it. But, damnit to hell, that’s the last thing I wanted to do with my Saturday! I didn’t want to look after my sixteen-year-old little sister. Not that I didn’t like Susie. I liked her just fine. We got along a lot better than most brothers and sisters. For a girl, she was a really sweet kid. She was just as nice as could be. I loved her a lot.
But a college guy of twenty has better things to do than spend time with his sister; no matter how sweet she was! My mind was thinking of lots of other things to do. And, number one on that list was a one-handed jacking-off party. I’d been having these little one-on-one parties ever since I was young. Just my dick, my hand, and I were in attendance. A good time was had by all!
Now, most guys my age might have girls at the top of a list like I was making in my mind. They might want something better than a homemade handjob. Well, I wasn’t really all that different. I like girls just fine. And dangit, if I had one I’d want to be with her. I could think up a lot of good things to do with a girl. I like my dick just fine, but girls do have some parts to play with that I just don’t have. Girls have nipples. Girls have tits. Girls have pussies and pretty soft clits. Damn, here I am making a rhyme about nipples and tits and pussies and clits! I am like other boys! I’ve got girls on the brain.
I might have girls on my mind, but I don’t have a real-live one that I can reach out and touch. I don’t have one I can play with. I never have had.
Now, I’ve gone and admitted to being a virgin. A virgin at twenty! Who would believe it? Well, it’s true. Oh, I’ve had lots of sex. I’ve had lots of wondrously-wicked orgasms. I’ve spilled out gallons of milky-white semen and sperm. But, every single orgasmic experience has been just between me, my hand, and my dick.
I’ve told myself and I promised my dick that if I ever get the chance to play with some nipples and tits or a pussy and clit, I wouldn’t pass it up!
The backdoor closed. This awakened me from my meandering sexual musings. Mom had gone out. I watched as she pulled out of the drive and drove off.
I now had a decision to make. I had told Mom that I would wake up Susie for breakfast. I had told my dick that I would take care of him. That big fella was certainly getting impatient. He was straining against my jeans demanding to get out. I knew he had a night’s worth of pent-up semen and sperm just ready to shoot out.
I surely was ready to release my friend from his forced confinement inside my jeans. I wanted to give him his way and let him frolic and play. I would join him in his quest for orgasmic bliss.
There’s not a queer bone anywhere in my young man’s body. But, I had an undeniable zest for playing with my dick. I like to look at it. I like to touch it. I have often fantasized about what it might feel like to touch my dick with my mouth and my tongue. As wicked as it sounds, I wanted to give myself a blowjob! Regrettably, I couldn’t do it. It was physically impossible. But, by god, I believe I would if do it if I could! I had absolutely and positively no similar thoughts about any other dick!
I always came to the conclusion that I would have to stick with my increasingly frequent handjobs. There would be no self-administered blowjobs for me. But, after every jack-off party I would give my dick a promise. I vowed to him this, “One of these days, I’ll find you a girl. I’ll find one with a nice mouth to give you a suck. I’ll find one with a nice pussy that you can play with and fuck!”
Sheeit, I was making up rhymes again! I was talking about my dick way too damn much, but at least I was obsessed with getting him some pussy.
[2] A Girlie Girl Bedroom
I stood before the door of my sister’s bedroom awaiting the outcome of my decision. Would I go in and wake her for breakfast or would I answer my dick’s demanding call?
My hand slid into the waistband of my jeans. My pants were now uzipped and buttoned. Last night had been hot so I slept only in my birthday suit with the covers thrown off my body. I still hadn’t put my shoes or shirt on this morning. My hand found its intended target. I grabbed a heaping handful of engorged dick. I spoke in a subdued whisper, “Boy, I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait a while. I told Mom that I’d wake up Susie for breakfast. Now, you know I always mind my Mom. But, I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll go in and wake Susie. Then we’ll go have breakfast. And, then I will take you in the bathroom and give you the best jacking-off you ever had! We’ll have lots of fun.”
Neither my dick, nor I were satisfied with this decision. We both wanted the jack-off part first. But, I had to mind Mom. I would wake up my sister first.
I cracked the door to Susie’s bedroom a few inches. I saw pink. The walls were pink with a flowery pink and white border. The lampshade was pink with a lacy ruffle around the base. There were pink pillows and cushions thrown about. Pink was everywhere.
I can say one thing about my sister; she is a ‘girlie-girl’. She likes girlie-girl things. She likes pink! I don’t think she has ever had a ‘tomboyish’ thought in her head. She likes ruffles and lace. She likes dresses. She would choose a frilly dress over shorts or pants any day. She is more feminine-minded than most girls of sixteen.
I pushed the door open and walked in. The early morning sun beamed through the sheer pink curtains at her window. The brilliant sunbeams had focused their light on the sleeping feminine form in the bed.
Surprisingly, I kinda caught my breath as I looked at the illuminated sight. The night must have been warm for her, too. Her covers were thrown all about the bed. She lay on top of a nest of frilly pink blankets and sheets. She was lying on her back with her arms above her head. Her body was stretched out with the left leg angled towards me while the right leg was parted and cocked-up to the other side of the bed. She had on nothing but a short, sleeveless tank top and a pair of frilly pink panties. She looked like a sexy babydoll.
Whoa! Wait a minute there mister! What was that word you just used? Did you use the word ‘sexy’ while looking at your sister? Don’t you know that this is a sweet, innocent, virginal girl that you’re looking at?
I realized I was having a tug-of-war within my mind. My head and my eyes were having a difference of opinion. My head saw sweet innocence. My eyes saw budding sexuality.
Another begged to be heard. My dick decided to join in the debate. I believe he was taking sides with my eyes. I could tell by his reaction to the sight of the feminine form stretched before him. He was already hard when I stepped into the room. Unbelievably, he now stood up with an even more-stiffened excitement.
My eyes and my dick led me closer to the bed where lay the slumbering female girlie-girl. I fell to my knees beside the bed. Yeah, I saw my sister, my sweet, innocent, young sister. But, I saw shapes and curves I’d not seen before.
Following orders from my dick and eyes, I made a closer inspection. My dick demanded I look toward the panties first. I did so. There, right in the center of the frilly pink garment, arose a dome-shaped mound. The panties were so tight over this pubic mound that every shape was seen. I saw the bold, proud shape of a ripening pussy. I saw a hint of the slit that covers a clit and a pussyhole. There was no pubic hair. Not any. I guess she shaved just like most of her eleventh grade friends. No doubt about it though; my Susie’sr body was quickly maturing.
I saw this girl’s chest rise and fall as she lay in slumber. My eyes were drawn toward the twin mounds stretching the fabric of the tank top. There I saw the shape of two tits. I knew they were tits by their softly rounded curves. I saw the outline of two nipples straining the thin cloth. Either those tits were bigger than I first thought or the top was way too tight. Susie might not have hair on her pussy, but she did have tits on her chest. They didn’t seem to be very much grown in size, but they were tits. If I were to guess, I’d say they each were about half a ‘teacup’ size.
I joined my eyes and my dick in fevered excitement. Other body parts began demanding a say. My hands asked me to reach out and touch every shape. My mouth begged me to kiss all I saw. Of course my dick, my old friend and pal, made it abundantly clear what he wanted. He’d been imprisoned too long inside my jeans. He wanted to be let out. He had it in mind to find a pussyhole to explore, to stick himself into and fuck. Or, if he couldn’t find that, he’d want to enter a soft mouth-hole and get himself sucked.
I now recalled the often repeated promise I’d made to my dick. The one where I pledged to him, if ever I got the chance, I’d reach out for nipples and tits or a pussy and clit. My dick knew, as well as I did, that I kept my promises. Hadn’t I promised Mom that I’d wake Susie up for breakfast? Well, I was getting ready to do just that! Hadn’t I pledged to watch her today? Well, I was certainly doing that. I was watching her with both eyes opened wide!
Here and now I was within touching distance of all those things I sought. Lying there on a girlie-girl bed was a sexy young female with all the required feminine parts. I could not yet see them in all their naked glory. I could not see through the thin covering of fabric. Yet, I could see unmistakable curves and shapes. There, on that bed, a hidden treasure chest lay. It was filled with nipples and tits plus a pussy and clit.
I’d never thought of my sister as being sexy. I’d never seen her that way. Brothers don’t look at sisters with lustful eyes. No they don’t. They do not! But, yes they do. At least, this one did. A brother being led around by a lustfully erect, horny, hardon dick would do just that. I was such a brother.
Was I going to seduce my sister? As I knelt there with brotherly lust in my eyes, I realized that now was the time to either ‘shit or get off the pot’. I looked at sweet Susie’s face. Her mouth was opened slightly spotlighting her luscious lips. My lips moved toward them. With the gentlest of touches, I kissed her. She did not stir. Her lips were dry as were mine. My tongue reached to moisten my lips. It then did the same to hers. Finally, I joined our lubricated lips together.
At the same time, my left hand had made its way toward her pink panties. It did not stop when reaching the waistband. It dove deeper into the depths of that feminine garment. My hand closed over her soft vaginal mound. Here it gently squeezed and caressed the virginal flesh. I couldn’t believe anything in this world could be so soft, so smooth, or so tenderly pliable.
[3] Homegirl Pussy
My lips were locked on Susie’s and my hand was filled with pussy. The girl was not yet awake. But wait, her slumbering eyes were fluttering. My hand continued its joyous explorations and my lips increased their pressure. This very morning I would discover that wondrous, magical time when a girl and her pussy had a few miraculous minutes of incredible limpness before her feminine flesh would begin to swell with firmness.
Suddenly, I felt a soft hand pushing against my bare chest. Susie was squirming. The girl was awake! She was fully awake. Her hand pushed with more insistence. I pulled my lips from hers. She spoke abruptly, “Jase…? What…? What are you doing…? What…?
My lips were no longer joined to hers, but my hand was still playing with the treasure it found inside those girlie-girl panties. It still squeezed and caressed the pussy it had discovered. I knew I had to say something to her. So I did, “Hey there sis. Good morning. How are you this fine day?”
I saw Susie’s sparkling-green eyes opened wide in surprise. With an incredulous voice she answered, “What do you mean ‘How am I’? What are you doing? Why are you kissing me? Why is your hand in my panties? You shouldn’t be doing those things!”
I knew I had to give a truthful answer. So I spoke, “Susie, I woke up this morning with a hardon so big that I was about to burst. I wanted to go to the bathroom and jack-off but Mom told me to come wake you up. Then she had to go in to work. When I saw you lying here, so sexy and pretty, I got so horny I couldn’t stand it. Susie girl, I just had to touch you. I’ll stop in a minute.”
Again, I reached and kissed her. She jerked back slightly, but then calmed down. Our lips were dry by now so I found more moisture with my tongue. I touched this wetness to her lips. I licked first her lower lip and then the top. This time, our lips fit smoothly together. Heat and passion were ignited. Susie was no longer pulling away. Instead, I felt her arch her head up toward mine. My tongue touched hers. They dueled and played. I grabbed hers and sucked and teased. Unbelievably, she did the same to mine.
Throughout all this, my hand was still playing with her pussy. It was loosing some of its softness.
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