
St. Anne’s Sexy Boarding School

There exists a semi-mythical boarding School in the mountains of Japan. At St. Anne’s, students get an excellent extra-curricular education in sex!

Author’s Note: All my standard disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction – I made it up. My characters aren’t based on anyone, and I’m not going to try and bullshit you and claim this actually happened to me. And, as always, I can’t help but sink into parody or commentary. This may be too meta for some people’s tastes, and you’re free to down vote me into oblivion or flame me if you fall into that category.

It ended up longer than I intended (don’t they always!), but I think it turned out well. I’m open to any comment, discussion or criticism. There’s a bonus author’s note at the bottom for those who finish.


There are all sorts of private boarding schools out there, each one specializing in something different. When you’re convincing parents to fork out that much money, you need to be different in a distinguishable way.

The boarding school I got sent to was REALLY different. I don’t think my parents meant to send me there. The promotional material is all very coy. It doesn’t really make the purpose clear. To be fair, if they did do that, the boarding school would be shut down pretty quickly. Everyone tends to get up in arms about teenagers having sex.

St. Anne’s is in Japan, in the mountains, which is great for privacy. It also takes advantage of Japan’s laws on age of consent. Everything that goes on in the school is perfectly legal under Japanese law.

And… look, you probably don’t care about the backstory. You don’t care about the detailed survey about my sexuality that I filled out. You don’t care about my trip there, about saying goodbye to my parents. You don’t care about the expression on my face when I realized what I was in for. You’re a sick bastard, and you just want to hear about the sex. And I don’t blame you for that. I’m one of your number now.

But I want you to know they were careful. They all knew that St. Anne’s could have been hell on Earth if they weren’t careful. And make no mistakes. They weren’t perfect. For some people, it had to have been. But for almost all of us, everything was consensual. Nothing was ever done to me against my will, and I never did anything to anybody who didn’t want it done. If there was rape, there was surely no more rape than any other school. And with the sheer amount of fucking that was going on, the administration deserves props for that.

* * *

I was nervous as all fuck when I got to my room. I was still reeling from the revelation of the school’s purpose. Sure, we’d get a full IB education. But we’d also be having lots and lots of sex with each other. The surveys we’d filled out had been used to place us with upperclassmen (here a gender neutral term in our co-ed school). They’d show us the ropes, pop our cherries, and teach us how to fuck. We’d live with them for two years, and then they’d graduate, and we’d take their places.

(Thank all the Gods that I’d filled out the survey accurately).

So I open the door, and a nervous and excited girl greets me – at least I assume it’s nerves and not an earnest need to pee. She’s practically bouncing by the threshold. She’s taller than me by a bit, and she has the most beautiful brown curly hair. It bounces as she moves, and I’m entranced by it from the start. Her face is soft and round, and her auburn eyes peek out from behind thin-framed glasses.

She’s beautiful in the way people are beautiful. She has a few zits, and there are bags under her eyes. She’s not an airbrushed model. But when she’s smiling at her, you don’t notice those things. Her face becomes HER FACE, and you can’t help but fall into those eyes.

All of this I learned later, as I fell in love with her. At this point, all I learned was her name.

“Hello! I’m Val. It’s short for Valerie.” A nervous laugh, a shy smile and an outstretched hand completed the introduction. I took it, and was grateful for the clamminess of her grip. It meant I wasn’t the only one sweating.

“I’m Michael.” I was proud of myself – there was almost no waver in my voice.

“You seem a bit overwhelmed by all this – here let me help you with that.” That last was directed at the bags I was struggling to get through the door. The room was fully furnished, of course, and most of the clothing I’d be wearing was the school uniform. But I still had quite a lot of stuff – posters, my laptop, fancy clothes and the like – that I’d taken with me.

And I clearly wasn’t hiding my nerves as well as I’d hoped.

Once we’d wrestled the luggage in, Val gave me a quick tour of the room. It was generously large by boarding school standards, with one queen bed (hers) and a twin (mine). There was plenty of closet and shelf space for both of us. In an adjoining room was a cramped office with two desks somehow crammed into it. The other door led to a fully appointed – albeit small – washroom with a shower stall (entirely clear glass), toilet and mirrored medicine cabinet.

There were little traces of Val in all the rooms. Some paintings of famous ships hanging as posters in the office, a small library on a shelf at the foot of her bed in the main room, and a few cases of makeup and a straightener (which I hoped she rarely used) in the bathroom.

There were some odd factoids she dropped too.

“The shower has a mechanical plate in it. If one person is in it, you get ten minutes of water. But it there’s two people, you get as long as you’d like.”

The purpose of that one seemed fairly obvious.

“There’s a bowl of condoms in your top drawer. Mine too.”

That also seemed pretty obvious.

After my fifteen minute whirlwind tour (punctuated by awkward, overwhelmed silences on my part), Val guided me to my bed.

“You’re probably overwhelmed.”

I grunted. It was the best I could do.

“I felt the same way on my first day.”

“I just… I didn’t know what I was getting into. I think my parents didn’t know.”

Val blinked.

“I don’t think that’s possible. The school is supposed to be very careful with parents. They make sure parents know what they’re signing their kids up for. We don’t want any lawsuits, after all.”

“But, do they just go out and say it? Or do they hint around it like in the booklets?”

“I’m… I’m not actually sure. But surely with enough hints anyone would get it?”

“My parents may be the most obtuse people in the world. I’ve never been able to hint things to them. I’ve always had to say them straight up. It’s incredibly annoying. But perhaps they’re just Machiavellian. I don’t really know anymore. A week ago, my world was pretty firm. Now I feel like I’m in a bad porno. Or what a bad porno is supposed to be like. I’ve never actually really watched one.”

Val laughed. “Well, there’s an easy way to test that. If there’s queefing, you aren’t in a porno.”

“Um… What’s queefing?”

I was treated to more laughter, and a short lecture.

“You really are clueless about this stuff, aren’t you?”

I got defensive.

“We haven’t all had your education.”

That came out a bit more snappish then I’d intended. Luckily, she brushed it off without getting angry.

“I’m sorry. This must be terribly stressful for you.” She patted my knee. “I want to promise you something: we don’t need to do anything you’re not comfortable with. Everything you’ve heard has probably given you the impression we’re all sex starved and about to ravish you at any moment. Or perhaps you’ve picked up the toxic message that men always want sex and can’t refuse it without being less than men?”

“It’s a bit of both, I think.”

“Well you don’t need to worry about either. For your first few months, I’m the only one who’s allowed to sleep with you. After that, I can veto other upperclassmen until the end of your first year.”

This was delivered by rote, but then she looked right into my eyes.

“And I won’t think any less of you if you don’t want to have sex right away. I’ve seen your survey, so I know it’s something you want to do. But we don’t have to rush into it. We can take time to get comfortable with each other first.”

“How… how do we do that?”

She brightened noticeably, and I couldn’t help but smile. Her earlier nerves seemed to have vanished. If only mine could go to the same place.

“First, we correct your lack of porn experience. There are lots to choose from on the school media server. Then I answer any questions you have. Then we work from there.”

“Isn’t it awkward watching porn with someone? When I look at pictures or think about things like that, I normally…” my cheeks were burning. “I normally touch myself. You know, down there.” I pointed vaguely at my crotch.

“It’s properly called masturbating –“ this was in her clinical ‘I’m giving the correct explanation’ tone – “and pretty much everyone does it.”

“Oh. I kind of thought it was just me. Or at least I did before I got here. After orientation, I was a bit less sure.”

“A bit…” She shook her head, but she was smiling so it was all right. “You thought that you’re the only one who’d ever discovered something that felt that good?”

“I didn’t really think it through. I was so embarrassed. Especially when stuff started coming out.”

“Society.” She rolled her eyes. “We could teach people about perfectly normal bodily functions. Instead we leave it to them to figure it out on their own, and hide it behind a blanket of shame. That’s one of the reasons St. Anne’s exists. We aren’t going to shame you for any desires here. It’s called being sex positive.”

“So it’s actually perfectly normal, what I’m doing?”

“Yes. But don’t worry about what’s normal. Before I came here, I thought I was weird for wanting to be tied up, and wanting to tie people up, during sex, or just on it’s own. And statistically, I AM weird. Only a small minority of people want that. But there are other people who want it, and I can give it to them. Diversity of sexual desires is a great thing. It means that there’s always someone willing to try something that most people think is really, really, profoundly odd, but you think is really sexy.”

My mouth was kind of gaping. This was the opposite of every message I’d ever received.

“Now I happen to know from your survey that you also think about tying people up and being tied up. So let’s watch a porn about that!”

“Ah… okay?”

“That’s the spirit!”

* * *

The projector is flat to the roof, so I didn’t notice it at first. But soon enough Val has it turned on and projecting on the far wall.

She goes through several menus, and I get the impression that there is a bewildering array of porn available through the school. Diversity of sexual desires indeed!

As she set things up, my nervousness got the better of me, and compelled me into pacing. But once she had things ready, she patted the bed next to her, and I reluctantly climbed into it.

“Before we start watching this, I want to make it clear: you don’t need to be shamed by anything your body does. If you get hard and it’s uncomfortable, adjust your dick. If you get embarrassed, feel free to blush. If it gets so hot that you have to masturbate, by all means, rub one out.”

I nodded. I’m still a bit overwhelmed, and things are moving quickly, but I don’t feel scared anymore. Embarrassed, confused and just a bit curious, yes, definitely those things.

“Now, will you feel better if I put my arm around you and we cuddle, or will you feel more embarrassed?”

I’m touched that she asked. It would be easy for her to assume that I want the contact, and do it without asking. Had she done that I’d probably have frozen up and panicked. But she asked me, and that made it less scary.

I still considered it for a second. Less is sometimes a far cry from none. But in this case, it was close enough.

“Yes please.”

She nodded approvingly.

“That good that you thought about it. Don’t let anyone – even me – stampede you into something you don’t want to do. You can always take time to think and decide what you really want. I can’t say no one will ever get offended. But no one SHOULD be offended.”

With that, her arm is around me, and the movie starts.

For the first few seconds, I find the arm distracting. I can feel her warmth next to me, and I’m intensely conscious of it. I’m also conscious of the boner I’ve had ever since she started flipping through the porn titles. I take a deep breath, and surreptitiously adjust it. And nothing happens. I get no side eyes, no exclamations of grossness. For a second, I’m shocked by this.

Then the action starts and I’m drawn to the novelty.

‘Bound Babes 5” isn’t big on exposition. It starts with big breasted, hairless blond women with a red ball gag in her mouth, tied to four posts set in a stone floor and struggling attractively. She’s spread-eagled which allows for a close-up of her shaved pussy. I’ve seen still shots of pussies before, but there’s something more visceral about it when it’s in a movie.

The shot pans back out to reveal a dick, and then the man the dick is attached to. Like every dick I’ve seen in dirty pictures, it’s quite a lot bigger than mine.
Val, perhaps sensing my discomfort, squeezes my shoulders.

“I’ve never seen a dick that big in real life. Porn can give you ideas, but it’s no more real than Star Wars.”

Reassured somewhat, I focused on the movie again. The women is squealing past her gag, and struggling even more. It only serves to accentuate her vulnerability. The man can do whatever he wants to her, and she knows it.

He quickly takes advantage of that power to begin fingering her. She tries to get a away from his fingers at first, but pretty soon she’s moving into them, impaling herself on his hand as she moans in pleasure.

“That’s a good slut. Ride my fingers.”

He spanks the side of her ass a few times for emphasis.

Right as her movements begin to quicken even further, he withdraws his hand and licks the juices off his fingers.

“You’re not cumming yet, my pretty.”

I can’t help but giggle. That line was comically bad.

“That’s the other way you can tell we aren’t in a porn. Our dialogue wasn’t written by some two-bit hack.”

The bound girl whines piteously behind her gag.

The man’s cock has become fully hard. He bends down by her head, and begins to rub it all over her face. Some cum is leaking out of the tip, and it leaves shiny patches on her cheeks and forehead.

Abandoning this denigration after a minute, the man focuses on her nipples, pinching them until they are hard and erect, and then sucking on them.

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