
Suzy’s Diary

A sampling of Suzy’s naughty diary.

We recently moved into a new neighborhood. As I was rummaging around in the attic, I discovered a diary. Most of it was pretty tame stuff, but the last few entries got pretty juicy. Here’s what I found:


December 5th – Morning

As had become routine, my husband Frank flopped down at our kitchen table for a quick breakfast. His fingers worked furiously on the screen of his ever-present phone, checking emails, texts, and the latest stock statistics. Aside from wondering when his toast and coffee might magically appear, I doubt he would even have noticed if I wasn’t there. Like many a young ‘trophy wife’, my illusions of a fantasy marriage to a rich older guy had quickly evaporated in the first few months of our union. I sighed, realizing that I had become relegated to simply another one of the many expensive furnishings that comprised ‘Frank’s Big Collection of Toys’.

“I’m thinking about joining a gym,” I offered, trying to break the awkward silence over the morning meal. Frank responded by holding up a dismissive hand as an incoming phone call summoned his attention. I seethed quietly to myself, poking at my toast halfheartedly as Frank laughed uproariously at something in his phone conversation. I looked up expectantly, hoping he might share the humor, but he turned away in his chair, checking the clock on the wall and chuckling again.

Suddenly I flinched as I felt a cold wet nose prod at my knee. I heard a quiet whine from below the kitchen table. I reached down and petted Shindo, our purebred Akita. As with everything else we owned, the big dog had set Frank back a small fortune. Yet Shindo was pretty much my dog since I was the only one who gave him any attention. The boatload of money Shindo had cost had done nothing to assure a well-behaved animal. He was overly energetic, with a penchant for getting into anything and everything. One of his most annoying traits was that he would make a bee-line for any unprotected groin, sniffing and prodding with his cold wet nose into the most intimate of places. We had to be on constant guard against his embarrassing antics if we had guests in the house.

But as I sat there at the kitchen table, marveling at the luxury train wreck my life had become, I was suddenly struck with a very naughty and rebellious notion. I smiled pleasantly at Frank as I meticulously buttered a slice of my toast. Under the table, I allowed my legs to part. Shindo was quick to seize upon the opportunity and I felt him wriggle his way between my legs. Still dressed in a bathrobe, I closed my naked thighs down in a welcoming embrace around the eager Akita, stifling a playful squeal as I felt his snout prod up against my panty clad crotch.

I squirmed in my seat, unsure of what would happen next. Whenever Shindo was in one of his crotch-diving moods we always chastised him or banished him from the room. Never had the canine been given free rein, so this was uncharted territory for us both. His warm breath washed across my tight little white panties. I choked back a giggle as his cold wet nose pressed into my loins, sniffing enthusiastically at the alluring scent he discovered there.

My heart was beating with a combination of fear and lustful excitement. What if Frank noticed something amiss and discovered the naughty doggy between my legs? I couldn’t even imagine the embarrassment as I would have to try to explain myself. I felt a red flush of shame creep its way up my face. I should put a stop to this immediately, I realized. I chewed nervously at my lower lip, and then did the only reasonable thing. I slowly scooted forward to the edge of my chair, spreading my legs wide and allowing the curious Akita unrestricted access.

Immediately his wet canine tongue caressed my panty-covered vaginal mound. I clenched my teeth, holding in a lustful moan of passion. This was already more intimate attention than I had received from Frank in months. I felt my panties quickly begin to moisten, absorbing both saliva from Shindo’s energetic tongue and the steamy dampness oozing from my humid vaginal slit. My tight slippery pussy — neglected for far too long — eagerly unfurled its fleshy pink lips. The Akita dug deeper, lured by the irresistible flavor. Pressing his snout harder into my lustful cleft, Shindo worked his rough tongue against the thin cotton barrier, pushing the crotch of my panties up into my snug little cunt. I gripped the edge of the table with both hands, fighting the need to thrash my legs in response to simmering sexual urges that were quickly coming to a boil.

The Akita nipped gently at my panty-covered pussy lips and I shuddered, giving in to the inevitable orgasm. My breathing became ragged and desperate, and suddenly my hips bucked of their own accord. The joints of the chair creaked alarmingly, but Frank didn’t seem to notice. The muscles in my thighs clenched and trembled as a convulsive spasm gripped my twat. Barely in control of my body, I ground my hips in a slow, sensual motion in the kitchen chair as Shindo eagerly consumed the syrupy wetness that flooded through the cotton crotch of my panties. I closed my legs tightly around the Akita’s furry head, wrapping him in a loving embrace as orgasmic ripples vibrated through the depths of my fuck slot. Then, in a final spasm, I rocked my head back and pressed my loins eagerly forward against the canine’s talented snout. My hair whipped in a cascade of blonde and I dared to let my hands slip from the table and caress my naked upper thighs. Dragging my fingers up over my tummy, I sensuously squeezed my breasts, pinching my aching nipples through the soft covering of my robe.

Then — finally — I felt the wonderful sensations in my twat begin to falter. Small post-orgasmic tremors continued to register as Shindo maintained a steady rhythm with his talented cunt-licking tongue. Despite his energetic efforts, the flood of syrupy fluids poured through my panties faster than he could lap them up. I felt a warm, sticky puddle begin to form on the seat of the chair, soaking my panties from below. The scent of wet cunt butter hung heavily in the air, overwhelming the mundane breakfast smells of coffee and toast.

“Well, time to go,” Frank announced, ending his conversation and rising from the table. I jerked in shock and then looked at him, slack-jawed and with glazed eyes, trying to recover from my sexually-induced stupor. He took no notice of my tussled hair, red-faced expression, or panting breath as he gathered his keys and briefcase and headed out to his car. I heard the garage door cycle and the engine of his Mercedes growl to life. The sound of the car receded as the automatic garage door rattled shut. I sat there at the kitchen table in my cum-soaked panties as Shindo continued to diligently work his tongue in my panty crotch. A singled tear rolled down my cheek as I stared ahead into nothingness.


December 6th – Morning

Frank arrived at breakfast, his phone once again his steadfast companion as I faded into the background of his world. I however felt a renewed sense of excitement. “I still thinking about joining that gym,” I blurted, looking to Frank for some sort of acknowledgment. It was a banner day as he granted me a barely perceptible nod as he pecked out an email. “It’s one of those all-lady gyms, just in case you’re worried about that,” I continued. Frank’s total lack of response suggested that he wasn’t overly concerned.

“Well, let’s see what sort of treats we have for breakfast today,” I remarked mostly to amuse myself. I suppressed a grin, given that the spread on the table was the same fare as every day — coffee and toast. However, the spread under the table today was slightly different. Shindo was uncharacteristically well behaved, sitting patiently under the table. It was almost as if he and I were co-conspirators in our naughty little secret. But as I spread my legs he quietly rose to his feet and worked his way between my soft, creamy thighs. Today he found no panty barrier separating him from my girlish charms. Instead he found me moist and expectant, my naked, ruffled pussy lips already unfurled with arousal. Perched on the edge of the chair, I spread my legs, causing my slit to gape open for him. Looking down I saw a trickle of my buttery sauce ooze out, trailing down to the floor on a shimmering drool of vaginal fluid. The big dog intercepted the slowly descending streamer on his tongue, licking his chops in anticipation.

Then Shindo dove into the main course. His rough wet tongue embraced the lips of my twat, savoring the tasty discharge glistening on my pink flesh. Licking me clean, he pulled back, his jowls working as he relished the lingering flavor. As a test, I attempted to distract him with a small corner of toast. Normally he was up for any little morsel, but the large canine completely ignored it. He had obviously acquired a preference for the taste of buttery pussy muffin instead. I popped the piece of toast in my mouth and chewed as the Akita pushed his snout back against my twat. I squirmed as his cold nose made contact with my clit. His tongue teased my fleshy little nub of delight and I gave a subdued gasp in response. Then his oral appendage slipped lower, working its way into the clutching tunnel of my cunt. Elbows on the table, I interlaced my fingers and rested my chin on my hands, trying to maintain a bored expression as several inches of wet dog tongue wriggled up into my tight little snatch.

The Akita attempted to explore every hidden nook and cranny of my clutching pink vaginal folds, turning his furry head this way and that to exploit every angle. I had never imagined that a doggy tongue was so incredibly long — or maneuverable. But it was a discovery that I enjoyed with lustful delight. And then, just as I thought that the canine had finally achieved the ultimate limits of his oral reach, I felt his furry snout begin to pry its way into my pussy. I gulped in horror, realizing that the animal seemed intent on fucking me with his face. I groaned at the sensation but then started to lower my hands to pull his snout back out of my twat. But then I flinched, quickly resuming my chin-on-hands pose as Frank looked up and favored me with a rare but disinterested glance. I reached down with trembling hands and retrieved my cup of coffee, desperately attempting to maintain a normal expression as a fair portion of the Akita’s snout tunneled its way into my quivering twat.

I set the cup down in its saucer, a rattling noise filling the kitchen as the two pieces of china clattered together under my shaking fingers. I squirmed in my chair, trying to accommodate the incredible stretching sensation in my pussy. Then Shindo’s tongue lashed out once again, digging its way into previously unexplored regions of my lustful fuck sleeve. I could feel the wet tip of his tongue deeply embedded, devouring the sticky discharge that oozed in an unstoppable flow from my fleshy vaginal embrace. It felt as if the voracious beast was only a few inches short of slipping his eager tongue into the opening of my womb. Accepting that mental image as a challenge I spread my limber thighs even wider and gently pressed my hips forward onto his snout. The Akita seemed to sense my wanton need, responding with a forceful push of his own.

A glistening sheen of perspiration broke out on my forehead, betraying the effort of our obscene interaction. The collaborative exercise paid off, and another two inches of furry canine snout were press-fit into my greedy little cunt. But then, just as I was expecting his tongue to resume its lecherous explorations, the Akita pulled back, withdrawing his snout from my twat and leaving me gaping and in a desperate state of frustration. Then I heard Shindo gasp a desperate breath and I realized the reason for his actions. The poor doggy was unable to breath with his snout deeply buried in the depths of my tight wet twat. The Akita’s sides heaved as he replenished his oxygen supply.

I gazed down at the canine with concern but he appeared to be recovering. Then with renewed vigor he licked the thick froth of cunt cream from his jowls and burrowed his way back into my creamy tunnel of lust. I bit my lower lip as he stretched me to new limits. A strangled moan of passion almost escaped my lips. His gazed up at me with an unquestioning mixture of canine love and lust. His snout was buried so deep that his dark soulful eyes stopped just short of my widely stretched glistening twat lips. Deep in the depths of my pussy I felt his tongue surge forth, wriggling and twisting as it burrowed its way into the far reaches of my grasping wet embrace.

Suddenly I trembled, feeling the tip of his wriggling tongue breach the entryway to a new region of my body. The onset of my orgasm was mental, overwhelmed by the realization that I had the tip of a naughty doggy tongue tickling the entrance to my womb. I barely managed to choke back a delirious scream of ecstasy, throttling it back to a barely audible growl of animalist passion. Then my pussy contracted in a powerful spasm and my hips bucked in rapid succession, burying even more of Shindo’s large snout in my alarmingly over-stretched twat. I fought a desperate battle to maintain control of my body, lest I fall to the floor flopping like a fish in the grip of my orgasmic contractions. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the edge of the table and hung on in desperation. I bit my lower lip as my prolonged orgasm caused my pussy to clench down over and over, grasping at the Akita’s deeply embedded snout and tongue. Shindo rode me like an expert, moving with my every buck and twist, unrelenting in his oral attention. My thighs quivered in a muscular cramp as I closed them tightly around the head of my furry friend. Finally, with a quiet gasp, I suddenly relaxed as the last of my orgasm was wrung from the flexing tissues of my twat.

Shindo withdrew, panting and desperate for a renewed influx of air. My pussy gaped shamelessly and a seeming river of melted cunt butter poured from my open fuck slot. The milky discharge dripped freely and clung to both of my inner thighs in a shimmering coating. I blinked, trying to focus on Frank as he sat in his chair, still intent on his all-important text message. A growing puddle of simmering pussy cream grew on the floor between my feet, but Shindo was quick and eager to lap up all the incriminating evidence.

Frank rose and headed off to work, oblivious as usual.


December 6th – Afternoon

After a long shower and a quick lunch I gathered up my courage and made my way down to Bumper’s, the ladies-only gym and spa I had found. I went up to the counter and told the girl I was thinking about getting a membership. She introduced herself as Lydia, and told me she was the owner. I was impressed since she seemed to be only a few years older than my age of twenty. Lydia gave me an in-depth tour. We talked about the various exercise classes that were offered and she showed me how to use a lot of the weight machines, stationary bikes, and treadmills. I liked what I saw, and signed up for a six month membership on the spot.

I had brought some workout clothes with me, so I went into the locker room and changed. I felt a little embarrassed, wearing my old “Hello Kitty” sports bra from high school. But I figured I could buy some new gear once I got a sense of what was considered fashionable around here. Stepping back out of the locker room, I surveyed the vast array of gym equipment, not sure where to start. There was a Jazzercise class in session, so I went over to watch, just trying to get a feel for everything.

As I was standing there, I suddenly felt a presence next to me. Standing to my right was a beautiful redhead, dressed in very short shorts and a frayed-out cut-off Rolling Stones tee shirt. She was in her late twenties and stood a couple inches taller than my five foot five height. “I feel like a kid in a candy store,” she remarked, gazing out on the collection of prancing girls in an array of sweats, shorts and tight yoga pants. I felt a bit self-conscious. I was a trim one hundred and fifteen pounds, but was feeling a bit soft and wiggly compared to the hard, lean bodies on display in the class.

“I’m Maggie, by the way,” the redhead introduced herself.

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