
Summers Night

….I felt her breathe through my shirt as she continued to nuzzle the bottom of my sternum. She must have been able to feel my heart beating as I raise my head and shut my eyes, my hearing increased slightly. Nat gently moved around while keeping her head close to me; I heard the fabric of her dress fall to the floor and felt it go over my toes.

The story has been hanging around in my folders for a little while and I have just finished it.

Constructive criticism appreciated.

*Ktsssk- The Ice cold beer can sounded heavenly as my fingers made quick work of opening it. Leaning back on the coach I sipped the cold one and flicked through the TV channels, ready to dull my senses. It had been an exceptionally hard week at work; well I say it was “hard” but more mentally then physically. I had withdrawn from the forces- after my daughter’s mother left us- so I could take care of my little girl. Since then I had been through lots of rehab so I could become a “normal” civvy and working as a consultant to private security firms in the local city. So this week had entailed a lot of detailed paper work, route planning, reconnaissance, briefing, re-briefing. All in all a lot of time wasting because no plan survives contact but poor preparation produces poor performance.

*sips*. Kicking my feet up onto the coffee table I slumped further into the cushions and internally chuckled at the comedian talking about fingering donuts. Looking at the fat bastard on the TV made me self-conscious; that my paper pushing had gotten the better of me; I tapped my stomach and tried to pinch some fat. Nope. Still lean and fighting fit. The years had been kind of kind to me, I suppose; I only had a couple of greys, was still in good shape, not bad looking- according to my daughters teachers. Though I still creaked and cracked when moving slow and had more than my fair share of scar tissue to go around, as well as my grizzled, weather beaten, hands.

My mind went blank as I continued sipping the beer and killing brain cells. I hadn’t fully registered the knocking around upstairs and general footsteps going from one side of the room upstairs to the other.

“Dad!” My daughter yelled down to me in a way only a daughter can.

I did what any responsible parent would do in the situation and ignored it.

“Daaaaaad!” That dragged out pronunciation sent a shiver down my spine in disgust. And she knew it.

“Yeah?” I call back before sipping the beer.

What followed was the incomprehensible language of someone trying to have a one sided conversation with someone else through a floor and couple of walls.

Sighing I lifted myself out of the sofa, with great effort, and trudged my way upstairs too shuffle into my daughters room. It was a state. I had seen bomb craters look tidier and more organised then this.

“Christ almighty Nat! This place is a mess..” Nat was looking at me from the other side of the room with a big grin on her face and a black dress which she only wore when she was going someplace with her friends.

“Yeah I couldn’t find my heels, but then I remembered they are on the top of my wardrobe and I can’t reach them” She pointed at the top of the bare wooden case- I think it was an early carpentry attempt of mine.

I took then hint and tiptoed my way over and around varying garments of clothing, which included some very small thongs to socks and wranglers. I muttered under my breathe that Nat was a short ass, which she heard and gave me a devils glare for. “here ya go short ass” I said with a taunting grin.

“5’ 4 is not short! Bloody sasquatch”. We loved jibbing at each other; her wit was good which made her formidable to argue with if un-practiced. To be fair she wasn’t that short for her age and was developing into an eye wateringly good looking lady, with curves in all the right places, beautiful full chestnut brown hair, with doe shaped eyes to match, she was a sight for saw eyes.

“Pfft” I rolled my eyes at her as she whipped open the box to pull her black heels out. “Where you off to tonight anyway?” I asked with a bit of curiosity and worry in my voice. I wasn’t overly concerned but the last 6 months she had been going to various parties and had come back in a variety of states, nothing awful but nothing great either.

“Jens parents are out of town so she’s having a small house party, just friends from school and that. I should be back by 12 anyway” she wasn’t looking at me when she spoke but I didn’t hear a hidden motive in her voice, she knew better than to lie to me outright and I believed she would be back by 12.

“That’s the Dawson’s place right? That’s a couple Klick’s away, how you getting there and back?”

“Jens sister is running taxi and DD tonight she is meant to be giving us lifts around” She murmured the last bit whilst applying lipstick.

Nat seemed genuine and hadn’t given me to much of a reason to not trust her in the past so I took her word for it and admired my girl before edging my way out the room. “Well you’ve got your cell right? You can call any time if you need me; leave it on loud so I can call you. You know the rules”. I poked my head around the door before leaving “And take it easy on the beers eh?”. I chuckled slightly remembering the last time she had had a bit too much beer.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know”

That’s all I needed I was kinda hoping she would be gone a little while so I could watch some porn and beat one out while drinking beer. Being a single parent and working full time didn’t lend itself to romantic relationships easily, the last time I was able to get some pussy was when I had to stay overnight in a city hotel with a spicy woman from another consulting outfit.

I thudded my way down the stairs wondering how I ever managed to stay quiet on night ops before flicking through the TV guide. Straight up to the high numbered channels I was pleased to see I still had them and they were still available to me for later, I flicked back to the comedian in case Nat came downstairs. The Cheshire Cat couldn’t of grinned bigger than me as I finished off my beer and went to the kitchen for some lazy leftovers for a lazy evening.

As the microwave spun round re-heating a couple burgers and ribs my mind wondered to the pants and bras I had seen on Nat’s floor. They didn’t have polar bears or polka dots on them; they were lacy and string with small red bows. Did this mean she was all grown up? I don’t remember having a sex talk with her either? Did she already know about sex? Had she already had sex? Did she have contraception pills?


As I chewed through the food I thought that I might just have to have a small parental snoop through her room, just to stay ahead of the curve or at least not so far behind that I get blindsided. The comedic channels rolled on as did the beers, I was full from left over BBQ and feeling a little lethargic from the alcohol but Nat’s voice woke me up.

“I’m out da, I will catch you later, love you” she was obviously in a bit of a rush.

“Alright bab-“The door cut me off as it slammed shut. Ah well, she was a good girl and had never given me too much cause for concern. Plus I had shown her how to do various choke holds, throw all the punches, disarm and shoot to kill. She could handle herself, which meant I worried less.

But a little Intel never hurt.

My back creaked a little as I lifted myself out of the sofa, yet again, and trudged my way up to Nat’s room. She was long gone now and off to have fun. My senses sharpened up as I stood with my back to the wall and gently swung the door open. No noises, no crashes, no bangs. Clear for entry. The room was markedly tidier compared to earlier, I guess she didn’t want to fall over anything if she came back after too much to drink. Doing a quick glance around the room I went for the obvious bed side table, it seemed like the go to thing for some reason. The top draw was filled with random bits of paper and shit that had been swiped off the top of the unit. Bellow that was a small cupboard, the top shelf was useful; Nat was up to date with her contraceptive pill which was good. I carefully placed everything back how I found it. The very bottom was a little more un-interesting but there was a small black makeup-bag, I hesitated but picked it up anyway. It was quite light and had a hard backing which didn’t reveal the size or shape of what was inside, I carefully unzipped it so my oversized fingers didn’t break the comparably tiny zipper. Well I wasn’t surprised but I kind of was. There was a small silver vibrator shaped like a bullet, some kind of pleasure balm and a small bottle of lubricant. All in all it was pretty tame. Thank fuck. But my mind still flashed the thought of her using these while I was in the house; it was kind of a numb feeling of displacement or suppression? Either way I shook it off and put it all back to carry on my quest.

I ran my hand under the pillows then between the headboard of the bed and the mattress, nothing jumped out at me. Getting on my hands and knees I looked under the bed, the floor boards were a little dusty from lack of movement/ cleaning, again nothing out of the ordinary; some old clothes, photo album, shoe boxes filled with memorabilia etc. The rest of the room was very much the same, the only things that gave a slight hint to Nat’s sexual advancement was an old porno mag of mine and an erotica book. There were a few items of extremely small underwear, like G-strings and bra’s made solely of lace, but this was to be expected of a growing girl… or lady..

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