Stolen Pleasures
Stolen Pleasures
Sex Story Author: | Lucky Mann |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Or, you can continue to be a bitch, and we’ll might make a bondage and rape movie. Your choice.” |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, First Time, Males / Female, Oral Sex, Rape, Romance |
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Stolen Pleasures
The sun had nearly set. A warm spring Friday in northern Indiana was coming to an end.
As Chris slowly drove home, his thoughts drifted back to the girl. A girl who had called him names when he had only offered his help. She didn’t even know him, and she had been extremely rude. She shouldn’t have been so bitchy. It had been a little over a half an hour since their encounter, and she was still eating at his mind.
Karen had been on the road for several hours by the time she and Chris crossed paths. She had been traveling through northern Indiana on her way to Chicago. She was going to meet her boyfriend, Billy.
Both Karen and Billy were in college. Unfortunately for them, it wasn’t the same college. Karen attended a well respected community college near her home in Cleveland, Ohio. Billy had gone to a major university in the Chicago area.
She had gotten off the high speed super highway, and taken a more leisurely route. She soon found she had become lost. That’s how she found herself on a seldom used stretch of rural road. Few people used it since the new I-80 had been built.
When her car quit running for no apparent reason, she had pulled it to the side of the road. She needed help. She had been sitting on the fender of her disabled car for quite a while, and nightfall was rapidly approaching.
Chris had taken that particular route just for a change of pace. He was in no hurry. It was Friday and he didn’t have to work the next couple of days. His job as a corporate sales rep was highly stressful. Additionally, his girlfriend of three years had recently left, which only added to his stress level. The quite drive along the practically deserted road was like therapy for Chris. When he saw a car off to the side of the road, he naturally stopped to offer his help to the driver. That’s what rural folks did. They helped each other.
Chris pulled up behind the parked car, got out, and walked toward it. As he approached her, Chris, being a normal male, checked out the girl as she slid off her fender.
She was not what many people would call beautiful, but she was very cute. She appeared to be about 22-years-old, stood a little over 5′ tall, and weighed maybe 100 pounds. Her hazel eyes were set in a rounded, well tanned face, which was surrounded by dark hair that flipped up at her shoulders. She didn’t seem to have much of a chest, but her snug jeans showed off a cute, little, round ass.
When he reached her, Chris smiled, reached out to shake her hand, and said. “Hi. I’m Chris. Do you need any help?”
“I’m Karen, and this damn thing just quit running!” Karen was understandably in a bad mood, but she seemed to have forgotten common courtesy.
Chris was not a mechanic. He was especially lost when it came to the newer computerized cars. However, he offered to look at it for her anyway. He did his best to find what had gone wrong with Karen’s car. When he was unable to find her car’s problem, Chris offered to take Karen to a phone in town. She could call for help from there.
Karen responded as if Chris had asked her for a blowjob on the spot. “Are you serious? Why would I get in a car with you? I don’t know you. Hell no! You can kiss my ass!”
“Sorry. I only wanted to help. You don’t have to flip out.” Chris said, as he turned and walked back to his car. As he pulled out, Chris stopped next to Karen, and told her. “Traffic gets mighty scarce on this road at night.”
Karen flipped him off, and yelled. “Fuck you!”
Chris then pulled away. He left her standing on the side of the road in the rapidly darkening night.
With a building anger, Chris slowly drove home. He thought to himself. ‘I only offered to help. She didn’t have to be such a bitch about it.’
As he pulled into his garage, something snapped in Chris’ head. He again thought to himself. ‘Who in hell does that bitch think she is. I only wanted to help. Well, fuck her!’
Then an evil idea crossed his mind. He thought. ‘Why not fuck her? She already thinks I’m some sort of pervert.’ As he brought his car to a stop and slammed the gear-shift into Park, he said aloud to himself. “Hell yeah. Why not? With that attitude, she might be one wild fuck. Whether she likes it or not, that bitch is going to get herself fucked tonight?”
Chris took a few minutes to gather a few things from his garage. He didn’t know exactly what he might need. After all, he was not in the habit of kidnapping women from the side of the road. If he was going to do this though, he needed to be prepared. He gathered rope to tie her, rags to blindfold and gag her, and starting fluid (either) in case she needed quieting.
By the time Chris had gathered what he needed and driven back to where he had left Karen, a little over an hour had passed. It was pitch dark by then. The only lights on the lonely stretch of rural road were from his headlights.
Chris passed her and made a U-turn. He again pulled in behind her car. He got out and purposely walked toward the front of Karen’s car.
Karen was sitting in her car. Her mood had not improved, and she still had a bad attitude in her voice. She stared up at Chris and asked. “What the fuck do you want now?”
In a less than friendly tone of voice, Chris asked. “You want that ride now?”
As she climbed out of her car, she curtly answered him. “I don’t seem to have much of a choice, now do I?”
“I guess not.” He pointed toward his car. “Get in!” Chris sounded almost as if he had ordered her into his car.
Karen opened the passenger side door on Chris’ car and bent over to get in. Before she could seat herself, Chris shoved her hard from behind. She fell head first into his car. She ended up lying face down on Chris’ front seat. Chris quickly placed a knee in the small of Karen’s back to hold her down and grabbed the rope from the back seat. He securely tied Karen’s hands behind her back.
In the mean time, Karen was thrashing about and screaming. “What the hell are you doing? You son-of-a-bitch, I’ll kick your fucking balls off.” She was trying to do just that.
As soon as he had her hands secured, Chris, avoiding her kicks, tied her ankles together. He then ran a rope from her ankles to her wrists. Karen was thus securely hogtied. That stopped her kicking, but her mouth was still fully engaged.
“You son-of-a-bitch!” She hissed.
Chris’ hand snapped out and soundly slapped Karen across her cheek. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but just hard enough to get Karen’s attention.
The slap startled Karen and angered her even more. No one had ever slapped her. She quickly recovered and screamed at Chris.
“Fuck you!”
Chris instantly slapped her other cheek.
“No, Bitch. It’s you that will be getting fucked. Now, shut the fuck up.” Then he gagged and blindfolded the bitch with the rags he had brought.
With more than a little effort, Chris was able to drag Karen out of his front seat, stuff her into the back seat, and slam the door.
Karen tried to fight free of her bonds as Chris pulled back onto the road. She quickly realized her protests and struggles were a waste of time and strength.
Chris drove around the countryside for nearly an hour to be certain his captive was thoroughly confused as to her whereabouts. Only then, did he quietly pull into his garage.
After closing and locking the garage door, Chris opened his rear car door and removed the rope that ran from Karen’s ankles to her wrists. Pulling her from the car, he helped her stand up. He then put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and patted her cute little ass. As he carried her into his house he patted her ass again and said. “Yeah, Baby. You’re about to get this cute little ass fucked.”
He carried her down to the basement. Chris was in excellent condition, so carrying someone as petite as Karen was not difficult.
The basement had been converted into a recreation room. It was one large room with no dividers. Two poles that held the center of the house up stood on the center-line of the room. The floor was plushly carpeted and the walls paneled. There were no windows. Several couches lined the walls. A refrigerator was near the couches. A pool table was at one end of the room, and a stereo and large screen TV were at the other end. He frequently had a select group of buddies over to watch various sports, or porno, on the big screen TV.
Without turning on any lights, Chris rather roughly dumped Karen onto one of the couches. In a calm voice, Chris spoke to her. “I would like to remove your gag. However, if you scream, or so much as raise your voice, it will be put right back on. Do you understand? Will you be quiet?”
Realizing there was little she could do but go along with her captor, for now, Karen nodded her agreement. She had decided to make the best of this dangerous situation.
Almost gently, her gag was removed. “Now, sit there, and be quiet!” Chris ordered, as he left her in the darkened room. Karen heard a door being locked as Chris disappeared into the darkness.
After a quick shower, Chris returned to Karen. The carpeting deadened his footsteps as he returned, and she was startled when he spoke. “If I remove your ankle ties, will you walk without kicking?”
Karen softly replied, “Yes.”
The ropes were quickly taken from her ankles.
“Come with me.” Chris ordered. Taking her firmly by her right arm, he pulled her to her feet. With her blindfolded still in place, and her hands tied behind her back, he led her to one of poles and told her to sit on the floor. An old pair of handcuffs was used to attach her left wrist to the pole. He then removed the rope around her wrists.
“Would you like something to eat or drink?” Chris asked.
Just above a whisper, Karen said. “I’m thirsty.”
Out of her sight, Chris made Karen a sloe gin fizz, a mixture of sloe gin and 7-UP. If made properly, it tastes like a cherry 7-UP. It’s only later that the effects of the sloe gin set in.
As Karen sipped her drink, Chris left her alone again to go up stairs. He made several phone calls. One of the calls was to Jimmy, a friend who was a mechanic. He was a good mechanic, had his own shop, and owned a tow truck. Karen’s car was soon taken from the roadside and secured inside Jimmy’s shop.
Before returning to his basement, Chris gathered more supplies he thought he might need during Karen’s unwilling stay. Video tape equipment and several adult toys his ex-girlfriend had left behind, were placed in a box. He carried the box to the basement.
Karen must have been very thirsty, because her drink was gone when Chris returned. He quietly made her another drink and went about setting up the video cameras and lights.
Karen seemed to like the cherry 7-UP. She quickly finished her second drink and asked for a third. She was beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. She asked. “What are you going to do to me? Please, don’t hurt me?”
In a rather matter-of-fact tone, Chris answered her questions. “You will not be hurt unless you force us to hurt you. Like I told you out by your car, you will be getting fucked. It’s up to you how rough you’ll be treated during that fucking. But you can be assured, you will be thoroughly used and well fucked before leaving this place.”
Karen hung her head, but said nothing.
A short while later, Karen downed the last of her third drink. She asked for another, which she got. With a noticeable slur in her voice, she said. “Well, I’m no virgin. My boyfriend has screwed me a few times, so, I supposed I can handle you doing me.”
The alcohol in the sloe gin was indeed having an effect on Karen. She even had a slight smile on her face. Then it sank in. Karen had heard Chris say “…us….” What did you mean ‘us’?”
With a smirk and an evil chuckle, Chris answered her. “Oh, did I forget to tell you? I’ve invited a few friends over for a little party. Guess who the entertainment is? They’re going to help make sure you get very well fucked, just like I promised.”
Anger flashed across Karen’s face. “You son-of-a-bitch!” She started to stand. She then found the sloe gin had hit her rather hard. With a flop, she landed back on her ass. “Shit!” She exclaimed.
“Listen, Bitch!” Chris barked at Karen. “It’s that attitude that got you here in the first place. Do I need to tie you up and gag you again?”
Realizing she had no control over what was about to happen to her, Karen hung her head and replied. “No. I’ll be good. Please don’t hurt me.”
“Good! Now shut the fuck up, relax, and have another drink. You might as well enjoy this, if you can.” Chris told her. He handed her another drink. This one had a little 90 proof vodka mixed with the sloe gin in the mixture.
After finishing her forth drink, Karen lay on the floor and dozed off. She awoke to find Chris kneeling over her. Her blindfold had been removed, and a very bright light was aimed at her from overhead. Except for things close to her, the light made seeing much more than shadows nearly impossible. She couldn’t see much better with her blindfold off than she could with it on.
Chris leaned forward, kissed her cheek, and loudly said. “Smile for the camera, Baby.”
“What? What the hell do you mean, camera?” Karen’s head was swimming from the alcohol, but she sure as hell didn’t like the idea of having pictures taken while she was being assaulted.
Again Chris leaned forward, kissed her cheek, and whispered. “I said smile, Bitch. We’re going to make a little movie here. We may want to watch you get fucked again, sometime. Remember, if you co-operate, we won’t be as rough with you as we will be if you don’t co-operate. You will act like you’re enjoying this, and we’ll make a porno of you have a good time and getting well fucked.
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