
Super Bowl Forfeit: Mother & Daughter

Continuation of “Going (On My) Back to School”. Cheryl, a sexy older woman again meets up with her young lover, who is now dating her daughter and brought him home with her.

Her hand moved across her body, washing and caressing the soapy body wash against her skin, but soon that wasn’t enough. Her nipples were hard so she pinched at one gently and teased it fully erect while her other hand moved down to her groin. It was wet from more than just the hot water from the shower spaying down over her body, as it was more and more often these days.

They say a woman’s biological clock really ramps up just before menopause, and Cheryl knew that was true for her now that she was in her mid forties. She had been sexually active and some might say even a bit of slut in her late teens and early twenties, but then she settled down with Chet, got married, had a daughter, and steadily got used to having sex less and less often.

A few months ago Danielle went to college and they made a mother-daughter road trip out if it and she could feel her youthful memories return as the two of them spent a long two day drive together. Boys were on both of their minds, but Cheryl had thought she was just trying to protect her daughter and prepare her for adulthood. Instead she accidentally seduced the first boy they met and she had him fucking her before they had been there an hour while Danielle was at out at her orientation.

Now even almost half a year later she still was touching herself in the shower, remembering how long and hard they had fucked in that public men’s room just fifty feet away from her daughter. She’d stripped quickly so no other boys that might come in would catch her, stripping in front of this much younger man. Then she jumped in a shower stall and turned on the water, shrieking and giggling when the cold water hit her body, making her already excitedly erect nipples painfully hard.

Mike squeezed in behind her as the water warmed up and didn’t waste any time. His hot hands enclosed around her, scooping up one breast in each as he nestled his body up against hers. His fingertips toying with her pert nubs while his cock was already growing again after their first encounter, pushing against her ass crack. God it felt so good to have a young and active lover who was already eager for more. It was a miracle if her husband was still awake two minutes after he came nowadays, but he had once been like Mike, endlessly fascinated with her body and always looking to screw day and night.

Thinking of Chet in his younger days was slightly distracting to Cheryl’s sexual fantasy. Not long after her daughter had been born almost twenty years ago his sexual desire had a steep drop off that has only steadily diminished. Sure he had that knee injury when he was a linebacker in college, and a few years ago had a slipped a disc in his back from years of bending over car hoods day in and day out in his auto shop, but even when he was fine he usually fell asleep on her when she tried to seduce him. Now when she was horny she usually had to just go down on him and make him fuck her. Even then sometimes he’d wave her off claiming pain or exhaustion.

She’d felt bad about Cheating on him once she’d gotten home, even while she’d loved every moment of it at the time. She’d tried to seduce him wearing his favorite lingerie, a blue lacy piece that resembled a football jersey, but he just laughed at her and rolled over. That had gotten her so mad she decided to try withholding all sex from him, just to see how long he could hold out. That was last September and now January was almost out and he never even made a move on her since then.

Cheryl pushed the hurt and disappointment and tried to once more relive her adulterous affair in her mind, but the water was going cold as was her current mood. She turned it off and was drying when she heard the commotion of her daughter coming home on break. She had stayed at college over both Thanksgiving and Christmas, so this was the First Time she’d been home since she’d left. They still talked on the phone and email every few days, but nowhere near as often as Cheryl wanted.

Wrapping a towel around her body and another on her head to dry her long light brown hair she walked out to welcome her baby home. When she got to the door though she saw the last person she expected to see. There was the young man she had allowed to violate her marriage vows standing next to her daughter, smiling and happily shaking her husband’s hand. She was stopped dead in shock. They all looked at her, and she realized she must have gasped aloud at seeing him.

Her brain acted fast, “Oh Lord. I didn’t know you were bringing company! Let me go get dressed.” Then she turned and bolted from the room and hid in her bedroom. Why was he here? Danielle said she was getting a ride home from a friend, did Mike live nearby? Was he looking for more from her? She was a blizzard of emotions, each lasting only seconds before another took over. She tore at her drawer of clothes, trying to find something to wear.

Lace panties; too sexy! Plain panties; not sexy enough! She couldn’t decide if she wanted to seduce him again or not, and kept flip-flopping like a hotcake back and forth. Cheryl took off her towels as she finished drying off and found her pussy was sopping wet, even more so than when she was in the shower. She knew what her body wanted, but could she cheat on her husband again? Especially with him right here? She decided to go with a thong swimsuit bikini and matching top that was sexy, but could explain it away if she had too and hopefully it would contain her wetness.

Over that she put on a big floppy blue tee shirt and a grey pair of form fitting yoga pants. She wanted something sexy should it come to that, but the long tee shirt fell over her ass, concealing it nicely to begin with. She posed a moment in the mirror, looking a bit frumpy in the oversized shirt, but smiled as she lifted it and looked at her tight toned ass and legs. She always regarded her legs and rear as her best feature since her breasts weren’t really that big. She’d been self-conscious about their tiny size when she was young, but they had grown to merely small when she was breastfeeding her daughter. The plus side of that was that even now they didn’t sag much at all.

Satisfied that she’d composed finally herself, Cheryl went out to formally greet her daughter and the boy. All smiles and hugs, Danielle happily assaulted her mother with details about their own two day trek as they drove here from college. Mike lived about halfway, so he’d offered to give her a ride as long as he could stay overnight and be fed. Danielle explained how she had met his parents and stayed with him at his house last night with his little cute little twelve year old sister. She had often complained how she wished she had wanted a younger sibling, and while Cheryl had often tried for more kids, they just never got lucky again. Chet didn’t seem to mind though, saying one of Danielle was enough.

They had left Friday after classes and driven all night to get to Mike’s house to sleep for a few hours, visit with his family, and spend that night, but woke at four in the morning to get here by Sunday afternoon. Danielle promised Mike a Super Bowl party since he wasn’t home to watch it with his dad. Immediately him and Chet were fast friends, retiring to the couch to talk football in the few hours until the game started, finally leaving Cheryl some alone time with Danielle.

Trying to be nonchalant Cheryl said to her daughter, “Well, Mike still is a nice guy.”

“Yea…” Danielle cooed. Cheryl could tell she was in love instantly from that one word.

“So…” Cheryl continued, grabbing a can of salsa and opening it without looking at her daughter in the eye. “How long have you two been dating?”

Danielle started, “We’re not…not that I don’t…it’s…complicated.”

“Are you sleeping with him?” Cheryl couldn’t help asking bluntly, a bit of irrational rage and jealousy tingeing her words as she forced herself to remain calm and play ignorant.

“No!” Danielle hissed shocked those words would come from her mother’s mouth. “I think…I think we are dating, but he never tries to kiss me,” her daughter said frustrated. “I would let him if he tried, but he just hasn’t. I don’t know…maybe he’s just gay.”

Cheryl couldn’t help herself but laugh aloud then, he mind uncontrollably remembering his cock in her, throbbing and pulsing as it filled her womb with his desperate seed. She cleared her throat and said, “Honey, I can tell from the way he was looking at you alone that there is no way he’s gay.”

Her daughter paused, slightly shocked, “He…he was looking at me?”

Exasperated, Cheryl turned on her baby girl, “Honey, you are drop dead gorgeous and you know it! How many boys did I have to chase off last year?”

“Only two, but they were jerks,” Danielle insisted.

“Yes they were,” Cheryl continued, not looking at her, but returning to prepare snacks while they talked. “And if Mike isn’t forcing himself on you it’s because he’s waiting for you to make the first move. He seems like a shy boy, a virgin maybe, and sometime you just need to…take the first step.” Cheryl couldn’t believe she was encouraging her daughter to seduce her own former lover, but she loved her daughter more than she wanted his wonderful hot rod inside her again. At least she knew Mike would be a good lay.

“But I…I’ve never done that before,” Danielle said embarrassed.

“Of course you have,” Cheryl sighed. “I distinctly remember hearing an awful lot of secret giggling and disheveled clothing with Donny Wilson from down the road every time he came to visit.”

“Mom…Donny is gay,” Danielle said with all seriousness. “He used to be here all the time because he wanted to try on my clothes and I let him borrow some for when he went on dates.”

Now it was Cheryl’s turn to stop dead from surprise. “You mean he was… cross dressing? In your clothes?”

“Yup!” Danielle said, all proud of herself. “He had some gay friend that he liked to date, but didn’t want people talking so dressed like a girl when they went out.”

“So you have never…” she muttered.

“Yea,” Danielle confessed seriously and back to being a little shy, “I’m still a virgin and haven’t done more than get kissed and groped by a few boys on dates last year.”

Cheryl had lost her own Virginity at fourteen and been with at least twenty boys before college and at least fifty before she started dating Chet. And for all that Chet had been her rock star, a football jock, who while not the brightest was honest and kind. He’d asked her to marry him on their third date. She laughed and refused of course, but then he ended each date, usually after a long sweaty night of fucking their brains out, with asking her to marry him again and again. He wasn’t doing it as a gag, but was completely serious. After almost half a year she finally refused saying she wouldn’t accept until he had a ring.

The next week, before their date, he dropped to one knee and pulled out a small ring box, and there he’d finally bought a tiny cubic zirconium ring. All he could afford since he wasn’t working and only going to school on a football scholarship. She couldn’t help herself and married him in a rushed wedding a few days later at a little chapel outside of their campus. They moved in together and kept going to college until his knee injury ended his college career. That has been a blow to his ego, but the college gave him a full ride to continue with an automotive repair degree. He’d always liked cars and that had gotten them through the first few years, the baby, and out into a normal life. He’d gotten a job at a local auto shop fixing cars, but nowadays mostly just did orders and paperwork in the office.

Cheryl never regretted marrying Chet, and really did fall in love with him, and still was in love with him really. At least she told herself that was true, but just needed to feel like a woman, and Chet just wasn’t doing that anymore. But now to be told that her daughter was not yet a woman herself actually came as a bit of a surprise to her. The news always talks about the rise in Teen pregnancy, and while she’d cautioned her daughter and even given her some condoms a long time back, when she first gave her the birds and bees talk when she turned twelve and had her first period, she never expected her daughter to remain celibate through high school.

“Well then, you don’t need to worry about a thing,” Cheryl said happily. “Here, bring this out to the men and meet me in my bedroom.” She handed her the snack tray and went there herself and started rooting in her closet.

Danielle wasn’t far behind, but gasped when she saw what her mother pulled out. “Go shower and change clothes and wear this underneath,” she handed the playful blue lingerie to her daughter. They were close enough in size it should fit just fine. “Just don’t take too long; be back out in the living room within an hour.”

Danielle just stood frozen holding the skimpy outfit.

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