
Step Mother Needs Saving_(0)

A loving step mother and son find love.

Bill came from a broken home. In fact his earliest memories are that of his parents divorce. So for the better part of his childhood and adolescents he accepted life as it was. Living with his mother on week days and spending weekends at his fathers house. Bill unlike most kids in his situation was very understanding and actually considered himself to be very lucky. Both of his parents moved on and remarried to some amazing people. His father was able to find a wonderful loving woman who showed everyone with a great deal of kindness. His mother found an out standing man who through the years taught a young Bill how to be a man and was a large father figure where Bills biological father wasn’t able to be. So as far as Bill saw it he was very lucky to have four great parents. As Bill got older however he started to realize that one of those parents wasn’t all that they where cracked up to be.

It all started when Bill was 13. He understood that due to the custody issues his father couldn’t always be there for him. Don’t get Bill wrong he was very grateful that his stepfather was able to step in. There where a lot of questions Bill had that nobody could give him the answers too. This left Bill very conflicted. Then one summer night Bill got the answers he was looking for. Bill’s relationship with his mother was becoming strained and more times then not the sound of yelling could be heard coming from the house. Then it happened Bill finally had enough of taking orders from his mother.

“I can’t take this any more mom!” Bill said in a raised voice.

“Well that’s tough shit. Cause you still have five years under my roof.” his mother retorted.

“The hell I do I’m calling dad. I’ll live there with him I won’t have to deal with your shit again.” Bill snapped back.

Before his mother could answer back Bill was already on the move retreating to his room to pack his bag. His mother hot on his heels. Bill was in his room. He half excepted his mother to give him a bitch slap from
hell when she barged in. Much to his shock she had tears in her eyes.

“So your gonna call your dad and he’s gonna come racing over her to save you.” His mom said through her tears.

“Dad loves me and wants whats best for me!” Bill said.

“Billy you had to find out one day.” She paused “call him” she turned and walked out of Bills room.

With his mother now gone bill pulled his cell phone out and dialed his dad. When he hard his dads voice Bill was oddly at a loss of words.

“Hey buddy how’s it going.” Bills dad said. Bill lost it and started crying.

“Dad I can’t take it here anymore with mom. I wanna come live you.” Bill said

“Buddy buddy clam down. You know you can’t live here.” His dad was quick with his response.

“No dad its OK. Mom said she would be alright with it.” Bill said.

“She what!!” Bills father yelled “go put her on the phone.”

Bill got up from his packing and walked to his mothers room. He said nothing as he handed his phone over to his mother. Much to his shock his mother told him to leave the room as she took the phone. Bill listened to the muffle voice of his mother as she talked with his dad much to no use. Finally giving up with his ease dropping he decided to wait outside on the front porch steps. In Bills mind his father was in his car driving to get him at that very moment. Lost in his fantasy he barely noticed when his mother sat down beside him. He was only brought back to reality when his mom put his cell phone on his lap.

So sure of himself he said,”when’s dad gonna be here?”

“Friday then you’ll be back here on Sunday night.” His mother said in a surprisingly clam tone.

“What?…why?” Bill said in confusion.

“Bill when was the last time your dad took you out to a ball game or played catch with you. Shit when was the last time he spent any real time with you besides the drives to his house and back?” She said

“Mom I don’t see how…..” Bill couldn’t even finished before his mother cut him off.

“Bill he’s moved on. He has his new family. Nothing against his wife or kid. Lord knows they tried to convince him to spend more time with you but something about you being a part of his old family makes him withdrawn from you.” She said.She didn’t wait for his response.

Then she said it. “You had to find out one day but during the divorce your dad was gonna sign full custody of you to me. He wanted that way.”
She turned and and looked at Bill,”I had to beg him to take you for weekends. In return he wouldn’t have to pay me child support… No boy should have to grow up with out his father.

“Bill was even more confused “but why would he just give me up like that?” He finally managed to say.

“When our marriage started to fail he gave up on it and everything that was apart of our marriage.” She said. She patted his knee and told him,” he gave up on me and you. Don’t get me wrong he loves you very much and cares about you. He just refuses to show it.”

It hit Bill then. The way a hammer hits a nail. All the late nights he would wait at the front door waiting for his dad to pick him up. All the times he was to busy to go to his baseball games but never missed his step sisters softball games. All the times he just left him alone during the weekends. The neglect hit Bill as he started to cry. It was from that day on Bill saw his dad for the man he was. A selfish man who only cared about himself and whatever benefits him for that time.

Bill was raised with some good Christan up bringing. So Bill never denied his father the time that his mother begged his father for. Besides Bills step mother was the kindest women he ever met. She never yelled was a ton of fun and cared more about family then anything in the world. On top of that she honestly considered Bill to be part of her family and never denied him love or affection. Bill found himself going over his dads to spend time with his stepmother more then his actual father. He started to regard her as a second mother. This continued till Bill was 18. Then everything started to change.

In just five years since Bill found out what kind of man his father was. It was time for Bill to become a man himself. He had changed a lot from that 13 year old boy. He had spent many a summer farming with his uncles and he had been working as a laborer for a construction company for about two years. All that on top of playing high school baseball. Bill was a very fit young man. He wasn’t huge but he had a very cut body. He spent a lot of time out in the sun so he was almost always tan. He let his hair grow out long but managed to style it so it was still fashionable but respectable. Needless to say he did not have a problem with dating and girls.

Bill was well like at school and just about any where he went. People would be hard pressed to say something bad about him. He was kind hearted but not afraid to get into a fight if it called for it. He was handsome yet still approachable. Bill could have any girl in his school but he was a faithful man. He stayed faithful to his girlfriend Stacy for two years. It was to everyone’s shock when they broke up with only two months of their senior year left and even more so when Bill refused to say why.

The day of the brake up was on a Friday.

“great now I get to spend two days with my dad.” Was all Bill could say to himself.

He drove his truck down the winding country roads to his dads house. Thinking about Stacy. About love and loss.

“Really really out of all days?” Bill said angrily as his and Stacy’s song came on the radio.

It was an older country song that the radio never plays to begin with. Bill shut the radio off with a little to much force. To much because he broke the power button by pushing it all the way in the radio.

When Bill looked down at his handy work the the only thing he could manage to say was, “awesome”.

In the most sarcastic tone if there ever was one. Before long he was pulling his truck into the drive way.

Nobody was home. Bill was finding it hard to go to his dads house more and more lately. There was something off. An old feeling would wash over him when he entered the house and wouldn’t leave till he exited. The feeling put him off a little. Like the sound of a quite house that was full of people ready to inform you of some bad news. There was a note on the phone stand. As he took off his shoes he picked it up and read it out loud.

” hey buddy I’m on a business trip till Sunday. If I don’t see you before you go to your mothers I love and miss ya. Dad”

“Why do you insist on calling me buddy were not friends asshole.” Bill said aloud.

Bill laid around the house most of the day. Self loathing over Stacy when he decided to raid his fathers liquor stash. His father hardly drinks and wouldn’t notice if one bottle goes missing he thought.

Bill sat down at the kitchen table with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a glass and poured his first drink. An hour and two drinks later Paige his step mom walked through the door.

“Ummm I’m gonna have to see some ID mister” she said as she walked into the kitchen.

“Yes ma’am.” Bill said as he reached for his wallet.

“Here you are miss.” He handed her a twenty dollar bill wrapped around his ID

“Haha here. I don’t want your money” Paige hands back the money and ID “I’m
just glad that a young man like you is drinking in the confides of his own home safely and not at a party.”

“Well I usually pregame here then drive to the party.”

“Always the smart ass with you.” Paige said with a chuckle

“Always a tight ass with you.” Bill says. Then he did something bold. He slaps his step mothers ass and adds a wink with a smile. To his amazements she just smiles back and takes a set at the table beside him.

“At my age I’ll take a tight ass as a compliment.”

“At your age most women would kill for a body like yours Paige.”

“Awww well ain’t you just a sweetheart.” She leans in for a hug.

Bill is all to happy to to accept. Paige was smoking hot to be in her late 30s. She had a tone body with womanly curves. Long brown hair with green eyes and a pair of 34DD tits. Bill looked for every excuse in the book to hug his step mom and feel her body pressed against him. He was a 18 year old man and still everytime before he left his fathers house he waited for his step mom to give him his hug good bye.

Paige broke the hug first. “So I take it your having some girl troubles?”

“Is it that obvious?” Bill said confused she picked up on it so quick.

“Does a man drink alone for any other reason.” She let out a slight giggle

Bill smiled and said,”I guess not.”

“What happened you can tell me?” Paige placed a hand on bills arm.

“You remember Stacy?”


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