Summer Vacation_(4)
Welcome back to more of the A New Day, A New Me, for those looking for info on the characters this is a continuation of the series. I’m jumping ahead in the timeline but will explain in the story. Enjoy.
After all the shit that happened with Derek and Heather at the beginning of the year I can safely say that the rest of the school year went really well. My sister Elizabeth found herself a boyfriend, some straight laced guy in the choir at the local church named Greg of all things. The girls and I got things worked out with a little negotiating on my part, Katy and Kori got along just fine but Mathilda felt left out a lot of the time. Kori hooked her and Katy up with some shopping days and they bonded, thank god too considering I didn’t really need a girl fight.
Jun on the other hand seemed like his world went straight shit sideways when his girlfriend Lilly got all weirded out not feeling like one of the crew and made some advances to me to be ‘one of the girls’. I knew what it’d do to Jun and turned her down which really doesn’t go over well, they haven’t been together for the rest of the year and Jun’s been real quiet about a lot. He’s been there for the others but real quiet.
The best thing going on in my world right now is the same thing going on for everyone right now, summer vacation in two days. Everyone in the school is acting like dogs in the kennel for too long and wanting to get out. It’s a Wednesday after school and all of us are at home eating dinner when it hits me, Mom and Dad are really quiet and have been since we got home. I let it be and head to my room after dinner. It’s about seven at night when I get a knock on my door, its Liz and she’s waving me out of my room. Ever have that feeling where you’re walking into a bad surprise, I get into the living room and I see Mom and Dad sitting in their recliners and some guy in a suit sitting on the couch.
“Hi there, you must be Guy. I’ve heard a lot about you,” the suit says standing up, six feet tall Caucasian, decent build and his suit is pretty nice. I can’t seem to place his accent but he sounds redneck.
“Okay, Dad did I do something wrong,” I ask looking at everyone in the room.
“Guy you should sit down and listen to Mr. Delauter for a minute,” Dad says motioning me to the loveseat.
“Well I’m here on behalf of your mother Guy,” the suit tells me as we both sit down.
“Okay, she’s right there,” I say nodding to Mom in the recliner, I see Mr. Delauter frown at the reference.
“No Guy, I mean your real mother, Loretta,” the suit says, I can feel my stomach tighten and start to feel sick.
Dad is looking at me as the suit tells me about how my ‘mother’ rehabbed a year ago, got a hold of money and paid off all her back child support. I feel cold as mom moves over to the loveseat with me as he tells me she has filed and received summer visitation rights.
“I’m not going,” I say cutting Mr. Delauter off.
“I’m sorry son, but the law is clearly defined. Your mother having paid her dues and being clean and sober for a year gets her visitation rights,” Mr. Delauter tells me taking some papers out of his briefcase.
“First off I’m NOT your son, don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. That ‘woman’ doesn’t deserve a visit from me behind plate glass,” I tell him hotly getting up from the couch.
“She does and she’s entitled to six weeks this summer starting in two days,” Mr. Delauter says standing up,” I’ll be at the airport to take him back to Texas ten in the morning day after tomorrow.”
“My son will be there, you understand something Mr. Delauter,” My dad says standing up,” You want to help my ex wife, fine. You want to take her in and marry her, fine. But you asked for more trouble than you know how to deal with cause you want six weeks with MY son at your home.”
I freeze at what Dad says, he’s gonna let them take me. I get off the loveseat and stomp back to my room; as soon as I’m in I grab a bag and start packing. Its a few minutes when Dad gets to my room; I don’t even turn to greet him.
“Packing for your trip,” Dad asks leaning in the doorway.
“Gonna make a run for it,” I tell him rolling a few shirts up.
“No you’re not,” Dad says taking the bag,” I’ve been to the courts about this for months now. This is all legal and Loretta gets her six weeks Guy.”
“You knew,” I ask shocked,” you knew that she was trying this and you didn’t tell me?”
“I’ve been at court on this, going through hearings. I didn’t want this for you,” Dad tells me.
I shake my head, 6 weeks with a woman I haven’t seen or wanted to see in seven years, now my Dad says I have no choice and I have to go. I don’t even say anything when dad leaves; I just lock my door and shut down. I get knocking after a half hour but ignore it and head to sleep.
Last day of school being a half day everyone is talking about their plans in my crew. It takes a while before everyone realizes I’m in a grim mood, even Jun is talking about summer. Finally Natsuko decides to break the silence.
“So what is our brooding leader doing this summer,” Natsuko asks.
Katy and Liz get really quiet, I know they heard what happened last night and I’m waiting for Liz to drop the bombshell. The others at the table start getting nervous so I decide to drop the summer bombshell. I watch their faces some grim, some shocked.
“So are you going to be okay,” Jun asks me breaking the silence.
“Okay and me are not good friends right now,” I reply from my hood.
“Hey man, I’ll take care of the girls while you’re gone,” Jun tells me.
The whole table starts laughing about it; I even manage a chuckle out. We settle down but I’m still in a bad way when Kori nods for me to head outside. I leave the table and follow her out, it takes me a second but I know Katy is following me. I see her stop in front of the school offices and sit down on the concrete planter, guess this is one of those moments.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this,” Kori asks.
“I found out about it last night, thought about making a run for it but my Dad shut that idea down,” I tell Kori sitting down next to her.
“Okay Kori, Guy should have told you,” Katy cuts in standing in front of us,” but this is trauma drama shit happened to him last night, when he pulled me out of my shit I didn’t have my head on straight for days. You two plan a going away thing for just the two of you tonight; I’ll talk to Mathilda and let her know.”
And just like that Katy is gone and Kori and I are left alone on the planter. I put my arm around her and she cuddles inside my coat, even in the summer I keep the leather jacket with hood on. After a few minutes I feel Korinna rustling around in my pockets and watcher her take my phone out. Quickly she gets up and starts going through my numbers, I almost protest but I see her make a call.
“Hi Mr. Donnelly… no it’s not Guy its Korinna… No Guy is fine… no he didn’t make a run for it… yes I will make sure he’s fine… Mr. Donnelly I’m going to borrow my boyfriend till tonight if that’s okay with you and Mrs. Donnelly,” is what I get to hear from Kori on my phone with my Dad,” Yes I’ll have him back tonight thank you.”
“Did you just make my plans for the evening,” I ask Kori taking back my phone.
“Yes I did sir, you will sit and you will like it,” Kori tells me taking out her own phone and start making a call, I hear her talking to her folks.
I get up and head back to the cafeteria; I see the rest of the crew still plotting their fun.
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