

Billy always had a thing for redheads, could never really explain why, it was just a natural attraction. After returning from an extended trip he moves in with friends and meets a cherry top that really got a rise out of him!


Billy always had a thing for redheads. All the way back to his childhood he was attracted to red-headed girls, always thought they looked interesting, different, adventurous, exotic and erotic. A nice looking redheaded gal would always turn his head. He didn’t know why, he just assumed everybody had their type and cherry tops were his, even though he was a blond haired, blue eyed WASP. And after he’d been with a few he discovered that what turned him on even more was when he finally laid his eyes on the bright red strawberry patch between their legs. That red hair down there just turned him on, plain and simple.

Billy dated several in high school, but like most relationships at that age, the liaisons were short-lived. One was the twin sister of a guy he played baseball and basketball with, a year younger, but it didn’t work out. Every time he kissed her he couldn’t get his buddy’s face out of his mind. Another he dated for most of his junior year but it fizzled out, and he escorted one to the senior prom but by graduation she was seeing somebody else.

He had one extended red headed romance in college but that ended not long after she graduated. She was a year older and was accepted to a graduate school a thousand miles away. They kept in touch for a while but soon that tomato died on the vine.

After graduating from college Billy worked three jobs for six months to save money and then he hit the road in his VW van. He travelled around the U.S. for about a year, seeing the sights. He camped his way along the back roads and the outback of the country, discovering new places and visiting a few scattered friends. In that year on the road, Billy had sex with nine different women: six were redheads; the other three were hookups with friends…or friends of friends…he stopped in on.

During his trip he’d stayed in touch with some of his friends back home. As his trip was winding down, it worked out that three of his buddies were renting a big house and invited him to move in when he got back off the road. They said there was plenty of room and splitting the rent four ways instead of three sounded good to everybody. So when Billy got back home he bought a mattress and moved in. He was able to land a job as a manager trainee at a carpet store…a friend’s dad owned the place…which he figured would tide him over until he got serious about life and something better came along.

One of his new roommates, Mark, had graduated with Billy and was working as a photographer. The other two, Tim and Earl, were a few years older and both worked at a local college. Tim was assistant to the athletic director and Earl was an activities coordinator and soccer coach. One of the fringe benefits of their jobs was that they knew a lot of cute and sexy college girls.

Tim and Earl were always inviting nubile college girls to the house, and most were young and willing. They started having huge parties at the house. They would get the word around the campus and hundreds of people would show up. These were massive blowouts and often the cops would drop by to say hello and please turn down the music. Sometimes the guys would each have sex with two or three different girls at the parties and they wouldn’t even remember their names. There were a few gang bangs too. The house got nicknamed ‘The Ball Park’.

One Saturday afternoon Billy was in the house alone, sitting around reading a book when the doorbell rang. When he opened the door he was surprised to see a young, attractive red-headed girl standing there. He salivated at the sight of her: she was about five feet six, bright red hair down to the small of her back, big baby blue eyes, tight jeans that hugged her lean legs and perfect ass, and a red tube top that matched her hair and barely restrained her large, firm tits.

“Is Tim at home?” she asked shyly.

“Uh, er, no,” Billy said clumsily. “He’s not.”

“Oh,” she replied. “Do you know when he’ll be back? He asked to me to come over.”

“Well,” he said, “I’m not his keeper and as you probably know, Tim does his own thing, but you’re welcome to come in and wait. If he invited you over he’ll probably be along.”

“Okay, thank you,” she said, and Billy led her to the sofa where he had been reading.

As they were seated several feet apart Billy tried not to stare at her nipples that were trying to poke through the flimsy fabric of her top.

“My name is Billy,” he said.

“Yes, I remember. I’m Pam. That was some party last weekend, wasn’t it?”

Billy vaguely remembered meeting her, a stunning redhead certainly would have gotten his attention, but then everybody was half-drunk and pretty women were everywhere. He seemed to remember Tim bragging about some shapely, perky co-ed he had had his way with.

“Yep, it sure was. A three-cop party: that tied a record!” he laughed.

For the next twenty minutes they talked, covering a variety of topics. Primarily she talked about college, meeting Tim and Earl, playing on the field hockey team and her major in Literature. She wanted to be a teacher. He was surprised how much he enjoyed their conversation. She was easy to talk to, laid-back with an innocent feel.

They heard Tim’s truck pull into the gravel driveway. Then he came through the front door in his usual way, which was like a bull in a china shop.

“Where’s my woman?” he shouted as he entered, then he saw them seated on the couch. “You’re not trying to seduce my roommate are you, Pam?” They all laughed.

“No, she’s not,” Billy said. “I’ve been trying to get her into bed for the last three hours, but Pam says if she can’t have Tim, she’s done with men forever!”

Pam laughed and stood up and Tim took her in his arms and gave her an exaggerated French kiss.

“Thanks for taking care of her,” Tim said to Billy. “I wouldn’t want to have to spank her.” To Pam, he said, “You come with me. There’s something I want to show you.” And then they bounded up the steps and into the master bedroom.

Billy had no doubt that what Tim was going to show her was between his legs. A few minutes later he quietly went upstairs and listened outside the bedroom door. He could hear redhead moans and Tim’s rutting grunts and the old bed squeaking and creaking beneath them. He felt a touch of green as he touched himself.
Billy saw Pam at the house a couple more times over the following weeks, but that was it, and when they had their next big party she was nowhere to be found. A few days after that he casually asked Tim what had happened to Pam and Tim said he’d decided to let her ‘date around’. Billy knew that Tim didn’t treat women with much respect, especially the ‘college bimbos’ as he called them, so most likely he’d used and abused her enough that she went away, or she found out he was screwing some other girl and dumped him, or he just dumped her. ‘Go for it, Billy!’ Tim had said.

A couple of months later, a few days after another wild party, an extra-boisterous mélange of loud music, a couple hundred drunks, and one young couple caught by visiting police officers naked and fucking in the side yard, the boys were informed that they were being evicted. With all of the complaints and police calls, as well as a petition from the neighbors, the landlord pulled their plug and ordered them out within fifteen days.

Coincidentally, at about the same time, the athletic director at the college accepted a new position at a university on the west coast, and he would be taking Tim and Earl with him to fill similar jobs at the new school. Moving on up! This was good news for Earl and Tim…higher pay at a more prestigious institution…but it was good news for everybody else too. Now there would be one final blow out: A combination Going Away-Eviction Party!

The party was to be held at the college though; it would be a couple weeks after they had to be out of the house.

Tim and Earl arranged the whole thing. They reserved the lounge next to the dining hall, and since it was technically a private party they got a permit and would be able to serve alcohol. They found some students who had a band and would play for free. They got the word out all over campus and were looking forward to one hell of a sendoff.
As the day of the party approached Billy found himself not looking forward to it much at all. It would be good to celebrate Tim and Earl’s new jobs and to say goodbye, but it wouldn’t be the same. He thought maybe the last few months had taken its toll, maybe he was outgrowing this craziness.

The evening of the party arrived and it was a nice, pleasant night for late autumn. People started arriving at a little after nine and by ten o’clock the place was crowded, with more and more filing in. Billy had a couple of beers but was not into it like he had been at the parties at the house. He wondered to himself where Tim and Earl and Mark were going to take their coeds to get them naked. It wasn’t going to be a short trip up one flight of stairs to their bedrooms like it had been at The Ball Park.

Billy recognized some of the faces but didn’t recall any names, and didn’t make much effort to mingle. He thought, what’s the use, I won’t be seeing these people anymore anyhow. Then at about 11 o’clock he gulped the rest of a beer and slipped out a side door and went outside and got into his van.

He drove about a mile to a neighborhood bar, J.K.’s Pub, a joint he and his friends had been to many times. The place wasn’t that crowded for a weekend so he strode up to the bar and ordered a bottle of beer right away, and he was taking his first sip of the brew when he felt a soft tapping on his forearm. It was Pam. In all of her red-headed glory.

He imagined his pupils must have dilated to saucer-size as his eyes took her in. She looked gorgeous. Her beautiful hair, parted in the middle and revealing her lightly-freckled forehead, was longer and redder than he remembered, wavy and almost down to her shapely ass. Tight blue jeans, sleeveless white blouse that hung loose, polished red fingernails and a touch of lipstick. She gripped his hand and he squeezed back.

“Hi, Billy!”

“Pam, hi, how are you? Long time, no see.”

“Yes, it’s been a while,” she said.

“Yeah, what happened? I’d see you at the house, but then, poof, no more Pam.”

“Tim’s an asshole,” she said, and left it at that, producing an awkward moment.

“You look great!” Billy said.

“Thank you, so do you,” she said, and Billy knew that wasn’t true. He wore blue jeans and a frayed golf shirt and couldn’t remember combing his hair.

“Want something to drink?” Billy asked, noticing she was empty-handed.

“Sure, I’m ready for another.”

He ordered her a beer and turned to face her, both leaning against the bar.

“Are you here alone?” Billy asked.

“I’m with a couple of friends,” she said, turning and pointing to two girls at the end of the bar who looked vaguely familiar. “Missy and Jenna. You may remember them; they came over to your house a couple of times.”

“It looks like they’re getting ready to leave,” he said, observing them examining their chit.

“I’ll be right back,” Pam said, and rushed over to pay her part of the tab.

Billy watched the girls settle up and talk briefly. They all glanced his way and soon Jenna and Missy waved and headed for the door. Pam returned to Billy’s side with her purse.

She took a swig of her beer and said, “Hope you don’t mind driving me home. It’s not too far from here.”

“No problemo,” he said. “It’d be my pleasure.” He swallowed some more beer and added, “You want to sit at a table?”

She said she did. They walked to a quiet corner and sat on opposite sides of a small deuce and talked for the next hour, the conversation flowing easily from topic to topic. It was like those few minutes they’d shared on the couch at the house, only much more intimate. By then they were playing footsie under the table.

“Where have you been living lately?” Pam asked. “I heard you were evicted.”

Billy smiled and said, “Yeah, I guess that was inevitable. I haven’t found a permanent place yet. I’ve been sleeping in my van and taking showers at the Y.”

“Roughing it, huh? You’re such a manly man!” she said with a sly grin.

“It’s not too bad,” he said, “I’m pretty used to it.” He told her about his year on the road.

“Well, you don’t have to sleep in your van tonight if you don’t want to. We have plenty of room.”

Billy digested the invitation. Was it an offer to sleep on a sofa or share her bed?

“Who’s ‘we’?” Billy asked.

“I live with my aunt, my dad’s sister. She’s works at the college. When I decided to come here to go to school she invited me to stay with her. Can’t beat the rent!”

“Ah, makes sense.”

“She has a house about a mile from here. Would you like to see it?”

Billy said he would. He paid their tab and they left the bar.
Once they were in the van Pam got a good look at how Billy had it arranged for living and sleeping in.

“Hey, this isn’t bad!” Pam said enthusiastically. “Looks like you have a pretty nice set-up.”

“Not bad at all. I’ll give you the tour sometime when you have twenty seconds to waste!” he laughed. “And I’ll never be homeless.”

“You lived in this van for a year?”

“Yep, except for an occasional hotel room or a visit to see friends.”

“Well, you’ll have a roof over your head tonight.”

Following Pam’s directions, Billy was soon pulling the van into the driveway of a nicely-kept ranch house in a modern subdivision of single family homes.

“Park behind the Toyota,” Pam said. “It’s my car.”

He pulled in behind her Corolla and turned off the engine. He reached over to open the glove box, brushing Pam’s thigh in the process, and took out a toothbrush. They got out and Pam unlocked the front door of the house. They entered into an open foyer and she turned to her right and flipped on an overhead light. She led him past the kitchen and down a hallway.

“Do you have to use the bathroom?” Pam asked quietly.

“Ladies first!” Billy whispered.

“Such a gentleman. I won’t be long.”

Billy sat on a wicker loveseat that was in a small alcove off the hall. He imagined Pam behind the closed door, seated on the toilet with her jeans around her ankles, pissing, her Technicolor bush reflecting the light. Then washing her hands and face and brushing. Within two minutes the door reopened and she emerged.

“Your turn. When you’re finished meet me in there,” she said, pointing at a door slightly ajar, “And I’ll give you a tour of my bedroom.”

Billy peed and took care of his ablutions in record time. He walked into her room and the door clicked shut behind him. There was a soft light coming from a lamp on the nightstand and Pam was lighting a candle and incense.

It looked like any typical college dorm room. A bed, a desk, a dresser, nightstand, small table. And books piled everywhere.

“Pretty fancy, huh?” Pam asked, and she turned to face him.

Billy suddenly realized that here he was in this girl’s bedroom, looking at her wondrous redness and her heavenly body, with something fantastic about to happen, and he hadn’t even kissed her yet.

“Thanks for asking me to come over,” he said.

“I’m glad I did,” she said, gazing into his eyes.

Billy stepped a tad closer and took her hands into his.

“You are so hot!” he hissed. “But your lipstick looks a little uneven. Maybe I should blot your lips for you.”

He pulled her close and put his lips to hers, gently pressing for a few seconds before parting them with his tongue. She opened her mouth, their tongues collided and she sucked his into her mouth.

They unclutched their hands and were soon enveloped in a full body embrace, locked in each other’s arms, mouths meshed and their bodies mashed together. Billy felt the strength of Pam’s tits against his chest and the grind of her groin against his. His pecker was rising.

He backed her up and sat her butt on the edge of the bed. He knelt on the floor before her and started unbuttoning her blouse. Her hands roamed the flesh of his shoulders and chest under his shirt. When the blouse was off he tore his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. He plunged his tongue back into her mouth and kissed her with a feral force as he fumbled with the hook of her bra.

When the bra was successfully removed his mouth roamed new territory: her ears, her neck and shoulders, taking its time as she cooed her pleasure. Then he reached her firm tits and firmer nipples, hard as nuts, and Pam moaned as he licked and kissed and sucked and teethed her avid, swollen bosom.

He slid his hands under her and palmed her butt cheeks as he lowered his head, tonguing her stomach and navel on the way, until his face was between her legs. He opened his mouth, and while squeezing her ass he hard-pressed his lips into her crotch and Pam groaned when he tried to suck the tight denim of her jeans into his mouth. He kept his mouth against her groin, pushing assertively, and she ground her mound against his face, over and over. Pam dry-humped his face while Billy lip-munched her shielded twat until the crotch of her jeans was soaked by his saliva on the outside, and by her own wetness within.

“Oh, God!” Pam murmured.

“Time to take these off,” Billy said, unbuckling her belt.

He unzipped her and yanked her soggy pants and thong down to the floor, then pulled them off from around her feet. He looked up at her. She has leaning back on her hands and in the soft flicker of candlelight he saw a thin layer of sweat glistening on her forehead and magnificent breasts. He spread her legs and replaced his hands back beneath her ass. He put his nose into her bright red muff and smelled it, then licked it. Then he sucked her clit into his mouth with her rosy pubes tickling his nostrils.

Pam shrieked loudly when she felt his lips wrap around her taut jewel and her pussy farted in his face with anticipation. She moaned with each suck and meat-grinded his face and she held the back of his head in her hands and pulled it against her. Billy squeezed the cheeks of her ass in perfect time with his clit sucking and the bed rocked and creaked with each swing.

This went on unabated for several minutes as he tried to suck a climax out of her. Soon Pam was lying back, resting on her elbows, moaning, watching, pushing, and waiting.

They didn’t have to wait much longer. Pam emitted a low-pitched screech when she released, and Billy tasted the funky tang of her lady cum as it washed his face. He kept sucking her throughout her spasms and her squeals, until they finally lessened and lessened, and only minor, intermittent aftershocks remained.

“Holy Shit!” Pam said when Billy removed his mouth from her passion fruit.

Billy stood up, unzipped and dropped his pants.

“Wow, no underwear!” she said.

“Yeah. Less laundry that way.”

She sat up and grabbed his extended member, hard and overdue.

“I want your cock,” she said, pulling him to her. He leaned down and kissed her mouth as she stroked him.

“Move back,” he said, and they scooted across the bedspread so that their bodies were fully on the bed.

She was on her back, he was on top, and their tongues were already fucking when he slipped his hard hot rod into her warm wet cunt.

Billy started slowly, but soon was pounding her hard, pinning Pam’s ass to the firm mattress with each thrust. The bedframe groaned its resistance and Pam moaned in unison as he used his tool as if it were an eight inch awl trying to deepen her hole.

On and on he hammered her, harder still, and he felt beads of sweat on her upper lip as he reached for the back of her throat with his tongue. He soon felt his cum rising and then slammed her hard enough that a bedpost banged loudly against the wall. He bellowed like an ox when he came, cum squirting deep into her vagina, spurt after spurt. Once his tank was empty, he didn’t stop poking her, but kept up his steady fucking.

“I want you to come again!” Billy wheezed in the midst of his motion.

“Me too!” she hissed in response.

He dug his fingertips into the crack of her ass and yanked her cheeks apart. She squealed like a pig when her asshole stretched.

“Ugh. Ugh. I’m getting close…”

He put his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Give me some more of your cum! Let me feel your hot cum all over my cock. Then you can lick it off!”

“Oh, fuck, here I…”

She let out with a high-pitched squawk when she exploded. Her torso shook violently as her volcano erupted and she rumbled like a drone throughout her body quakes. Billy hung on like a bull rider and stayed inside her, until his cock felt the flash flood of her climax.

Billy rolled off and lay beside her, spent. “Damn, you came a lot!” he said.

“I know!” she said. “Twice already!”

She wrapped her fingers around his penis and stroked it a few times. Then she put her hand, now slick with her cum, on his chest and rubbed it in.

“What were you doing to my ass, trying to rip it apart?” she asked, as she snuggled close.

“Nah, I just love your ass. Gotta get it ready.”

“Get it ready? Get it ready for what?”

“For when I put my dick up there!”

“In my butt?

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