Strict rules of engagement
Strict rules of engagement
Sex Story Author: | The Vader |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “If you do well in this test, you get to spank me instead AND I will allow you to lick |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Foot or shoe fetish, Incest, Male / Older Female, Wife |
This story is split into 3 parts, each getting more heated than the last.
It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadn’t yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brody’s mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brody’s day dreaming had been rudely interrupted by a piece of crumpled up paper hitting the right side of his face. As he snapped back to reality he noticed everyone in the class rummaging through their backpacks and he then realized what had just happened. Mr. Filk had requested the students to submit their homework which Brody just remembered he had not actually done.
“Ah Mr. Turner, would it be wrong for me to assume you haven’t completed the assignment as usual?”
Mr. Filk said in a patronizing tone as the whole class stopped to look at Brody, a few whispers and snickers echoed throughout the class room.
“Um, no Mr. Filk, I forgot to do it.” Brody responded.
“Now where have I heard that before?” Mr. Filk responded rhetorically.
“Well that was the last straw, it’s off to the principal’s office with you young man.” Mr. Filk concluded.
Brody groaned as he packed his bag and stood up from his seat. He left the classroom and made his way down the hallway where he took a seat outside the principal’s office.
“The principal will see you now Mr. Turner.” The secretary said to Brody without looking in his direction as she effortlessly tapped the keys on her computer, Brody stood up and walked into the principal’s office and slouched down in a chair in front of the principal’s desk.
The principal stared at him over the top of her small framed glasses, her expression appeared almost blank, showing only a hint of irritation.
“Brody, how many times are we going to do this?” She said in a very flat but firm tone of voice.
“Do what mom?” He responded sarcastically.
“You know exactly what! We agreed you will give this new school a chance and so far you are the student I have seen the most in this office and always for the same reason, the teachers complain you never do your homework.”
She said, waiting for a response which she knew she wouldn’t get. Brody just sat there and stared at the floor, unwilling to answer.
“Brody, I’m not going to ask you again.” She said in a stern, matter-of-fact voice.
“This school sucks, this town sucks and I hate it here. Why did you have to take this stupid job anyway?” He asked rhetorically.
Mrs. Turner let out a deep breath of frustration as she took her glasses off, her piercing green eyes giving him a very intimidating stare. Brody had grown rebellious since he had been through puberty but it was no contest for his mother’s stern, strict nature. While looking at him she couldn’t help but notice how much her son resembled her own father. Brody stood at 6’2” and had very broad shoulders. He got his build from his grandfather as neither of his parents were above 5’7″ in height. Looking over her son’s features and structure reminded so much of her father that it gave an idea and in that moment it was as if a light bulb just lit up in her head.
“You know, when I was your age, my parents had a very ‘unique’ method of disciplining us.” She began, talking in a very methodical tone of voice.
“They each had their own method of discipline and alternated between the two depending on the severity of the punishment.” She continued as she slid her narrow, rectangular framed glasses back onto her face.
“The first method was used by my mother on many occasions. This method was used on us when we being disobedient or rude, or didn’t complete our house chores.” She said as she moved some stationary around on her desk.
“Whenever one of us would get out of control, we would be forced to clean all the shoes in the house, every single one. This may not sound much like punishment but imagine having to clean more than 20 pairs of dirty, stinky, smelly shoes before you go to bed, and if we finish early enough then we could eat dinner, if not then we would go to bed hungry.” She said as she clicked the mouse sitting on her desk as if she were busy with something on the computer while talking.
“The second was a quite straight forward. When we were out of control, our dad would simply whoop us until we couldn’t sit down for the rest of that day.” She said as she calmly swung her chair to the side, stood up and walked over to a wooden cupboard standing in the corner. She stood in front of the cupboard as she shifted some stuff around, Brody couldn’t see what she was doing but he had honestly lost interest in the conversation about 5 minutes ago. He sat there day dreaming when he was brought back to reality by a loud noise. He looked in front of him and realized what the noise was. His mother had hit the desk quite hard with a short wooden paddle.
“Since your father and I can’t seem to get through to you, I think I have to try one or both of these methods to get some compliance out of you.” She said, running her delicate finger along the short length of the paddle. Brody looked at her in disbelief, like she had finally lost her mind. He was about to protest but she cut him short.
“Before you even think about complaining, think about this first: if you don’t do as I say, we are taking away your internet, cellphone and video game privileges. By the time we are done with you, you will think you are living in the Stone Age.” She said quite sharply.
“You can’t do that!” He shot back.
“Oh cant I? You are forgetting we pay for all of those privileges and we are well within our rights to take them away. All we have to do is feed you, clothe you and make sure you get a good education, two of which we have managed, the last one is why we are here in the first place. Now stand up and turn around before I thrash you AND take your privileges away anyway.” She said, seeming quite pleased with herself for cooking up this idea.
Brody mumbled as he stood up and turned around with his shoulders slouched over. He heard the clicking of his mother’s high heels on the floor as she walked around the desk and stood behind him. Without warning Brody heard a loud smacking sound and instantly felt his ass cheeks warm up to the temperature hotter than the surface of the sun. His face contorted and before he knew, a second strike landed in his ass. It must’ve looked quite awkward should someone be able to see them as there was this petite, classy woman spanking a guy almost twice her size. Janice didn’t want to take it too far as unlike her father, she knew the difference between discipline and abuse. The force she used wasn’t brutal but felt a lot worse as the paddle area was wide and the wood was thick. Her strikes came in a total of 10, it didn’t seem like much but Brody felt like his ass was on fire. In all the 17 years he had been alive, he had never been spanked before.
Janice straightened out her white blouse and walked over to her chair and sat down again, her face was slightly flushed but she was trying her hardest to hide her sense of satisfaction, as if she has just claimed a major victory for her team.
“You may leave now but don’t forget that, you have shoe cleaning duties when you get home.” She said as she turned her chair toward the computer and began typing up some document. Brody left the principal’s office and went back to class, he never said a word to anyone else for the remainder of that afternoon and even when he got home he was very quiet. He walked through the front door and walked straight passed his father, making his way to his room. John was shocked at his son not even looking at him and instantly had some notion as to what had happened. Not long after John that heard his wife’s car pull up in the drive way and he heard the door open and close. He heard the clicking of her heels as she walked toward the door, a sound he had grown to despise as even the sound alone seemed arrogant to him. As she appeared in the doorway John gave a scolding look.
“What the hell Janice? What did you do this time?” He asked her in a shouting whisper.
“I disciplined him! Something you are clearly too lazy to do as the ‘man’ of the house. Some role model you are.” She retorted as she walked into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. For the next hour the husband and wife bickered and argued about the state of their family, their marriage and how much of a bitch she had become. After what seemed like forever, Janice became irritated and walked out of the room, making her way to the bedroom to get ready for a shower before bed. As she approached the bedroom she noticed the light was on and slowly walked toward the door and peeped into the room, unsure of what she would find. She first noticed Brody was sitting on the floor in front of her closet with the doors open and he had a bunch of shoes around him. She smiled brightly as she thought she had finally gotten through to him. As she was about to walk in and commend him for his obedience she noticed he had a shoe cloth in his lap but he wasn’t using it. She then noticed all he seemed to be doing was sniffing the insole of her high heels as if it were an inhaling drug. He was going to town on them, even going as far as licking the areas where her toes and the arches of her feet would rest when wears them. Janice backed away slowly and stood against the wall as if hiding from murderer. She tried to understand what she had just seen but couldn’t make sense of it. All sorts of explanations run through her mind but none of them stuck. After what felt like forever she decided to try and act like she hadn’t seen anything as she had no idea how to handle it or even what she would say if she were to confront him.
“It’s probably nothing, I’m just overreacting.” She whispered to herself as she slipped her high heels back on her stocking clad feet and began walking heavy footed toward her room to ensure he heard her coming and would stop doing whatever he was doing and as she entered the room she found him wiping her shoes with the cloth as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
“I think that’s enough Brody, I’ve had a long day and I need to take a shower.” She said as she unwrapped her scarf from around her shoulders. She always seemed to wear a scarf no matter what the weather was like, according to her they were ‘trending’.
“But you said….” He began but she cut him off.
“I said leave.” She said in an angered voice, almost barking at him.
Brody stood up and walked out of the room, leaving everything as it was. He walked over to his room and threw himself on the bed. Surprisingly after everything he had been through today, he wasn’t angry but he had grown to resent his mother for her attitude toward him. Brody lay in bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about how he couldn’t wait to finish his last year of high school and move far away from home, very far away. Not moments later Brody passed out quickly fell into a deep sleep.
Janice came out of the shower and noticed the pile of shoes still lying on the floor outside the closet. Normally this would’ve irritated her highly, but she couldn’t help but notice all the shoes Brody had been “cleaning” where all high heels. She then zeroed in on the heels she had seen Brody licking and sniffing and noticed the toe area of the shoe was still glistening with his saliva. Janice couldn’t make heads or tails of it and decided to leave everything as is. She threw herself onto the bed wrapped in only a towel and promptly fell asleep.
The next morning Janice woke up and went through her usual morning routine. She got dressed and sat at her dressing table. She stretched her leg out and rolled the bunched up thigh high stocking she had in her hand over her delicate, petite toes and rolled it up her smooth, shapely leg. She repeated the process with the other leg then stood up and walked over to her closet. She was about to reach for a random pair of heels but then noticed the pair her son had been sniffing and liking the day before. They were sky blue, patent leather high gloss peep toe high heels which were at least 5 inches in height including a 3 inch platform with thin strap around her ankle. She thought about how long it had been since she last wore them and decided to slip them onto her feet. She smiled as the shoes brought back memories of her clubbing days since these were her favorite shoes back then. While still reminiscing about her fun and adventurous day she finished up getting ready and left for work. As she walked out the front door she noticed Brody had already left for school and John was still asleep on the couch where she usually found him. He claimed he was in between jobs but ever showed any interest and in actually looking for a new job. This was a deep seated issue and as a result Janice found herself getting agitated as she drove to work. As she arrived at her office she tried to shrug it off and begin her day.
“Carla could you get Brody in here please?” She said and walked into her office. Soon after she heard Carla’s voice over the intercom informing Mr. Turner his presence is being requested in the principal’s office. Brody heard the announcement and instantly got irritated. He made his way to the principal’s office and found his mother sitting in her usually spot in the waiting area, the memory of the previous day was still fresh in his mind.
“Come in Brody and close the door behind you, we need to talk.” She said calmly. In all honestly she had no clue why she had even called him into her office and just started talking. Since she had slipped those shoes onto her feet, her mind didn’t seem to be all there as she seemed to be acting without thinking.
As Brody sat down she sat quite for a minute, as if trying to pull herself together and attach herself back to reality and then suddenly remembered why she had called him to her office in the first place.
“I saw you last night with my shoes.” She said abruptly. As soon as the last word left her lips she wished she could catch her words before they had reached him but it was too late and she had no idea why she had just said that.
“Wh…what do you mean? I was cleaning them like you told me to.” He replied as she shifted in his seat, showing obvious signs of being nervous.
“That may be so but I didn’t tell you to clean them with your tongue.” She said calmly, as if they were discussing the weather or his grades. Brody’s eyes had now grown to the same size as saucers after hearing her confirm she had indeed seen him.
“It’s not what you think mom, I was just…” She gave him one of her famous stares which simply meant stop talking.
She thought about what she was about to say for a moment and was about to back down when rubbed her toes together in her shoes and realized her perverted son’s tongue had been in that very same spot less than 24 hours ago. The thought of it infuriated her and excited her at the same time and she had no idea why.
“Well since I can’t seem to get through to you about your grades, I might as well use your disgusting perversion to my benefit.” She said coldly, he could hear the judgment in her voice as she spoke.
“Let’s make a deal. I know you have a test coming up in two days and this will be the perfect testing ground for my little experiment.” She paused for a short while then continued. “If you get low grades on this test like you have been doing all this time, I will spank you again and you will have to clean mine and your father’s shoes. And to add to that, no more internet!” She stated. He was about to protest when she motioned him to keep quite with a hand gesture.
“I’m not finished.” She paused again, her heard racing at the thought of the words that were about to leave her plump, red lips.
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