
Steffi the Sophomore


Val and my girlfriend Cindy had been friends for years. They had grown up together, had suffered through school together and now, in their adult years, were just the best of buds. I guess that’s why Val kinda looked down her nose at me when Cindy and I first got together. I never have discovered the reasons why Val didn’t like me at first. Perhaps she felt protective of her best friend after seeing what she had been through with her first two commitments. I can’t be sure. Fact is, that would change.

Val had watched as Cindy went through two failed marriages and she had been the shoulder for Cindy to cry on. But now the tables were turning. Val was the one in need. Her husband of some eighteen years had confessed to her that he had been unfaithful and was leaving. Val was totaly overcome. Here she was, the mother of two teens with a huge mortgage and a just-above-average income. What was she to do?

Cindy and I did our best to help Val with whatever we could. We had money and, although she was reluctant to take it, we convinced Val that it was only a loan. Cindy and I also did whatever we could to help with the kids. Cindy had never had children of her own, but I had four (PLUS a beautiful grand daughter) so I could help more with Val’s youngsters.

Nate and Stefanie were good kids. Well behaved and seemingly well adapted to their newly fatherless home. Chip, Val’s ex, had gone to live with his mistress in a distant city. He didn’t contact the kids and he was currently ducking child support. (That part REALLY pissed me off as I am one of the few divorced dads in this world who actually WANTS to pay his support. That fact really messes with the women at the support agency (the fact is that I believe that all the women who work at that agency (and just how many MEN do you see working there?) are damaged goods. I believe they have all been shafted by deadbeats and they are just out to screw (not in the GOOD way, either) any man who comes into their radar. They don’t seem to know how to deal with a supportive Dad. Too used to dealing with dead-beats I guess.)

Long story made shorter, Cindy and I would help Val and her kids anytime and anyway we could.

The whole thing with Steffi and me started innocently enough.

I was working nights and so I was dozing when the phone rang at around eleven AM. In my haze I answered it and heard Val on the other end. It took a few seconds before the fog cleared and I understood what she was saying.

“I was supposed to take Stefanie to tryouts for band field commander today, but I am gonna be stuck in meetings until late this evening”, she told me. “G, I know this is a burden for you, but would you PLEASE pick her up at the house, take her to the field and then bring her back home after?”.

Even though Val had once distrusted me, I felt I had now earned her respect. Of course, she may just have been desperate. It didn’t matter. I looked forward to seeing Stefanie (whom I always called Steffi….she always smiled at me when I called her that). She was a great kid. Always happy and so full of life.

I had just gotten into my clothes when the phone rang once again. It was Val telling me that Stefanie had a ride to tryouts, but still needed a lift home. Val said that Stefanie had told her that she could walk (it was just a bit over a mile), but Val insisted that she wait out front for me to take her. “G”, Val said, “Stefanie is a good girl. She’s smart and cautious but the thought of her walking down that road scares me to death. A young girl, looking like she does is an invitation to disaster”.

I responded, “I understand, Val. I’ll get her home”.

“Thanks, G”, Val said and we both rang off.

Looking back on that day now, Val might not have been so thankful!

You see, I am your typical red-blooded American man. Even at fifty years old, the father of four and grandfather of one, I am in excellent health and Cindy and I have a VERY active sex life. She is several years my junior but I manage to keep up with her healthy wants and desires. I’m happy to say that I have no need for any kind of enhancement or virility drugs. One look at a hot girl and all eight inches spring to attention at once. I do have what I call ‘middle-aged man syndrome’: a bit of a belly brought on by my enjoyment of good, cold beer and a receeding hairline. As a younger man, I had spend years playing rock music in bars around the Mid-west and had always worn my hair long. Even now, what remained of my once thick hair was shoulder length. Cindy said it made me look like an eccentric college professor. Truth to tell, I liked that image even though my job was as night director at the news desk for one of the local TV network affiliates.

Now about Stefanie.

When I first met Stefanie she was twelve and was already a hottie. Flaming red hair like her mother’s, a lightly freckled face (like many true redheads) and a saucy smile. I had to control myself even then because a glance from her would get me hard. ‘She’s TWELVE, asshole’ I would tell myself. But it didn’t stop my imagination. As she matured, her body curved in a way that words could never describe. Her breasts grew large and firm and her hips flared in a most delicious way. By age fifteen, Stefanie had a true hourglass figure. She was 5”6″ with full breasts, a very trim waist and curvy hips. I have failed to mention another beautiful feature…Stefanie’s lovely long legs. For a fifteen year old, this girl had quite a set of wheels and she seemingly loved to show them off. She was always wearing shorts or miniskirts even in cooler weather!

I pulled my car into the lot at the school and began looking for Stefanie. Almost at once she jumped from a group of kids and started to wave at me. She was dressed in a pair of microscopic denim shorts, her school T-shirt, mid-calf length socks and white sneakers. I teasingly gunned the car, pretending to be about to run her over. She just placed her hands on her hips and shook her head at me. I stopped and reached over to open the door for her. To my surprise, as she climbed into the seat she leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth. She had never done that before and she didn’t even seem to notice as several of her friends stared open mouthed at us. I had hugged her on a number of occasions and once or twice given her a kiss on the cheek when Cindy and I were leaving their home or they were departing ours, but I had no idea what Stefanie was thinking. I wordlessly wondered if she was interpreting those platonic hugs and kisses as more than they were. She didn’t keep me waiting long for the answer.

“Finally we’re alone together”, Stefanie exclaimed.

I replied, “Just what do you think you are doing young lady?”.

“Being happy”, She said.

“Stefanie”, I started, but she cut me off with a finger to my lips.

“Call me Steffi”, she said.” I love the way it sounds when you say my name that way”.

“OK, Steffi”, I responded. “Now what the hell were you thinking when you kissed me like that? That is NOT what a young lady does when she greets her elders”.

Stefanie looked into her lap for a moment and then said, “didn’t you like the kiss?”.

I was torn. This young beauty had just kissed me and I was giving her hell for it. She was just fifteen and the daughter of my girlfriend’s best friend. What a mess. The truth was that I did like her kiss. In fact, I was certain that I would like another one. But I decided to wing it for a while. I needed to know what this girl was up to.

“Of course I did”, I told her. “I just didn’t expect it, that’s all. You just have to tell me why you did that”.

“Drive and I’ll try to explain”, Steffi told me, so drive I did. I didn’t want to push her into talking, so I kept my mouth shut.

We had left the school parking lot behind us and as I turned onto the street that would take us toward Steffi’s house she suddenly spoke. “NO! Don’t take me to my house. Nate is there!”.

Her face was wide with shock for some reason yet unknown.

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