Student Nurse Lessons Ch. 5
Student Nurse Lessons Ch. 5
Sex Story Author: | Princess of Wails |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Taking the movement as his invitation, his hand with new authority descended down her side, once again feeling her curvier-than-Sam |
Sex Story Category: | Fantasy |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction |
Friday came and Andy, as had become their habit, picked up Sam at her residence and drove home. He’d made a few meal preparations the evening before and, while he and Sam waited for Julie’s arrival, showered and changed into khakis and a golf shirt. Sam, also showered, wore simple shorts and a summer blouse. For reasons he couldn’t understand and had no time to consider, Andy was relieved that she hadn’t dressed up for the occasion, his memories of her sexy summer dresses of the weekend before clear in his mind.
Both went to the front door as they heard Julie’s car pull up. Thunderstruck would be an exaggeration, but stunned wouldn’t be, as Andy stared at the beautiful young women exiting her car, first one well tanned leg emerging, then the other, Julie rising from her vehicle, grasping her handbag and a second bag with one hand, straightening her dress with sweeping strokes from her other hand. She lightly touched her hair, a wiry autumn red mass held smoothly prisoner by two jeweled clips and a hair tie. She looked up and, seeing them both at the door, gave them a wide, warm, bright smile. “Like a sister, eh? Isn’t that what you said, Andy?” and, glancing over, Andy saw Sam’s unmistakable smirk.
Entering the house Julie was welcomed with a hug from Sam and then a light, mutual, kiss on the cheek from Andy. Nothing in her manner seemed hesitant, shy, or embarrassed. It was as if this were to be the most normal, routine, dinner date ever. Taking the clue, Andy forced himself to think in the same terms as they walked to the living room, Andy accepting Julie’s gift of wine. He fussed about opening it, poured glasses for all, and announced that he would attend to dinner as the women chatted.
Back in the kitchen, grateful for the distraction of cooking, Andy wondered to himself “what’s happened to Julie? Where did that semi-sister go? What happened to that honorary fifth member of the family, so often in their home that she was almost invisible to him?” And he felt the past week’s growing enthusiasm for the evening’s plan had not been amiss. As he carried the drinks into the living room he stole a glance at her figure; fuller than his sisters, curvier, more…voluptuous somehow.
Dinner and Andy’s cooking were the subject of considerable praise from the two young women who showed the truth in their praise by accepting seconds of Andy’s spaghetti bolognese, his made-from-scratch Caesar salad and crunchy garlic bread. “Pretty sure there won’t be any vampires here tonight,” laughed Julie at the heady garlic aroma that filled the room.
“Not of the undead kind, anyway,” replied Sam to an even more uproarious laugh from Julie followed by both women erupting again as they saw Andy’s blush rising. A simple ice cream dessert followed and they finally repaired to the living room, Sam seizing the easy chair so that her brother and her best friend were obliged to take the couch and smiled as Julie, taking the hint, sat close to Andy. Andy felt at ease after his dinner of one of his favourite comfort foods and, now schooled by Sam’s lessons, casually placed his arm around Julie’s shoulders as she leaned against him. She tilted her head up, Andy noticing that she was slightly shorter than Sam, and accepted his soft kiss.
“Garlic”, she whispered, and all broke into laughter, instantly releasing all the tension that had been building in the room. After a tactful pause Sam explained how she had made preparations in the family rec room in the basement. It had a second TV and was often used to defuse arguments over “what to watch” on the den TV. But its greatest asset for the evening, explained Sam, was its fold-out couch, often used to accommodate overnight guests. She’d prepared it with sheets and blankets and all they had to do, she said, was unfold it. She had placed a chilled bottle of wine nearby with glasses and had also left the…ummm…accessories as well.
At this the two women glanced first at each other and then at Andy’s momentary confusion, and burst into laughter once more at his “Ohhhh, I get it” and joined in the laugh.
Andy rose, always the gentleman, and, to Sam’s quiet delight, reached out and took Julie’s hand as she rose from the couch. He took her into an embrace and kissed her a second time. Julie might as well have not been there as Andy and Julie’s gaze locked. Finally he turned and led her down the stairs. Sam remained behind, sighed, thought of how well she had prepared – she hoped – Andy for this and, hearing him and Julie entering the room downstairs, pulled herself from her chair, went to the kitchen, and refilled her wine glass. “This should take some time” she thought, and began an objective, almost scientific consideration, her thought experiment as to how long it would take for Andy and Julie to begin the evening’s real exercise. She guessed 30 to 40 minutes. Twenty minutes for prefatory kisses, the beginnings of caresses and explorations, 10 more minutes for intense making out, perhaps some “manual manipulation” as she clinically called it, and then…in the sack. She glanced at her watch, placed her headphones on, and began listening to music, trying to ignore the tingling she herself was feeling between her legs.
Sam had even thought of lighting and Andy went immediately to the small table lamp near the couch, turned it on and changed the pitch dark room to a dimly lit one, one where touch, sound, and imagination would supplement their reduced vision. “TV? Movie?” Andy asked quietly, certain that Julie’s breathing had quickened, certain that, even in the dim light, her eyes had taken on a shine that hadn’t been there upstairs.
“Sure…ok,” she replied in a shaky voice. And with that Andy turned the TV on, the volume so low they couldn’t discern the dialogue, and, seeing Julie still hesitantly standing, took her hand, led her to the couch, sat down, and gently pulled her down beside him. He said a silent prayer of thanks to Sam for her lessons, for showing him a path he would never have known. Even at that moment Andy knew that all women would be different, have different wants and needs, but he now knew enough thanks to Sam that he could learn those needs and wants himself.
And so he began, slowly and carefully, as if he was facing a faun, easily frightened. He sat back for a second to give Julie time to relax and then leaned over as he had many times with Sam and kissed her lightly on her lips. A very slight response from Julie. For her part she could hardly believe this was happening. The guy she’d crushed for six or seven years, the guy who hardly saw her when she was with his sister, the guy who treated her like another sister…was kissing her, something she’d wanted for years. And with that she suddenly kissed him back, pressing her body quickly to him, rejoicing as his next kiss pressed harder, became more greedy, his tongue refusing to wait, pressing between her lips. Her body shook with a slight tremor as the tips of their tongues touched for the first time and then began their dance of discovery.
Faster, much faster than he had with Sam, Andy began to explore Julie’s body and it was as if his brain now opened a second file of women’s bodies; this one labeled “Julie”, the first one “Sam”. His hands, given full license by Julie, quickly recorded her curves, more pronounced than Sam’s, her thighs (to Julie’s gasps) slightly fuller than Sam’s slender ones, and, 20 minutes after their start, the fullness of her breasts (larger, firmer, his brain categorized and recorded) and at this Andy and Julie were spot on Sam’s predicted timing. As Andy cupped, fondled, lightly squeezed Julie’s breasts her breathing now became panting, her moans (like Sam’s, he thought, but somehow deeper) coming more and more frequently.
They continued with Sam’s timing as Andy felt Julie shift and press her leg over his, her hem rising with the effort.
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