Summoning a Demon
“Nomi is that you?” Naomi’s boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the ‘Nomi’ of her family. Ian had picked up on the proper way to say it very quickly after they had first met at the school disco. That had been nearly a year and a half and they were still together. Of course they were both looking towards college, then university after. Or at least that was where Naomi was heading. Ian was not so sure he wanted university. His aim was college then heading out into the world to earn his living. Naomi was not certain that their relationship would last much beyond then. For now she was happy, in love even, hoping that she was wrong in her worries. But she was only in her mid-teens, worrying about the future was not what she was interested in now. At this very moment she was more interested in why Ian was in the garage.
“Yes it’s me.” She said heading towards his voice.
“I’m in the garage, come on.” He said, sounding excited about something. She walked into the garage, her interest peaked even more by his excitement. She found him carefully examining a strange chalk design on the floor. Comparing it to a design on a piece of paper he was holding.
“What the fuck is that?” She asked him.
“A pentagram.” He replied without looking up.
“A what.”
“A pentagram, you know.” He said to her, again not looking up.
“You’re kidding me, you called me over for another of your stupid demon hunts.” She said, not even trying to keep her derision from her voice. She had learnt early on about his interest in demonology. He was constantly looking for someway to summon up a demon. So far he had never managed it. Which was not surprising really. Demons were a creation of the Judo Christian religion and like everything to do with religion they did not exist. Even though Naomi was by birth a Jew she had very quickly decided to have nothing to do with the religious side of her race. She only believe things that were proven by science, not mumbo-jumbo faith. However as a interest it was not that bad. It could have been worst, he was not some porn junkie, or having cyber sex. Instead he searched repeatedly for ways to summon up demons.
“Yes, but this time it’s different. This ain’t some half assed idea for summoning one up. This is the real thing, it actually works Nomi.” Ian told her, glancing up from the design on the floor. She let her disbelief show on her face. “Trust me on this, this is a real life ritual to summon a demon.” Naomi nodded, still not hiding her disbelief. He shrugged and went back to checking the pattern.
“What are you doing.” She asked after a few minutes.
“Making sure I’ve got the symbols right. If they’re even slightly wrong then the pentagram won’t hold the demon.”
“It’ll escape and we won’t be able to order it to do stuff.” Naomi raised one eyebrow, even though he was not looking at her. About a minute later he stood up and nodded.
“Right, it’s perfect so we can continue.”
“Great, and why am I here.”
“Because the ritual needs a female to work. It’s to summon up a Incubus and that means I need a woman.”
“What’s an Incubus?” She asked.
“A male lust demon, like a Succubus only male. You remember when I told you about Succubus’s don’t you.” Naomi took a moment to trawl through her memories of the different times he had told her about demons.
“Aren’t they some kind of sex demon. Like a vampire only they feed of sex with men.” Ian nodded.
“Yeah, an Incubus is the same only with women. The one I’m trying to summon up is kind of a big shot amongst them.” Naomi gave him a look of complete disbelief. “Come on babe, for me please.” He shot her pleading look, the kind he knew she could not ignore. Naomi took a deep sigh.
“Ok, for you, what do we have to do.”
“Well now we’ve got to strip off.” She did not reply, her expression said it all for her. “Look this ain’t a way for me to just get you naked. If I wanted that we’d be up in my room right now. It’s what it says on here.” He pointed to the paper in his hand. “And I mean totally, no jewellery, no earrings nothing. It says anything like that can disrupt the energy and stop the ritual working.” Naomi glared at him for a second as he began to strip. Finally she followed his lead, taking her clothes and jewellery off. They piled the clothing on the floor. Ian pointed to a spot in front of the pentagram. “You need to stand there, while I stand here and chant.” Naomi glanced over at him.
“Ok, you want me to stand right in front of where this Incubus will appear. A demon which feeds off sex with women.” She said, part mocking part unsure. This whole ritual seemed a lot more complicated that anything he had ever done before.
“You’ll be perfectly safe, that’s what the pentagram’s there for. It’ll trap him so he can’t escape when he comes to get you.”
“Then what.”
“Then we make him give us something before we let him go.”
“Like what.”
“It’s a lust demon so something to do with sex.” Ian said with a shrug. “Like I could ask to be bigger, or for you to be able to swallow all of my cock when you suck me off.”
“Why not ask for me to love blow jobs while you’re at it.” He smiled.
“Or maybe you could ask for multiple orgasms every time, or for me to last longer or something. Hell you could even make it so you could attract any guy you wanted.”
“Or any girl you wanted.” He shrugged again, looking sheepish. She glared at him for a second. “Though I do like the idea of multiple orgasms.”
“Well I want to be able to not cum until I decide to. So we can do it longer.” He told her with a wicked look in his eye.
“It’d be nice if you could go more than a minute.” She said with a teasing voice. He snarled at her in fake anger. “Could we ask for more than one thing, assuming this works of course.” Which is would not, of course.
“It says we could but not to go for too many things.
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