
spring Break_(1)

A very long story about Riley

I married my wife when my step-daughter was only four years old and have raised her ever since. My step-daughter is a very pretty young woman, standing about 5’6″ with an average weight, straight sandy-blonde hair cut to her shoulder blades, firm young breasts filling a B-cup nicely and is a senior in high school. We have always been close and got even more so over a few months following her eighteenth birthday. She started exploring her sexuality and, using a combination of our open relationship, her beauty, and the sincere love that we have for one another, slowly broke down any resistance that I had and seduced me into having sex with her.

In the almost two months that followed our having sex together we had very limited opportunities to explore the relationship further. During the weekly movie nights, there was no longer anything to mask the intentions and we would routinely play with each other throughout the entire movie, frequently with my cock buried deep inside of her using short, slow strokes to keep her dripping and at the heights of ecstasy. On a few of these nights we even managed to bring each other to a full orgasm, trying hard not to let on the true nature of what was happening mere feet away from her unknowing mother and brothers.

Unfortunately, no situation had presented itself to allow a repeat of the beautiful lovemaking that had transpired. The closest that we had gotten was two quick oral sessions in the bathroom and one “quickie” when she jumped me after I woke her up by sucking on her exposed clit one weekend morning. As much as I longed for a repeat encounter, I felt that it may be for the better anyway so that she could find someone who would love her deeply and start a relationship with.

As the kids’ Spring Break approached, my wife and I started looking at options for our typical family getaway. Realizing that this was likely the last one with us all together, we decided to splurge a little and rented a three bedroom oceanside cabin in a nice, quiet, recreational area about six hours away that we knew of but wouldn’t have insane crowds since few others really knew about it. Since the weather forecast looked great we decided to trailer our boat down as well and had a full week of fun and rest & relaxation. The week was upon us; everything was planned and all that remained was to pack our clothes, buy some groceries and make the drive down when my wife told me that our plans had changed…

Apparently, while I was working a little late, my step-daughter had complained to my wife that she didn’t want to go because she would be the “only one her age” there and didn’t want to be constantly pestered by her younger brothers, who, in all honesty could be a pain to deal with. She had asked to stay behind to have some peace and quiet and if this had been the year before, probably would have been allowed to. Since this last year as a whole family was important to both my wife and me she was promptly told “no” but after a whole lot of pleading was finally allowed to bring a friend as a concession since we had a spare bed at the cabin. I was a little upset at first; thinking that having someone else join us was almost as bad as her not coming but after talking it out with my wife I ended up agreeing that it was probably better than her being miserable the whole time.

The rest of the week I worked late to prep for a week of being gone and left my wife to deal with the details for the trip. My wife would drive down with the four kids once they got out of school and I would drive the truck and boat down with the larger supplies in the back and meet them there. I finally finished up, went home and hooked up the boat, and headed out. The drive was going well and I was making good time and was less than an hour away when it dawned on me that I didn’t even know which of my step-daughter’s friends was going to be spending the week with us…I hoped that it wasn’t going to be a bust and ruin the vacation.

I arrived at the site a little before dinner and was a little disappointed when I saw that it was her friend Riley that had come…now don’t get me wrong; Riley is a nice girl that I know a only a little bit through my step-daughter but whom I know has been raised in an ultra-religious household. There were good sides to this I figured; but I was a little concerned that the way we ran our family might offend her. Our family was a little more “European” in style and allowed small amounts of alcohol and our sense of proper attire in the home was a little bit loose with it being common to see one another in little more than underwear while transiting the house. If Riley got upset about this and told her parents I thought that it could cause problems for us and I reminded myself to be careful and watch what we did to be safe. We all ate the simple dinner that my wife had prepared, finished unloading, and called it an early night since we were all bushed between the travel and setting everything up.

The next morning I awoke around 8:00, threw on some shorts and sandals and walked outside to check out what I hadn’t really seen in the twilight the night before. We had been coming to the area off and on for years but had never stayed in the luxury cabins that we were in, always opting for the spartan cabanas further down the beach. The cabin was in a beautiful location just across the sand dune from the ocean on a spit of land with a small waterway in the back as well. It was nestled in a nice little clearing surrounded on either side by trees and bushes to give it a little privacy from the other cabins and had more to the back of the property with a small dock about 30 feet long. It had a good sized deck on the ocean side of the house and a nice sized fire pit nearby as well as an outdoor shower right near the stairs. I started around the house to see what else was there and was so preoccupied that as I rounded the corner near the hot tub I almost didn’t notice that the girls were already awake and laying out in the back yard to get some sun.

“Hi Dad,” I suddenly heard.

Broken from my reverie, I saw that my step-daughter and her friend had spread beach towels out on the ground and were soaking up the rays. Both of them were lying on their stomachs and Riley looked half asleep while my step-daughter was reading a book. I thought it odd that they would be in back instead of on the beach and inquired why. I was told that the breeze by the water had made them too chilly. I thought it no wonder since it was so early and despite the fact that they were both wearing fairly modest suits, there was still a lot of exposed skin.

Now let me take a moment to describe Riley…in many ways she is quite different from my step-daughter; one with a mature body and childlike face and the other the complete opposite. She is only about two months younger but has not really developed “womanly” curves yet but the features of her face are quite strikingly beautiful and could easily pass for that of a grad student. She is slightly tall for a woman, standing about 5′ 10″, with a very slight build, barely noticeable breasts (small A cup, maybe even AA), and dark chestnut colored hair that is straight and goes to the middle of her back. The only visible sign of her body maturing was the slight widening of her hips that, until seeing her in her swimsuit, had been indiscernible. See Riley here tinyurl.com/SexyRiley She was a beautiful woman in her own right but seeing them together gave a night-and-day appearance.

“After lunch could you drop us off over by the cove?” she asked, referring to a small inlet on an uninhabited island about two miles offshore.

“If you two don’t mind helping me get the boat in the water I don’t see why not,” I replied.

Slowly, the cabin came alive and by 11:00 we were all eating an early lunch together. The boys wanted to head to the other end of the beach to comb for shark teeth that were often found on that end so my wife said that she would bring them and they’d hang out for a bit. I told her of the plans to put the boat in the water and commented that I’d probably drop my hand at a little fishing and we all agreed to be back at the cabin by 5:00. After we finished eating, everyone got ready and headed out to their activities.

I made all of the final preps for the boat as the girls got ready and finally they came out, each carrying a good sized beach bag. They had thrown shorts and t-shirts over their swimsuits and were wearing sandals, hats, and sunglasses. They hopped in the truck and we headed down to the boat ramp to launch it where both girls readily lent a hand. It was readily apparent that Riley had spent some time around boats before from the way she handled the dock lines. After parking the truck and now empty trailer we headed out toward the island to drop the girls off. As soon as we got out of the narrow channel and were able to open up the speed both of them went to the back of the boat and started talking and giggling like typical teenage girls.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the island and I brought the boat as close to shore as I could without grounding it and told the girls that they would have to wade the rest of the way in. Standing there on the shore with the bottom half of their shorts wet presented quite the image as I agreed to pick them up in about four hours and I headed off to see what I could catch.

I didn’t end up having great luck that first day but caught three medium sized flounder by the time that I had to go back to the island. When I got there, I didn’t see either of the girls but spotted one of their beach bags down the shore from where I dropped them off. After heading to where the bag was I still didn’t see them so I decided to drop the anchor and swam/waded ashore. Still seeing no sign of them I called out my step-daughter’s name and heard a faint reply. A few minutes later she came out of the tree line and began running down the beach towards me.

Seeing her come out alone, my first thought had been concern that something had happened to Riley. As she got a bit closer I could tell that she had a happy expression on her face and as I calmed my worries was when I noticed the change in her attire. She had removed the T-shirt that she had been wearing and gone was the simple suit that I had seen her wearing this morning. The royal blue bikini top that she had on now covered little more than her nipples and despite being young and firm, her breasts were bouncing all over the place as she jogged down the beach.

She ran up to me and virtually jumped into my arms, mashing her chest into mine. “Sorry that I was running late. We lost track of time.” She spouted off innocently.

“Where’s Riley?” I asked.

“Oh, she’s probably going to be another five minutes or so,” she replied, quickly followed by her leaning up to kiss me, shoving her tongue in my mouth and rubbing my dick through my swim trunks at the same time.

“Sweetheart, what if she sees us? I doubt that she would understand…” I sputtered.

“I really don’t care,” she said. “I want you.” With that comment she plunged her hand down my shorts and grabbed a hold of my rapidly hardening member.

As much as I wanted to throw her down to the sand and make passionate love to her on the beach I simply gave her another deep French kiss, squeezed her ass, and stepped back to open the distance a little. “What’s with the new swimsuit anyway? You know that your mother would probably have a fit if she saw how small that top is.”

She simply grinned and said “she won’t. You think that’s bad, you ought to see the other half.” She gave me a quick wink and then dropped her shorts and whirled around to show me the bottoms. The front had a strip of material that was probably only about one inch wide by four inches long, barely covering her slit. Wisps of her pubes were poking out the top even though she kept them trimmed closely. When she turned around I couldn’t even tell that she had anything on except for the single tan colored string coming around her hips and joining another one coming out of the top of her ass crack that only had about two inches visible.

Still standing in front of me, she bent all the way over and touched her toes while jiggling her ass and I could still barely see the string running up it. She quickly closed the foot between us and started grinding her beautiful ass against my still hardening cock causing it to reach its full size rapidly. She rubbed up and down my cock for a few minutes until finally I gave her a good smack on her ass. Turning around, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist, grinding her pussy against my dick while she once again shoved her tongue in my mouth. After a kiss that seemed to last for an eternity, she clutched tightly with her legs and leaned away from my chest. Letting go with one of her arms, she slid the tiny amount of material covering her breasts to the side and brought my head down to suck first one, then the other nipple.

I really didn’t want to stop but realized that we had to before it went any further and put her down on the ground. I gave each nipple a quick kiss before covering it up and then picked up her shorts from the sand and tossed them to her. “Put these back on,” I said, “and go grab your stuff.”

She gave me a pouty look but complied with the directions. No sooner than she had gotten her T-shirt on, we heard some noise coming from the trees nearby. Less than a minute later Riley emerged carrying her beach bag filled with clams. “Sorry it took so long guys but these really slowed me down,” she exclaimed. I couldn’t help but notice that she too had changed swimsuits since this morning. Her new selection wasn’t quite as revealing as my step-daughter’s suit but it still left little to the imagination. I couldn’t help but notice the clear outline of her hard nipples pressed firmly against the bright red material of a bandeau bikini top and wondered what the cause was since it was still quite warm out.

“Wow, that was a great find and will go perfectly with the flounder I caught,” I remarked. “We really need to get going. Are you going to be able to make it out to the boat with all of your stuff?”

“No problem. There are benefits to being tall…I should be able to wade most, if not all of the way,” Riley quickly replied.

I was beginning to warm up to this girl a bit as I got to know her…very down to earth and apparently resourceful. I was pretty sure that it had been her idea to get the clams, not my step-daughter’s. The girls stripped down to their bikinis and tossed the rest of their clothing in the bags for the swim out. Each of us grabbed a bag with some of their things and the three of us headed out to the boat together.

Once we were all onboard, we raised the anchor and headed back toward the dock behind the cabin which I knew would take close to a half-hour. Unlike when we headed out to the island, on the way back the girls stayed up near me in the cockpit area. Riley seemed particularly interested in talking to me and I didn’t mind since it gave me a chance to get to know her a little better. If it was possible, her nipples were even more clearly outlined due to the wetness of her suit and I got my first opportunity to see the matching bottom to her new suit. Once again, it was not as revealing as my step-daughter’s suit but showed quite a bit of skin and accentuated what slight curve of her hips was there. Honestly, this was a great suit for her body but the material was obviously made more for lying in the sun and not for swimming because just like the top, her bottom clung to her body once it got wet. It hugged her skin so closely that I could clearly see the outline of her vaginal lips and saw no indication of pubic hair so I assumed that she shaved. tinyurl.com/SexyRiley She was quite an intelligent young woman with ambition and drive and she talked quite confidently but her posture showed that she was a bit insecure of her body. Honestly, she shouldn’t have been, because despite having a quite nubile body, the overall appearance in the right outfit, like now, was one of beauty.

Around the time that we entered the channel, the suits had dried out enough to toss our clothes on over them and about fifteen minutes later we were back at the dock by the house. Bringing both the flounder and clams back up to the house, it was time to get dinner going and retrieving my truck from the parking lot by the boat ramp would have to wait until later.

I fired up the grill and went to clean up while it was heating. After my shower I was heading back out to put the fish on the grill when I passed by Riley who gave me a big, slightly mischievous, smile on her way into the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I wasn’t sure what it was about but I couldn’t help think to myself that it had only been a day and she was already settling in well with our family. I guess that I shouldn’t have been too surprised since my step-daughter normally picked her friends well.

As the food was finishing cooking I decided to open a bottle of white wine that we had brought down with us. I was pouring two glasses for my wife and me when the girls walked in. Instantly my step-daughter asked for a glass as well. I was a little hesitant even though things had been going well with Riley because I didn’t want to ruin it or cause any trouble. Just as I was about to act as if she was joking, Riley took the bottle from me, quickly glanced at the label, and stated very matter-of-factly “pour me one as well, please. I really don’t care for sweet wines so I’m glad that you picked a Sauvignon.”

I was floored by this declaration on so many levels and stood there speechless with, what I assume was a stupid look on my face. Glancing over at my wife, who had an expression similar to my reaction, I received a shoulder shrug and look of “why not?”

Dinner was wonderful and the conversation was great so we opened a second bottle right near the end. As soon as we were done, the boys cleared out to go goof off somewhere and the four of us sat around the fire pit to continue talking as I started the fire going so it would be ready for later in the evening. The topics varied but in general, I was quite impressed by how mature Riley seemed and found it to be a quite pleasant evening.

Around the time that we finished the second bottle it was starting to get dark out and figured that we better clean up from dinner and get the truck and trailer back from the boat ramp. I went and grabbed the keys for my wife’s car and when I came back my step-daughter was elbows deep in dish water and my wife had an armful of dishes in her hands. My wife suggested that I go with Riley to go get the truck. The two of us headed out and as soon as we got in the car, we fell right back into conversation.

This time it was a little different though…the topic almost immediately turned to one about boys and relationships, or rather Riley’s relative lack of them. She expressed concern to me that it was because she was unattractive or that, even at eighteen years old, she hadn’t really developed yet. I did my best to reassure her that she was beautiful and that any boy who couldn’t recognize that didn’t deserve her.

She continued to express feelings of displeasure and insecurity about her sexual inexperience and seemed concerned that it would cause problems for her later down the road. She also worried that she might never really develop and that there might be something wrong with her. I couldn’t believe how candid she was being with me and did my best to comfort her and assure her that she’d be just fine. Before long we were at the boat ramp and I was headed to the truck for us to drive back separately.

The whole trip took about twenty minutes and when we got back to the cabin there were just the faintest tinges of red left in the sky and that the fire was burning nicely now. We went inside and saw that dinner cleanup was mere seconds away from being done so I suggested that all of us head outside and enjoy our first real evening of the vacation. The six of us hung out for the next few hours by the fire and had a lovely time simply relaxing.

As the fire died down, we all decided it was time to retire. I was a little surprised when Riley joined right in with the other kids for a good night hug and kiss. She went last and threw her arms around me in a tight hug, pressing her body firmly against mine. She held me so tight that I swore I could feel her nipples pushing into my chest. She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek while holding the other side of my face in her hand and softly said “goodnight. Thanks for everything, especially the talk.” After that she let go and simply trundled off to the bedroom that the girls were sharing.

Only a short bit later I followed suit. I couldn’t tell what was being said but noticed when I walked by their room that the lights were already off but the girls were still awake and busy whispering about something. After the way that the day had gone, I secretly wondered what they were talking about but decided to give them their space and I headed off to bed.

The next day we decided to all go down to the beach together. About half a mile down the beach was a nice area with two beach volleyball courts and a bathroom/shower area so we decided to bring our stuff down there rather than right across from the cabin. The girls’ smaller swimsuits were gone and had been replaced by the more modest ones that I had seen them wear in the back yard. The six of us toted everything down midmorning and were having a great time swimming, playing volleyball, throwing a Frisbee around, and catching the rays. We had brought a picnic lunch with us and after eating, resumed our fun. Everyone was having a blast until around 1:00 when my step-daughter jumped up to block a spike and came down awkwardly. She said that she’d be OK and was just going to sit out for a little but about 20 minutes later she got up to go over to the blankets where our things were and emitted a sharp yelp as soon as she stood up.

Upon hearing that, I decided that we needed to get some ice on her ankle so we were going to go back to the cabin. There was no reason to stop everyone from having fun so the two of us started heading down the beach and left the others to continue the game. She was hobbling so badly that by the time we had gone about twenty yards I ended up picking her up and carrying her the rest of the way back.

When we arrived I took her into the living room and placed her sitting down on the couch and commented that I would go get some ice from the kitchen. Before I could even turn to go get the ice she leaned forward and tugged my trunks down my thighs.

I was a little shocked and hadn’t even recovered my senses when she grabbed my ass in her hands and pulled me toward the couch, opening her mouth and taking my flaccid penis into her mouth. It didn’t stay that way for long as she swirled her tongue around the head and quickly brought me to full hardness.

“Honey, we really need to get some ice on that…” I stuttered through the lengthy pauses caused by the sensations that she was giving me.

“Fuck the ice!” was the simple statement that she made briefly pulling off of my dick. She took another few strokes and then took me all the way into her throat and held it, her lips wrapped tightly around my shaft touching against my balls. She looked up at me and, looking me straight in the eyes, gave a devilish grin with my cock still deep inside of her.

“My ankle is just fine,” she sputtered as she slid off of me while keeping the eye contact the entire time. “I just wanted to get you alone.”

With that statement, she released me from her grasp and quickly pulled her top over her head and tossed it to the side of the couch. She took me back into her mouth and used one hand to gently play with my balls as she used the other to shove my suit the rest of the way down to my ankles and motioned for me to step out of them.

As I lifted first one, and then the other, leg to step out of the trunks my step-daughter took advantage of the gap created between my legs and slid a finger from the hand fondling my balls between my cheeks. Slightly lubricated with her spit, she used it to massage my ass hole and elicited a sharp intake of breath from me as she pressed firmly against the rosebud.

She brought her free hand up and began rubbing her breasts, occasionally pinching one nipple or the other. It was an exquisite sight to watch her coordinated efforts and was arousing me to no end. My mind was swimming from the combination of sensations caused by her mouth sucking my cock and her hand playing with both my balls and ass.

I wasn’t sure where she had gotten this from but had to admit that it felt great. Occasionally she would remove her finger and scoop up a little saliva from where it had run down near the base of my dick and use it as lubrication. She alternated between rubbing small circles over the hole to pressing firmly against it. Eventually, on one of these pushes, the tip of her finger slid into me up to the first knuckle.

As soon as she felt her finger slide in, she stopped everything. She shifted her position from on the edge of the couch to sitting on the floor. She motioned for me to spread my legs a little and then slid her body between them until she was sitting right between my legs with her face right next to my dick.

Still leaving her finger in me, her mouth went back around my cock and gave a good half a dozen or so thrusts before abruptly pulling off again. Using her free hand, she lifted my cock and balls up, slid her head underneath me, and began to lick my ass hole around her finger. She kept this up until it was good and wet and then slowly withdrew her finger about halfway before pushing it back in. Her tongue alternated between my ass and her finger and was doing a good job of keeping everything lubricated.

Every now and then the hand holding my dick would slowly give it a nice, long stroke synchronized with her finger moving inside of me. The feelings were intense and before long she was pushing deeper with each stroke until she had buried the whole finger up my ass. She gave a few more strokes and then stopped with the digit deep inside of me and looked up with that impish grin again.

“Are you ready for what’s next?” she asked.

Not knowing what she had in mind, I had no idea what to answer so simply emitted an “ummm???”

She didn’t really wait for a real answer anyway but instead let go of my dick and let it stick out from my body about an inch or two in front of her and stared intently at it. Suddenly, I felt her finger wiggling inside me followed by a firm pressure while she made small circles with her fingertip. The feeling was intense and as I looked down at her I saw that there was cum steadily oozing out of my dick in a long strand that she had placed her tongue underneath. She licked up the rivulet of cum until her tongue reached my penis and then relaxed the pressure as she briefly sucked on the tip and then repeated the whole process a few more times.

After the fourth time that she did this, the pleasure that had built up was so intense that I let out a loud groan, desperately wanting release. Sensing this, my step-daughter’s finger started pressing again but this time she took my cock in her mouth at the same time. She swirled her tongue around and bobbed her mouth up and down about half of my dick while making those little circles with her fingertip.

I could feel the pressure building up inside of me until it felt like my dick was going to split in two and then finally it happened…she took me all the way into the back of her mouth and simultaneously pressed her finger into me just a little more. I came with such a force that I am surprised that I didn’t knock her back. As it was, the amount of cum and speed that it came out filled her mouth up so quickly that she didn’t even have a chance to swallow and it was leaking out of the corner of her mouth.

She kept her mouth sealed tightly around my cock as she slowly backed off of it and then looked up with an open mouth to show me what must have been the largest load that I have ever had in my life. As she stood up, she swirled it around with her tongue and then looked me straight in the eyes as she closed her mouth and swallowed it all down.

“Mmmm, delicious,” she said huskily as she scooped the cum running down her chin with a finger, swallowing it down as well.

I couldn’t believe how dirty my step-daughter was acting but I had to admit to myself that it was pretty hot.

“It’s my turn now,” she said as she took my hand and led me toward the hallway.

I had no idea what she had in mind but she obviously had a plan and I decided that I would simply go along with it and try to give her as mind blowing an orgasm as she had just given me.

My step-daughter led me back to her bedroom and lay back on her bed. I immediately leant over her and gave her a deep, passionate kiss. I ran my hands down her body and followed with my mouth stopping occasionally to give a little kiss on her bare skin and a gentle suck on each or her taut nipples. When I reached her waist, I hooked her swimsuit bottoms with my finger and slid them over her thighs and down her legs slowly until finally removing them from her feet and dropping them to the floor.

Lying there, fully exposed, I moved back up between her legs kissing the inside of her thighs and gave a few more kisses to her moistening pussy. She reached behind my head and pulled me into her crotch until I licked my tongue slowly from the bottom of her slit all the way up until it flicked her clit.

She let out a deep sigh and pushed my head down lower. “Yes…keep going; push it deep inside of me. Taste my juices. Feel how wet you are making me.”

As soon as I shoved my tongue into her hole it seemed as if I had opened a flood gate. Once her lips had been parted, I was instantly greeted with a gush of her sweet juice. The scent was intoxicating and only drove me to want more. I ran my hands under her ass and pulled her up into my face as I continued plunging my tongue as deeply as possible inside of her. I continued for a few minutes and then started alternating between sucking her sopping pussy and licking and nibbling at her clit. It wasn’t long before she squeezed her thighs against my head and I started feeling her shake through a minor orgasm.

Once it had subsided she asked me to put my finger in her ass. As I continued licking, I first thrust my index finger into her pussy and scooped up some of her juices and I thrust in and out a few times and then rubbed them all over her puckered hole. She was moaning constantly and pushing her hips down onto my finger, inviting it to be put inside of her. Once I felt that she was lubricated well enough I slowly pushed the finger into her and began thrusting it in and out. As she relaxed and became more lubed, I built up the pace and increased the depth until I was using the entire length of my finger fairly quickly as I synchronized my tongue on her pussy to the timing of the thrusts.

It was obvious that she was enjoying herself greatly yet I was still surprised when she asked me to insert a second digit into her ass. To my knowledge this was the first time that she was getting into anal play, but as with our other forays, she was taking to it like a pro.

By now she was moaning quite loudly and for the second time I felt her spasm around me. This time some of her juices actually oozed out of her pussy, only to run down her crack and provide more lubrication around my fingers.

“I want you in me,” she said in a husky voice, still a little bit winded.

Not one to argue, I knelt up and positioned the tip of my hardening cock at the entrance to her pussy. I started to withdraw my fingers from her ass and promptly felt her grab my wrist firmly.

“Stop! Leave them in,” she said.

Once she no longer felt any resistance pulling away from her, she released my wrist only to grab my dick and pull it toward her wet pussy. Again I was surprised but decided to go with the flow since she appeared to know what she wanted.

As I slid into her, I couldn’t believe the feelings that were surging through my dick. My step-daughter is normally a snug fit but this was unbelievable. Having both holes occupied increased the pressure and it was almost like being inside a virgin it was gripping me so tightly. Each time I would push in I could feel my cock hitting my fingers with nothing but a thin membrane separating them. As I built up speed a bit, I looked down and watched her rubbing her clit as I stroked deep inside of her. The trio of sensations had her face contorted and she was virtually gasping for air she was breathing so heavily. Suddenly, she let out a deep moan as I felt her gush around my cock in yet another orgasm.

I could tell that she still hadn’t had a huge one so I kept going but slowed down a little to allow her to come down from the high a little. As soon as her breathing was under control she asked me to take my fingers out. I figured that her ass was probably a bit sore from this new intrusion and there was a slight audible pop as I pulled them out and used both hands to play with her breasts.

I couldn’t have been more wrong because as soon as I reached her chest, I felt her grab my dick in her hand again. This time she removed it from her pussy and slid it right down until the head was firmly against her rosebud. This girl never ceased to amaze me but by now I was well aware that she knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted so who was I to question it.

She let out a little yelp of pain as my girth entered her but the look on her face told me everything I needed to know so I kept slowly pushing. I kept going until my full eight inches were in her ass before I stopped. I only briefly paused before starting a steady thrusting going all the way from the base to just below the head of my dick on each stroke.

We had only endured about three or four minutes before I could tell that she had already built up to an orgasm. I sped up just a little bit and dropped one hand down to her groin to rub her clit. Right away she let out a scream that was so loud I thought that the rest of the family might hear her a half mile down the beach. Her ass clamped down so tightly on my dick that I could barely move in her and I could feel as well as see her muscles convulsing as she went through an intense orgasm. Her orgasm was so strong that it triggered my own and I came in her ass mere seconds later.

We stayed still for a moment to catch our breath and relax before I slowly withdrew from her bottom, sensing that she had had enough. As soon as I moved from between her thighs, she sat up and took my cock into her mouth and sucked it clean of the cum that was all over it.

“Come on,” she said while suddenly standing up. “We have to get you out of here before Mom gets worried.”

She grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the front room where some of our clothes were still on the floor. She went straight toward my trunks, bent over and picked them up, and handed them to me to put on while standing there completely naked. She made no motion to grab her clothes but simply waited for me and once I had put my shorts on she pulled me close and gave me a deep kiss. She told me to be on my way and as she turned away to gather her things, I couldn’t help but notice that there wasn’t any sign of a limp at all as she walked down the hallway.

“The sneaky devil,” I thought to myself and headed out the door.

As I walked back down the beach I began to reflect on the past few months. As of today, I had now penetrated all of her holes and faced a wholly new step-daughter from the one that I had lived with for the previous fourteen years. She was full of unbridled passion and either came upon the skills needed for great sexual pleasure naturally or had picked them up rapidly. I doubted that I could ask for a hotter partner.

When I got back to the rest of the family I was asked what took so long. When I simply stated that we had taken it slowly and then I helped to get her settled, my wife chided me with comments about my weakening in my old age. We stayed down there for almost another two hours having fun before we had all decided that we’d had enough and it was time to head back to the cabin for the evening.

When we arrived, my step-daughter was lying down to the side of the hot tub with her “injured” ankle hanging into the bubbling water with a bag of mostly melted ice sitting next to her. My wife asked how she was doing and was told that she was feeling quite a bit better.

“I think that alternating the hot and cold has helped a lot,” she said, indicating the tub and ice bag and then gave me a little grin. “This way, I can still get a bit of a tan though.

My wife seemed satisfied by her answer and dropped the conversation to go shower up. The rest of us went to wash the salt away as well and then had a light dinner and then we all decided to relax in the hot tub for a bit until it was time to retire for the evening.

The six of us ended up seated around the tub in alternating sexes with my wife and I across from one another and her next to the boys while I was next to the girls. All of us were pretty tired from the day’s activities that we simply sat around and talked for a bit. After a little while I suggested that we wrap up soon and retire early to get some rest. Everyone seemed to agree so we decided to give it about five more minutes and then get out. Once the decision had been made, I suddenly felt a hand on my dick. It rubbed up and down a few times and caused me to harden up a bit and then gave a good squeeze before leaving my lap. I looked over and made eye contact with my step-daughter who simply grinned at me and announced that she was heading out to the shower. She got up and purposely put her ass right near my face as she turned around and headed out of the tub. I ended up the last one out to allow myself to soften a little so that I wouldn’t be noticed. I covered the tub and headed inside to go clean up. Once I had finished showering, I headed to bed and fell fast asleep from the exhaustion of the day’s activities.

The next morning at breakfast we all discussed plans for the day and determined that we were all going to head out for a day of boating. We packed a few coolers with food and water, made sure that we had enough towels and sunscreen, and changed into our swimsuits. By ten o’clock we had brought all of the gear down to the boat and headed out to sea.

We spent the rest of the morning waterskiing after getting offshore and were having a blast. Around 12:30 I brought the boat to a shallower area where I knew there was a wreck that we could do a little snorkeling around and anchored the boat.

My wife starting breaking out the lunch that we had brought as the rest of us set up the table and rearranged the cockpit chairs to eat. Since the weather had warmed up nicely and we were no longer speeding through the water on skis, the skins that we were wearing were no longer needed so most of us decided to strip out of them before we ate. As my step-daughter peeled hers down, the tight fit had pulled the tie on her bikini bottom and once the skin was around her thighs the bikini almost fell off completely and bared her ass to the boat. She caught it pretty quickly but not before her brothers saw her predicament and had done their best to embarrass her by whooping and hollering. Obviously, it wasn’t the first time that I had seen her naked bottom but I had still enjoyed the brief look before she got her suit retied.

The suits that all three women were wearing were quite nice and I felt proud to be “the guy with the boatful of sexy babes;” at least in my mind. My wife was wearing a patterned traditional triangle bikini top with a skirted bottom that did a good job of showing how much she had kept her body in great shape throughout the years. She easily had the body of a woman ten years younger. My step-daughter had decided to wear the previously mentioned tie-side bottom with a Brazilian cut and a matching violet halter top that gave full coverage but showed a nice bit of her cleavage to good advantage. To wrap up the trio, Riley was wearing a peach colored suit with an underwire top and a somewhat revealing scoop bottom. Like the others she looked beautiful and her breasts looked larger than my impression from the other day and appeared to be about a B-cup.

We had an enjoyable lunch and snorkeled around the wreck together for a while, after which we split up a bit to relax and enjoy what we wanted to. My wife wanted to lie out on the boat and do some tanning while she read a book so I headed that way with her and had her hand me some spear fishing gear off the boat. I headed back toward the shallows where I could stand and get set up only to find that the boys were swimming toward the nearby beach and the girls were goofing around in the shallows about 30 feet away from me.

The two of them were giggling while splashing water on each other and playing around. Right about the time that I was about to leave, I caught sight of Riley grabbing at my step-daughter’s top causing her left breast to pop out of the bikini. She squealed and after shoving herself back in, went after Riley in retaliation. I tried to act as if I hadn’t noticed, put my face mask back on and was starting to swim away when I suddenly saw Riley’s bottom get pulled down to her knees. From 30 feet away as well as the angle that she was facing, I couldn’t really see too much but I did get a clear look at her bare ass. The brief frontal glimpse that I received caused me to mentally note that I hadn’t noticed any contrast of her dark colored hair at her crotch and again it appeared that she kept herself shaven. As I swam the hundred yards to the wreck, I wondered if that was truly the case and if so, I was curious why.

We spent another few hours having fun and relaxing on the water before heading back to the cabin. I had managed to spear a few fish near the wreck, so we cleaned and cooked them for dinner and chose to have a relaxing evening since again we were all exhausted from the day’s activities. We sat around the fire pit and played cards for a little while before retiring to bed early. That night I enjoyed a beautiful lovemaking session with my wife but I couldn’t get the images of the two girls’ brief exposures earlier that day out of my mind.

The next morning it was obvious that, although we had been having a lot of fun as a whole family, everyone wanted a day to simply do their own thing. My wife decided to hang out at the cabin and work on a hobby that she had bought with her while working on a tan and catching up on some reading. The boys, who were almost inseparable, started off with a long bike ride down some of the wooded trails nearby and then were going to play around in the more populated beach hoping to find some other kids to play with and, I’m sure, gawk at the scantily clad women in their bikinis. I wanted to get some more fishing time in and after I announced so, the girls asked if I would drop them off at the cove again so they could “get away.”

Most everyone was headed off to their respective activity by 10:00 and I had dropped the girls off around 10:30 with an agreement that I would pick them back up around 4:00. Being the middle of the week as it was, I only passed by two other boats on the twenty minute trip to the fishing hole. When I got there I couldn’t see any other boats on the water at all which was just fine with me. Just as I had dropped a few lines in, turned some music on, cracked open a cold beer and settled back for a relaxing day, one of the lines started running. I couldn’t believe that it had happened so quickly but I wasn’t complaining. I landed my first “keeper” in less than 10 minutes on site and was kept so busy it almost seemed like they were simply jumping into the boat. In less than two hours, I had caught my fill of some gorgeous fish worth taking back to the grill. I’m not much of a catch and release type and prefer to eat what I catch so I was a little perplexed as to what to do with the rest of the day.

It was surprising how I could spend all day fishing alone and not get bored but after only about 15 minutes with nothing to do but sit there and listen to the radio, I was bored beyond belief. I decided to head back to the cove and see what the girls were up to and hope that they didn’t mind a little extra company. If they did, I had no clue what I was going to do to kill the next few hours.

It was only a little after one o’clock when I arrived back there, anchored the boat, and stripped down to my swim trunks to head ashore. I grabbed my towel and hat, snagged a six pack from the cooler, and waded to the beach, quickly spotting the girls a few hundred yards away. I was a little surprised that they hadn’t seemed to notice my arrival since the boat isn’t exactly the quietest thing around but as I got closer, I noticed that they both appeared to be dozing. It gave me a good opportunity to take a good look at them and admire their beauty without them getting too self-conscious about their looks.

As for my step-daughter, I had obviously seen her body in great detail before, but looking at it now I was still impressed at her beautiful form. Her face had a very young look to it but her body had truly developed into that of a woman with curves in all of the right places. She was quite fit but had that slight layer of body fat over the muscle to give her form a nice, smooth, curvy appearance. She had a wondrous hourglass shape and lying on her stomach I could see her breasts pushed out to her sides tapering to a slender waist and then curving nicely to rounded hips followed by smooth and sexy legs that barely met at the thighs. The swimsuit that she was wearing was so small that I could barely notice it. She had untied the top to avoid tan lines and her back had just the right amount of muscle definition. The string running around her waist and through the crack of her ass was doing absolutely nothing for support but was merely there to keep the rest of the suit in place yet her butt was still firm and uplifted and gave no appearance of sag what-so-ever, even lying down as she was.

In sharp contrast, her friend Riley had matured quite differently. Her face gave an impression of someone who was years older than her actual eighteen years but without looking like she was aging poorly. Her skin was unblemished and virtually flawless but I think that it was her classic Mediterranean features that caused her to look older than she was. Like my step-daughter, she was lying on her stomach with her top untied and her head was resting on her crossed arms. She had taken her long hair and laid it out next to her on the towel to keep it from interfering with her tanning process. She, also, had a beautiful back that I knew would look great in an open-back dress. There was a little more muscle definition on it but not enough to detract from a smooth and sultry appearance. I found her body strangely sexy. I say strangely because she had almost an absence of curves. Looking closely I could see that she was actually quite skinny but didn’t appear anorexic. Even with her arms above her head and bikini top untied I could see no indication of her breasts. Her chest rolled straight into her torso with barely any change in size.

There was a slight flare at her hips that provided the only curve that had been seen thus far. The thong that she was wearing showed me clearly that her butt was small and well-toned and fell just on the right side of being considered flat. What she had looked nice but she didn’t have much. She was lying with her legs slightly parted and allowed me to take a good look at her long legs. Much of her height came from those legs and looking at them now I could definitely see that they were her best feature. Long, shapely, smooth, and well defined so that you just wanted to run your hands up them. They were so close to perfection that she easily could have gotten a job as a leg model. Her position also provided an additional advantage in that I could see the crotch of her suit clearly. Being a thong, it obviously didn’t cover a whole lot of skin and I could see just a hint of darker color at her ass hole on either side of the suit. It widened out in time to keep her pussy properly covered but was tight enough that I could easily see the shape of her lips and the line of her slit outlined in the material. Yet again I saw absolutely no sign of pubic hair and I was developing a real longing to see her naked not to mention a bit of a hard on from looking so closely at these two sexy ladies.

After a few minutes of ogling them I decided that it would be best to not have them wake up to find me staring at them so I put my towel out next to my step-daughter’s and decided to get a little sun myself. About five minutes later I heard an alarm go off and watched my step-daughter reach into a bag between the two of them to silence the offending sound.

“Riley, time to flip,” she stated quite loudly.

I watched as both girls turned over onto their backs, both of them leaving their tops on the towels as they rolled over, now bare chested.

“Oh…Dad…hi,” sputtered my step-daughter, just now noticing my presence.

Initially she was surprised to see me but after the initial shock, immediately calmed right back down. Riley nearly jumped out of her skin at the comment and had a slightly worried look on her face.

“Who else came out?” she inquired.

“Just me,” was the simple answer I gave her.

“Oh. You don’t mind, do you?” my step-daughter continued while motioning to her absence of a top. “We don’t want any harsh tan lines.”

Her calm demeanor reassured Riley who relaxed a bit but still had a slightly concerned look on her face until she heard my reply.

“Sure sweetie. It’s not a big deal. I hope that I am not raining on your parade but the fish were biting like you wouldn’t believe and I have already caught plenty for us to eat so I thought that I would join you. If it particularly bothers you I’m sure that I can figure out something to do.”

“No Dad, that’s OK. We don’t mind at all having a hunky man to keep us company,” she gibed causing both of the girls to giggle.

Riley hadn’t said a single word during the entire exchange but seemed to be OK since she neither offered a protest nor made any move to cover herself or put her top back on. The three of us were simply lying there on the beach on our backs enjoying the warm rays of sunshine and chatting.

The next time the alarm went off; my step-daughter sat up and asked me if I would help renew her sunscreen. She turned her back toward me and held the bottle of sunscreen over her shoulder, waiting for me to take it.

As I sat up and reached for the bottle I got my first good look at Riley’s naked breasts. Before now she had been mostly hidden from my view since my step-daughter had been in between us and I didn’t want to get caught leering at her. As I have stated previously, they were quite small; probably an A-cup. Their shape was perfect though, clearly defined on her chest with the outlined area a natural fit for her frame. She had dark areola a little larger than a quarter centered around pencil sized nipples that were standing out significantly in their hardened state. I wasn’t sure what had them hard right now (weather or arousal from the thought of her exposure) but I remembered that I had noticed them hard frequently during the past few days.

My step-daughter began to moan and sigh like she was getting a massage as I rubbed the lotion into her shoulders and back. She was thoroughly enjoying herself and started making the sounds more and more sexual in nature until finally it sounded like she was about to orgasm. In all honesty it was having an effect on me but I did my best not to let on and tried to ignore her antics until finally I had finished and told her so.

“Awww,” she said and gave me a pouty look but returned to her prone position on the towel to get some more color on her back.

As soon as she had done so, Riley sat up and said “my turn.

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