
Subjects 0 – CH 2_(0)

Has April abandoned her brother?

In order to understand the STATUS REPORTS, you will have to read my “I found My Sister Stripping” series, but it is not necessary to understand this story by itself.

Subjects 0 – CH 2

STATUS REPORT: Initial tests on Subject Alpha a success. All subjects seemed to be at a higher state of arousal than usual, to include Alpha and his sister. Need to get more data on what happened after Subject Alpha left the club. Perhaps we can convince Larry Cavettelli to hire Subject Alpha.


It had been two weeks since April had tried to teach Adam how to control his libido. Two weeks of near-complete success, and utter failure. Success, because he could control his urges more often than not. The only times he failed to control himself is when he remembered what April and him had done. Failure, because he hadn’t seen his sister since that afternoon, and she refused to talk to him. She hadn’t come home last weekend, and this weekend was shaping up to be the same.

Adam knew that what they had done together was wrong, but at the same time it had felt so great, how could it be anything other than right? He had called her, but she never answered. He emailed her, and knew she read the emails, but again, no replies. It didn’t seem to matter what he wrote, or said, she was gone.

His mom arrived home from work, and informed him that pizza was already ordered, and would be there soon. Adam couldn’t remember the last time they had had a home cooked meal. He wasn’t even sure if his mom still remembered how to cook.

“Have you heard from your sister? Is she coming over this weekend?” He heard her yell from her room.

“No. She won’t answer my calls,” Adam replied.

“What happened that weekend?” His mom asked as she came out of her room. She had on her usual evening attire, baggy jeans, and a loose gray shirt. “You have seemed calmer, but she couldn’t get out of here quick enough.” His mom had asked this same question numerous times, and Adam wasn’t about to admit to the truth. That they had fucked, and he had never imagined that such pleasure ever existed, as he had found that day.

“I told you. We got into a fight, and she stormed out.”

“I know you told me you apologized, but did you REALLY apologize, or just kinda? I hate to see you two mad at each other.”

“I tell you what, after we eat, I’ll go to her place, and apologize in person,” he told her in exasperation.

His mom walked over to him, and leaned down to give him a kiss on the forehead. “Thank you.” The front of her loose shirt dropped low, and Adam could see all the way to her belly button. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Adam had caught glimpses of her breasts before, but never this close, and only before that fateful weekend. With what April and he had done still fresh in his mind, his mom’s tits this close, kick started his libido. He stopped his hands as they started to travel up, and closed his eyes, turning the image of her smallish breasts into a blank white wall.

“Are you okay?” Her words seemed to come to him from a vast distance.

Opening his eyes, he looked at her again, and this time noticed a slight flush to her cheeks. “Yeah, just thinking about what I’m going to say when I get there.” He couldn’t believe he had almost molested his mother. What had happened with his sister was one thing, but he had never felt particularly close to his mother, and the way she had reacted to catching him masturbating… Well, his mom was definitely out of bounds.

“Let me know when–” His mom started, but cut off as the doorbell rang, “Oh, never mind.” She paid the deliveryman, and they sat down to eat.

Dinner was always a silent event. Adam never understood why mom insisted on eating together, since no one talked, but he was quite used to it by now. He couldn’t help but see her in a different light this evening, however. For instance, when the collar of her shirt slipped off her shoulder, he now noticed the pale skin that was left bare, the same shade as her breasts. She was always quick to pull it back up, but one time she had caught him staring, and then left it down the rest of dinner. And whenever their eyes met, they seemed to have a sparkle in them he hadn’t noticed before. He also noticed how she ate her pizza, and while he had never thought of eating pizza as a seductive act before, he did notice how her lips slid along the slice, and how they moved as she chewed.

Several times he had to close his eyes, and concentrate on the image of a blank wall, and each time it seemed to get more difficult to change the image.

“Are you okay?” Adam didn’t know what was more shocking; that she had spoken during dinner, breaking the usual silence, or that she actually seemed concerned. It wasn’t that she was cruel or uncaring, but usually she was so lost in her work, that even when she got home, her mind was still there. She rarely noticed her children, except when she caught them doing something she thought was wrong. “You look like you have a headache, the way you keep closing your eyes.” The surprises kept coming as she got up, and walked over to him, her shoulder still bare. “Would you like me to rub your temples?” She suited actions to words, and her hands on his head felt like fire and ice, paradoxically.

Adam leapt from his chair, his second slice of pizza only half eaten. “I’d better go. I’m not really that hungry.” He started for the door, ignoring whatever his mom said behind him. His only concern was making it out, before she noticed the bulge she had caused in his pants.

Safely in his truck, Adam gave a sigh of relief. He closed his eyes, but it took nearly five minutes before he could get the image of his mother out of his head.

PERSONAL NOTE: Must be careful with Larry Cavettelli. He wanted to use the substance in the stripper’s body spray, but that would have ruined the tests. I understand the implications this can have for his business, but science must come first. Aerial dispersion is still considered the best option for now.


Carol shook herself as her son rushed out the door. She had never seen him act like that around her, but then she had to admit to herself, she really never did pay much attention to her kids. As long as they never got into trouble, or as long as she didn’t catch them doing something wrong, what did it matter?

But for some reason she found herself paying special attention to her eighteen year old son tonight. She hadn’t realized he had grown into a man. A fully grown and well developed man. Unbidden, the image of her son, his hand wrapped tightly around his large cock, sprang to mind.

What was wrong with her? All evening she had been having hot flashes. She was too young to be going through menopause, and it wasn’t that time of the month. She didn’t think of herself as a sexual creature, though she did know that a few of her coworkers had crushes on her. Sex just wasn’t important. Science, now that was something that got her excited! For eighteen years she had been married to her job, and always felt fulfilled with it.

Until tonight. There was no denying the physical reactions her body was having. Increased heart rate, clammy skin, she could feel her bare nipples rubbing against her shirt, and her vagina was definitely wet.

She sauntered to her room, and locked her door. She didn’t view masturbation as a bad thing (again the image of her son, grasping his throbbing hard on flashed before her), but rather as something necessary from time to time.

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