Straight virgin gets his gay cherry popped.
I’d never had sex with anyone before meeting Lou.
I’d had girlfriends, but we were just fumbling around. I’d had my hand up a few skirts and fingered a couple of girls but we weren’t old enough to go further.
One girl had taken my cock in her hand and was close – oh so close – to giving me an orgasm when her parents came home unexpectedly and we had to dive for opposite ends of their living-room couch. I just managed to pull up my jeans before the front door opened. Had to put a magazine in my lap to cover my erection as her ma came in. And then I couldn’t be polite and stand up when she entered the room. Very embarrassing and frustrating and something must have been said, because that girl broke up with me a couple of days later.
I did get a hand-job to completion one afternoon in the woods behind our school. From the girl with the reputation. Every school has one. It was fast. I think she must have jerked off half the boys in our year. But that was it. I wanted to fuck her, but she only put out for seniors. Jerking off boys her age was like a hobby for her.
I masturbated a lot. Anything could get me going and I spent a lot of time in my room getting relief.
So anyway, like I said. Almost zero experience. And I’d just turned 16, which made me completely legal. I felt the pressure was on to get laid or I’d be a virgin forever.
And then Lou. He was a member of the cycling club I joined. He was 19. I looked up to him because he’d competed in local races …and done OK. And he was great with new members. Encouraging them, organizing training, helping to tune bikes, etc.
I suppose I started to hero-worship him. I’d hang around and watch whatever he did and try to copy him. I went out and got a proper cycling kit because of him. Tight spandex. It did nothing to disguise your junk, that’s for sure.
I’d noticed and maybe even admired how big a bulge there was in Lou’s shorts. I wasn’t packing like him, but was still self-conscious about my bulge. First time I showed up in the new shorts, Lou looked me up and down and told me I looked good. That was all I needed to hear.
One weekend there was a training ride scheduled and I signed up. But when I arrived at the meeting place there was nobody there. I was just about to leave when Lou showed up. He was driving, though. His bike was on the roof rack. He explained that only one other rider had signed up that weekend, so he’d called him and cancelled the training. But he thought I might enjoy a ride with just us two.
I was really pleased. Getting to be alone with my hero. I guess it was a crush, but I hadn’t given it much thought.
Lou said he had a particular loop planned but it was not nearby so we could drive there together. We got my bike next to his, up on his roof, and set off. It was a nice sunny day and we drove for about an hour out to the coast. Lou parked in a quite spot and we got our bikes down.
The ride was about ten miles. Not too far. And the views were great. We looped inland and up so that the last part, back to the car, was downhill and looking out to sea. We climbed off our saddles. It was a relief to stretch out and I kicked off my shoes. Cycling shoes can be quite uncomfortable when not clicked into the pedals. I peeled off my socks, too. Lou did the same.
Lou had a surprise. “I brought a lunch for us, if you want.”
“Oh yeah! I’m starving!”
He went to the trunk of his car and grabbed a day-pack and a blanket.
“I know a spot. It’s not far. You don’t need shoes, it’s nice to walk barefoot on the grass.”
He handed me the blanket to carry and I followed him across the grassy meadow towards the cliff top. As we approached I saw a small path, invisible until you were nearly on it. We went down and it led to a small shelf nestled under the cliff edge. Flat and grass-covered and secluded.
“This is my private place” Lou told me.
I was pleased that he would share it with me. He made me feel special. We spread the blanket out and sat down. He handed me a sandwich and a drink and we ate in silence, staring out at the ocean. There were some sailboats out on the water and, looking down, you could see people on the beach below us. But, unless we were standing, we were invisible to them.
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