
Substitute dad pt.4

The continuing adventures of Todd and Nicole

Last we left off, Todd had begun having sex with his step-daughter with the permission of his wife, but she has now started to get a little jealous about it.

Over the next couple of days, Todd stayed away from Nicole’s bedroom, and Michelle seemed to settle back down.
Before long, he felt horny late one night, and left Michelle sleeping next to him to make a visit to Nicole.
As he opened their bedroom door, Michelle stirred.
“It’s ok, I’m just going to see Nicole. I won’t be long, promise.”
Michelle grunted sleepily, and rolled back over.
Todd padded down the hall to Nicole’s room and quietly knocked on her door.
“Nicole, are you awake?”
She didn’t answer, and Todd stood there for a moment before opening the door.
Nicole was laying in bed, fast asleep. Deciding not to wake her, he quietly closed the door behind him and went back to bed.
The next morning, he awoke to the sound of breakfast being prepared.
He walked into the kitchen to find Michelle making coffee.
“You certainly were quick last night.”
“Yeah, she was asleep and I didn’t want to wake her.”
“Well you slept pretty well. Although it seems that you still may have an issue.”
Todd looked down to discover that he was at half mast.
Michelle grinned at him.
“Breakfast won’t be ready for another 10 minutes, think you can get done by then?”
“I’ll try.” He replied, and headed to Nicole’s room.
He knocked softly and opened the door. Nicole had just woken up, and was clad in her tank top and a pair of boxer shorts, standing in the middle of her room and stretching her arms towards the ceiling.
She smiled at him and glanced down at his crotch.
“Need help with something?” She asked with a grin.
“What do you think?” He answered. She giggled in response, and began walking towards him.
She cooed softly as she ran her hand along the outline of his cock, and looked at him with half lidded eyes.
She parted her lips and leaned her head back, inviting him to kiss her.
He spun her around and walked her to her bed, bending her over the top of it while he reached for a condom.
“Your mom is making breakfast, so we have to be quick.”
He stripped her shorts down to her ankles and grabbed the bottle of lube, squirting some directly on her pussy and rubbing it in while he stroked his cock to full hardness.
Once he was ready, he tore open the condom wrapper, and unrolled it down his dick.
Her bed was fairly tall, so her pussy was lined up almost directly with his cock.
The lube eased his entry, and he slid right in, eliciting a groan from both of them.
God, she’s so tight. Todd thought to himself.
He started pumping fast, trying to get done quickly. Nicole started groaning in time with his trusts, adding to his pleasure. He couldn’t remember the last time that Michelle had seemed to enjoy sex.
Nicole pushed herself up on the bed, and Todd took advantage of her new position, fishing her breasts out of the top of her shirt, and grabbing onto them like they were handles.
Nicole tried to turn her face to him and kiss him, but Todd pushed her back down onto the bed, and started pulling her hips back against him.
Nicole kept mewling, and Todd could feel himself getting close.
He thrust a few more times before he came, and Nicole groaned.
He stroked her hair and pulled his softening dick out of her, making a squishing sound as he withdrew.
“Thanks, honey. Now get washed up, breakfast will be ready soon.”
He patted her on the ass as he left, and headed down to his own bathroom to clean up and dispose of the condom.
When he returned to the kitchen, Michelle was putting breakfast on the table.
She smiled at him. “Perfect timing.” Todd gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down to eat.
“Nicole, come eat before it gets cold.” Michelle called.
A few moments later, Nicole emerged from her bedroom, wearing an old bathrobe.
She ate her breakfast silently, staring at her plate, while occasionally glancing up at Todd, and hurriedly looking down when he looked at her.
When she finished, she claimed that she wasn’t feeing well, and returned to her room.

Over the rest of the week, Todd fucked Nicole twice more, making sure to be done quickly. Although he enjoyed having an outlet for his morning wood, he found that he preferred to fuck her at night, so that he could go back to bed with Michelle and cuddle with her after the fact.
He noticed that Nicole seemed to be a little more withdrawn and shy around him, but wasn’t quite sure why.
At least she had stopped trying to kiss him while he was fucking her.

Finally, after two weeks of nocturnal visits to her bedroom, Nicole couldn’t take it anymore.
Todd had just finished up when Nicole began crying.
“Nicole? Nicole, what’s wrong honey?”
She shook her head, refusing to even look at him, but he climbed on the bed and crawled around in front of her, trying to look her in the face, but she began squirming away from him. Todd gathered her in his arms and pulled her into a hug.
“Nicole, please answer me, what’s wrong?”
She was crying so hard that she couldn’t speak, rocking back and forth, sobbing and moaning loudly.
“Why don’t you love me??????” She finally gasped out between sobs.
“Nicole, what are you talking about? Of course I love you!”
But Nicole shook her head.
“No you don’t! You don’t!!! You don’t kiss me, you don’t cuddle with me, you won’t even look at me during sex, you just bend me over and do me like some whore!!!”
“What is going on???? Is everything all right???” Michelle had been awakened by the commotion, and appeared in the bedroom door.
As soon as she heard her mother’s voice, Nicole pulled free from Todd and flung herself into her arms, sobbing.
Michelle looked at Todd with a bewildered expression, and Todd held his hands up and said, “I don’t know. This came out of nowhere.”
Michelle led Nicole down the hallway to their bedroom, and Todd went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.
Whatever was going on, he hoped Michelle would be able to help, but he had a sinking feeling that her little experiment had backfired.
Yes, it was true that he didn’t kiss Nicole, but that was because of Michelle’s wishes, and Nicole was aware of that.
As far as the rest, he was just trying to keep from getting too intimate with her, and confusing her in the process.
Dammit, I knew this was a bad idea. He thought to himself.
He sat at the table and finished his beer, brooding. After his third beer, Michelle came to get him.
“What a mess.” She sighed. “This hasn’t worked out the way I had hoped at all. She’s convinced there’s something wrong with her since you just fuck her and leave. She says that she feels like a whore.”
Todd stared at his beer morosely.
“So what now?”
Michelle sighed. “I’m going to have to alter the rules in this arrangement, obviously. Allow you two to have some more intimacy.”
Todd looked up. “Wouldn’t it be a better idea if we just stopped doing this?”
“I’m afraid not. That would make her feel like she was thrown away.”
Todd nodded.
“Come to bed. Nicole is sleeping with us tonight.”
Todd paused. “Will she want me in there?”
“Yes. You need to cuddle with her, reassure her that you still love her.”
She looked at him with a wry smile.
“By the way, I appreciate you not saying ‘I told you so.’”
Todd chuckled, and Michelle grinned.

Nicole was already curled up in the middle of the bed when Todd and Michelle entered the bedroom.
As he climbed into bed, she opened her eyes and smiled weakly at him.
“I’m sorry I went all psycho on you.”
“It’s okay honey, I’m just glad you’re feeling better. I can’t imagine how tough this has been on you, and I’m sorry for putting you through it.”
Michelle tossed her arm over the both of them and squeezed in.
“I’m sorry for putting the two of you in that position.”
Nicole smiled.

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